The Fall of the Vampire

Chapter 297: On the night of the full moon, 0 geese fly south

"If even the beloved woman is to be taken away, what use do I want this system to do?" An Chengnuo secretly made up his mind that he must stop the wedding.

I heard from the roommate that Ni Ke's fiancé is over 30 years old, and he is still married. How could such a man give her happiness?

Anchengnuo always believes that only oneself can give Ni Ke happiness.

"You think so too," he had too many things in his heart to tell others, so he had to pour out to the orange cat, "Xiao orange, let's go together and bring your mistress back!"

The orange cat hit Hatch, but didn't understand what he was saying.

An Chengnuo didn't care either, he immediately began to design a plan to grab a marriage.

Because Ni Ke has left school to prepare for the wedding, he cannot find her for the time being. The only chance is to follow the female classmate and **** her back at the wedding.

This movie-like plot also gave An Cheng Nuo a lot of motivation. From time to time, he would imagine himself as the protagonist of the movie, waiting for him to say "follow me" to Ni Ke, and she would cry Nodded and agreed.

When he thinks of this, his whole body is full of enthusiasm.


Time just passed day by day, and in a blink of an eye it has come to mid-May.

Police station.

Tao Siqi is standing at the desk in Cen Qianshan's office.

Cen Qianshan sat there with his hands in the shape of a "ji" in front of him.

"It's almost a month, right? You haven't caught anyone yet? So much manpower and material resources are given for nothing?"

Tao Siqi was also very aggrieved: "A few times it was about to be caught, but every time someone made trouble for us, we fell short."

"I don't need your reason here," Cen Qianshan knocked on the table, "tell me the result, the result."

"Oh, okay," Tao Siqi said, "Because this guy abuses his ability, five people have temporarily obtained system boarding, which has caused a large or small impact. The above has already attached great importance to this matter, so I took the opportunity Go back to Lianjia."

"You go home..." Cen Qianshan just wanted to say what you would like to report back home, but he suddenly thought of something, "You mean, you invited the one from Lianjia."

"Yes," Tao Siqi said, "I am even the second master of the family's arithmetic, no one can outperform him. I asked him to do some calculations, and then he gave me a piece of information."

"What? Don't sell it, just say it!" Cen Qianshan urged.

Tao Siqi directly took out a piece of paper and spread it out to him, and saw two lines of words written on it with a brush:

On the night of the full moon, the wild geese flew south.

"What do you mean? Now that winter is over, are there any birds migrating south?"

Tao Siqi explained: "I have checked. There is an island on the South China Sea. The name is'Baiyan'. A wedding will be held on it on the 15th."

"You mean... the prisoner's next actions will be related to that wedding?"

Tao Siqi nodded: "I suspect that the prisoner is among the guests this time. Even the groom or the bride may be the prisoner."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"Of course I want to get in there, and then find the **** to bring him to justice!" Tao Siqi said firmly in his eyes.

"Okay, then you go." Cen Qianshan agreed.

As for how Tao Siqi wants to get on the island, that's not what he needs to care about. How difficult is it for a master of Feng Bo's blood to get on the island? No matter how bad she is, she is a member of the Mao family and can easily go up with her family background.

After sending Tao Siqi away, Cen Qianshan immediately turned on the computer and prepared to go online.

Recently, the popularity of "Attack on Titan" is unprecedented. In just a few weeks, its spread has surpassed last year's "Dragon Babu" and continues to dominate the rankings on major search engines. As long as it is not a Martian who is blocked from news, it is basically difficult to know the giant. Even a TV station has dedicated a program to praise this work.

Cen Qianshan now goes online every day to see how the group of people praise the Lord Master, and when he sees those discerning comments, he feels physically and mentally happy.

But before I could open the webpage this time, the phone rang.

"Hello? Dog, what's the matter?"


"Damn!" A few minutes later, Cen Qianshan hung up the phone angrily.

The dog who suffered a thousand swords, actually called to show off with him, and he was about to go to the Nanhai wedding with the leader. That is equivalent to being open and honest and having many opportunities to contact the leader, how enviable it is.

"Damn cat, next time you irritate me, I'll catch you for a fight!"

As he read, Cen Qianshan suddenly felt excited: "Wait a minute, where is it going to attend the wedding? Nanhai... Fuck! Could it be Baiyan Island, right?"

Cen Qianshan immediately rolled his eyes and ran out to find Tao Siqi: "This action, I will go with you!"

"Huh?" Tao Siqi was dumbfounded, "Captain, have you taken the wrong medicine?"

Although it didn't take long for her to transfer to Cen Qianshan's subordinates, she probably knew that the boss was actually very lazy, and he was more willing to go home to accompany his daughter than working overtime. This kind of active request for overtime is simply unprecedented.

"You just took the wrong medicine!" Cen Qianshan glared at her, "I think you haven't caught someone so many times. This time 80% is enough, so I intend to help you."

"Oh... well." Tao Siqi had actually heard of Cen Qianshan's identity and strength from the Lian's family. The guardian of the magic teaching who has been famous for hundreds of years, with a single trick to turn Lian Feng, so that even Qianjun is afraid of the existence, this is definitely the big guy among the big guys.

Fortunately, he is not an enemy. With his help in this operation, it is undoubtedly a lot more stable.


On the 14th, Ximen Qing went out with Qin Yuyao and Song Yunwu.

Before leaving, they urged Adjani: "You stay for me, never go out and do things."

" I see." Ajani nodded obediently.

Ximen thought for a while, then said to the door Zi: "We'll see you after we leave. If this guy causes disaster, you can stand it here."

"Don't worry." Damen Zi smiled.

Her ghost feather night crow is a shikigami made by the eight evil spirits, but she does not pay attention to the disaster caused by Ajani unconsciously.

After saying a few more things, the three of them got in the car and headed to the airport.

The wedding starts on the 15th, but you can go to the island from the 13th. After all, it is on the island, and guests still need to arrive early.

"Oh, it's comfortable without Adjani. If you want to fly, you can fly." Ximenqing sat in the first-class cabin, leaning back.

Song Yunwu asked her: "What are you looking at?"

"Look for a flight attendant," Ximenqing said excitedly, "This is first-class, right? The flight attendant should be very beautiful, right?"

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