The Fall of the Vampire

Chapter 360: Cui Mingyue

"Hello, little brother," the young lady who had just burned her head and a half took the initiative to say hello, "Are you still studying? What grade? Is this bald head from a martial arts school?"

"Hello, elder sister." Chen Guang saw that this young lady was also pretty, she was a little excited at first, but when she saw the flat breasts, she felt dull. It would be bad if the flat **** were passed on to the daughter.

It's better to be Jinmengzhu, the person is beautiful and the figure is good.

Before he had time to say more, Miss Half Wave was dragged back by Jin Mengzhu: "Don't talk nonsense to me! I'm not familiar with him! If you don't go for the interview, it will be too late!"

"Ah! That's right!" Miss Half Wave was suddenly shocked, pulled up Jin Mengzhu and ran, "Quickly, quickly, it's too late if it's too late."

"Oh! Wait for me!" Chenguang quickly followed.

He ran with ease, and asked them leisurely, "Where are you going for an interview?"

"It's not us, it's her, I went with her." Jin Mengzhu emphasized.

She has decided to go back to the countryside to farm, where she will go for an interview.

"Is the interview place far away?" Chen Guang asked again.

"It's not very far, just a few kilometers."

"So why don't you take a taxi?"

As soon as Chenguang's voice fell, the two beautiful young ladies stopped.

The two looked at each other, and Miss Half Wave said: "Yes, why don't we take a taxi?"

"Because you are stupid!" Jin Mengzhu said silently, "I have been infected by you!"

So the three called for a taxi and rushed to the interview venue.

On the way, through introducing Chen Guang to each other, she also learned that the young lady's name was Ye Rui'er.

Both she and Jin Mengzhu have just turned 20 this year. They have known each other since they were young and they are good friends who talk about everything.

"What kind of job is that interview?" Chen Guang asked curiously.

"Do you want to know?" Ye Ruier immediately came to her mind, she turned on the phone to show Chenguang, "Here, that's it."

Chenguang has good eyesight, and she can see clearly before she takes her phone over: "Produce119? Draft?"

"Don't you know what a draft is?"

"I know, of course I know, I also often go online," Chen Guang nodded, "So you are going to be a star."

"It doesn't matter if I am a star or not. I just want to enter the finals and meet the judges." Ye Ruier's eyes seemed to turn into a pair of love. She really wanted to meet the legendary leader. Usually she can't stand it just by looking at the photos on Weibo. If she sees a real person, she doesn't know if her heart will burst due to her rapid heartbeat.

Chenguang inadvertently glanced out of the window, and suddenly found a large billboard on the side of the street with the PD119 advertisement on it.

[Is this show so popular? 】Now thinking about it carefully, he seems to have seen similar advertisements at the airport, but he didn't pay attention at the time.

Accompanying the two women to a building, Ye Ruier said excitedly: "The interview location is on the 6th floor. Let's go up."

Chen Guang opened his diamond eyes and glanced at it with feeling. Sure enough, this building can be said to be filled with demons. Looking at the two people around him, whether it was Ye Ruier or Jin Mengzhu, they all exuded a faint devilish energy.

He felt like Tang Seng who followed the spider spirit to Pansi Cave.

However, just go in and take a look, the main thing is that you don't want to miss Jin Mengzhu.

When the three arrived on the 6th floor, the interview was more casual than expected. They were taken into the office, and then they saw a woman who exuded a strong demonic spirit.

This woman is very strong, Chen Guang is a little unsure whether she is her opponent, but she should have nothing to do with him.

"Oh? Bald head," the woman in the workplace women's suit didn't look at the two girls at first glance, but Chen Guang, "boy, are you from Ruyi Mountain?"

"How do you know?" Chen Guang asked back.

"Guess," the woman leaned back on the boss chair and looked at him, "You are so courageous, you just came in like this, don't you know that this is the Amber Hall of Tsing Yi Sect?"

"Tsing Yi teaches!?" Chen Guang's face changed suddenly. As a person of Ruyi Mountain, how could they not know the Tsing Yi Sect, this is their old enemy.

No wonder these people are devilish, no wonder Jin Meng's bamboo waist is folded like that and it's okay, it turns out that they are zombies!

Chen Guang's expression became serious: "Are you calculating me from the beginning?"

"Huh?" Jin Mengzhu and Ye Rui'er both looked puzzled.

The woman in the boss chair also smiled: "Don't be self-righteous, why should we calculate you? Obviously you want to come by yourself?"

Chenguang ignored her and looked at Jin Mengzhu: "Did you know that I came from Ruyi Mountain before?"

