Danlisailles Palace was surrounded by the Anti-Explosives Squad. All the guests inside were also protected one by one. Nobody could easily leave, but Ru Cheng, who had been under Xiao Xun’s careful monitoring, took advantage of the chaos and crawled into the bottom of the car after all members of the Anti-Explosives Squad entered Danlisailles Palace.

Xiao Xun raised the sniper rifle, closed one eye, and looked through the scope. After quickly calculating the distance over wind speed and car speed, he adjusted the crosshair to a position where he could kill with one shot, and lightly asked, “Want to keep him alive?” 

Bai Chunian was crouching on the beam of the lower part of the signal tower and observing. “I think he’s planning to escape from this direction. He doesn’t look like he’s preparing to meet up with someone.”

Xiao Xun did not lower his guard, he kept a close watch on the target until given the order to shoot. However, another shadow appeared in front of the scope.

“It’s him, the one who I just said is a suspected dangerous target.” Xiao Xun got into a shooting position, and was absolutely still when he spoke.

Bai Chunian looked in the direction that Xiao Xun’s muzzle was aimed at; an omega wearing a Red-Throated Bird’s bulletproof vest and a bird head mask gracefully ran up the side of a wall.

It seemed that this way of moving against the direction of gravity was similar to that of Rimbaud, but Rimbaud relied on electromagnetic force released by electric discharge to adhere his body. Both hands were needed to assist him in moving forward, and his tail must maintain balance. This omega, on the other hand, obviously didn’t need to balance. As if walking on flat ground, he ran on the vertical wall at will.

“There’s no overflowing pheromone, it seems like it isn’t a differentiation ability.” Bai Chunian propped up his chin and observed. “Then it should be an associated ability. It might be the lizard-type or the arthropod-type associated ability, ‘Walk on Wall’.”

“Lizard and arthropod type…” Bai Chunian thought back on it. He previously found a list of names from one of the bodies of the Red-Throated Bird mercenaries, and it seemed like it didn’t mention any member having a lizard-type gland. So it was most likely an arthropod-type gland.

Bai Chunian had just briefly recalled for a few seconds, but the situation had undergone an earth-shattering change. Silk-like white threads fluttered within the wind. Those white silk threads that were as light as cotton drifted down and onto Ru Cheng’s nanny van and kept accumulating. The seemingly soft white silk gradually wrapped around the nanny van. The van tried to accelerate, but the speed kept getting slower and slower until it was ultimately forced to stop, and a snow-white silk cocoon slowly began to take form. 

Ru Cheng screamed as he opened the door, got off, and ran for his life in a panic. However, when he jumped off the van, his face was suddenly wrapped in a layer of white silk. He shouted and struggled in pain, but like a moth that plunged into a spider’s web, he slowly became still. He was wrapped by the snow-white silk web into a human-shaped mummy, completely stiff and unable to move.

The omega that was walking on the wall coldly watched Ru Cheng whom he killed easily, still holding the old and scratched-up rifle in his hands.

Attached to the butt of the rifle was a mass wrapped up in a snow-white silk mesh. It was unknown what was wrapped inside, and it would occasionally wriggle slightly.

On a closer look, the human-shaped mummy on his back was also wrapped in a silk cocoon, but it was evident that this white silk cocoon was wrapped very meticulously. All ten fingers were slender and distinct, the stature was tall and fit, and it could be seen from the outline of the face that the appearance was far from average. 

“The pheromone is overflowing now. It’s the scent of jimsonweed. He has used his J1 ability just now.” Xiao Xun vigilantly pointed the crosshairs toward the omega and mumbled to himself, “His grade must not be low, is he an elite member?”

Han Xingqian thought about it, then said, “A special operations weapon experimental subject. Take a photo and send it to the Technology Department to look up his info.”

Bai Chunian snapped a photo of the omega and sent it over to the Technology Department, and at the same time, sent one over to Crawler. He knew more details when it came to experimental subjects.

When he sent the photo over to Crawler, he also sent a message, “Didn’t we agree for you guys not to come out and cause us trouble?” 

The Alliance Technology Department replied first, “Preliminary data search believes that the target is the special operations weapon numbered 211, ‘Golden Silk Spider’. His gland is modeled after the Darwin's bark spider.”

According to the Institute’s experimental subject coding rules, it could be surmised that 2 represented arthropod-type gland, 1 represented 10% mimesis, with it usually reflecting in the eyes. 20% mimesis would usually be reflected as a tail. 40% mimesis would manifest as a tail, ears, or wings. And 50% mimesis would be reflected in the tail.

