The Fall of the Vampire

Chapter 354: Zombie suddenly missing

"Why do I want a fruit knife?" Xiao Zhenheng really felt that the robber was about to cry. "Please, I'm out for the first time to robbery. You can respect it and give some face! Please be afraid, even if it is. Lie to me."

"I actually respect you very much." The cashier said honestly.

"You lie, I don't believe it!"

As soon as the robber finished saying this sentence, a few police officers rushed in at the supermarket, and knocked him to the ground.

At this time, the cashier said to the robber: "Look, I have called the police to arrest you, do you respect it?"

Some stores have an alarm button installed, and the police will receive a message when you click it. To say that the robber was also unprofessional, he didn't know how to close the door, and was easily found by the police.

Xiao Zhenheng stood aside, and from his angle, a tear could be clearly seen from the corner of the robber's eye. I don't know if I regretted being caught, or was stimulated by the cashier.

The police caught the robber and left, and when they left, they told the cashier to wait for a while to make a transcript.

Xiao Zhenheng casually took some potato chips instant noodles to check out, while staring at the cashier curiously.

"Guest, is there anything strange on my face? Why do you keep looking at me like this?"

"You just... weren't you scared?"

"Of course I'm afraid. I was so afraid that I should call the police. It's a total of 17.8 yuan. Scan the QR code here."

"But his sword is pointing at you, what if this is cut down?" Xiao Zhenheng asked while scanning the code.

"Um...I never thought about this."

Seeing the cashier's natural smile, Xiao Zhenheng didn't know what to say. What a strange person, he felt like the handsome Bimao ​​I met in an Internet cafe, a bit out of common sense, but not like a fool.


The Demon Cult wants to choose the saint, and it is the largest and most formal selection in history, and the leader personally sits in the final selection, so everyone is very enthusiastic.

As the sugar candies, uh no, the master of the hall, the dog will naturally not let go of this opportunity to please the leader.

It used Xu Donglai’s wife and Xu Dong to propose a talent show, and the name of the show was Produce119 given by the leader. Because the lady who has been holding it feels that this model is too cumbersome, and then the whole audience will vote for it.

Xu Donglai loves his wife and is not short of money, so he naturally agreed and started preparing for the show.

"This time the saint must be our driving heart." As a veteran in the entertainment industry, the dog is determined to win. "How can amateurs compare with professionals? When our church wins, the leader will definitely praise me, haha. "

After finishing this, a zombie under Gouzi's hand came to him and said, "Hall Master, it's not good, it's not good. The Cui Mingyue who is going to participate in the selection of saints in our church is missing."

"Missing? When? How did you disappear? Where did you disappear?"

"The situation is still under investigation. It seems that it was yesterday. At that time, she was on the phone with her agent, and suddenly there was no voice in the middle of the call. When the agent went to see, only one mobile phone fell on the ground, and she was completely gone. Gone."

Because of the relationship between Gouzi and the Xu family, most of the members of Jiaxintang are in the entertainment industry, and many of them are celebrities. There are first-line ones and eighteenth-line ones.

The missing Cui Mingyue is a little girl who is just about to make her debut. She just graduated from high school last year.

Because of her good looks and outstanding talents, Gouzi regarded her as the number one seed this time.

As a result, she is missing now, so what's going on?

Gouzi has seen the information of candidates from other halls. There are quite a few potential candidates, especially Toffee Hall’s candidates this time. They are so beautiful and have a great body. Without Cui Mingyue, it feels like it is. It may lose.

"Send someone to investigate carefully. I will check it out personally when the time comes, and then...are there any other potential newcomers in our company?"

A talent show, it can't put a few old oils into it. In terms of newcomers alone, Cui Mingyue is indeed a superb existence, especially the pair of long legs, it is simply a big killer.

"Nothing," said the little zombie who is also a manager, "a newcomer at the level of Cui Mingyue, it's luck to find one."

"Oh...then there is no way, meow?" The dog sighed. It was originally intended to perform well in front of the leader, but this time it lost the most powerful cadre, and the winning side was much smaller.

