I was surprised. Because I heard that His Majesty approved Alfried's refusal to say no.

"Well, right now, I can say it because I don't have that person."... a little bit more for adult Daisy than that. Do you think you can face it properly? "

Dr. Hohenheim tilted his neck to make sure I was prepared to listen.

"... yes"

I sipped my saliva and nodded.

"'I won't let the bomb I made go to war', that's what I wanted. So, it won't hurt to get hurt by a bomb I made. It must be an unacceptable offer for a seven-year-old."

"... yes, that's right."

When I nodded, Dr. Hohenheim nodded one by one.

“But what if his country came to war and our country was at a disadvantage?”

"... eh?"

“What if it's a story about you? She is still young. That's why I didn't go that far. How would you feel if the people of your country were to be hurt or die because you didn't do what you could do? What if there was even one member of your family?"

At the end of Dr. Hohenheim's inquiry, the room with only two of them was closed.

For me, the question was unexpected and I couldn't answer it immediately.

... if I hadn't helped you in the war.

"... I think you'll regret it. Maybe... I'll blame myself for declining the offer..."

I answered slowly.

“Yeah, probably if you have a conscience.”

"... Sensei Hohenheim! Then...!" You don't have any answers from the beginning! "

I didn't seem to have any hope of choosing either, so I stood up from the sofa and complained aloud.

I mean...!

If you help, you'll regret hurting someone else.

If you refuse to help, people in your country may get hurt and regret it.

Either way, there's no escaping the consequences of regret.

... what am I supposed to do?


My chest is twitching again, and I'm holding it down.

"Miss Daisy, calm down..."

Dr. Hohenheim stands up and lets me sit on the sofa supporting my shoulders.

"Somebody! Lady Daisy looks sick." Is anybody here? "

To calm me down, Dr. Hohenheim strokes my back and asks for help outside the room.

Batam! The door opened and Kate appeared.

Daisy-sama, what's going on?

"It's getting a bit... bitter again..."

I follow Kate to the side.

"... I'm sorry. It may have been too early for her for me to tell Miss Daisy."... it seems that Lady Daisy was shocked by my words and made her suffer. "

"I see... Master Daisy, what should we do now?" Will you be off to talk to the customer at a later date? ”

"Yeah, I want to do that..."

While saying that, I looked up at Dr. Hohenheim with regret.

The teacher nodded with a gentle smile, as if to say, "It's okay."

"Well then, I'll be free." Miss Daisy, have a good rest. "

Dr. Hohenheim leaves the room saying that. Sebastian just heard the commotion and went to see the teacher back.

I had to go back to my room with Kate's support.

The reef also squeaks as it walks next to me worryingly.

Then, when I came home from work that night, I heard my father's voice coming from behind the door of the room early on, and I heard a knock together with it.

Dad, how's it going?

"Father. Yeah, it's pretty calm.... um, Father."

Me and my father talk through the door.

"What the hell, Daisy?"

"If you have time, I'd like to talk to your father."

I heard from Dr. Hohenheim today.

... I'd like to talk to your father about what is borne by someone with power.

That's why I asked my father, who was supposed to be behind the door.

The reply came back at once.

"... of course, Daisy." Can I open it? "


My father opens the door to my room.

And there was a gentle father's smile.

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