"I see... let's process it so that we can attach it to Daisy's Azotrod." Then, I'll let you wear it on a necklace or a brooch. That's easier to match depending on the state at that time, right? "

That's true, too.

Lynn's proposal was fascinating.

It's common.

Jewels decorating the crown, king's tin, tiara, etc., are usually crafted so that they can be removed and used in brooches and necklaces.

They say it's processed like that.

... I don't know how to face Gerz from now on...

I thought it was a very attractive proposition to be able to wear any shape.

I left the Azotrod with the Stone of Prayer and went home.

Hey, did you hear that, Daisy?

One day, when I was working as a shop assistant, I was chatted to by a regular female adventurer.

Is something wrong?

That's right... it seems that the war is about to begin.


Apparently, the subject of confidential information has become a rumor because of the situation.

Of course, it doesn't mean that the country's secrets have been leaked.

It's just that more immigrants are coming from Schwarzburg.

I wonder if their lives would be ruined by collecting metals that can be melted and used as weapons, such as cauldrons and cauldrons for cooking.

From such rumors, it is said that speculation is spreading.

"That's why we're all saying that we should be stronger for the day to come." We're all training together to increase the frequency of our adventures. Don't worry, Daisy, back up! Everyone loves you, so I'll protect you! "

That's how you stroke my head.

That's why I'm going to buy some special potions for Daisy!

Thank you very much.

Since I serve customers, I made a smile and saw them off while being careful not to get rid of them.


The doorbell rang and the customer left.

"... thank you, thank you..."

Unexpectedly, my tears spilled.

Everyone loves you, so I'll protect you!

I'm glad to hear that word.

And I really don't want you to do anything that would hurt everyone.

Tears were rising from her complicated chest.

"Daisy! It's done!"

Lynn brought me what Azotrod had decorated with prayer stones.

Lynn, thank you.

I accepted it with gratitude and paid the wages.

"Well then, I'll be leaving today, but don't do it alone or anything." If you do something, be sure to talk to me! "

Having said that, Lynn went home.

I stroke the prayer stone adorned with the Azotrod.

"... what should I do?"

And I asked the stone, and he heard not the voice of the stone.

... I don't want the war itself to break out.

I thought about it when the demonic beast attacked the King's City.

If I had good potions, it would heal me even if I was injured.

But I feel pain until it heals. Until then, I can't lose you.

... I don't want anyone to get hurt.

With that in mind, Wu Wen just arrived.

Huh? Is Master Daisy's rod a little different?

Yeah, I made the stone that Nguyen Lee wanted to make... and I decorated it.

After explaining that, I stroked the stone and showed it to him.

"Awesome! With this, there will be no war or strife!"

"... eh?"

"Nguyen Reel-sama said!" To reform his mind. I need this stone to heal what I've been bewitched by him! "


If so.

"... hey, Wuwen. What if?" If I had put Wu Wen on my back and used this stone..... "

I wonder if I can fly to that country and use that stone?

Wu Wen! Please, take me with you!

"This is Nguyen Reel-sama's descendant, my master!"... so if I can get rid of most of my enemies, what will you do with Daisy's defense? "

"I have this stone..."

Having said that, I touch the ring on the middle finger of my left hand.

... yes. I'm sure the Green Spirit King will protect us.

If equipped with this ring, it can create a barrier that doesn't pass magic or weapon attacks.

So, I'm sure it's okay.

... I'll take care of it.

... if I go to that country with Wu Wen and use this ring alone... no.

The thoughts of the ancient gods, who have left the world, will surely be able to bring them to pass.

... I won't let you start a war!

It was up to me.

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