The baby was not too small. He quietly fell asleep on Bai Chunian's shoulder, but Bai Chunian didn't seem to feel anything.

Lan Bo crawled along the wall, reaching out to pick up the snow-white baby lying on Bai Chunian's shoulder, but his fingertips fluttered through its body, unable to touch it.

Bai Chunian turned around suspiciously: "What are you doing? Help me tear these vines apart, they are too strong."

"You have a white child lying on your shoulders." Rimbaud described truthfully, "I can't touch it."

Bai Chunian's back froze after hearing this, and he shook his body vigorously: "Are you still there?"


Bai Chunian turned his head carefully and tried to look behind his shoulders. The top of a snow-white baby's head came into view.

The baby realized that he was being stared at, slowly raised his head, and looked at Bai Chunian with a face without facial features.

"Hey—" Bai Chunian froze again, scurrying all over the wall, but he couldn't shake the little ghost on his body. Lan Bo calmly followed and turned his head from left to right, right to top, and top to top. Watching Xiaobai running around all over the sky. "How to take care of kittens" is right, kittens are really easy to be scared and fly when they are nervous.

In the end, Bai Chunian pulled out the pistol on the gun belt on the outside of his thigh, loaded it neatly and fired a shot in the back.

The baby was knocked away by the impact of the bullet, hit the wall hard, and then flowed against the wall like a lump of batter to the ground, where it reassembled into the shape of a baby, the bullet holes in the body slowly healed, and the bullet was wrapped. swallowed into the body.

The baby rubbed its aching head and babbled away.

"...Where is the little thing?" Bai Chunian squatted down and looked at it. This little guy has no face. There are two pointed little devil horns on Baibai's head, and a thin black tail extends from the tailbone above the small buttocks. , the tail end is inverted heart-shaped.

Bai Chunian wanted to lift it up, but his hand easily passed through its body. Its body was nothing and could not be touched.

"When did it climb on me, I don't feel it at all." Bai Chunian held his chin with a pistol and thought, and entered the baby's external characteristics from the watch, but he did not find any information about this experimental body. .

No way, there are many semi-finished experimental bodies in the headquarters of the research institute that have not yet been put into storage, and it is understandable that the specific information cannot be inquired.

Rimbaud climbed along the wall to the ground, blocking the faceless baby's path. The baby paused, turned a corner and crawled away, his stomach growling.

"It's not aggressive." Rimbaud wanted to touch it, but every time his hands passed through its empty body, "It's hungry."

The little baby crawled to the disinfection cabinet, smelled the smell of the corpse inside, and then struggled to climb up with small hands and feet. The closed cabinet could not stop it. It deformed and squeezed in through the gap of the cabinet door. The corpse opened its mouth.

The scarlet mouth and tongue formed a strong contrast with the snow-white body. It nibbled on the corpse with great taste, and swished the corpse oil in the cabinet. After a while, the corpse in the disinfection cabinet disappeared. Other than that , nothing has changed, the contents of the cabinet are still intact.

Rimbaud sat outside the glass door of the disinfection cabinet, holding his cheeks and staring at it: "Cute."

The little baby finished eating a corpse, squeezed out of the door, fell to the ground, his face flattened, and slowly returned to its original shape, and continued to climb to the next corpse.

Bai Chunian caught a glimpse of a fat woman lying in a specimen cabinet against the wall, and his instinct prompted him to walk over.

The woman's body is very bloated, she looks like a sumo wrestler, although the facial features can be seen to be good, but they have been squeezed out of shape by fat. She was left with a cross-cut caesarean section on her belly, which was stitched very delicately.

On the electronic screen in the lower left corner, the introduction of the specimen was scrolled continuously. From the introduction, Bai Chunian learned that the woman's name was Mary Luen, the gland type was a white mushroom, and she was a cleaner during her lifetime. Rare multiple births, a long bumpy journey from a rural town to a city center hospital for further examination.

