The Fall of the Vampire

Chapter 358: Miss policewoman

Seeing someone arguing, the crowd automatically gave way to the two of them.

Hong Mao pulled his bald head and walked out.

"Donor, the little monk advises you to be kind, it was really just a misunderstanding just now." Chen Guang wasn't very scared, but there were too many people around him, he just couldn't use his hands and feet.

He was also waiting. When Hong Mao dragged himself away from the crowd, he would naturally use his ten-year training to knock people down.

There is no need to use ability to deal with ordinary people.

"Misunderstanding a ball! You eat my girlfriend's tofu, if I let you go, I am still a man?" Hong Mao looked fierce, and almost took out a knife to Chenguang.

"Oh, why bother?" Chen Guang thought in his heart, this person can be regarded as caring for his girlfriend, so he can teach a little lesson later when he starts to do it.

Just thinking of this, the hand that had been pulling on his collar loosened.

Chen Guang looked around, and it was really empty, so... are you ready to do it?

Just when Chen Guang was about to see how Hong Mao would beat him, he only heard Hong Mao say to the side: "Police! I want to call the police! This guy is an idiot!"

"Huh?" Chen Guang stretched his neck forward slightly, a little bit unaware of what this guy said.

Looking aside again, a man in a police uniform was standing next to them.

"Moron?" The policeman looked at the three of them, and then said to them, "If you want to report the crime, please follow me to the police station, which is nearby."

"Huh?" Chen Guang hasn't figured out the situation yet, isn't she going to fight?

He looked at the red hair again. With this sleek look, this red hair with a killer style, you actually chose to call the police?

Nima's, why?

"I'm not an idiot, police uncle, this is all a misunderstanding." Although Chen Guang can easily slap the police, since he wants to live in society, he must abide by order, otherwise the Mysterious Alliance will be punished by masters.

"If you misunderstand, you can speak slowly when you go to the police station," the policeman said unsmilingly, "when the time comes, we will naturally make a judgment."

"Uh... okay." Chen Guang agreed without fear of the shadow.

Several people went to the police station together, and then... Chen Guang was detained.

He molested a woman in public and was detained for 5 days.

In the iron window, Chen Guang looked dazed: "Why, how could this be?"

Outside the police station, Hong Mao hung up and sneered: "Let you move my woman."

His girlfriend persuaded: "Brother Qianjun, he just hit me, maybe it wasn't intentional."

"Huh! I didn't miss the mistake, and I didn't take it seriously. Detaining him for 5 days would be cheaper. Otherwise, he would be given the entire crime of indecency and let him go to jail for a few years before talking." Lian Qianjun said angrily.

He is not a good citizen, otherwise he would not be ranked third on the list of natural and man-made disasters. The girlfriend is his reverse scale, he must be mad when he dares to move shallowly. He has to peel off his skin without deliberately. It is estimated that he will not even be able to save his life deliberately.

This time he used the Lianjia relationship, so Chen Guang was convicted of a minor crime, and the detention period was the shortest.

After he finished speaking, he said to his girlfriend shallowly: "Don't care about him, I'm sorry, blame me for not protecting you."

Qian Lingyu shook his head: "How can I blame you, I am going out to play, but I really didn't expect that there are so many people these days. I originally wanted to introduce you to my hometown, otherwise we should go home. Wait a few days before there are fewer people."

Qian Lingyu's hometown is in Chang'an. This time, she took her boyfriend home to see his grandparents. By the way, he also took him to visit the place where he grew up, but he forgot about the holidays. After this incident, the two of them had completely lost the interest in continuing to go shopping, and decided to go home altogether.

As soon as he heard going home, even Qianjun's expression brightened. Go home, will you live in a room? If something happens at that time, it will be taken for granted, right?

"what are you thinking about?"

"Ah? No...nothing," Lian Qianjun subconsciously wiped his saliva, "Then what, I haven't seen your grandparents yet, do you want to bring any gifts?"

"No need, my grandparents are very nice, but the temper is a little weird, so don't be scared when the time comes." Qian Lingyu smiled and comforted.

Lian Qianjun was still worried: "Then...Will the old man hate me like this, do I want to dye my hair?"

At that time in junior high school, the head teacher was not allowed to dye his hair, so he directly pressed the head teacher on the stool and shaved the head teacher with a knife. And now for the sake of his girlfriend, he actually wants to take the initiative to dye his hair back.

It can only be said that one thing drops one thing.

Qian Lingyu thought for a while: "My grandparents won't hate you, but I have a cousin who just graduated from the police academy this year. I think she will be a little prejudiced against you."

After hearing this, Qianjun quickly said, "Then I'll dye my hair."

"Oh, no need," Qian Lingyu grabbed him, "My cousin, I will explain to you, and she has to go to work during the day, you may not be able to touch it."

