Neither of them was relieved by seeing the familiar faces. Bai Chunian inserted the pistol back into the leather gun belt on the outer side of his thigh, drew a trickle from the collar on his neck, and cast a dead sea dagger in the palm of his hand. Rimbaud also raised his dorsal fin spikes and swam slowly on the wall near them, ready to fight at any time.

Bai Chunian looked at Eris. His entire face seemed to have been fine-tuned by an aesthetic expert-level plastic surgeon. His facial features still had the splendor of the Middle Ages, but those edges and corners that were intended to cater to Eileen's preferences and pursued excessively extravagant beauty It was rounded so that it looked only sixteen or seventeen years old now, and the innocent baby face concealed the bloodthirsty and cruelty under the skin.

However, the bases of these experimental subjects are all pale and thin teenagers fabricated according to Ellen's preferences, which no one can completely change.

He wore a pair of bib shorts and a long-sleeved white shirt, the cufflinks of the shirt, his leather shoes and stockings were sporadically decorated with small gem fragments, and the collar of the shirt was ruffled by a ruby ​​button For decoration, this heart-shaped ruby ​​has a considerable weight and size after being polished and cut. It seems that the original stone must not be small.

Bai Chunian recognized at a glance that this was the ruby ​​that was snatched from Rimbaud by the magic envoy Black Panther. He thought that the Knicks would give Eris to redo the mechanical core, but now he saw only a clear cut. The essence is made of decorative buttons, so what is the mechanical core that is driving Eris' activities? Did the Knicks find a more suitable gem?

"Big brother, it's a coincidence." Eris just called out affectionately, the long and narrow mouth was raised, and he looked at Bai Chunian gloomily, and threw the S686 barrel, which was engraved with retro patterns and decorated with gold powder. Opened, threw two shotguns inside, and snapped the barrel shut.

"You're not dead?" Bai Chunian asked. "You didn't use the gem core, so what drives your body? What does the battle chip use to carry it?"

Facing the few questions thrown by Bai Chunian, Eris continued to think along the way, holding his chin with a broken hand that was still dripping blood, but he looked seriously contemplative. Eris is also not good at disguising, and his inability to answer immediately means he really doesn't know.

Eris suddenly put a hand on his shoulder, stopping his thinking, and a blond white alpha stepped out of the shadows.

The puppeteer is also there.

Bai Chunian immediately gave up the idea of ​​killing Eris before going deeper into the research institute. The puppet master is also a smart person. When he saw the angel and the mermaid acting together, he immediately gave up the plan of confrontation.

The puppet master was the first to speak, breaking the rigid atmosphere: "Eris' battle chip burned out, we're here to find a suitable battle chip." He extended his hand kindly, as if he was in Bernard before. Conflicts at pharmaceutical factories have never happened.

Bai Chunian also stretched out his hand naturally and shook hands with the puppet master: "We were ordered to pick up Mr. Oslov, he is the pharmacist here and our undercover agent."

Their strong psychological qualities prevented them from revealing any flaws in each other's micro-expressions, but they couldn't see through what the other party was hiding.

Bai Chunian smiled and thought to himself, "Bullshit, I want to find a battle chip, and it is much less difficult to go to the cultivation base to steal it than to steal it from the headquarters. Are you trying to imply that Eris is not capable of fighting now?"

The puppet master nodded silently, thinking: "The rescue operation is not armed, only two people act, which is unreasonable. Having said that, both of them are messenger-type experimental subjects, and the difference in IQ is so different. Is it intentional? Is there any way to do it? improve?"

Seeing that the two men were fighting against each other in the open and secret, Rimbaud silently scratched his head and recalled who Oslov was. Eris lifted the hem of his shirt and looked at his navel, wondering if what he ate was a battle chip.

"It seems that this building is somewhat different from the expected situation. If we stop by the way, we can walk for a while." The puppet master said.

"Please." Bai Chunian readily agreed. If there is an emergency, two more A3-level helpers will increase the odds of winning by two points. It is also good to pull them to block the gun when necessary, and solve two IOAs by the way. The fugitives on the wanted list can also relieve the president of some follow-up pressure.

Bai Chunian spread out half of the map on the spot and hooked at the puppet master: "Come here and share the information, this is the architectural map we drew." What he took out was the blank map that the reptile pulled and printed. , there is no comment from Professor Lin Deng on it.

Sincerity has been put on the ground, the puppet master also said: "It will be better to take the path of the testing room."

A small number of the experimental subjects in Snow White Castle came from the headquarters of the research institute. The puppet master drew a safest route with their chaotic dictation. After seeing the map that Bai Chunian took out, the puppet master determined himself. The accuracy of the planned route.

Bai Chunian was also more sure of his deployment because of the description of the puppet master. He stood up, took the severed half of his left hand from Eris's hand, took off the sapphire fish-shaped ring on his ring finger, put it on the newly regenerated left ring finger, and then casually pushed the severed hand to the person behind the door. Throw away the trash can.

"Come on, go down the stairs, the testing room is on the minus fifteenth floor."

