The seeds of the new tree and the seeds of the ancient medicinal herbs were planted, and ten seeds of the new tree remained in my hand.

I have to take care of it in the sack and keep it in the vault.

With that in mind, at my feet, I snoozed and said, "Please!There's a leaf waiting for you.

Hahahaha, your tongue is out and your breath is rough.It's like a dog.

... you weren't a dog, were you?

"Reef, you just gave it to me yesterday, right? See you next time."

Eh, pressing hard on the black tip of his nose, he closed his mouth, stroked, and the leaf lowered his head, then wow, he left the scene.

"Well, this is an important remaining species, so I put it in the vault...."

Never mind, the bakery door was closer, so I went into the atelier from there and went through the kitchen to the smelter...

... uh. Something in my sight.

Crunch, I looked back.


Mina, who seems to have been chasing after her, suddenly stops and pauses.

And after that, Mina was strangely shy and staring at me.

"... Mina? What's wrong?"

Mina gazes at me with a gaze against my words.

"Um, Daisy, you have it again..."

Right? Right there, I'll tilt my neck.

What do you mean, it feels like you're in a complete begging pose?

"I'm a bit of a beast, and once in a while I don't have eyes!!"

Is it embarrassing? I dye my cheeks and moist my fingertips.

"Special objects?... ah, let's sit there for a minute."

I decided to sit on each chair in the kitchen and talk calmly.

"Usually the beast reacts once in a while, but the beast is hardly affected."

Mina still feels ashamed of this story, but she can't stop playing with her hands.

"But the closer you get to the pure blood of the Cat-Beast, the more attracted you are to the smell of the Beast once again....."

Having said that, I covered my face with gabber and hands to hide that I had reached the limit of shame.

"... that's what it is."

I was surprised to hear the fact for the first time.

"So you really want this seed just as much as you want the reef, right?"


When I asked, I retracted my hidden hand, stepped out with a gabber, and grabbed my wrists.

"I really want it!... ah.... excuse me...That's enough. I'm embarrassed... "

And as soon as Pa and I let go of my wrist, I covered my face again.

"Mina wants this, right?What does this look like?As an employer, if you don't check to see if it's harmful to your health, you can't accidentally do it, can you? "

I gently stroke Miina's head with the hand of someone who doesn't have a sack.

"When I put it on a small plate and sleep, it feels like I'm going to fall asleep right away.After that, you can put something powdered in a small cotton drawstring or a stuffed toy and hold it in your chest to make you feel fluffy. "

I wonder if you imagine, Mina's face is thick.


"Yes, let it dry and rub it carefully in a bowl."

It was unexpected information. It seems that this green one can be used even if it is dried.

"That way, you can adjust the amount, so you can control the effect!"

Hmm. I wanted to see Mina and her puppy leaves scratching at the stuffed toys.

"Let's make it! Mina! It's a stuffed toy again!"


I set out for Mina, but Mina was jiotong.

"I'm sure the reef will love it! I want to prepare two stuffed toys for you and the reef!"

To be perfectly clear, Mina's eyes sparkled.

"Let's make it for the next holiday!"

"Yes! Ah! I have some stuffed toys I want to make, so please let me go buy some fabrics next time!"

"Of course!"

That's why we once again created a stuffed animal.

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