The last digit indicated the type of main ability, with 1 representing restriction-type ability.

Crawler also replied to Bai Chunian soon after, “Golden Silk Spider is not one of our members. He’s still in the cultivation stage so he can’t communicate. Moreover, he kills those of the same kind indiscriminately, and his reputation is really bad on our side. He is an extremely dangerous guy, even you shouldn’t underestimate him.” 

When Xiao Xun heard this, he couldn’t help but get goosebumps.

He quivered as he looked toward Rimbaud who was curled around the beam of the signal tower and eating cake. If food intake was a value unique only to experimental subjects, then perhaps Rimbaud was also…

Just as Xiao Xun was hesitating about retreating to Han Xingqian’s side, Bai Chunian’s gaze was once again casted on him seemingly unintentionally.

To be stared at by those eyes that seemed to see through everything, Xiao Xun involuntarily clamped his tail with his legs pressed tightly together. 

Bai Chunian slightly lifted the corner of his mouth without saying anything. He noticed that Golden Silk Spider was only wandering about in the distance and did not make any further moves, so he had the Technology Department connect him to the President.

Yan Yi, “Speak.”

Bai Chunian, “There’s a dangerous experimental subject lingering in the vicinity of Danlisailles Palace, should we temporarily change our mission objective?”

Yan Yi, “I’ve received the information sent by the Technology Department, and already made a request for support to the PBB military base. The anti-terrorist peacekeeping force is on their way to assist. Your objective will remain the same.” 

Bai Chunian asked the President to stay safe, then he set off to the location of the second phase of the mission.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf bypfmalnf bo atf rfmbcv qtjrf bo atf wlrrlbc kjr ab lcafgmfqa atf liifuji ubbvr. Ktf Efv-Ktgbjafv Dlgv erfv atf jaajmx bc Gjcilrjliifr Ujijmf jr j ulwwlmx ab jaagjma j ijguf cewyfg bo qbilmf jcv wfvlj jaafcalbc. Pc gfjilas, la kjr ab mbnfg obg j yjamt bo ubbvr atfs kfgf ublcu ab agjcrqbga atgbeut Z Ljgybg abcluta. Pa kjr wbra ilxfis j vfji klat 109 Efrfjgmt Pcralaeaf ab agjcrqbga fzqfglwfcaji reypfma gjk wjafgljir obg atfw.

By the time he arrived, he had already memorized the map of M Harbor by heart. If they wanted to transport their goods, they would undoubtedly choose the mine mouth railway that passed through the Linbin Mountains from the port. Because the tunnel was long, there were many forks in the tracks, and the terrain was desolate, they could perfectly avoid the city’s security checkpoints.

The Anti-Explosives Squad began to do a sweep for the Red-Throated terrorists inside Danlisailles Palace, while Bai Chunian and the others took advantage of the chaos to evacuate. Bai Chunian would look back from time to time. It didn’t seem like Golden Silk Spider had any intention to pursue them, but he also didn’t attack the palace to save his companions. 

Then again, for a cultivation stage experimental subject with a communication impediment to willingly wear the Red-Throated Bird’s outfit was already considered giving them a great deal of respect. Cultivation stage experimental subjects whose consciousness had not yet matured would basically not cooperate with anyone.

Bai Chunian started the car, put on a pair of polaroid sunglasses, stepped on the accelerator and took the rest of the group to the Linbin Railway. He muttered to himself while on the road, “The Red-Throated Bird’s boss is pretty clever to get a cultivation stage experimental subject to join his organization.”

Experimental subjects only cared about themselves during the cultivation stage. When they felt hungry, they devoured all the food around them; when they felt angry, they immediately went berserk. It was like Rimbaud’s initial state—he basically couldn’t communicate, couldn’t understand human words, and couldn’t express himself. As the amount of food intake increased, the closer he was to maturity, and his ability to express himself and understand would improve.

“True.” He didn’t expect Xiao Xun, who had always been silent, to continue the topic. “I once saw their leader when I was younger. He was a tall alpha wearing a beak mask and had a red stripe tattooed around his neck. However, he did not emit any pheromones. I don’t know what his gland is, but it should be a kind of bird.” 

Bai Chunian glanced at him in the rear view mirror. “You met him before?”

Xiao Xun nodded, “The Greyhound family has always kept in contact with the Red-Throated Bird. The Greyhound family looks clean on the surface, but on the inside, they have gone along with the Red-Throated Bird’s dirty deeds for many years now.”