The little zombie suddenly said: "By the way, I remember Cui Mingyue said that she was twins and they were the same! I have seen photos of her when she was a child, and her sister looks exactly the same as her! I just don't know how she will grow up. There will be no change."

"Then you go find someone, there is still a month left, you should be able to get it on the table in a surprise attack, after all, the appearance is there."

"I'll call and ask."

As a result, the little zombie made several phone calls in a row, and his face changed several times.

Finally, when he hung up the phone, Gouzi couldn't see what he meant.

"How?" The lady said this time.

"Tang, Hall Master, the situation seems to be different from what we thought."

"Say quickly, don't sell it."

"That... Cui Mingyue's twins, it seems that they are not younger sisters, but younger brothers."

"Huh? Didn't you say you saw the photos?"

"At that time they were still young, about ten years old, and they were all wearing white dresses with long hair. How did I think that one of these cute children was actually a man?"

"Ah...It's the parents who have such a bad taste. They like to dress their sons," the lady said with emotion, "I'm not afraid to bend my son."

The little zombie handed the phone to the dog: "Then, this is his current photo."

Gouzi looked at it and saw that on the screen was a guy wearing a high school girl's school uniform. His appearance was exactly the same as Cui Mingyue's. He had waist-length hair and was as pure as a white lotus.

"You told me that this guy is a man?" Gouzi looked at the little zombie questioningly, "Are you sure you didn't show me the picture of Cui Mingyue by mistake?"

The little zombie said with a serious face: "It was him, I didn't believe it at first, but this seems to be Cui Mingyue's younger brother."

"Then...there may be something going on, and the skill to change the voice is not difficult. His Adam's apple is not obvious, so let him take the place of his sister in the competition. Anyway, there is also a man on the other side of the hall to participate in the competition. It doesn't matter." Gouzi's cat eyes twinkled strangely.

"But there is a problem." The little zombie whispered with a bitter face.

"What's the matter?"

"I just called and asked, and his roommate told me that he seemed to have been caught for the round corners of women's clothing."



Peng Li had poor grades since he was a child. He liked to hang out with his classmates. He was punished for various fights. After the compulsory education, he stopped reading.

After graduation, he has been in the society and talked about brotherly loyalty. I have always longed to be the kind of gangster who hacked people with my brother in the movie.

It's a pity that in today's flower country, his dream is basically a bubble.

Over time, the group of brothers around was almost astigmatized. Some went to deliver express delivery, some to drive motorcycles, and some became security guards.

He is alone in the streets and alleys, occasionally fighting. To say it was a fight, in fact, is to move your fists, not to mention the knives, not even the brick wine bottle or anything.

To this day, a brother who had been with him came to him, begging him to borrow some money because he had borrowed the money from the Internet loan.

Peng Li, who talked about loyalty, gave his brother the only 96 yuan 5 in his pocket at the time: "It was 100, but I just bought Coke for 3 5 yuan."

This is of course not enough, but Peng Li can't help it. His parents give him 500 living expenses every week, and he spends his own money on his own. This 96 5 is already the limit he can come up with.

The brother was taken away by a group of people, and Peng Li couldn't do so many people alone, so he could only assure them that he would raise money.

Worried that the brothers would be amputated, in a hurry, he took the watermelon knife at home and went to rob.

As a result, due to inexperience, he was arrested for the first robbery.

It was not that he had never thought of being arrested, but the whole process was too aggrieved, especially the cashier, who did not give him respect at all, and he felt particularly aggrieved.

Thinking of this, Peng Li, who was squatting in the cell, couldn't help but yell.


"What's your name?" Suddenly, a complaint came from his upper bunk, "I was arrested and called? Incompetent furious?"

"Uh, I'm sorry," Peng Li quickly closed his voice, but after he came back to his senses, "No, we are both locked up. Why do you teach me?"

The person lying on his upper bunk suddenly sat up, because Peng Li couldn't see his face clearly because of the lighting problem.

