The Fall of the Vampire

Chapter 181: trump card

"You call me Ajani," Tao Siqi introduced herself when she was observing the situation. "How are you feeling? Is the injury serious?"

Because of the shock of seeing Ximen Qing, Tao Siqi didn't pay attention to Adjani's name, and replied: "It's okay, it's not too serious."

This injury, some trained special forces can also handle, not to mention that she is a special forces + evolutionary preparation. As long as the treatment is timely, the recovery will be basically half a month.

"Why are you staring at me all the time?" Ximen Qing said.

"Ah! That... are you teacher Qinger?" Tao Siqi was a little nervous.

Simon Qing suddenly said, "Oh, it turns out to be a female fan, do you want to sign?" While speaking, she looked at Tao Siqi.

Perhaps because of regular exercise, Tao Siqi's evenness is very good, even in thick clothes, it can be seen. She was wondering if she could sign it on the chest of the dress if she signed it.

"Signature!" Of course Tao Siqi wanted to sign, "But let's talk about it later? Why am I lying here?"

With the passage of time, Tao Siqi's thinking ability gradually recovered, and many neglected details became clear.

Since just now, Ximen Qing and Adjani have acted too calmly. If the average person suddenly discovers that everyone around him is gone, he will be somewhat nervous.

It is inferred from this that these two people are very likely to be evolutionary.

After all, being able to form a partner with Qin Yuyao is something that ordinary people can do.

Next, Ximen Qing's words also proved this point.

"You just flew over and hit the wall. I dug you out. What happened to you?"

Being able to say this proves that she is also an evolutionary.

Tao Siqi did not conceal: "Is a foreign evolutionary, very powerful."

"Is the limit Ronin?" Ximen Qing thought of this organization for the first time, and then asked, "What kind of evolutionary? Do you recognize it?"

"Well, it's Corridor Lily, an evolutionary of science fiction." Tao Siqi picked some content that didn't get in the way and talked to Ximen Qing.

Simon Qing looked at Danielle, who nodded quickly: "Corridor is indeed a member of the Extreme Ronin. Her ability comes from a certain science fiction series, and the whole person is a battleship."

"Isn't this the real version of the ship," Ximen sighed emotionally, "Is she good-looking?"

Danielle thought for a while, and said, "It's okay. After all, most of her body has become a mechanical body, and her aging is not obvious. The age of 40 is still about the same as the age of 16. It's not too bad, and the appearance will not be low."

"Legal loli?" Although it sounds very emotional, Ximen Qing lacks interest. After all, Corridor Lily's body has become a machine, it is not a loli at all, but a large figure.

Ximen Qing is only interested in flesh and blood, no matter how beautiful the hands are, there is no love.

After Tao Siqi answered Ximen Qing's questions, she asked in turn: "Do you know what's going on now? Many people around suddenly disappeared."

Ximen said in love: "It's not that they are missing, it's that we are missing. Now the evolution of Xiakong City has been drawn into the Buddha Kingdom in the palm of the'Xuedi'. The buildings and the earth around you are all fake. of."

"Xuedi...Snow Emperor!?" Tao Siqi exclaimed, "Buddha in the palm of my hand!! Difficult, is it that person?"

"Yes, that's the eight evil spirits of Mao Ziguo," Ximen Qing pointed to the huge **** in the sky, "is this already obvious?"

Tao Siqi was unbelievable: "Why is he in Xiakong City? Then there are two eight murderers gathered here? Are they going to war?"

"God knows," Ximen Qing said, "I want to know what that guy is here for, so I can just ask if you can."

As soon as the voice fell, a wind blade cut at her suddenly. Ximen Qing squeezed the wind blade with a quick grasp, and immediately looked at Tao Siqi.

I had a good conversation just now, why did you start doing it all of a sudden?

"Ah!" Adjani also exclaimed, and her whole body was blown by the wind.

Ximen Qing had quick eyes and quick hands, and kicked Tao Siqi away.


Tao Siqi crashed into a store on the side of the road and smashed it into a mess. The wind raging around suddenly stopped.

Adjani happened to be hung on an advertising light box on the side of the road, and did not suffer any harm.

With a wave of Ximen Qing's hand, the shelf of the light box was burnt, and Danielle ran over to catch the fallen Adjani.

"What's the matter?" Ajani was blank, "How come you started fighting well?"

Ximen said with affection: "I just saw her eyes turn golden."


"Yes, this is the special effect of the Buddha in the palm of your hand," Ximen Qing said, "Here, the evolvers who are not as powerful as the Snow Emperor will be affected to a certain extent, and the particularly weak ones will even be directly transformed and become the puppets of the Snow Emperor. She just got hurt and was taken advantage of."

"What should I do? Is she still saved?" Ajani asked.

Ximen said in love: "It's okay. When Emperor Xue takes the Buddha Kingdom in his palm, he will naturally recover, but I seemed to have a little **** my kick just now, and she probably broke several more ribs."

Danielle on the side shuddered when she heard the words and glanced at Ajani subconsciously.

Before Ximen Qing asked Ajani to help save people, in fact, Ajani just squatted there and prayed.

Tao Siqi woke up because of this and found that her injuries were not serious. However, just a few minutes later, the word "no" disappeared.

This is also affected by the lucky distribution of Ajani.

Eight evils... terrible. Can't afford to provoke, can't afford to provoke.

Ximen Qing dug out Tao Siqi again, but this time she didn't wake her up again. Once the kingdom of Buddhism in the palm of his hand is transformed, unless the Snow Emperor is lifted, it is basically hopeless.

She put Tao Siqi on the chair in the Golden Arch and then turned to Adjani and Danielle and said: "Let’s go, go to Xuedi, and discuss with him whether this space can be used. It's relieved, and if it doesn't work, I'll beat her up."

[Is there a battle between the eight evil spirits? ] Danielle is faintly expecting.

Ajani thought for a while, and felt that she would have nothing to eat if she didn't release this space, which would not work. So she also agreed to "discuss" with Xuedi.

"After this guy unfolds the Buddha Kingdom in his palm, his body will randomly appear in this space. If you really want to hide, it's really hard to find," Ximen said, "Fortunately, I have the trump card in my hand, so I decided it was you, Ajia Ni beast!"

With that said, she threw Ajani out.

A row of question marks appeared on the head of Ajani, who was doing parabolic motion in the air: 0v0?

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