Bi Lanxing held the steering wheel, moved the car out of Bai Chunian's apartment complex, and drove towards the road back to IOA.

"Are we really going back like this?" Lu Yan was sitting in the co-pilot, holding his mobile phone worriedly. The screen was still on the message page. There was only a short sentence, "Are you safe?", which was sent to Bai Chunian. , but never received a reply.

Sitting in the back seat, Xiao Xun stretched a hand to the co-pilot and put it on Lu Yan's shoulder to comfort him: "Brother Chu is usually turned off when he is on a mission, and if you don't reply, it doesn't mean you are in any trouble. And at this time, they should It hasn't reached its destination yet."

"Well..." Lu Yan still drooped his ears dejectedly.

The flow of people and traffic outside the car window seemed to suddenly be out of order. At the red light ahead, a series of police cars from the Union Police Department flashed red and blue lights and rushed out from the center of the lane, and the civilians on the road were running in the opposite direction.

Lu Yan sat up abruptly: "What's the matter, go take a look."

Bi Lanxing pursed his lips and turned the direction calmly, took out the spare police light in his hand buckle, temporarily placed it on the roof of the car, and followed the convoy of the Union Police Station against the panicked traffic flow.

Xiao Xun took out the communicator, used the J1-capable all-purpose instrument panel to tune the frequency, and connected to the channel of the police station vehicle in front: "I'm Xiao Xian, a detective of the IOA Search Section, serial number 8349297, what's the situation now."

After more than ten seconds, the other party responded quickly: "A gray undead summoning body appeared in the waterfront plaza. We are carrying out an emergency evacuation mission. A large number of seaside residents have been affected, and the police officers responsible for the evacuation have been attacked and suffered heavy casualties. We are requesting support from the headquarters."

Xiao Tun: "Describe the characteristics of the undead summoning body."

The police officer responded: "According to intelligence, the target was a half-mimic rattlesnake alpha, his eyes would float in the air, and all police officers who looked at him were petrified."

As soon as this feature came out, the three of them suddenly felt tight, Lu Yan turned around and looked at Xiao Tun in amazement: "Isn't that the snake girl's eye."

The last boss they faced in the ATWL exam was the experimental subject 1513 Snake Girl. As long as they looked at him, their whole body would gradually freeze and become petrified. It was an extremely dangerous experimental subject.

"What should I do, there will definitely be heavy casualties." Lu Yan was so anxious that he didn't know who to call with his mobile phone. Bai Chunian and Lan Bo must have already left the city, and their father was on the plane returning home from the UK.

Bi Lanxing's hand holding the steering wheel was sweating and his breathing was quick, but he was not panicking. He called up the car map and glanced at the location of the waterfront plaza, made a rough estimate, and then calmly said: "Equipped with All in the trunk, two uzi with stock, two 9mm cartridges, M24 sniper case, spare communicator."

"We are the only ones who have experience in dealing with Snake Maiden. You two get off the car and go to the waterfront square to support the police station. I will go back to the IOA to connect with the new search section chief." Bi Lanxing slammed on the accelerator and accelerated in an instant, ignoring the road speed limit. , flexibly brush past the surrounding traffic.

"The undead summoning body can only support 70% of the body's strength, no problem." The car accelerated to the foot of the overpass, and Bi Lanxing slammed the steering wheel to slow down but did not stop, "Now get off."

Xiao Yun and Lu Yan were already used to Bai Chunian's sudden orders. Bi Lanxing completely inherited Bai Chunian's style of play. He made quick decisions and never hesitated after the plan was made. After the order was issued, the two did not show any confusion. Unbuckle their seat belts, put on the Free Bird badge of the Secret Service Search Section, and obey the orders.

Xiao Xun jumped out of the car, rolled twice on the ground and stood up. Lu Yan climbed out of the car window, took out the equipment from the open trunk, hung the bullet belt on his body, and threw the gun case to Xiao Xun. The two climbed up along the pier support of the overpass, and turned over from the railing. The subway leaving the tunnel was also counting the time. Lu Yan rolled over and climbed up. The figure flashed forward several times, driven by the speed of the subway. , using the accompanying ability supersonic speed, there is only a string of afterimages behind him in the air.

"forfreedom." When the two left, they used this sentence to test whether the communicator was normal.

"Forfreedom." Bi Lanxing replied.

The car only slowed down temporarily. After he put the two down, he accelerated immediately, put on the police lights, and returned to the IOA headquarters building against the traffic flow.

