The school year is coming to an end.

At the end of August, it is almost time for the new semester.

At the Imperial Capital University, Bailian has seen many students who have returned to school one after another.

At the same time, the registration of new students in some colleges has also begun.

Outside an office of the School of Psychology, Bailian knocked on the door first, then slowly pushed the door and walked in.

As for the choice of college, Bailian still chose the School of Psychology.

Because the current classification of human superpowers, the promotion methods of the sixth and seventh levels are actually directly related to mental power, and the importance of mental power to superpowers is self-evident.

Therefore, the status of the School of Psychology is actually quite special. Cultivating people is not the main thing, and the most important thing is the various studies on mental power.

There are many teachers in the School of Psychology of Imperial Capital University, but there are relatively few students.

Even one teacher has three students, and there are not enough students in the entire spiritual department.

Therefore, most teachers have relatively easy teaching tasks, and basically devote themselves to various studies on spiritual power.

A few days ago, Bailian, led by An Hongye, visited many laboratories in the college and met many "big guys".

To be honest, the laboratory building of the spiritual department is really a place where crouching tigers and hidden dragons are hidden.

If you introduce one at random, An Hongye can name a bunch of powerful titles and achievements, and it is difficult for Bailian to sense the breath and spiritual power of most teachers.

Bailian couldn't help but think of a sentence he had seen before crossing.

"Most people have met the person with the highest social status, and it is very likely that it is their university teacher."

Walking into the office, Bailian walked into a conference room inside.

He was called by An Hongye, and in the conference room, in addition to An Hongye, there were two other men with solemn expressions.

When An Hongye saw Bailian coming, he briefly explained the situation to Bailian. Two people from the Psychic Bureau came to discuss something with him.

Then An Hongye left the meeting room, and Bailian looked at the two curiously.

"Hello, Bailian." The middle-aged man in the lead stood up and introduced Bailian, "I am Chen Yanghua from the Imperial Capital Psychic Bureau, and this is my apprentice Meng Xiangming."

"We came to you because of your past."

"...My past?"

Then, Bailian sat opposite the two at the other party's signal.

Chen Yanghua looked at Bailian seriously and said, "First, let's explain the situation. Do you know about E-level superpowers?"

"E-level superpowers?" Bailian's eyes flashed with doubt and shook his head.

Isn't E-level superpowers the weakest level of superpowers that will not show extraordinary factors?

Judging from the meaning of these two people from the Psychic Bureau, is there any hidden secret?

Chen Yanghua was silent for a while, and slowly said a fact: "At the beginning, there was no so-called E-level superpower in the world."

"In the first fifty years of the spiritual energy revival, there was no "superpower" without extraordinary performance."

Bailian's eyes were slightly stunned, and he couldn't help frowning: "Then there is such a large number of E-level superpowers in the whole human race now..."

"All E-level superpowers are the result of human factors."

Chen Yanghua's firm tone made Bailian think of it. When he first awakened his superpowers, it seemed that he was also an E-level superpower, right?

Bailian did not say anything and continued to listen patiently to the other party's explanation.

"The first time it caused a big sensation was in Eagle Country 160 years ago. A well-known local A-level superpower holder completely lost his superpowers. Compared with humans before the spiritual energy revival, there was no difference except that his physique was better.

"Since then, people who have lost their superpowers have sprung up like mushrooms after rain. "

"Moreover, the descendants of those who lost their superpowers are all mortals, and there are no cases of awakening superpowers."

Even the descendants will be affected...

But Bailian knew that although the parents of his predecessor were researchers, they were also D-level superpowers. In addition, his predecessor died with his parents...

'So, I might have been messed with after I crossed over?' A hint of coldness appeared in the depths of Bailian's eyes.

Is it because he failed the first time, and then because he was concerned about the existence of the Psychic Bureau, he just quietly erased the superpowers of this body?

Chen Yanghua continued to explain: "The reason why people lose their superpowers is a kind of four-leaf clover called Annihilation.

The potion, which is produced, distributed and sold by the Eagle Country's Umbrella Company. "

Bailian knew that this company had the same name as the villain organization in a famous IP in the previous life. The power and energy of the Umbrella Company in this world were completely beyond the size of the company.

It is a company in name, but in fact it is one of the controlling groups behind the Eagle Country, and its industries are spread all over the world.

"Since its launch, this thing has been widely spread around the world for a period of time, and then countries gradually began to ban it, which made its spread less rampant."

"However, the Umbrella Company only stopped selling it openly, and it is impossible to completely ban it. The demand for this thing is all over the world, and there are people who need it all the time."

