The Fall of the Vampire

Chapter 309: I'm willing to help you on maternity leave

The strong desire to survive prompts Ximen Qing's brain to move quickly, and it was just a blink of an eye, and she came up with an excuse.

"You didn't hide from me to unlock it. I watched it by the side, and I knew it naturally."

"Really?" Song Yunwu was skeptical, because there were outsiders, so she was not easy to investigate.

Ximen Qing took the opportunity to change the subject: "Oh, don't care about these details, let's take a look at your Weibo."

"That's right!" Song Yunwu only then realized that Ximen Qing just took a picture of her and posted it on Weibo.

Although she usually plays on Weibo, she doesn't like to post selfies like Ximen Qing. She posts more drafts or 300 kg of barbells, which readers love to read.

By doing this, Ximen Qing is simply destroying the personality she has finally established! Go back and teach her well.

Song Yunwu grabbed the phone and took a look, sure enough!

Due to the forwarding of Ximen Qing, there are already hundreds of messages below.

"Damn! Who are you beauty?"

"Whose little fairy has fallen into the mortal world?"

"Mom, I'm in love! Look! This is the woman I want to marry!"

"Roll! Teacher Wu Song belongs to me! Take it away!"

"The above is so rough! Who said the teacher is yours! She is obviously my wife, OK!"

"Teacher Wu Song, you have worked hard to paint, take a break, I am willing to help you take a maternity leave!"


"Hey, Si Zhai steamed goose heart, are all women your wives?" Ximen Qing leaned to the side and pressed Song Yunwu's face to his face, and said with disdain after reading the comments, "It's obviously my wife."

Song Yunwu held her face and pushed her away: "It's not because you posted this photo!"

Su Yuanying also leaned over to take a look, and said enviously: "It's great, you can see so many interesting comments." Like her, Weibo comments are always like robots, and there is no anger at all.

"Where is it interesting?" Song Yunwu sighed, thinking that after returning to Xiakong City, he must go to the hair salon under the mountain to perm his hair into instant noodles.

Thinking like this, she suddenly raised her head and looked in the direction of the door.

Ximen Qing almost raised her head at the same time as her, both of them stared in the same direction.

"Sure enough, did you find out?" Ximen said with emotion.

"Well," Song Yunwu said, "There are really suspicious guys who are dodging and don't know what their purpose is."

"What's the matter?" Su Yuanying curiously asked, "Did you find the man in black?" She was just a mask with sunglasses, and she had already made up the image of a black suit.

Ximen said in love: "Yes, let's keep looking, I don't believe where he can hide on such a big island."

"Yeah, good!" Su Yuanying looked excited, and greeted Teacher Tony and went out with the Wuqing duo.

"Oh! Teacher Wu Song!" Hiromi Nitian thought to shout to Song Yunwu, but failed.

She still had to take Song Yunwu to show Zhou Hong, this task seemed to be impossible to complete. If you fail to complete the task, don't you have to be punished? She felt hot all over when she thought of this.


Qin Yuyao is studying cooking with the master of the second palace very seriously.

The first thing she learned was crepes, because they could be filled with strawberries. Red fruits are Ximen Qing's favorite.

Although the Ninomiya master looks fierce, his temper is okay. Qin Yuyao teaches this kind of gadget with great care.

"You have a good talent." Seeing Qin Yuyao's precise swordsmanship, Master Er Gong also praised her a few words.

Qin Yuyao smiled shyly. In fact, she was by trick. Because her current physical fitness is far superior to that of ordinary people, her control of power is also particularly accurate. She is almost like a machine.

Master Ninomiya taught her a few more dishes, basically the kind that others will feel like "Oh, this is French stick dishes." For example, foie gras, chicken stewed in red wine and the like.

After that, Master Nigong went to work on his own affairs, and he had to prepare for the wedding banquet tomorrow. Zhao Zhenying is the guest of honor of the island owner. The owner of this island is not only rich, but the energy behind it is terrifying. Even if he is an internationally renowned chef, he must be treated with care.

Qin Yuyao didn't bother the master of the second palace either. It was pretty good if she could take the time to teach her a few hands.

After practicing for a while and making a few dishes that she thought were okay, Qin Yuyao wanted to find Ximen Qing to let her taste.

As a result, he walked out the door with two crepes and ran into an orange cat.

"Meow~" This is a very beautiful orange cat. It's not as fat as chicken legs. Its body is very slim, and its hair is very smooth and shiny.

And the voice that yells is very cute.

However, Qin Yuyao turned a blind eye and walked straight out. What she likes is the kind of cute creatures of Taoist soldiers, and she is not interested in orange cats.

"Meow?" There was a very human expression on the orange cat's face: surprised.

How can it be! ? Except for those idiots who are not completely allergic to cats in this world, there will be people who are indifferent to such a cute cat?

It doesn't believe it! It must be that the woman didn't notice it.

So it speeded up and ran in front of Qin Yuyao again, and yelled "meow".

This time the volume was sufficient, and it did not lose its cuteness, and its eyeballs almost stared out of water.

It doesn't believe it, there are still women who are indifferent to this!

In fact, Qin Yuyao naturally spotted the orange cat. She walked around for a while and then walked away.

[Wh, what! What did this woman just do! ? She actually got around! Oh my god! How did she do such an angry and resentful behavior! ? 】

The orange cat is about to start suspicious of meowing.

But for the crepes, it's spelled!

"Meow!" This time it ran to Qin Yuyao's feet and rubbed her ankle vigorously.

【Humph! How about it? Feeling the soft and warm body of this uncle, are you still not tempted? Haven't been obediently serving the crepes to Ben Miao! 】

As expected, Qin Yuyao finally stopped. She handed the crepe to one hand, stretched out one hand and grabbed the orange cat.

Just... "Meow meow? Meow—"

The orange cat started yelling! Does this woman have common sense! ? Why not grab the back of the neck, but just grab it by its body like a claw machine and lift it up? This way the ribs hurt so much!

Devil! This woman is the devil!

"What's the matter?" Qin Yuyao couldn't see clearly. So, just now the cat rubbed her feet and thought it liked her, but finally caught it and struggled like this. Does she really think too much?

After thinking about it, she put the orange cat down again. However, the center of the road was obviously inappropriate. She looked around and placed the orange cat on the grass on the side of the road.

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