The atmosphere in the headquarters building was stiffer than Bi Lanxing had imagined. The staff and agents in the corridor were in a hurry, and some people were so anxious that they couldn't wait for the elevator and ran up the stairs.

Bi Lanxing also simply ran down the stairs, rushed to the Office of the Investigation Division as quickly as possible, unlocked the door with the key, and then swiped his fingerprints to open the door.

There was no one inside.

He licked his dry lips, took out his mobile phone and called the team leader's secretary. The line was always busy, so he called the team leader directly.

After a long time, Cang Xiaoer answered the phone, his voice was slightly hoarse, and he should have been dealing with many difficult matters.

"Team leader, where is the new search section chief? I'm in a hurry, the seaside plaza is being attacked by the undead summoned body of Snake Maiden."

"What? Another..." Cang Xiaoer pinched the bridge of his nose, "The new search section chief was transferred from the Armaments Section, but a terrorist attack by the undead suddenly broke out in Aphid City, and the Armaments Section was even more busy, so I asked him to return to the Armaments Section first. "

"What about the Search Section?" Bi Lanxing couldn't help raising his voice, "Sixteen agents have joined the operation in the city of Aphid, and the communication with each other is not so fast, and they can't play their best role without a commander. , and we have dealt with Snake Eyes in the exam, and we have experience."

Cang Xiaoer was busy arranging other tasks on the other side of the phone, and finally took a breath to answer him: "I'm already contacting the military, PBB is deployed in the city, Xiaoxing, don't make trouble, go do what you can. Son, I will arrange the rest."

"Team..." Before Bi Lanxing could finish speaking, he hurriedly hung up the phone, and when he called again, there was only a busy tone on the line.

He walked around the office twice, sat quietly on the sofa, and spread out his palms. The notes left by Bai Chunian had been torn to pieces by him at some point. There was a few blood spots.

He didn't feel helpless, on the contrary, a set of different tactics had been popping up in his mind, and his brain turned faster than usual when he was the most nervous.

When studying at the Aphid Island special training base, Bai Chunian first arranged him to learn fighting in the class of Instructor Dai Ning. When he trained enough fighting skills to protect himself, he was taken away by the instructor of the Red Crab in the tactics class. Instructor Crab would often push him to the profiling class for Instructor Zheng Yue's class, and every time Bi Lanxing talked about the gains from various courses to Bai Chunian, Bai Chunian had a look he already knew. It is basically impossible to say that without Bai Chunian's advice.

He could feel that Bai Chunian was not only cultivating himself with his heart, he also knew the strengths and weaknesses of almost every student, and the training methods were outrageous, but those highly targeted devil training really brought them to each of them. Biggest improvement.

Bai Chunian can easily control the overall situation, and even calculate his own destiny clearly. He seems to know that he will leave sooner or later, and when he leaves, he will not abandon everything irresponsibly, but give The Search Section leaves behind a future to live on.

The sticky note was broken by him, and the corner fell to the ground. Only then did Bi Lanxing realize that there was a line of almost invisible small characters written in the corner on the back of the label: "A good obedient student can't be a conductor. I never look away, but there is no evidence. , do you admit it?"

Bi Lanxing was silent for a while, and the poison oozing out of his palm melted the note, then wiped his hands, sat in Bai Chunian's place, turned on the computer, and looked for the encryption program to start.

He has done all this smoothly. Even if the new search section chief takes office, he will not be more skilled than him, because when Bai Chunian was on the verge of deterioration and had to use dissociative agents to maintain his senses, it was Bi Lanxing who was working for him and was forced to familiarize himself with it. He was looking into the affairs that the section chief had to deal with every day.

Even these are in his calculations.

After the encryption program was activated, the requests and inquiry bubbles sent by the active agents filled the screen. Bi Lanxing skillfully read the messages of the agents in the city of Aphid, and arranged them vertically according to the divisions, so that the events in each district could be seen at a glance. .

From the interim report sent by the agent, it was learned that three undead summons had appeared from the edge of the city and were rushing towards the center of the city.

Bilanxing connected the communication of the waterfront plaza, called up monitoring in all directions at the same location, and sent a drone application to the technical department, asking them to launch a drone to provide video support in the waterfront plaza area.

When the technical department received the application from the search section, it thought it was from the new chief of the search section, and agreed without hesitation, and released two drones to the waterfront plaza.

With the aerial view transmitted by the drone in real time, the situation became clear all of a sudden.

