We have finally arrived at the Grand Valley of Domechia.

The earth is pale yellow, with a dry plain where there are no grass trees.

Next to it, a valley sandwiched by a high cliff ran deep.

"Well, I'll explain the operation here.First, replace it with a weapon with an additional effect in the water attribute. "

Marc's words were accompanied by Lilyn, who was equipped with a familiar hammer, and Ariel, who was magically able to make arrows, carried the arrow.

"First of all, firemice dig holes in these walls one by one.So, if we lure one by one to the plains here, we can hunt advantageously. "

Everyone nods to the steps Marc explains.

"The guiding roles are Tyrion and Ariel.Enjoy the magic arrows. They shoot him in one shot, piss him off, and bring him one by one. Can you do that? "

Marc looked at Ariel.

"Of course, Tyrion!"

As Ariel stroked his partner Tyrion's throat, Qué and Tyrion shouted with joy.

So, let's talk about it after we lure one out.I think there was an explanation for coming this far, but the fire rat is big.And the body surface is covered with flames.Therefore, those who engage in melee attacks should be prepared for some burns. "

Lynn and Letie nodded seriously at the words.

"I think it will heal to a certain extent, but if that doesn't help, Daisy, you can handle it with a potion shell. Ready?"

And Mark gives me directions looking at me.I shake my neck vertically.

There, two Holy Beasts lined up in front of Marc.

"We would like Daisy and Lynn to ride each other and be able to manoeuvre, but is that okay?"

It was the leaf that cut out the story.

"Ah, protect Daisy and Lynn from the attack!"

Marc nodded loudly.

They also have heat-resistant leather armor and scarves on their necks.

Especially Leon, who approached the fire rat with Lynn, would definitely not get a big burn if he approached the flame on the body surface.

Well then, let's talk about each position! Try not to scratch your body! "

"" "Roger!" "

Lynn, Letia and Marc on Leon take their place just outside the U-shaped Valley.

I was led by the reef away from them to avoid buying haights.

Ariel on Tyrion entered the U-shaped valley.

Soon afterwards, he said to the valley, "Bumooo!It sounded like a loud beast.

"... even though it's a mouse, 'Bumo?'"

That's how Reef replies with a stunned voice to me twisting his neck.

"Dear Daisy, you've been told many times that it's big.If it were a big beast, there would be such a noise. "

Oh, I see. I still think I'm being held hostage by a rat.

... we have to tighten up!

I can squeeze my hand against the Azot Rod.

Then, under Ariel's guidance, a rat came out of the valley chasing her.

... big!

As I was told, the body is slightly smaller than Drake, and the body that ignites with anger is powerful.

I decided to concentrate on watching everyone so that someone's burns could heal before they get worse.

"First, aim for the legs!"

Marc gives instructions aggressively.

Then, as Ariel's distracted fire rat ran in front of him, he hit the absolute zero degree spear axe on his front leg.

Then, with the sound of the broken bones of your feet, you freeze your legs from where you hit the axe.

Fire rats now turn their anger toward Mark because they are incapacitated.

"I see, this new weapon strikes and attaches to such a user!"

Letia slashes one of her rear legs as Marc distracts her from the opposite side of the mark, with her eyes shining on the result.

Then, your legs freeze from where you slashed them.

Then, hammer and freeze the other rear leg that Lillin left in the gap.

A total of three frozen firemice fell to the ground without being able to support their huge bodies.

Once you're incapacitated, all you have to do is break your neck.

"Lynn and I will break your neck!"


Instead of just breaking my neck, I got a terrible frostbite when I hit it, so it started frosting around my neck.

"Healing Mist!"

I float a total of five potion rounds into space, letting Letier finish her first job, and Marc and Lynn, who are attacking her neck hard, float a potion ball over Leon's head.

Then, when it was fogged, a potion was sprayed over the entire body.

"Oh, thank goodness. It's amazing how you can heal your whole body in one go!"

Letia smiled and showed me her thumbs.Does that mean you did well?

Okay, that's it!

At last, the extinct fire rat is already extinguishing the body surface.Next to him, Marc stood with Halvard behind him.

"That's how hard it is to break bones around my neck!"

Lilyn looks really tired too.

Afterwards, Marc, Lynn and Leon healed their burns again, took a break, and Ariel and Tyrion went to lure the next one.

When all is finished, defeat a total of five firemice for the number of people, and the hunt is over.

"Thanks to Daisy's new work.I can't believe how easy it is to get rid of a fire rat. "

I got burned and consumed potion, but when I told him to kill the rat, it was not usually like this, and Mark had a bright face.

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