Well, what are we going to do today?

I thought I'd make the mix, and I looked back. Marcus was mixing the potions.

Look seems to be off school today. He helps Marcus with the beakers and the downside.

Looks like the two of you will make it.

Then I'll walk to the bakery and see how it goes.

Then, under Mina's direction, Ariel and Wu Wen worked together.

Then, Peter and Alice floating in the air, chatting with customers eating in.

Maybe we're shorthanded too.

... then why don't we go see what's going on in the fields?

If so, the conversation is quick.

First of all, don't worry if you need to drink water with nutrients. I take a bottle of nutrients from the vault and put it in the pochette.

Next, let's take the jam of thanks for the spirits and fairy who always take care of the field.

I went to the kitchen and took out some small plates, spoons, and jars of jam.

The sunlight from the kitchen window is warm spring sunshine.

Looking at it, I came up with it.

It's spring, so let's make it freshly made strawberry jam.

I mumbled and opened the lid of the jam bottle.

Then transfer the jam to the plate several times with a small spoon.

Alright, let's go!

I went to the field with a plate full of jam.

Good morning, everyone!

When I threw a little late morning greeting towards the field, Fairy-san and Spirit Rico approached.

"" Good morning, Daisy! ""

They fly around like they dance around me.

"Thank you for taking care of the field all the time. Today, I brought in seasonal strawberry jam."

When I offered them my plate, everyone peeked at it.

"Wow! It's a jam!"


It looks delicious!

Everyone's eyes are nailed to the red jam. The eyes were glittering.

Well then, I'll leave it on the shelf so we can all eat together.

"" Yes! ""

That said, don't push it. If you don't push it, the fairies swarming on the plate will smile. I looked at them sideways and laughed tinyly.

I was suddenly struck on the shoulder.

It was Rico.

"Hey, Daisy, you gave us a special jam. Why don't you give the plants special water with nutrients as well?"

That's why Rico winks with one eye.

"... I see."

I look around the field to see the state of the plants, wondering what I should do.

Then, Mandragora-san, who had two colors, blue and red, sang happily as she swayed the flowers.

"Delicious water with nutrients ~♪"

It seems that they were listening to our conversation.

"I've been asked."

I can't let you cum anymore, can I?

Rico and I look at each other, shrugging our shoulders and laughing.

Me and Rico head for the shelf where Jouro is.

Then, we put nutrients in Jouro and add the water created by water magic.

"Daisy, hurry up ~♪"

Mandragora reminds me that she can't wait. I don't think you'll be able to keep quiet without giving them special water first.

I will first move to where the Mandragoras are planted.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting." Drink plenty

The water overflowing from the mouth of Saah and Jaul, wetting them, and the soil they plant.


Mandragora and the others shook their bodies happily.

Now, we need to give the other kids plenty of delicious water.

Rico, let's go around together.


Then the two of them sprinkled water in turn.

The last tree I saw was a tree.

That's when I tried to spray the water.

... is that it?

Thankfully, the fruit was in a shape I had never seen before.

"Hey, Rico."

"What's the matter, Daisy?"

"... there's something strange in the tree above you"


A tree is a tree that is suitable for crossing plants of the same race, and has a higher chance of succeeding in creating a new species than crossing with other trees.

If you think about it, it's not surprising that a new kind of fruit has been produced.

What the hell is it made of?

Rico asked me.

"Wait a minute..."

I'll switch to the eyes of the appraiser.

Seeds of Magic

Classification: Seeds

Quality: High Quality

Rare: A

Details: Temporarily increases magic power.

Feelings: Mage covetous!

It was a new species, after all.

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