Snake eyes are entrenched on the spire of the building in the waterfront plaza, their eyes are hollow, and the two gray temporary eyes are floating in the air chasing and fleeing the coastal residents. Some people glanced back in horror and looked at the gray eyeballs. , then hardened and fell to the ground on the spot, screaming and crying gradually petrified. After the body was completely petrified, the eyeball was peeled from the eye socket of the petrified corpse and flew into the air to form a new floating eye before chasing the next person.

Some residents tried to use their cleverness to deal with the snake girl's eyes, and took out the powder powder mirror they carried with them, trying to use the reflection to escape, but they would also be petrified.

The number of floating eyes in the sky exploded exponentially, like a dense wasp in the sky, chasing the crowd desperately.

The police officers in charge of the evacuation had to cover their eyes and shoot, but the floating eye was not very large, and it floated recklessly in the air. The increased speed of the floating eye.

The IOA Medical Association set up a temporary rescue station outside the waterfront plaza. The interns wearing white coats and IOA red cross and white pigeon armbands were busy breaking ampoules under the leadership of Dr. Han, preparing medicines, and injecting relief for the citizens with local hardening. Pain, patiently soothed the terrified citizens.

Snake girl was attracted by the howls and screams from the citizens, twisted the tail of the snake and rushed towards the rescue car, but was intercepted by Lu Yan from the front.

Lu Yan used the sports headband sold by the seaside store as a blindfold to cover his vision. The M2 ability was activated by four-dimensional splitting. A string of sixty Lu Yan on the timeline appeared side by side with him. The price of the female petrochemical comes to report the location to other rabbits.

Snake Girl was dazzled by the sixty Lu Yan who were fast and shuttled in the Rabbit's Cave. She was constantly being shot by bullets. The pain made him have to turn around, give up predating those wailing humans, and turned around and fled to Xin Er. direction of the area.

The rescue vehicle is back to safety.

Han Xingqian's A3 ability, Heavenly Knight's Wings, can eliminate the negative state of one's own side, but it can only eliminate the petrified state of the citizens, but the limbs that have been hardened and damaged are damaged. Even if the hardened state is eliminated, the pain will only increase. .

More and more citizens and police officers were petrified, and Han Xingqian's ability consumption gradually became faster. Just as he turned around inadvertently, he caught a glimpse of a reflection on the top of the church in the distance, and it seemed that there were snipers lying on the church. on top.

At this time, a few floating eyes broke through the defense line of the police station and penetrated into the vicinity of the rescue vehicle. Han Xingqian avoided his sight and took out his pistol, but to shoot without relying on any reflection, it was almost impossible to hit.

A sniper bullet swept past the hem of his clothes and accurately passed through the floating eyeball. The eyeball burst into a cloud of gray and white mist and then dissipated, and several sniper bullets were fired without missing a shot. Eyes are all cleared.

Han Xingqian seemed to have a hunch. He took out his phone and glanced at it. The first message was from Xiao Tun:

"Please rest assured that nothing will disturb you."

Han Xingqian frowned slightly, and took the time to reply: "Looking at the Floating Eye from a long distance will also be attacked by petrification."

Xiao Tun replied, "I'm blindfolded."

On the top of the church, Xiao Xun tore a piece of fabric from the hem of his T-shirt and covered his eyes. He relied on the M2 ability to hunt back and lock to search for the target, and then used the J1 ability universal instrument panel to accurately measure distance and speed to aim and kill.

The door in the church was closed, and people were trembling under the benches. Even so, some people accidentally raised their heads and looked at the floating eye outside the stained glass. The body rolled all over the ground, and the others were shivering with fright, hiding under the chairs and daring not to move.

Satan sat quietly on the bench, holding the Bible in one hand, stood up slowly, walked to the person who was crying in pain because of the petrification, squatted down, raised his hand, the golden pocket watch hanging in between fell down, and the pointer pointed to. Back one step back.

The petrified traces on the man quickly receded, and the time went back to the moment when he raised his head. When he once looked up out of the window, Satan covered his eyes with pale and slender hands, blocking his connection with the floating eye. look at each other.

"Child, you have to repent for your inappropriate curiosity." Satan sighed softly, raised his head, looked through the stained glass at the top of the dome, and saw the resolute and calm young sniper on the top of the church, and his chest flashed. Bird of Freedom emblem with golden gloss.

For a sniper, shooting blindfolded is not only difficult, but also means putting his life behind the mission, without the assistance of melee team members, and safety is not guaranteed.

The communicator in his ear rang: "Xiao Tun, turn around, you have been discovered. The Snake Eye is within a hundred meters of you, and the floating eye is approaching, stand up, don't take off the blindfold, yes, Run facing the direction you are now, and after ten meters, the steep **** is eighty-five degrees, and jump!"