I only heard the human said: "Hey, I'm sorry buddy, I just woke up a little bit angry, how did you get in?"

"Why did I tell you?"

"Talk about it, it's rare to be locked up together, we can be regarded as the old iron through the window together, don't worry, I will definitely not laugh at you."

Peng Li just couldn't hear the word "old iron". After hesitating for a while, he spit out two words: "Robbery."

"Robbery... It's starting in three years. Congratulations on how you can eat and drink in the next few years." The person in the upper bunk chuckled lightly.

Peng Li said angrily: "You said you didn't laugh!"

"Ah, sorry, old Tie," the man quickly apologized, "I still have a lot of patience, and I don't usually laugh...unless I can't help it, hehe."

"Damn—forget it," Peng Li asked rhetorically, "What about you?"

"I, fraud, detained for 15 days." The person in the upper berth said lightly.

"It turns out to be a liar." Peng Li said with disdain. He despised liars the most, because he himself was often deceived.

"That's because they misunderstood me," the upper bunk said, "I am actually a psychotherapist who specializes in helping people relieve their psychological pressure, but after the client gave the money, they regretted it, and in turn accused me of scams. The method was explained, and then he was arrested."

"Psychological therapist?" Peng Li felt that this seemed to be a very tall profession.

At this moment, a policeman came over and said, "Which one has the rounded corners of the women's clothing? Someone wants to see you."

"Come on!" Peng Li heard the old iron on the upper bunk respond, and then jumped out.

"You... aren't you a psychotherapist?"

"Yes, women's clothing is just work needs." Old Tie turned his head and smiled at him.

Only then did Peng Li see the appearance of this old iron, he was on the spot dumbfounded, his heart began to beat faster, and he felt that his entire chest was about to explode.

But it doesn't matter, his brain is more impacted than the heart.

"Why... how can it be so beautiful..." He clutched his chest, just wanting to shout "Ah, I'm dead".


Cui Mingri was released on bail, and he didn't know the two people who came to bail him.

One of them said that he was the agent of his sister's company, and the other was the proprietress of the company holding the cat.

After changing his clothes, he got into the car with the two of them.

The lady holding the Persian cat has been looking at him since he got in the car.

By the way, because Cui Mingri was caught with round corners of women's clothing, he is now also in a female high school uniform. His hair is already long, so he looks like a pure female high school student.

"Where did your uniform come from?" the lady asked him.

"My sister's." Cui Mingri told the truth.

"Are you... now in college? The family's economy is not bad, why did you think of doing this?" the lady asked again.

Cui Mingri said: "It's just a personal hobby. I feel very happy to watch those uncles who are deceived by me and think that I am really a stupid woman."

"The personality is really bad," the lady nodded, "and your sister are completely two extremes."

"So my sister asked you to help bail me?" Cui Mingri asked.

The agent shook his head: "No, there is actually something to tell you..."

He mentioned the disappearance of Cui Mingyue.

"Missing?" Cui Mingri asked in surprise, "How could this be?"

"We are still investigating the specific reasons. I believe there will be results. Don't worry."

"How can I not worry? Listening to your tone is to deal with it privately? What? Will my sister's matter affect the image of your company?" Cui Mingri took out his mobile phone and prepared to call the police.

As a result, the agent held his so powerful that Cui Mingri couldn't resist: "Don't be so hurry, kids, we won't hurt your sister, but there are some things you don't understand yet."

"What's the meaning?"

"That's what it means." The agent's eyes suddenly turned blood red, and a pair of fangs came out of his mouth.

"Oh!" Cui Mingri was taken aback, but he didn't show much panic. He only trembled and calmed down. "What are you? A vampire?"

"Don't compare us with that kind of spicy chicken, we are zombies." The agent dismissed.


"Yes, it's not just us, your sister is also a zombie."

"My sister is a zombie?! What are you kidding?"

"Young man, the mental quality is good," the lady said suddenly, "we will explain to you in detail, and then you can make your own judgment after listening."

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