"For some purposes, the truth about E-level superpowers was concealed, and even in our Psychic Bureau, not many people know about it. Even fewer people in the outside world know about this kind of soul-destroying agent, at least ordinary superpowers cannot access this information. "

Hide the purpose... Bailian immediately thought of several dark and realistic social factors.

Then, Bailian asked:

"Then the incident four years ago was not as simple as the investigation showed?"

Chen Yanghua nodded and continued:

"In fact, more than 30 families were affected by the incident four years ago, all of whom were employees of the same company. You were the only one who survived at that time."

"The case was actually quite smooth. Our Psychic Bureau caught the murderer in two days and interrogated the whole process of the incident in three days. It was originally determined that it was a revenge case caused by interpersonal relationships within the company."

"After that, when you signed up for the selection, your information was found to be abnormal by the selection team.

"You were originally an E-level superpower, but you awakened your superpowers for the second time."

"This is impossible. The second awakening only happens when you are at D level or above and have real superpowers. So, they reported your situation to our Psychic Bureau.

"At that time, I personally verified the information. ”

Speaking of this, Chen Yanghua looked at Bailian with eyes that didn’t seem to be looking at him as if he was looking at someone else.

“Although it’s hard to believe, you are indeed the first case…

“After being confirmed to have had your powers erased, you regained your powers.”

“However, some colleagues speculated that it is possible that your powers are too special and were not completely erased by the soul destroyer.”

Chen Yanghua took a breath and said slowly: “After confirming your situation, we realized that the original case was not that simple.”

The soul destroyer is not something that ordinary people know about, let alone that ordinary people can get their hands on.

Why was it used on an “ordinary” teenager who survived?

"Moreover, we all agree that your potential to awaken superpowers was quietly wiped out after you survived the assassination."

"But at the same time, there are more questions."

"Why would they rather use the soul destroyer quietly than kill you directly? After all, you were just an ordinary teenager at that time."

"All we can think of is that they don't want to attract the attention of the Psychic Bureau.

"Because if you, the only one who survived that case, died again, under such a coincidence, someone in our Psychic Bureau would definitely be suspicious and conduct an in-depth investigation again."

"But even so, it's still a bit hard to explain..."

Bailian's eyes flickered a few times, and he continued:

"Even if I didn't awaken my superpowers again and didn't get noticed by you because of the selection, the fact that I awakened with E-level superpowers is a risk to them."

"That's right." Chen Yanghua nodded, "Since they don't want to be noticed by the Psychic Bureau, they didn't kill you again. ”

“Then why would they risk quietly erasing your superpowers?”

“If it’s just to cover up something, you are the best choice for their purpose.”

Chen Yanghua paused, then smiled:

“So, they have a reason to do this—they are afraid of your existence.”

“To be precise, they are afraid of your superpowers that have not yet awakened, so they are willing to take the risk of destroying your superpowers.”

“In addition, we also found out that the research on your parents’ superpowers was not as ordinary as it seemed, but a research on superpowers swallowing evolution, and also involved illegal human experiments, which further confirmed our speculation.”

“The means of the mastermind behind the scenes are too clean. If you hadn’t miraculously survived, if you hadn’t miraculously awakened your second superpowers—

“We wouldn’t have noticed the abnormality of this case at all.”

“Even if...

It's because you regained your superpowers and went to participate in the selection. We may never notice your situation..."

"..." Bailian was silent, his eyes were completely calm.

Chen Yanghua was wrong about one thing. He didn't have the so-called second awakening superpower.

The potential of superpowers in his predecessor was indeed wiped out.

If it weren't for the pupil card, if it weren't for the time-travel plug-in that unlocked the pupil, he would really be just an ordinary person without extraordinary potential.

The Umbrella Company made the soul destroyer, and even the Blue Technology Company where his predecessor's parents worked seemed to be behind the Umbrella Company...

After a while, Bailian met Chen Yanghua's gaze and asked:

"Do you know who did it?"

"There is actually no accurate clue about the speculation of the mastermind behind the scenes. They handled it too cleanly at the beginning, and even the entire experimental area was completely blown up."

"The members inside the Umbrella Company are too complicated, and there are too few clues. It is difficult for us to speculate which departments and personnel are related. "

"Recently, the Umbrella Corporation's actions in the Imperial Capital are a bit strange, but because they are all within the legal scope, our Psychic Bureau cannot interfere too much.

"However, I always have a hunch that it may be related to you."

"Please be careful. If you feel anything unusual, contact our Psychic Bureau. Try to stay in the Imperial University as much as possible recently."

Hearing this, Bailian nodded.

What he thought in his heart was: Now, I have to find a reason to go out...

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