The research institute secretly reached a deal with the hospital's top management, and on the grounds that the hospital's technical level was insufficient, Mary Lun was transferred to the 109 headquarters.

Bai Chunian also learned that the person who took over Mary Lun's body for the transformation experiment was an intern under Ellen named Renault.

Reynolds proudly left a paragraph at the end of the introduction of the specimen: "Thanks to my teacher, Ai Lin, for giving me such a rare opportunity to practice and present my work 'Experimental Body 6125 Little Cleaner', which aims to remove the pollution of the earth and let us live Homes are cleaner and better.”

"It's great, it's a good subject." Bai Chunian sneered.

"Hey! This kid can't get down from crawling on top of my head." Eris strode over from the exit of the security checkpoint from a distance, and was blocked by the baby crawling towards the corpse halfway, so he muttered. "Why is there another one here?" and kicked it away.

The little baby was kicked up to the wall and slowly flowed down, turning into a puddle of smashed white paste, and returning to the shape of a little baby when it fell to the ground.

"Oh, so it is." Bai Chunian quickly reached out and grabbed the little devil lying on Eris' head. This time, his hand did not pass through its empty body, but grabbed the real body.

"Experimental subject 6125 Little Cleaner, this little thing's body is a non-Newtonian fluid. It seems that it only emerges from a transparent state when it is damaged by a heavy blow. It is probably the one who ate my severed hand before. I was not careful when I entered the door. It hit it on the head." Bai Chunian tried to slowly stroke the little baby in his palm, his hand would pass through its body without any hindrance, and if he slapped its **** hard and quickly, it would clearly listen to him. To the snap, and to feel its soft skin.

"As for why it keeps crawling on your head and doesn't go away, it may be because it thinks you have garbage in your ceramic head."

"Go away." Eris brushed his hair contemptuously.

Rimbaud has also mastered the secret of picking up the baby, as long as he picks it up quickly, he can pick it up.

"I named it 'Newton'." Rimbaud and the little guy with the little devil's horn posted a sticker, then threw it high and took it into his arms.

Bai Chunian threw the other little thing with mini bat wings in his hand to Rimbaud: "This Galileo is also for you."

"We have to go deeper. I don't know what happened. Some subjects absconded, and the researcher resisted and was killed. This is a very serious accident for the institute."

The puppet master came from the other end of the room, looked at the surrounding specimen boxes along the way, and said calmly: "I went back to the previous room to check, and there was indeed a small depression behind the door that had been resisted. And the ground There are traces of friction. It can be determined that there are creatures other than us in the building and wandering throughout the building."

"Pull this vine away first." Bai Chunian grabbed a thick piece of vine and pulled it to the left, and Eris walked over leisurely with his hands on his head: "Get out of the way, Lucky Cat, if you don't take off the collar, you don't have any strength at all. ."

Eris pulled Bai Chunian aside, lightly clasped the gap between the vines with his ceramic fingers, and forced them apart.

His ceramic spherical joints roll with his limbs and his muscles stretch, making them look lifelike despite being made of ceramic.

He struggled to tear open a gap in the sturdy vines. Bai Chunian raised his chin and signaled the puppet master to go first. Eris frowned: "What are you doing, you go first." Then he looked back at the puppet master: "Nix , you walk behind me."

"Long-winded. I'll go first." Lan Bo climbed in first, and Bai Chunian followed.

Passing through this door, it seems that you have entered a primitive jungle full of banyan trees and weeping vines. The whole room is covered with vines, and golden flowers are hanging on the vines. Some fruits are already ripe, and the golden fruits are clear and full hanging down on the branches. The diameter is basically more than twenty centimeters.

"It's this kind of melon, it's very good." Lan Bo grabbed a fruit and broke it open, revealing the golden-yellow jelly-like pulp. A bite was crisp, sweet and juicy.

The room that was sealed by vines was also filled with a corpse odor. Before I could look at the layout of the entire room, I saw the bodies of researchers all over the ground.

