Ji Xiaotiao touched his nose in confusion, muttering in his mouth, "It's really weird! I obviously followed Miss Xuer, so why did she disappear all of a sudden?"

In the woods of the back mountain, Ji Xiaotiao stood blankly. I looked around, but still didn't find anyone. There was a slight fear in my heart, and then he called out aloud afterwards.

"Miss Xuer? Miss Xuer!?"

After shouting for a long time and no one responded, Ji Xiaotiao began to hesitate. Uh... how about going home by yourself? Then call someone to help find? This thought in my mind just came up, and it was wiped out by myself.

No way! What if Xuer encounters any danger during her absence?

With many thoughts in his mind, Ji Xiaotiao finally gritted his teeth and bit his scalp to continue searching for Ning Xuer. Little did she know that Xu Moqi always called her Lu Chi, she had already lost her way...

And just after Ji Xiaotiao's figure walked away, a person walked out from behind a big tree not far away, and looked intently, it was not Ningxu'er who was missing! At this time, her face had long lost the pretentious smile on her face, replaced by a look of contempt.

She looked at the place where Ji Xiaotiao disappeared, her lips curled up with a sneer of disdain.

"What an idiot! You can believe whatever you tell you! Ha! Doesn't Xu Moqi like you, okay! I want to see if he can find you!"

Ning Xu'er had a wishful thinking in her heart, thinking that after she went back, if someone asked, she would say that Ji Xiaotiao had asked her for leave, saying that she had to go back for something. As for when to come back, she didn't say. And even if Xu Moqi went to look for it anxiously, he never thought that the idiot girl was actually in the woods of the back mountain! And according to that girl's low intelligence quotient, she wouldn't be able to get out of this forest for a while. Hmm... Anyway, let her stay here first! Who makes Xu Moqi like you! This is the price you deserve!

After making up his mind, Ning Xuer turned and left happily. After a while, she went back to where she had left. Do not misunderstand! It was definitely not her conscience that she came back to find Ji Xiaotiao, but she found something sadly, that is...this wood is really weird! Because... she was also lost...

"Miss Xuer is gone..."

In the evening, before dinner. Yu's wife lowered her head with an ugly expression, and told the old man Xu who was sitting on the sofa of this fact.

"What!?" The old man exclaimed in surprise, "What's the matter? How can she disappear?"

For a time, the servants bowed their heads and dared not speak. Everyone, including the old man himself, was full of panic. Only Xu Moqi, who was sitting on another sofa and flipping through the magazine, turned a deaf ear to a calm expression.

I have said before about Ning Xuer's identity. She is the illegitimate daughter of a high-ranking official, so her presence is a certain threat to the Ning family. The reason why Elder Ning wanted to take her back was actually because the Ning family had no queen, and his daughter-in-law passed away without giving birth to a child for the Ning family. The son didn't want to take another one, and he still missed Ning Xuer's mother in his heart. So Father Ning had no choice but to find Ning Xuer.

But because the Ning family's social status is there, if rumors of private life are exposed, the impact will be huge! No one in the Ning family can afford it. So Father Ning had to arrange for Ning Xu'er with an old friend first, and then to open up the relationship by himself, so as to pave the way for Ning Xu'er to recognize his ancestor and return to his clan in the future.

When Father Ning entrusted Ning Xu'er to Xu Mingxiong, he had also repeatedly instructed him to let anyone know Ning Xu'er's existence and true identity before the handover was completed. Mr. Xu also knew the seriousness of the matter, so he promised to keep it secret. This is also the reason why the old man brought Ning Xuer directly to his home temporarily!

The family’s security system is perfect. As a well-known figure in Yinghua City, the old man will naturally strengthen his own security precautions. Moreover, the location of this home is far from the city, so it can be regarded as the most hidden place.


"You tell me clearly! What the **** is going on!? How did Xuer disappear! Have you checked the monitor screen?!"

Mr. Xu, who has always been as stable as Mount Tai, was also a little panicked at this time. This was the request of an old friend for many years, he had patted his chest as a guarantee. If he can lose people in his home villa, it's not easy to explain to old friends, and secondly, he wants to spread it out, let him put his old face!

Yusao knew that the matter was serious after hearing the old man's eager tone. Quickly said: "I thought it was almost time to have dinner, so I asked the people to call Miss Xuer. Normally she would be in her room at this time. But the servant told me she was not there, and then I sent someone I searched everywhere, but I didn't find it..."

After Yusao said this, there was a moment of silence in the hall. Everyone noticed the bad mood of the old man. Not even breathing became tense.

The old man glanced at the servants standing in a long line in the hall, and said, "Which of you is the last to see Xuer! When? Where!"

Everyone looked around when they heard the words. At this moment, a maid tremblingly raised his hand.

"Uh...it seems to be me! That's when Miss Xuer just came out of your study from the old lady, I met her! She pulled me and asked me where Ji Xiaotiao was... Then I told her, as if to go to the backyard It's..."

"Yes!" another male servant said, "When I was pruning branches in the garden, I saw Miss Xuer running to the backyard."

As soon as he heard the words Ji Xiaotiao, a young master on the sofa pricked his ears and became interested in this matter. But speaking of it...like a silly girl...

"Actually...and there is one more thing..."

The maid who raised her hand just now spoke again, but stopped halfway through the conversation. It seemed hesitant.

"What else!?" Old man Xu frowned, his expression quite serious. "Don't say anything, just finish talking for me in one go!"

Being so startled by the old man, the maid blurted out: "Yes! Ji Xiaotiao seems to be gone..."


At this moment, even the only calm person is not calm anymore! He stood up fiercely from the sofa, his face was as ugly as he was.

The talking maid saw that the two masters, the master and the master, seemed to be on fire, and felt sad for a while, and they almost cried in fright. At this time, Yusao walked to her side, patted her shoulder and soothed: "It's okay! Tell me carefully!"

The maid received encouragement and nodded timidly: "Usually at this time, Ji Xiaotiao has come to the kitchen to help. But until now, she was not seen. And when everyone went to find Miss Xuer. , I also paid special attention to it, and I didn't see Ji Xiaotiao. So...so..."

Snapped! Xu Moqi slammed the magazine on the coffee table, his face stained with frost.

"Look for it! Find them all for me! Don't come back if you can't find anyone!"

The prince gave an order, and the servants immediately dispersed and hurried out to find someone. And Xu Moqi himself was not idle, walked to the wall and pressed a button, and said: "Go and read all the monitor images inside and outside the villa today!"

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