The Fall of the Vampire

Chapter 334: Don't let Simon love find out

An Cheng Nuo got on the island and carried the fish to the backstage.

The process of the wedding is to swear oaths and exchange rings. After the bride and groom cut the cake together, it will be the tuna disintegration show.

According to calculations, the tuna at that time also happened to be the most delicious moment.

Chef Ninomiya, a chef from the island country, came to inspect the tuna in person and praised: "Yes, it's top quality!"

Although Ninomiya is good at French cuisine, he is also from an island cuisine family, and he is also quite accomplished in the disintegration of tuna.

An Chengnuo thought: [Unfortunately, you can't wait for that time, I will ruin the wedding before then! 】

Because they had to help carry the fish later, An Cheng Nuo and the others were arranged to rest in a lounge temporarily.

Naturally, he would not stay so honest. On the pretext of going to the toilet, An Chengnuo turned into a ghost and walked out through the wall, intending to see Li Ximing.

His plan was to make Li Ximing make a noise at the wedding, and then take Ni Ke to escape by himself. If possible, it would be better for Li Ximing to kill the groom.

As for whether Li Ximing will do what he said? For that kind of thing, just send a system task, and then add a punishment for the failure of the task and the system will remove it. If it doesn't work, kill it.

What An Chengnuo didn't notice was that among the clouds in the sky, there was a figure surrounded by wind staring at his every move.

"I was really hit by the captain. Is this guy the master?" Tao Siqi took out his mobile phone and reported the situation to Cen Qianshan.

"So smoothly? Then you keep watching, in case there is a darker behind the scenes." Cen Qianshan couldn't help but sigh, the leader of the leader is indeed unparalleled in wisdom, as long as she does what she says, it must be right.

"Okay." Tao Siqi temporarily took away the thoughts of capturing An Chengnuo, just hiding in the clouds to observe.

An Chengnuo successfully found Li Ximing, but at this time Li Ximing had been dizzy by Cen Qianshan and couldn't wake up at all.

"Is this guy a pig!?" An Chengnuo scolded angrily, but suddenly thought, "He is systematic, there is no reason to sleep so dead? Is it a special attack?"

He suddenly remembered the little girl who kicked the teacher over that day. There is more than one person with special abilities in this world. Is there any strong person on this island?

Will this affect his robbing of marriage?

After hesitating for a while, An Chengnuo suddenly made a ruthless shot: "Do so much! I must take her away today!"

Since Li Ximing couldn't wake up, An Chengnuo gave him up, took back the system, and strengthened his own ability, which undoubtedly added a piece of confidence to him.

"The big deal, I'll do it myself."

An Chengnuo left the room, planning to look for the orange cat during the period before the wedding. Although the goddess is important, cats are also indispensable. The orange cat is so cute and really reluctant.

"I hope I can find it."

An Chengnuo, who was walking in the corridor, suddenly saw three people, two tall and one short, coming to face each other. His heart was shaken, he quickly lowered his head, and evasively passed by several people.

Because he knows the shortest of several people, isn't that the little girl who kicked the teacher back that day! ? Why is she here? Could it be that she was the one who fainted Li Ximing?

If you think about it carefully, it seems very possible!

Just as An Chengnuo's thoughts were chaotic, a voice suddenly came from behind: "Please wait a minute."

An Cheng Nuo instantly became a wooden figure with tension, and turned his head stiffly: "Me, me?"

"Yes," one of the two tall beauties approached him, "Do you know where the back kitchen is?"

"You go out and turn left, then..." An Chengnuo told the route honestly.

After hearing this, the beauty smiled and said to him: "Thank you, it's such a great help."

"No, no thanks." An Chengnuo blushed. He had never spoken to such a beautiful girl at close range, and suddenly felt that Ni Ke seemed a little bit inferior to her.

【NS! An Cheng Nuo, what are you thinking about! What you like is Ni Ke! There is no one else but her! Do you want to betray her! ? 】

He scolded himself fiercely in his heart, and An Chengnuo turned and left.

However, he looked back at the beauty with a bit of reluctance. She had already returned to the two little friends at this time.

"That's clear, let's turn right when we go out..."

"Really? But why did I hear a left turn?"

"Then you probably heard it wrong."

These three are naturally Jin Huiyuan, Xiaoguai and Sophie Adjani.

As for why they are here, everything has to start with the phone call from Ximen Qing just now.

Knowing that her best friend was being targeted by the "prophet", Jin Huiyuan was naturally very worried. Even though there are eight fierce-level Ximen Qing and Qin Yuyao there, some people are like this, and they feel uncomfortable if they don't look at them in person.

Then Xiaoguai found out that there was something wrong with her, and after inquiring about the "killer's soul", she immediately urged Jin Huiyuan to take herself to Baiyan Island.

"But boss, it will take a lot of time for my ability to leap half of the flower country, and I may get tired when I get there." Jin Huiyuan said in distress.

"Unfortunately, I still don't know how to transfer water from the South to the North." Xiaoguai was also helpless.

The South-to-North Water Diversion is the name of her own invented skill, which actually refers to the ability of Jiang Jianhong, the ancestor of the Jiang family, to teleport to any place with sufficient water.

"Have you encountered difficulties?" At this moment, Adjani suddenly appeared.

The two children were taken aback by her, but because they were familiar with each other, they told her the matter again.

"I can help you," Adjani said, "I can bless you and let your abilities get a short-term increase."

"But there will be side effects?" Jin Huiyuan naturally knows the characteristics of Ajani's balance of good and bad.

"It's just a sudden it shouldn't be too serious," Adjani said, "but you can't let Ximen Qing know about this, or I will be scolded by her again."

"Okay!" Jin Huiyuan agreed to Ajani with her heart.

So, she held Xiaoguai with her left hand and Ajani with her right hand, and she teleported once under the blessing of Ajani.

With the assistance of the eighth evil-level, Jin Huiyuan felt that she was completely capable of teleporting to any corner of the earth, and even leaving the earth to the moon, it only needed one teleport.

The power of the eight evils... terrifying!

Jin Huiyuan accurately locked Baiyan Island, and the three successfully landed on the island.

However, in order to avoid the sight of Ximen Qing, they decided to go to the kitchen first and hide.

Well, this is definitely not because the three of them are greedy and want to eat.

"Let's come quietly, and then leave quietly, don't let Simon love find out, the thing is equivalent to non-existent." Ajani smiled like a child doing bad things.

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