“That’s an interesting piece of info.” Bai Chunian snapped his fingers. “I’ll unilaterally give you a merit.”

“What else do you know?” Bai Chunian looked into Xiao Xun’s eyes through the rear view mirror, his expression holding an unclear meaning. 

Xiao Xun hesitated, unsure whether he should say it or not.

He now had every reason to be sure that having the food intake indicator was a sign of being an experimental subject, but only Rimbaud had this indicator amongst them. It was very likely that Rimbaud purposely mixed in with them as an undercover agent. However, the obvious lovers’ relationship between Rimbaud and Bai Chunian made it hard for Xiao Xun to speak up easily.

Putting aside whether Bai Chunian would believe him or not, if Bai Chunian originally already knew and was deliberately hiding this secret, would he be silenced? Or maybe even Bai Chunian was suspicious. After all, he also had an indicator that nobody else had.

Xiao Xun hesitated over and over again, then decided to find an opportunity later to discuss this matter with Han Xingqian alone. 

Han Xingqian had long since noticed that the puppy had something hidden in his heart. It was a bit amusing to see his indifferent face yet his tail was tucked between his legs.

After leaving the urban area of M Harbor, the surrounding high-rise buildings became more and more sparse and the scenery outside the window gradually turned into rural courtyard houses and a large area of cultivated land. The paved road disappeared and became a bumpy dirt road. Fortunately, the vehicle they were driving was an off-road jeep prepared by Lu Shangjin. Although the road was bumpy, it didn’t affect the speed of the car.

After speeding for less than 40 minutes, the Linbin Mountains emerged in front of them. The old transportation railroad was paved out on the wild grassland, leading to the deep tunnel.

Bai Chunian dropped off Rimbaud, Lu Yan, Bi Lanxing, and Xiao Xun at the exit of the tunnel. He then drove off to the entrance of the tunnel and hid the jeep on the inner side of a small steep cliff covered with weeds. He and Han Xingqian stood in the vicinity of the railroad to keep a close watch. The smoke coming from the old locomotive could already be seen in the distance. The railroad tracks trembled along with its movement, and the pebbles and sand bounced around from the vibration. 

Bai Chunian lightly bumped Han Xingqian with his elbow.

Han Xingqian glanced at him. With an unlit cigarette butt in his mouth, Bai Chunian rubbed the lighter against the ground in boredom, and asked casually, “I reckon the puppy has seen something. His ability is not much different from mind reading.”

“Ah.” Han Xingqian was not surprised, calmly looking at the gradually approaching train. “Are you planning to confess then?”

Bai Chunian shook his head as he looked at the ground. 

“This is what you call having a commander’s occupational disease, you only think about the worst outcome. You also have persecutory delusions,” Han Xingqian disapproved. “Forget it, I’ll tell him not to talk without thinking when we get back.”

The train entered the tunnel as it came closer. Bai Chunian saw an opportunity and jumped out of the overgrown grass. He silently climbed up the edge of the carriage with both hands, then threw his body gracefully on top of it. It was difficult to maintain balance along the narrow shoe-width edge of the train, but it was easy for Bai Chunian.

Han Xingqian lightly stepped on a stone wall. It was unknown what ability he used to suspend himself in the air for an instant and swivel between the freight wagons, but the breeze he fanned alarmed the four members of the Red-Throated Bird who were guarding in between. The four people raised their guns in succession and ran toward where Han Xingqian was to check on the movements outside of the carriage.

Han Xingqian held onto the handrail outside the carriage door. A spiralling pointy snow-white horn grew out from the middle of his forehead, the tip radiating a silver ring-shaped waveform that was invisible to the naked eye. The four people who were affected fell to the ground one after another and fell into a deep slumber. 

Pegasus gland’s associated ability, Deep Slumber: A healing-type ability. It would take effect immediately on any target lower than the user’s own differentiation grade. The higher the target’s differentiation grade was, the slower the effect would be. The target affected by the unicorn’s radiation wave would immediately fall into a deep sleep and provide them with analgesic and soothing effects. The range of influence was within a circular area of three meters in diameter, with the user at the center. The target who was affected and fell asleep could only be woken by the unicorn’s awakening radiation ability, otherwise they would sleep eternally.

Bai Chunian landed beside him, crouched on the ground and stripped the clothes off of two of them, and tossed one set to Han Xingqian. They both quickly changed into the Red-Throated Bird outfit and headwear. They took their IDs and earpieces, then threw them off the train.

They both stood up, each holding a QBZ rifle, and slowly patrolled the carriage.