"Don't eat it..." Bai Chunian silently counted the corpses of the researchers scattered on the ground. There were thirty-two, plus the five outside, making a total of thirty-seven headless corpses, and the fruit hanging on the vine - Bai Chunian Counted one by one.


"Wife, that's not a melon, it's the head of the researchers."

Rimbaud ate more deliciously.

Bai Chunian bent over to search for clues on the corpses, and found that "Reno" was written on the chest of one of the corpses' uniforms, and he also had an ID card in his pocket.

Bai Chunian put the ID card in his pocket, kicked the corpse, and spat softly, "Go back to your hometown and become an intern."

The puppet master turned over the data shelf. Due to the crazy growth of vines, the data shelf on the entire wall was overturned, and the data files were scattered all over the place.

He picked up a stack and read it against the light. Bai Chunian came closer and took a copy.

Most of the information is about the bright cooperation between the 109 Research Institute and major national forces, beautifying the trade of experimental biological and chemical weapons into the import and export trade of technological products.

This is easy to understand. Once a country has such a powerful weapon, other countries will try their best to hold weapons of the same level in order to not be inferior to others. has become the biggest winner.

It's a pity that the research institute's existence is still too short, or the time given to Ellen is still too short. If the ambitious woman is allowed to develop the research institute at a high speed, the trading of experimental subjects will sooner or later begin to devour the oil and minerals of the small country. Coupled with the powerful drug research and development and arms technology of the institute itself, nothing can easily shake Ellen and her 109 Empire.

"I like this crazy woman." The puppet master said with emotion, "It seems to be the same as our goal, but we still can't cooperate. Wisdom does not bring disaster, and the one who brings disaster always thinks that wisdom does not match wisdom. ambition."

"What is this." Bai Chunian picked up half of the experimental subject's introduction from the ground.

Subject number: 0520

Code name: brain melon vine

Body: Banyan omega

Cultivation direction: purification (devours all garbage within sight and produces edible fruit.)

Cultivation Result: Failed. She showed unexpectedly strong aggression, devouring the heads of all creatures within sight, even white mice and even fruit flies.

It was decided to destroy it, but without approval, the compressed seeds were placed in the specimen cabinet for display.

There was a sudden screeching sound from a place very close behind him. Bai Chunian first heard the slight sound, and quickly turned around and jumped away. A vine suddenly appeared below where he was standing, and a golden flower bloomed at the top of the vine. Flowers, the sharp teeth in the center of the stamen are constantly opening and closing, like a meat grinder.

The puppeteer replaced Eris with a chess substitute, and the fast-growing vines entangled Eris's hands and feet, and he pulled out his leg bone long knife and cut it off.

"It was probably this tree that stopped us from coming in just now." Bai Chunian flexibly jumped to the top of the data shelf. The vines grew, and Bai Chunian turned over and jumped to another data shelf, silently avoiding it. All debris and vines.

"We couldn't push it away, Rimbaud pushed it away."

The puppet master raised his head and said, "She is afraid of electric shock."

Bai Chunian raised his chin towards Lan Bo, Lan Bo raised his fish tail high and slammed the ground downward, and the cobweb-shaped blue lightning cracked around him.

The puppeteer quickly formed a cobweb pad under his feet to insulate it to prevent electric shock, but the vines under his feet were stimulated to move, which still caused him to stand unsteadily, and his body hit the wall heavily.

Bai Chunian and Eris were also tossing around. Although they could maintain their balance, they couldn't stand the debris that was overturned by the vines.

After a crackling sound of electric shock, the vines were curled up by the high-voltage electric shock, and they retreated like a tide, and the tip was scorched black and smoking.

And in this seemingly empty room, more than the big tree was electrocuted.

Starting from the wall, a dense layer of white babies appeared, covering the entire wall, data shelf and floor, and they climbed up and wriggled like white sand.

"Fuck." Bai Chunian glanced at his arms. He was holding two or three faceless babies crawling on his arms, and a dozen or so on his legs. Looking at Eris and the puppet master, they were already squirming. baby crawled all over the body.

They have been.

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