Xiao Tun knew very well in his heart that he was running on the towering dome of the church without visual aid. At this time, he had nothing to rely on. He could only concentrate on listening to the instructions from Bi Lanxing in the communicator, and did not hesitate to do so. .

Bi Lanxing: "Three seconds later, the foothold will appear, use all your strength to jump forward again."

He jumped in response, and his body fell quickly. Just when he was about to lose his balance and actually fall, a small platform appeared under his feet to carry him, allowing him to charge up again to jump and safely land on a larger platform.

After the successful transfer, Xiao Xun took off his blindfold and glanced back at his feet. Under his feet was a rooftop dozens of meters high, and the one who had just put his feet up was an IOA missile drone. He didn't care about his fears, and ran to the next hidden commanding heights with a sniper rifle on his back.

At this time, there were sixteen agents in the city of Aphid, including Xiao Xun and Lu Yan, including the red fox omega Fengyue.

Hearing the unfamiliar, even slightly green alpha voice in the communicator, Feng Yue felt a little uneasy.

In the past, when a large-scale terrorist attack occurred, the special team would basically assign two or three special agents to support them. Bai Chunian coordinated their actions under the condition of monitoring the overall situation. The special agents are used to fighting alone. Coping methods, if there is no suitable command to unite them together, tactical conflicts will inevitably arise.

This time, the sixteen agents were active in all corners of the city at the same time, which was enough to show what kind of crisis Aphid City was in at this time, and at such an unprecedented critical moment, Bai Chunian was not in command.

The voice in the communication was a little messy. Obviously, more than one agent expressed dissatisfaction with the change of command position. A radical Bengal leopard cat omega even questioned on the spot: "Who are you, you dare to sit in this position? Come up for Brother Chu."

Leopard Girl's voice was arrogant and hostile, and she was not convinced by Alpha herself. Xiaobai always caused him trouble when he took office, and even more impatient with a child who knew by listening to his voice that he had no qualifications.

On another communication channel, Xuehu omega let out a faint smile: "I know him, he's a student promoted by Brother Chu, 19 years old, M2-level curare alpha, taught by Red Crab himself, and his grades are pretty good, hehe."

The female agents were also willing to answer Bi Lanxing, and the rest were too lazy to say anything.

Fengyue and Bai Chunian had a good relationship, so she was willing to help Bi Lanxing and asked, "Brother, are you okay? If not, we can form a group freely."

Bi Lanxing didn't answer. He didn't know if he was guilty or blushed. The ridicule in the channel gradually weakened, and everyone began to prepare for uncommanded battles.

Fengyue's position at this time was near the church closest to the waterfront plaza. She watched the whole process of Xiao Xun's transfer from the dome of the church. She saw that the child was blindfolded and jumped into the air without hesitation. The missile drone flying from here was precisely controlled and flew to Xiao Xun's lowest landing point, patting his feet for him, allowing Xiao Xun to successfully complete the second jump and land on the opposite high-rise rooftop to escape.

Feng Yue, who is a veteran agent, was also surprised by the ability to complete the escape action while being blindfolded. Is the little ghost of the Lingti family so powerful?

A calm command came from the communicator: "Fengyue, put on a blindfold."

Feng Yue was startled: "What a joke."

Bi Lanxing repeated calmly: "Fengyue, put on the blindfold. The Snake Eyes and hundreds of floating eyes are approaching you."

Feng Yue lowered her head and saw that her feet were gradually being obscured by shadows. She had no choice but to put on a blindfold as ordered.

She didn't dare to look up, but her body could feel some floating elastic **** touching her body.

Bi Lanxing: "You are surrounded by floating eyes, but they have no melee attack. Now replace the submachine gun with a rifle. Can you hear the sound of the drone?"


"Follow up, the snake girl has no vision now, you stick to the back of the snake girl. The drone will fly in a straight line in front of you at any time, and run with the sound. I'm in control, you won't hit the sundries."

Feng Yue subconsciously obeyed the order and ran with her eyes closed to the hum of the drone. The drone was accurately guiding her movement from the urban road, between the crashed vehicles and the collapsed billboards all over the ground. shuttle.

Although the voice of the commander in the communicator is green, after listening for a long time, it seems as if Bai Chunian was talking three years ago. At that time, Brother Chu was not as leisurely as now, and tried his best to hide his nervousness with calmness. In Samsara, the boy sitting in the command post took his place.