During the May Day Golden Week, other people are on holiday, but people in tourist attractions and people who maintain public order are the busiest time.

Even Qianjun felt relieved after hearing this, and planned to follow his girlfriend's opinions.

The two left the door of the police station, and poor Chenguang could only stay inside the police station.

"What should I do? Do you want to escape from prison?" He was entangled. Naturally, he couldn't be locked in this place, and his identity was fake. When the time comes, go out and buy one from the Mystery Alliance.

But this is illegal after all. It cannot be said that there is no risk at all. Compared with the five-day detention, this risk is a bit unworthy.

But he was so angry, he had already apologized, and said that it was not intentional, why would he still be detained? It must be that red hair.

Chenguang deliberately went out to find that guy to settle accounts, and was struggling with the pros and cons of fleeing at this time.

After much deliberation, the police arrived before he made up his mind.

He just wanted to shout "Uncle Police", but when he looked up, he was a policewoman, and she was still a very beautiful policewoman. Especially the domineering figure that can't be restrained by the police uniform, it makes people doubt whether she is a real policeman or not.

[Her buttons are so tight that they won’t break, will they? Chen Guang thought.

In the past, he could only contact the outside world through the Internet in the mountains, and he liked to watch the Internet and comics.

In those stories of urban dragon Aotian, beautiful policewoman flowers are always standard in the harem. This couldn't help but make him think... Am I the legendary Long Aotian? Is this going to make me a blessing in disguise?

Thinking about it carefully, the red hair just now fits the image of a brainless villain in Long Aotian.

"Sneezes!" Lian Qianjun sneezed while driving.

"What's the matter?" Qian Lingyu asked concerned, "Have you caught a cold?"

"No," Lian Qianjun shook his head, how could Long catch a cold, "I feel like someone is speaking ill of me behind my back."

"Ha ha ha." Qian Lingyu smiled upon hearing the words, this boyfriend is so cute.


In the police station, the policewoman looked at the dust in the iron fence: "Yes, Cheng Guang, molesting a woman, detained for 5 days, I'm here to take you to the detention center."

"Sister Policeman, I was wronged," Chenguang tried to explain, "I really ran into someone accidentally. It was the red hair who must say that I was indecent."

"Red hair?" The policewoman frowned, "I am not in your control if you are wronged. I am here to take you out now."

Said she opened the door, Chen Guang walked out honestly, and when he approached the policewoman he smelled a fragrant smell: "Sister, do you plan to have a daughter in the future? If so, wait until she gets married at 14 years old." Can you give it to me?"

The policewoman's face darkened, the ball was wronged, this guy is 100% an idiot: "Don't be long-winded, go quickly."

"Oh, okay." Chenguang suddenly didn't want to leave. How could she come into contact with such a beautiful police sister with such a big breast if she was outside?

You have to hurry up to get to know her and build a good relationship. Strive to achieve another goal besides hair growth.

The policewoman looked at him suspiciously. Why did this bald head suddenly become honest? Are you thinking about something?

However, he was only detained for 5 days, shouldn't he escape?

[Forget it, why do you think so much? Anyway, I quit in a few days. 】

She graduated from the police academy this year, and originally planned to be a justice envoy for violence and peace. As a result, on the second day of work, she was hinted at by her boss about the unspoken rules, and she naturally refused.

Unexpectedly, after being rejected, the other party actually planned to use strong, so angry that she kicked the other party's wishful stick.

When something like this happened, she was naturally demoted to a small police station.

In fact, if she talked to her family, she would not fall into this situation. But that was against the justice in her heart, so she didn't plan to do that, and she didn't even say that she was demoted.

She had already planned to resign. This kind of place was not what she wanted, so she had better go home and inherit the thousands of mu of land, and be a peasant woman in peace.

Chenguang sat in the police car and was not worried. Instead, she asked various questions optimistically: "Sister Policeman, how old are you this year? Do you have a boyfriend? How old are you going to get married? When will you give birth to your first child? If you have a son, do you want a second child? Do you have any requirements for your future son-in-law..."

A series of questions did not stop at all which convinced the policewoman that this product is not only a moron, but also a neuropathy.

Is it okay for such a person to be detained for only 5 days?


Boom! Soon,

The entire police car shook suddenly, as if it had hit something.

The policewoman hit the airbag, and the dust in the back seat was as steady as a mountain.

What Buddhists are best at is sitting meditation, and this little movement will not make him move.

But this also caught his attention, and the pupils turned into a diamond-like shape and looked out.

He intended to see if someone was doing a ghost outside, because it was really not like a normal car accident, but when he glanced at the policewoman, his face changed.

"Huh?" There is a touch of magic!

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