The Fall of the Vampire

Chapter 313: Actor

When they entered the door, the middle-aged uncle was bursting into tears.

It was not crying, it was spicy. He took out a tissue and wiped it on his face, while picking up a piece of red meat and stuffing it into his mouth. There was a "hisshhhhh" sound in his mouth.

The lady holding the Persian cat was sitting quietly on one side, holding a cup of herbal tea in her hand.

When Ximen Qing and the others entered the door, the lady naturally looked at the door, and her expression suddenly changed.

She quickly got up and walked quickly towards Ximenqing, her face full of uncontrollable excitement.

But when I got closer, I didn't know what to say.

Ximen Qing lowered her head and teased the Persian cat, and said, "Let's have a meal. Are you here for the wedding too?"

The lady said: "Yeah, my husband has an entertainment company under his name. He is also a fan of Teacher Ying Zheng. He bought a lot of the copyrights of his comics back then. I have also taken some of his comics over the years. The two are quite familiar with each other. ."

At this time, Su Yuanying suddenly exclaimed: "Ah! Then, is that the actor Xu Donglai!?"

"The actor?" Ximen Qing Xunsheng looked at the greasy middle-aged uncle who was eating hot pot, "Is this the one?"

Ma, you can’t look good!

"Huh?" The middle-aged uncle who was eating out seemed to have reacted and looked in the direction of his wife.

"Puff!" The piece of meat he had just put in his mouth spurted out, but fortunately, the bowl in front of him was caught.

"Hey--" Ximen Qing saw his scalp numb, is this uncle **** chicken feathers?

The lady looked back and said to her husband, "Did you choke? Wipe your face clean."

"Oh oh oh." The middle-aged uncle Xu Donglai took out three or four sheets of paper, and wiped a few handfuls on his face like washing his face, and then he got up and walked towards them.

Qin Yuyao watched it for a while before reacting: "Oh! It's'Brother Daqiang'! I saw his movie when I was young! I like it!"

Brother Daqiang is Xu Donglai's classic screen image, which was a household name more than ten years ago.

Song Yunwu also nodded and said: "Emperor Xu has been resting for many years, I can hardly recognize it anymore."

Xu Donglai walked over to say hello to several people: "Hello, hello, I recognize you, you are one of Wuqing teachers, I have wanted to see you for a long time."

He was especially enthusiastic about Simon's love: "Hey, do you know my wife?" However, he didn't mean to shake hands because of his wife's presence.

"Yes, very familiar." Ximen Qing nodded.

The noblewoman explained at this time: "He hasn't acted for many years. He has been running the company these years. He also likes to read cartoons. In addition to teacher Ying Zheng, he also likes your "Dragon Babu", even the real person. The copyright of the version has been bought."

"Oh, you bought it." Ximenqing glanced at Xu Donglai in surprise, and then looked at the Persian cat deeply.

He really bought the copyright because he liked it? Isn’t there a pillow breeze here? Gouzi, a group of Tsing Yi cultists, must have tried their best behind the scenes.

"Meow~" The Persian cat yelled cutely, trying to pass the level cutely.

Ximen Qing didn't bother to pursue it, and gave a "forgive you once" look.

The lady then introduced Xu Donglai to several other people. Xu Donglai was very excited when he learned that Song Yunwu was the other person in the dance, and then when he heard that Qin Yuyao was the Wangshu painting "JOJO", he was excited again.

At that time, he wanted to send JOJO to show his sincerity, but it was a pity that he was getting older and he twisted his waist before setting it up, so he had to give up. It's better for the lady to rub him for a while.

He knew Su Yuanying, after all, she played Wang Yuyan this time.

"You guys also come to eat hot pot? Have a taste!" Xu Donglai enthusiastically said after sitting down, "This hot pot is very authentic and strong enough. I have to come here to eat once a year, but my wife won't let you eat more."

The noblewoman glared at him: "Don't you know how high your blood pressure is? Eat hard if you want to die."

"Uh, dare not, hehe, dare not." Xu Donglai quickly told Rao.

Ximen Qing took the opportunity to whisper to the dog: "Hey, is this you marrying him? Or do you control the wife after you get married?"

The lady leaned over and whispered: "No, this body has two consciousnesses. Those who marry him and live with him are Yu Rou as a'human', and the one who talks to you is the'dog', we two We’ve been together for a long time, it’s a friend relationship. She will lend her body to me when she needs it, and I won’t use it any other time."

"Oh." Ximen Qing probably understood.

At this time, the lady added: "I am also a cat anyway, and I have no sexual interest in two-legged beasts. I like cats or tigers."

"You still want to be a tiger!?" Ximen Qing asked in surprise, "Guozi, when did you become like this?"

"I just want to try it, ordinary cats can't help but fuck." The lady whispered.

The two ended up whispering, but the others didn't care too much.

Song Yunwu and the others are ordering food, while Xu Donglai is eating hot pot there. He can only come to eat once a year, but he has to seize the opportunity.

Seeing how much he eats, Su Yuanying's saliva is greedy.

"This, this, this... well, don't have this, let's take the rest." The evolutionary's appetite is not a joke, Song Yunwu directly ordered 10 people's dishes.

Seeing the piles of meat coming up, Xu Donglai at the next table was shocked.

He asked: "You eat so much now, what should you do tonight?"

"At night?" Ximen asked in doubt.

"Yes, tomorrow is the wedding, and almost all the guests have arrived today, so there will be a banquet in the evening for the guests to have a good exchange." Xu Donglai explained.

Many people with unusual identities came to this wedding. Zhao Zhenying was naturally happy to be a good friend and arrange a business opportunity for everyone. By the way, it is also a preview for tomorrow's wedding.

"Then there will be a lot of delicious food." Ximen Qing came to be She found that as her strength recovered, her sense of taste was gradually restored, and she no longer focused on red things, those She can also enjoy normal food.

If there is a banquet, it is equivalent to delicious food for her.

"Of course," the lady smiled. "A few chefs will show their hands."

"That must go." Ximen Qing nodded.

At this moment, Xu Donglai suddenly interjected: "Teacher Wuqing, there are still a few roles that have not been set in "Dragon Babu". There will definitely be many actors coming to meet me at the banquet today. Do you want to come too? Give me your palms?"

Ximen Qing and Song Yunwu looked at each other, and then said, "Okay."

It is natural for the original author to be able to participate in the casting.

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