Bi Lanxing: "Leopard girl, your location is closest to Fengyue, drive to the intersection I marked, then get out of the car with your eyes closed, and also follow the drone close to Fengyue. Your drones buzz at different frequencies, so don't confuse them."

"Hmph, unlicensed commanding is a crime to be shot, boy, wait to die." The Leopard Girl was wearing a short leather vest and hip-packed shorts, leaning on the roadside sports car, with dreadlocks and eyes under heavy smoky makeup. His eyelashes were curled and slender, he hummed softly after listening to the order, spit out chewing gum, put on his light machine gun, got into the sports car, and drove the accelerator toward the red dot displayed on the on-board map.

Bi Lanxing: "The Snake Eye has two hearts, one in the upper body and the other in the snake's body. If only one heart is destroyed, he will regenerate immediately."

Fengyue and Leopard Girl were guided to the best position by the missile drone, but Floating Eye also caught up, and two of the eyeballs flew back into Snake Girl's eye socket, which temporarily restored his vision.

Bi Lanxing: "Note, his M2 ability is Swamp, which will soften the ground. I'm off the ground when I count to three, three..."

Snake girl regained her sight, and found that Fengyue and Leopard girl were close to him, raised her hands in anger, and activated the M2 ability swamp.


The ground softened rapidly, vehicles on the asphalt were swallowed by the swamp, cracks in the ground collapsed, and the cracked load-bearing walls and columns made a loud noise.


Feng Yue and Leopard Girl jumped up at the same time, and the two missile drones hovered precisely under their feet, lifted them up, sent them into the air, and moved to the back of Snake Girl.

Bi Lanxing: "You are behind him, you can't see his eyes now."

The missile located the gland on the back of the back of the snake's neck, and it was launched with a bang. The Leopard raised the machine gun and fired frantically at the upper body of the snake.

Feng Yue took out the tactical dagger, held it in her hand, lifted the blindfold and flew to the ground, stabbing the knife into the second heart of Snake Girl.

The two hearts and glands were destroyed at the same time, and a cloud of black mist erupted from Snake Mummy's body, which gradually dissipated and flew towards the sea.

The body was killed and dissipated, and the floating eye suddenly exploded into a black mist, and flowed to the seaside with the current.

Feng Yue breathed a sigh of relief and wanted to praise Bi Lanxing a few words, but it seemed that the call had ended, and she could only hear Bi Lanxing saying on the public channel: "The undead summoning body Snake Girl has been cleared, and the new second district is confirmed to be safe. , the hospital equipment is not damaged and can accommodate the injured people."

The Leopard Girl turned her head and looked around. There was indeed a large hospital. During the battle, Bi Lanxing had been consciously asking them to turn the Snake Girl's eyes in the opposite direction. Energy to protect the hospital from attack.

"Humph." Leopard Girl chewed another piece of gum, and gave the drone a thumbs up with a light machine gun.

The drone flew in the direction of the waterfront plaza.

On the four-dimensional timeline, dozens of Lu Yan who looked the same took off their blindfolds and guarded the coastline. At this time, the sky was densely covered with dark clouds, like the remnant clouds stirred by a hurricane, becoming darker and darker, and the sea surface gradually became turbid.

He heard a distant, shifted whale sound, eerily ethereal.

The sea surging, a snow-white figure broke through the sea, the sky burst with purple electricity, winding down from the clouds, and purple lightning exploded from the sky, illuminating the snow-white skeleton of a killer whale jumping out of the sea.

Groups of killer whales jumped out of the sea, all ghosts composed of snow-white bones, chirping melancholy in purple lightning.

A mermaid boy with a white fish tail is sitting on top of a skeleton killer whale, his curly white hair is covered with a undead cloak, and his blue eyes are staring at the people on the shore, as if he is scanning a group of corpses.

But he also left many wounds on his body, one after another covered with fish tails, and the pale pink siren scales on the fish tails were dull.

The immortal undead was lying beside him, and the only left hand was holding the chin, swinging with his legs crossed, and at a glance, he saw the Rimbaud statue in the center of the seaside square and the wishing pool.

"Hee hee, big blisters, you go to demolish that statue, I go to demolish that little rabbit."

Pearl frowned and shook his head: "He smells like a big rabbit." The suppressed shadow of the S4 glands was firmly engraved in his memory, and he didn't want to have anything to do with such an opponent at all.

The laughing expression of the immortal undead was suddenly gloomy: "His father beat us up badly, and I want his son to die just as badly."

Wait, it's almost 7,000 words

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