The battle was a good one, and the battle was a long one.

"It was a good fight. I felt excited for the first time in a long time."

Bailian walked to the front of the Tang sword, stretched out his right hand to the handle, and a flame evaporated the mucus on it before pulling the Tang sword from the ground.

He took off the crystal core at the tip of the sword and looked at it in his hand.

As the core of the gluttonous slime, it contains a huge amount of pure spiritual power.

Moreover, the secret of the gluttonous slime's swallowing evolution is also hidden in it.

Many institutions are studying it, and it is a very valuable material.

After collecting it, Bailian was about to leave the place, but the phantom crow hovering in the air called out alertly.

"Is there anyone else approaching?" Bailian looked up.

"It should be a demon hunter attracted by the noise. Don't worry too much."

After the empire opened some ordinary and less threatening secret realms to the public, the special profession of "demon hunter" gradually took shape.

They are generally powerful psychics who obtain materials by hunting monsters in public secret realms and then sell them to specialized recycling companies to make money.

Many psychics who don't like constraints and have neither strength nor weakness will choose to become a demon hunter.

Not far away, three figures are approaching Bailian's position.

In front are two tall and strong men, and behind is a young and charming woman with a staff in her hand.

The woman saw the messy scene and recognized the remaining purple mucus. Her pretty face changed slightly and she whispered, "It's a fifth-level monster, the gluttonous slime."

Hearing this, the two men in front were shocked, and then greed appeared in their eyes. One of the men with short hair whispered excitedly:

"Even if it is a broken gluttonous slime crystal core, it is worth at least one million."

In contrast, the other bald man was also jealous, but he was obviously restrained a lot:

"Calm down, the other party is so young, but he can kill a fifth-level monster alone. His strength must be extraordinary. It is very likely that he is the son of some supernatural family."

"There are three of us, and we can't beat him, a young boy?" The man with short hair retorted.

"And our identity as the Holy Spirit Church has been exposed. We can only keep disguising ourselves and live like mice. We are not afraid of a family member who is so awesome!"

The young woman behind licked her lips and added seductively: "If we do this, we will be happy and carefree for at least two months."

The votes were two to one, plus the temptation of more than one million, the man finally made a decision.

"Damn it, do it! Fortune and wealth are sought in danger!"

After saying that, he rushed directly to Bailian.

Seeing this, the two people behind also followed quickly.

The charming woman was at a distance, and the two men separated and surrounded Bailian.

The man with a short haircut had a fierce look on his face. He suddenly drew his sword and pointed it at Bailian, shouting murderously: "Boy, hand over the crystal core of the gluttonous slime!"

Being stared at by the two men, Bailian was not panicked at all, but felt a little funny.

It was the first time he encountered such a thing.

"...You are not locals, right?"

Looking at Bailian's scarlet and strange eyes, the bald man's passion faded, and his sixth sense told him that the situation might not be good.

Seeing that Bailian was completely unmoved, the short-haired man became angry:

"I want you to hand over the crystal core. If you don't want to die, the three of us are level five. If you don't want to die, just give it to me and kowtow to me to apologize!"

"Heh..." Bailian sighed and said helplessly:

"If you stay here for a few more days..."

"What the hell!"

The short-haired man shouted and interrupted him directly, picked up the sword and slashed at Bailian!

Originally, the bald man, who was increasingly uneasy in his heart, wanted to make a quibble, but he was also shocked when he saw the short-haired man's actions.

"Fuck! Kill!"

The bald man who reacted angrily cursed a pig teammate in his heart, and then drew his sword and followed.

At this point, the two sides could no longer be reconciled.

Others are not fools, they can only go down this path till the end!

“Damn it, wealth and honor are sought in danger, at worst, we can just move to another city after killing them!”

Hearing this, Bailian just felt a little funny.

He moved his steps lightly, dodging the attack of the two people comfortably, and asked with a smile:

“You seem to be very skilled, this is not the first time you have done this, right?”

The short-haired man slashed the air with his sword again, feeling a little irritated, and threatened fiercely: “Nonsense, we are saints…”

But, the man standing quietly behind him

The young woman's face changed, and she interrupted him with a shout:

"Stupid, don't reveal your true identity."

"It doesn't matter, he's going to die today anyway!"

The short-haired man was obviously not convinced, and continued to chop at Bailian with his sword.

Both men had C-level physical enhancement abilities, and their strength had reached the fifth-level standard.

However, facing their siege, Bailian simply dodged easily and occasionally raised his sword to block.

"Fuck! What a broken sword, it's so hard to use." The short-haired man chopped in vain again and cursed.

"If I hadn't lost my precious sword, I would have killed you long ago!"

For Bailian, who had no power to fight back, the short-haired man felt that he had won.

The bald man was deeply uneasy. They seemed to have an absolute advantage and always seemed to be able to kill Bailian.

But in fact, the opponent was playing a playful attitude from beginning to end.

"There's a flaw!"

Suddenly, the bald man's pupils shrank, the short-haired man's eyes lit up, and their bodies reacted instinctively.

The two rushed forward, and the sharp swords in their hands pierced Bailian's body.

The short-haired man aimed at the abdomen, and the bald man aimed at the heart.


"What are you doing?!"

What sounded was the frightened cry of a beautiful woman beside him.

"Cough..." The bald man and the short-haired man coughed painfully at the same time, and Bailian's figure in their eyes became illusory.

The two looked at each other, with disbelief in their eyes.

The short-haired man pierced the bald man's body, and the bald man stabbed the short-haired man's heart.

The short-haired man: "How... is it possible..."

He looked puzzled and frightened.

The bald man: "Take... the antidote quickly, our swords are poisonous..."

In addition to doubt and fear, he also had a strong desire to survive.

But the poison was purchased by them at a high price, and the onset was very fast, and the two did not even have the strength to take out the antidote.

They killed each other.

On the other side, the last charming woman was pale, with cold sweat on her forehead, and her hands holding the magic circle were shaking unconsciously.

"What's going on... Is it an illusion? Why didn't I notice it at all?"

The woman looked at Bailian, looking at the three-magatama scarlet eyes, and the other party's calm eyes made her feel terrified.

She immediately avoided looking directly into Bailian's eyes, but she was even more timid in her heart.

"It was that weird eye. I couldn't detect the pre-swing of his illusion at all! It's over, this time I really hit the iron plate!"

After walking two steps forward slowly, Bailian began to run towards her.

His action scared the woman, and looking at the cold and intimidating Tang sword in his hand, her heart was completely scared.

She hurriedly raised the staff in her hand, urged the supernatural power, and many spells swarmed towards Bailian who was running fast.

"Don't come over!"


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