"Welcome home, Henry."

"" "" "Welcome home, Father!

Mother and our children get up and wait for your father to come home.

"Yeah, I'm home. I'll be right back when I get dressed. You can keep talking to me."

Your father will change his clothes for the time being while loosening his tie with one hand. I went back to my room.

Then we will sit on the sofa again.

In the meantime, oniisama sneaked up on me and taught me.

"These days, it's always like this." It's still early today. Seems like I'm busy at an army meeting. "

"Is there something... oniisama is listening to you?"

Oniisama is a sage of this country, and oniisama is a saint. Of course, they were fourteen and thirteen. I am an apprentice precisely because I am fifteen years old, which is considered to be an adult.

That's why I thought oniisama might have been informed of something, so I decided to ask.

Then I asked in a whisper, and oniisama shook his head to the side.

"No. Neither I nor Daria told me." Even though we're sages, we're just apprentices. "

When he said that, oniisama shrugged his shoulders and smiled bitterly.

"... that's not true...!"

I squeezed the hem of my clothes as if I were denying oniisama's mocking words.

“No, it's okay, and it's true. But I'm sure one day you'll be able to help your father who works for the country. Oh, that's a misunderstanding. People at the top of the army, like Your Majesty and the Warlord, seem to be meeting more often."

The palm of my hand gently layered on top of it, and oniisama smiled.

Such oniisama's hands were warm, and I felt the reliance on a bigger hand than mine.

While I was spending it, my father, who had changed from work clothes to rough indoor clothes, returned to the living room.

"You made me wait." Especially Daisy. I made a promise, but I'm sorry I'm late. ”

My father, who brought Sebastian, sits down in his spare seat and apologizes to me.

"It's okay, Father." Besides, it's been a long time since I've been able to talk slowly with my mother and niisama. "

When I looked at my father's face with a laugh, I still felt that my face was oozing with tiredness.

As oniisama said, I may be busy.

"That's right, Daisy. I'd like you to come with me tomorrow to the castle to discuss a new product." Your Majesty and the Warlord said they wanted to talk to you directly. "

"Are you going to... directly?"

I twisted my neck at the unexpected, no, earlier than I expected.

I looked at oniisama, who was secretly talking, and twisted my neck.

The next morning, I decided to go to the castle in a horse-drawn carriage with my father.

Even though I am a minor, I am twelve years old. That's why I'm going to go to the castle and put on a spare dress so as not to be rude. Kate helped me with the dress.

Then, the small meeting room was the place where my father took me.

Heinrich, the forensic expert, is already seated before us. When I enter with my father, I greet both of you in a curtesy. After that, I waited for His Majesty in the seat recommended by the chamberlain.

Eventually, His Majesty the King accompanied the Prime Minister to his room.

We stand up on the spot and bow.

"Oh, everyone, thank you for gathering." Daisy, thank you for coming. Come on, sit down. "

With His Majesty's words, everyone sits down.

His Majesty and the Prime Minister also sat down in the chairs pulled by the chamberlains. And when His Majesty instructs his chamberlains to leave the room, the room will be reserved for those who, apart from Heinrich and me, can be described as the main town of the country.

“Today's agenda was about the newly successfully cultivated seeds of Lady Daisy's health improvement.”

His Highness was kicked in the mouth when the Prime Minister opened fire.

And turn that face from your Lordship towards me.

"Daisy, I need you to deliver all the new seeds to the country for a while. I asked you to come today to ask for it."

"... all of them?"

I repeated it unexpectedly in a loud voice.

... what's that supposed to mean?

After discussing with the Adventurer's Guild, the seeds of a similar type had been allocated.

That's why I was wondering if it would be a similar procedure this time.

... by the way, no one seems to be in charge of the Adventurer's Guild.

"Your Majesty... what's going on?"

It's a little strange that the country wants to buy it up.

His Majesty answers my question with a gentle bitter smile.

"Daisy, I'll answer your question honestly. However, please make sure to keep the story confidential. Do you swear to it?"

He looks up at his father, who is sitting next to him with anxiety. Then my father nodded firmly and grabbed my hand under the table, saying, "It's okay."

"... yes..."

Encouraged by my father, I was barely able to respond.

Then I clenched my father's hand, which was still connected, and waited for His Majesty's mouth to open.

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