The carriages could approximately accommodate 100 people inside. The people on the next shift rested in the passenger carriage, while the rest were guarding the cargo they were assigned to. The goods the President said that they needed to intercept were in one of the freight wagons. 

Taking advantage of the dim lighting inside as the train entered the tunnel, Bai Chunian quietly went through each container under Han Xingqian’s protection. There were 15 titanium alloy safes with a height of two meters and width of one meters. Each freight wagon would have two of them, along with six people assigned to guard them.

There was suddenly a sound coming from the earpieces they stole. It seemed to be a new message from the leader of the operation, “We have received intel that the attack on Danlisailles Palace has failed. The IOA Secret Service is now looking for us. Enter the first-level alert state and prepare to kill the IOA agents. The targets’ photos have been sent over.”

Bai Chunian took out the communication device from his waist, and photos of the six of them appeared on the electronic screen. It looked like they were blurry shots taken during the operation at Danlisailles Palace. Beside the barely recognizable stature and hairstyle, their appearances couldn’t be made out clearly.

“What kind of equipment is this? It blurred my face. It was rare for me to dress so nicely.” Bai Chunian grumbled. 

Han Xingqian, “Why are you being fussy over a wanted photo?”

Bai Chunian lightly sneered, “I am wanted by more than 10 terrorist organizations, and this one took the ugliest photo of me. The Royal Wine Organization took the handsomest photo of me, so I later left their complete corpses behind.”

Han Xingqian looked at the time. “There’s three minutes left until we leave the tunnel.”

Bai Chunian examined the magazine of his rifle. “Let’s go to the control room.” 

The two walked all the way to the control room, and the two people guarding the door were put to sleep by Han Xingqian. Bai Chunian held the rifle with one hand and used the other to signal Han Xingqian to break in.

The leader of the Red-Throated Bird responsible for escorting the goods anxiously tried to contact the higher-ups from the control room. There were also more than 10 Red-Throated Bird members in charge of guarding him inside, standing everywhere in the room holding submachine guns.

The leader was in front of the control panel, walking to and fro with his hands behind his back. There was a name tag pinned to his chest with his name ‘Lang Shide’ written on it.

He unceasingly wiped the cold sweat off his palms and warned everyone in a low voice, “It’s that white lion alpha of the IOA Secret Service Search Division again. Some time ago, he killed the experimental subject Kraken out in the Caribbean Sea. We suffered over 10 million in losses because of this. Now he’s leading people to intercept our goods. This time, he must not be allowed to return alive.” 

“This time he even brought five team members to act collaboratively. Beside that merman, the others are unfamiliar faces so we can’t be careless when dealing with them. Once the situation goes out of control, we’ll start the contingency plan. Even if we give up on the goods, we can’t let these IOA agents take advantage.”

He was still lecturing his subordinates when the door of the control room suddenly opened slowly.

The iron door which was obviously locked now had a fist-sized hole beside the handle, which seemed to be forcibly opened from the outside.

A small cylinder rolled inside and made a light clanging sound. 

Lang Shide shouted, “We’re being raided!”

The cylinder suddenly exploded—a bright flashing light and an ear-piercing screeching sound sent the people inside the control room into utter chaos. The terrorist guards could only use their forearm to block the light in front of them, and the submachine guns in their hands were arbitrarily shooting in the direction of the door.

Bai Chunian and Han Xingqian rolled inside from the door amid the sweeping bullets. Bai Chunian held up the QBZ in both hands to dispose of those who were not affected by the flash bang. Han Xingqian took off his mask and let the lustrous snow-white horn be exposed to the air, the radiation wave hypnotized everyone around.

Once Lang Shide saw Han Xingqian’s face, he shouted into the communication device, “The IOA agents are already on the train and in the control room! Make sure to protect the goods! Everyone else, come to the control room as reinforcements and kill the IOA agents!” 

Bai Chunian raised the muzzle of his gun to the back of Lang Shide’s head and fired, but the bullet didn’t hit him, rather it was stopped by an invisible wall of air.

The area where the bullet hit was full of cracks, but soon the cracks were repaired. An invisible wall protected Lang Shide in front of the control panel. Han Xingqian’s sleeping ability also couldn’t affect him.

“A hexagonal diamond alpha with an ore-type gland,” Han Xingqian said. “He has isolated himself in a miniscule crystal lattice of theoretical magnification, so my waves cannot affect him.”