Rimbaud was walking and crawling on the wall, and the electric fish tail flashed blue light in the dark. He still hated Eris, but since Xiaobai decided to cooperate, he didn't care about it for the time being. Eris had no self-consciousness to sneak in. Sitting on the handrail of the stairs, when the slide went down, from time to time a hoot sounded, and a terrifying and sharp laughter echoed in the deep stairwell.

Bai Chunian and the puppet master went down the stairs side by side, observing each other from the corner of their eyes. The puppet master found that Bai Chunian was walking on tiptoes like a cat, without making any sound. Bai Chunian also found that the puppet master cherished his hands, wearing a pair of black half-palm gloves, and would not touch anything casually. thing. But apart from that, they couldn't read any more information, because they were both very vigilant and each had their own plans.

"What do you think happened here?" Bai Chunian asked while walking with his trousers in his pocket. "The researcher and the security guard are gone, and there is a large-scale power outage. Did it go bankrupt and there is no news."

"We didn't come in for a long time." The puppeteer said, "It's true that we haven't seen any living people yet. But some of their areas and equipment have tidal and wind energy storage as backup power, look to see if they are still running. machine."

After successfully reaching the fifteenth floor underground, the temperature also dropped, and a cold and damp feeling hit.

There is no light at all here. The four people are close to each other and can't see each other's faces. Only Rimbaud's fishtail emits blue light. In the dark environment, his translucent luminous fishtail looks like a snake that will crawl. Moving blue skull spine.

Bai Chunian raised his flashlight, and the strong light hit the roof, which was at least six meters high from the ground to the ceiling, and the walls were covered with seamless silver heat insulation boards with a sense of technology.

He took a sniff and felt a faint smell of blood in the air, so he raised his flashlight and pointed it at the suspicious place, but the lighting range of the flashlight was still too small. The open space here is nearly 300 square meters. Too time consuming.

There was a sudden small noise on the ceiling, a bit like the sound of wood stepping on a wooden floor. Bai Chunian took a photo of the others, and their hearing was not as sensitive as his own, so they didn't notice the slight abnormal noise.

According to the control and monitoring equipment arranged in this large space, this is the observation platform of the testing room. Generally speaking, the researchers responsible for testing the various functions of the experimental body sit here and use the control buttons to manipulate the testing process.

All the equipment here has been powered off and shut down, but it's okay, at least the monitoring has also been turned off, and they don't need to hide from the monitoring in fear.

Bai Chunian circled around the equipment, suddenly kicked a hard object under his feet, and rolled away, making a loud noise in the quiet and empty room.

When I looked at it with a flashlight, I saw that it was an overturned thermos cup. Although the equipment was still intact, many of the chairs fell to the ground, the flower pots on the windowsill were overturned, and broken pottery and soil were thrown on the ground, leaving some chaotic footprints on the soil.

Bai Chunian squatted on the ground to study the footprints on the soil, which looked like footprints left by running, because there were traces of sliding. He fell to the ground and sniffed the ground.

That's right, the smell of blood emanated from the clean floor, but the ground was clean, without a trace of blood.

"The chair overturned, it means that an emergency caused the chaos, but if there is an intruder, or if there is an experimental body that resists violently, it stands to reason that there will always be some bloodstains left on the ground." Bai Chunian touched his chin and said to himself. He said to himself, "That's the alarm, the alarm notified that there was danger, and then all the researchers were evacuated. As for the smell of blood on the ground, it should be that they just killed an experimental subject that ran out of control, and then called the cleaning wiper. There was blood."

Only this conjecture is the most reasonable.

The puppeteer was also looking for clues. He approached a console with a knocked over water cup, then took out a small plastic bag from his pocket, lightly sprinkled the magnetic powder inside on the buttons of the console, and adjusted the flashlight to Violet lights illuminated.

Bai Chunian leaned over and said, "No fingerprints?"

The puppet master nodded slightly: "There are no fingerprints on these consoles. It's like no one has ever existed."

"Fuck, it's really evil." Bai Chunian put in his pocket, "Evaporation in the world should have fingerprints."

Eris called to them: "Hey, Knicks, come and see, I know this thing."

They followed the sound and walked over. Eris pointed to the entrance of the detection area. The entrance was double-layered. One had to open one door, walk in, and close the door before the second door would open. Individuals stand back and forth.

The electronic lock light on the door turned on.

In order to avoid accidental power outages for the subjects under inspection, the power supply in the inspection area is independent. After the main power supply is accidentally cut off, the backup power supply will be connected immediately. smooth power supply during the period.

Rimbaud glanced at the door and looked down at his nails boredly: "The first test of the subject, I also did it."

Rimbaud and Eris have both stayed at the headquarters of the institute and are more familiar with the testing room than they are.

The role of the testing room is to screen out the defective experimental bodies, and then grade the remaining experimental bodies layer by layer for sale and pricing.

And this first test is the simplest, the red-green color blindness screening.

Rimbaud said: "There will be an elevator, one person will be on the red light, and two people will be on the green light. If you get on the wrong way, it will be destroyed on the spot. There is an incinerator in the door. After passing, we will be sent to the force inspection area."