"What do I know?" Jin Mengzhu said, "I don't even know what Ruyi Mountain is, what are you talking about?"

"Uh...I don't know, it's not a good place anyway," Chen Guang said to the woman on the boss chair again, "You misunderstood, I'm not here to cast down demons and slayer demons."

If he had just left the mountain, he might attack the woman without saying a word. But during this period of time, so much has been experienced, especially the impact brought by Master Ji Lu, which has changed Chen Guang's thoughts tremendously.

The devil guard is not worth mentioning in front of the milk bottle.

"All right," the woman didn't care at all, and turned to the two women. "Are you here to sign up for the show? Well, it's okay, it's just you."

"Huh?" Jin Mengzhu pointed to himself, "I'm not here to come out?"

The woman said, "What's the matter? I think you have good conditions. Why don't you go and participate? There are 119 people selected for this draft. We save more people. There are 5 indicators. Here you are. It just happened to be all together."


"Oh, okay, okay, I'm the hall master, I have the final say, you go home and prepare, and then take a plane to Xiakong City the day after tomorrow to prepare to record the show."

"I..." Jin Mengzhu sighed, and she couldn't help it. The hall master is very familiar with her family, and if she talks to her parents, the two elders will definitely support it.

Just go, if you can meet the leader, it's a profit.

"Great," Ye Ruier hugged Jin Mengzhu happily, "I'm still worried about what to do if there are strangers there. I will feel more at ease if you come."

"You are going to Xiakong City? Then I will go too!" Chen Guang stood up and said at this time.

"Why do you go with a man?" Jin Mengzhu asked, "This show is a women's draft."

"I'm going to cheer for you," Chenguang said, "I see those celebrities on the Internet talking on stage and yelling under the stage, I can also give you a howl at that time."

"Hey--forget it." Jin Mengzhu shook his head in disgust. It would be ashamed to be screaming there alone.


Summer Sky City.

Ximen Qing had nothing to do, so he followed the dog to investigate the disappearance of Cui Mingyue.

She came to Cui Mingyue's home to investigate, and soon made important discoveries.

"Wow, 36F," Ximen Qing exclaimed as she looked at the label on her underwear, "Is the little girl just in the freshman year? Tsk tut."

"Master, does this make any sense?" asked the lady holding the dog.

"Of course it makes sense," Ximen Qing said solemnly, "you think, if her brother wants to pretend to be her, how much stuff do you have to put in your chest?"

"This is very simple," said the lady, "manipulate the body, inflate the chest, and then shrink the sun into the abdomen. These are the basic operations of zombies."

"That's right," Ximenqing gently squeezed his underwear, "but 36F is still very powerful."

Such a good child was actually "abducted", and she felt that it was necessary to pull out the man behind the scenes.

But there were no clues left in the house, Ximen Qing searched carefully and could not find any traces of special space hidden.

"How can such a big pair of **** disappear silently? It won't be..."

Ximen Qing suddenly thought of something that happened not long ago. Could it be the same this time?



A certain space station.

Cui Mingyue was standing next to a bed with a fat man lying on the bed.

He was now pale, with a wet towel on his forehead.

"This person... he won't die, right?" Cui Mingyue worried.

That day, she was on the phone with her agent at home, and when she was halfway through the conversation, she appeared in an empty room with a blink of an eye.

Standing in front of her was a fat man whose expression looked very nervous.

"Excuse me, where is this place?"

Facing Cui Mingyue's culture, instead of answering, the man withdrew back in fear.

Cui Mingyue feels puzzled: "I just ask, there is no other meaning."

"Don't, don't come..." The man seemed to be a little flustered, accidentally stumbled on his foot and fell on his butt.

"Are you okay?" Cui Mingyue stepped forward to help him out of kindness.

Who wants the panic on the man's face to instantly turn into panic: "Don't!"

But it was too Just as Cui Mingyue's hand touched him, his nose sprayed blood like a fountain.

Then he fell into a coma.

Cui Mingyue was also taken aback, but she still found a bed to put the man in place, and then began to take care of him.

During the period, she also went around and found nothing except some living facilities. In many places, she could not pass, and there was no way to leave.

"Everyone must be in a hurry, alas."

Cui Mingyue sighed. At this moment, the man who had been lying on the bed suddenly opened his eyes.

"Ah! You finally woke up!" Although trapped, she was still very happy to see the man okay.

However, it seemed a little different from what she thought. After waking up, the man seemed to be paralyzed. There was no expression and his mouth was not open, but he heard a voice: "The master has been in a deep coma for more than 48 hours, switch to artificial intelligence mode, hello, artificial intelligence Azhi for you service."

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