Lang Shide couldn’t be attacked, but he could shoot outwards. Han Xingqian could only temporarily retreat. Those Red-Throated Bird members that received the order had already rushed to the control room. Both of them were completely surrounded. 

Bai Chunian whispered to the communicator, “Xiao Xun.”

A clear and cold voice responded, “I’m already in position and the environmental data detection is finished.”

Han Xingqian guarded the door to buy Bai Chunian some time.

Bai Chunian rolled up his sleeves and banged on the diamond wall Lang Shide was hiding behind. “Will it be harder than me?” 

A strong brandy pheromone flowed out from Bai Chunian’s gland. His fist that was infused with his J1 ability, Bone Armor, punched obliquely near the window. The diamond wall was turned into a spiderweb of cracks with this all-out hit but it did not punch through.

Lang Shide sneered and turned his gun to shoot at Bai Chunian. “This is a superimposed stone wall. How many layers can you break through with one punch?”

Bai Chunian jumped back to avoid the bullets, his expression relaxed, and gave Lang Shide a ‘farewell, brother’ smile.

As soon as Lang Shide finished speaking, a sniper shell penetrated the train’s window at a bevel angle and went through the crack that Bai Chunian made. The sniper bullet was additionally tempered by the brandy pheromone stuck in the crack, broke through the three ore walls at high speed, and penetrated Lang Shide’s head from front to back. 

The sound of an electric current flowed through the communicator. Xiao Xun calmly said, “Target has been eliminated.”

After moving in the deep and long tunnel for a number of minutes, the light at the end of the tunnel could finally be seen. As the train left the tunnel, the lighting inside the carriage gradually became brighter.

Bai Chunian operated the train controls, making the train slow down. He calculated the timing so that the train would completely stop exactly when all the carriages left the tunnel.

When the train slowed down, the more than 100 Red-Throated Bird members inside gathered together to block Bai Chunian and Han Xingqian in the control room. 

Although both of their grade weren’t low, when facing more than 100 terrorists’ gunfire, they couldn’t get an advantage. It was hard for them to escape the control room. When outnumbered, even Bai Chunian needed his team members to cooperate and take action.

The plants under the railroad tracks were growing abnormally wild. There was one spot in the middle of the barren railway where flowers and plants were growing all over. The soil under the tracks loosened, and black vines surged underground.

When the entire train was just about to leave the tunnel, there was suddenly an ear-piercing boom sound coming from the frontmost tracks. The thick black vines soared up from underground. Countless pitch-black rattan snake-like vines crawled on the slowed train, entangling it entirely with poisonous vines as thick as ancient trees, and forcing it to derail on the damaged railroad track. Poison ivy penetrated the windows, and corrosive smoke rose from where the vine touches; forcing the terrorists in the car to jump out to escape it.

The vines outside the valley have already wildly grown into a huge net, and in an instant, the poison ivy that was only slowly wriggling suddenly extended slender and hard thorns. The thorns intersected each other, ferociously penetrated all the living beings that hindered their growth. Upas Tree differentiation ability, Thorns of the Tree of Life—in the envelopment of the thorny vines, even flying insects had a hard time escaping. 

Bi Lanxing sat on a tall pine tree above the valley, his fingers on both hands had poisonous vines growing from them. All the vines in the entire valley grew from his hands.

A flower bud squeezed out of the poisonous vines that pierced the sky, a blood-red double-petalled flower suddenly bloomed. Lu Yan ran and swooped down from the flower’s stamen. Holding a uzi in each hand, he stepped on the vines and rushed forwards with the muzzle aimed in front of him.

A string of afterimage trailed behind him but didn’t disappear. Instead, they also held an uzi in both hands and followed Lu Yan to attack in the same direction.

Lop-eared Rabbit gland’s M2 differentiation ability, Fourth-Dimension Split: A summoning-type ability. Present the user’s own self on the fourth-dimension time axis in the three-dimensional world. Macroscopically, it looked like infinite doppelgängers, but each doppelgänger mirage wasn’t used to confuse people’s eyes and ears—rather they were entities that possessed the same attack power. However, each entity that gets hurt would affect all the ones behind them in the time axis as well as Lu Yan himself. 

According to Lu Yan’s current gland energy, he could persist in using his M2 ability for up to six seconds at most, but these six seconds had already proved to play a decisive role.

Within these six seconds, the Red-Throated Bird members were facing a dozen formidable melee rabbits charging toward them at full power. In an instant, there were innumerable casualties.

Xiao Xun observed the surrounding movements from a hidden commanding height. He discovered that the experimental subject carrying the spider silk mummy was catching up to them not that far away.