Eris danced and recounted his past experiences: "Of course I can tell the difference between red and green, but I made a mistake on purpose, and the baffle under my feet opened, I fell into it, and the flames spurted out. They thought I was burned to ashes. Now, I pulled open the drawer of the incinerator, I jumped out, stuffed them all into the furnace, and turned on the fire, hahahahaha, if the furnace door was transparent, I could see how they were Beg me in there."

Rimbaud frowned and turned away. He was very afraid of fire, so he didn't dare to make mistakes at that time.

After their description, Bai Chunian understood the rules. The detection rule for red-green color blindness is that when the arriving elevator lights up red, only one moving target is allowed in the elevator. Two active targets are allowed to exist, the number of people is wrong, or the elevator is empty, it will be recognized as an error, and then the destruction device will be activated.

According to the markings on the map, if there is no ID card and no elevator, it is only feasible to go through this road from the inspection area.

"Come on, who comes first?" Bai Chunian asked, and then gently grabbed Lan Bo's hand: "It's alright, I'll hold you and won't burn you."

Eris looked at them and sighed: "I'll go first, what's there to be afraid of."

After that, he fiddled with the electronic lock casually, opened the door on the first floor, and walked in. The puppet master frowned, and he didn't seem to agree with Eris' indifferent attitude, so he walked in as well.

The electronic lock automatically locked, and they began to wait for the elevator.

In fact, it is a lift. The door inside is a steel sliding rail sliding door with many intersecting grids. If the environment is not as dark as it is now, you can see the situation inside the lift.

The dark elevator arrived, and suddenly the red light came on.

The steel sliding door that had not been activated for a long time creaked and slowly opened to one side.

"Did you see it? It's that simple, the elevator will send us to the force detection area." Eris jumped into the blood-red elevator, made a face at them outside, flipped the long-stick-like switch, and went up and down. The ladder slowly lifted him up.

Bai Chunian looked at them through the transparent glass, it was really simple.

Eris slowly ascended, and the second pitch-black elevator also rose one after another.

The elevator stopped in front of the puppet master.

Suddenly, the red light came on, illuminating the space inside the elevator, an experimental subject with a shriveled face and only two black holes left in his eye sockets rushed out, his long dry arms squeezed out of the gap in the sliding door, roaring at the puppet. The teacher catches.

It was as dry and thin as if it had been out of water for several days.

Bai Chunian took a step back in surprise, but the puppet master was indifferent, put one hand in his pocket, raised his right hand silently, and sympathetically held it on the empty gray eye socket.

The steel sliding door mercilessly slid open to one side, cutting the shriveled experimental subject squeezed into pieces.

The puppet master stepped into the elevator, sighed softly, and slowly ascended.

After they all entered, Bai Chunian pulled Lan Bo into the double-storey door, the electronic lock was locked, and the elevator began to move upwards.

Bai Chunian shook Lan Bo's hand: "Are you afraid?"

Lan Bo hung on Bai Chunian from behind, put his arms around his neck, and hummed in his ear: "I really want to say I'm afraid, and then let you coax me..."

The elevator reached them and suddenly the green light came on.

However, after the wrench was switched on and off, a thin experimental subject was stuck, with hair covering his face, like a female ghost crawling out of a well, half-dead, moaning in pain.

The rules require that only two people can get on the elevator with the green light on, and the experiment inside is counted as one, then only one more person can get on.

Bai Chunian patted Lan Bo: "Go, wait for me upstairs."

After the steel sliding door opened, Rimbaud climbed in, stood beside the female ghost-like experimental subject indifferently, and checked the situation that the experimental subject was stuck.

"Your life has come to an end, wait for me to go up and help you end this life happily." Rimbaud said to it.

Rimbaud also took the elevator up.

Bai Chunian was waiting for the next lift. The red light was the best. If the green light was on and there were no creatures in it, he should be able to climb up quickly from above with his feline skills.

The dark elevator creaked and Bai Chunian waited silently.

The green light suddenly came on, and at the same time, a mummified experimental subject who was locked inside suddenly jumped up and screamed at Bai Chunian. His face was only thin skin wrapped around the skeleton, and his lips were dry and cracked. .

Bai Chunian wiped his face.

He walked in, hugged the roaring ferocious mummy, and stood helplessly around his neck.

"Brother, trouble, this elevator must be taken by two people."

When the elevator arrived at the station, when Bai Chunian walked down, he neatly twisted the little mummy's neck.

He looked up and saw that, as Eris said, the words "Force Detection" were printed on the wall.

However, the only person waiting here is the puppet master.

Bai Chunian was startled: "What about them?"

The puppeteer shook his head.

Bai Chunian held down the communicator and called Lan Bo: "Wife wife, have you come up?"

"Come up." Rimbaud replied.

Bai Chunian breathed a sigh of relief: "Where are you?"

Rimbaud raised his head, looked at the words "Intelligence Test" raised on the wall, and tried to read: "Rili Mubei."

Eris was by Rimbaud's side, walking around holding the straps of his trousers with both hands, murmuring, "Ah, this, I've never been here before."

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