Bai Chunian and Han Xingqian had already gotten rid of most of the guards in the freight wagons. At this moment, they received Xiao Xun’s urgent message saying that Golden Silk Spider was getting closer to where they were. 

“He’s just a cultivation stage experimental subject.” Bai Chunian contacted Rimbaud, “Help us stop Golden Silk Spider. I’ll go check what’s in the safe.”

Just as he was about to start, Crawler interrupted him with a message, “Domino has just arrived at M Harbor. Wait for him, he’s going over there too. Don’t rashly fight Golden Silk Spider, he’s not that simple. Wait for Domino.”

Rimbaud thought humans weren’t worth fighting. Golden Silk Spider came at the right time; there were bound to be experimental subjects who were ignorant and liked to challenge authority.

Although he was carrying a heavy spider silk mummy on his back, Golden Silk Spider still moved very fast. When he was about to approach the carriage Bai Chunian was in, a blue light suddenly appeared in front of him, and an electric buzzing noise sounded. Rimbaud loudly landed on the floor and raised the tip of his tail high. The tail that changed between blue and red swayed defiantly in the air. 

Golden Silk Spider stopped. Due to him wearing a mask, his expression couldn’t be clearly seen. They could only see him tilting his head and staring at Rimbaud. He said unskillfully, “Tell him…don’t…open.”

Rimbaud felt that he had met an equal opponent in terms of language.

Golden Silk Spider slowly raised the muzzle, aimed it at Rimbaud, and slowly said, “Don’t…open.”

His voice sounded young, probably a young man in his twenties. His voice was smooth and sounded a bit bashful. 

Rimbaud furrowed his eyebrows and contacted Bai Chunian, “He won’t let us open the safe.”

“Don’t…open…it.” Golden Silk Spider was clearly getting agitated, firing a shot at Rimbaud.

An electric buzzing sounded. Rimbaud dodged quickly, but the bullet still grazed his arm and left a bloody scar. However, such a small injury didn’t matter much to an experimental subject.

Rimbaud casually wiped the scar, but the injury did not heal, blood was still flowing out. 

Rimbaud was stunned. He looked at the gun in Golden Silk Spider’s hand. It was an ordinary AK74, but there was a mass of spider silk wrapped around the butt of the gun. There was obviously something wrapped in the silk cocoon, and the thing was even beating.

“His gun…something is up with it…Rimbaud leaving.” Rimbaud said, then rolled into a fish ball and retreated.

Bai Chuniant pursed his lips and pondered. He held down Han Xingqian’s hand that was opening the safe. “Let’s not open it yet. There seems to be a living thing inside. Tell headquarters to send a helicopter to transport it.”

A wave of signal fluctuation reflected from the valley cliff to Han Xingqian’s horn and his face suddenly went stiff. He grabbed Bai Chunian’s wrist and flung him off the train, then immediately jumped off himself. The moment when they jumped off, a series of explosions set off in the safe behind them. 

The earth-shaking explosion shook the entire valley. The Red-Throated Bird installed a self-destruct device in the safe. They knew that they could not escape this disaster, so they chose to detonate all the goods themselves to destroy the evidence.

Bi Lanxing’s vines quickly grew and firmly wrapped the last safe within them, but the explosion was strong, blowing up most of the vines. The safe that was protected by the vines exploded open, only leaving behind half charred remains.

Golden Silk Spider hugged the gun and stared blankly at the smoke coming from the valley. He turned around and slowly left.

The burnt flesh-smelling smoke lingered in the valley. Bai Chunian stared dazedly at the ground full of young corpses. 

What this train was transporting were all white lion cubs. The inside of the sealed safes were filled with oxygen and nebulizer nutrients. Once opened, these cultivation stage white lion cub clones would die from lack of oxygen.

“Randi, randi…” Rimbaud anxiously crawled on the ground and brought the cubs into his embrace. “Nali klexiu (Why are they like this)?”

Han Xingqian tried to repair the oxygenation equipment of the safe, but the equipment was blown up and couldn’t even be used for a short time.

Some lion cubs that weren’t killed by the blast were awkwardly wiggling on the ground. Bai Chunian staggered over, squatted on the ground, and carefully picked up one of the cubs. The soft claws and mouth of the cub were both pink. It twitched in the palms of his hands. 

The rims of Bai Chunian’s eyes turned red. He instinctively released soothing pheromones for it. The little kitten-like thing smelled the soothing scent, held Bai Chunian’s hand and sucked it, then gradually ceased to breathe.

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