The weeds in the no-man’s land on the border were dried up by the scorching sun in the afternoon. The 109 Research Institute stood on the edge of the cliff on the coast. The waves surged behind it and washed the rugged reefs. The sea breeze blew through the stomata eroded by the water, making a quiet sound.

The research institute building, which seemed to stand silently and calmly, was hundreds of meters underground. In the huge building extending like an ant's nest, a series of explosions and the sound of machine gun firing were buried deep in the ground.

It turned out that Ai Lian had already set a trap in the office. Bai Chunian and the others had just stepped out of the pharmacy when they were aimed at their heads by the automatic machine guns sticking out from the ceiling.

There are 20 heavy machine guns, all of which are equipped with automatic thermal positioning devices. Without giving them any time to react, the barrels started to fire the moment they appeared.

The entire office was illuminated by the fire of the machine guns, and bullets with a high rate of fire and densely swept the room, forcing them to flee, unable to get close to the elevator leading to the general pharmacy and the experimental body cultivation area where Ellen was most likely to hide. .

Bai Chunian rolled to the door and tried to open the door of the office to escape, but the door was completely locked, the material was the same carbon nitride composite material as the test punch wall, and the bone toughening could not break through.

Rimbaud has the ability to smash open the door purely by force, but his speed is not fast enough, and he is not as flexible as the cat, and he cannot avoid heavy machine guns.

They were forced back to the small room of the No. 1 drugstore, but the wall could not withstand the continuous fire of heavy machine guns, and there were already signs of cracking.

The puppet master suggested: "Is it meaningful to continue entanglement? It's better to leave. With a sample of synergist, it is not difficult to imitate it."

Bai Chunian sat down, leaned against the wall, put his hands on his knees and thought. In fact, he wanted to take a sufficient amount of synesin at one time, so that he would not have to return to the IOA, and could go directly to the Caribbean Sea with Rimbaud.

Because of the high cost of synesthesia, the cost of each light material is as high as 6.1 million, and it is also a consumable. A 3 ml potion can only maintain the effect of suppressing deterioration for 30 days. Even if IOA has strong financial resources, it will continue to burn. After a few more years, how could he accept these unrepayable favors with peace of mind.

Bai Chunian only hoped that Ai Lian would produce enough synesthesia so that he could live with Rimbaud carefree for a few more years.

He probed and glanced out, but the bullet seemed to have eyes, shot him frantically, and forced him back, he sat down and looked at the three potions in his hand: "If you are sure that these potions are real, you Let's go. The general pharmacy has a component identification device, I'm going to confirm it."

The puppet master weighed the potion box. Indeed, he could not distinguish the true and false potions with the naked eye. Ai Lian might deliberately leave fake potions in order to let them kill themselves after injection.

"Eris, go find a way to pry open the door of the indoor elevator." After weighing the pros and cons, the puppet master decided to take another risk.

Among the four, only Eris was not locked by the heat detection of the heavy machine gun. He nimbly avoided the dense bullets, moved to the elevator door, clasped the crack of the door with his fingertips, and tried to break the closed metal door with pure brute force. open.

However, the door was reinforced in a targeted manner, and the joints of the two doors were tightly seamed, and Eris couldn't find the point of focus at all, so he couldn't use his strength.

"I can't open it, I can only use the password." Bai Chunian observed Eris' situation from a distance, "I have a decoder, but I can't get through it. This gun seems to have eyes, it's too accurate."

"Give it to me." The puppet master glanced at him coldly and took the decoder.

A cold agave pheromone emanated from the back of his neck, and the J1 ability chess piece was activated, replacing himself and Eris, and instantly appeared at the elevator entrance. Eris was replaced and stood beside Bai Chunian.

The puppet master pulled out a person-high folded explosion-proof shield from his apron pocket, stood behind him to block thermal detection, and inserted the decoder into the cipher disk beside the door.

Bai Chunian looked out through the gap and was stunned: "Damn, how did this big thing fit in."

Eris fixed his eyes on the puppeteer.

The progress bar of the decoder gradually fills up, and when the progress reaches 100%, the decoding is completed, the passable green light on the cipher disk lights up, and the elevator door slowly opens.

However, things didn't go as expected. Although the elevator door opened, the elevator inside was damaged and did not go up.

"Eris, go down and explore the way." The puppet master raised his flashlight to illuminate the dark elevator, guessing its depth, and there was a faint viscous squirming sound in the darkness.

Suddenly, an extremely long and strong tentacle rushed out from the dark elevator entrance, wrapped around the puppet master's waist and dragged him down.

It was a gray-white octopus foot.

The puppeteer was dragged down with his entire body, grabbed the edge of the elevator with both hands, and struggled to climb up, but another octopus foot wrapped up, wrapped around his left leg, and gradually exerted force, tearing down.

Bai Chunian said in shock, "Kraken Undead Summoning Body!"

Eris had already rushed out against the hail of bullets at the moment the puppet master was attacked. His reaction was unprecedentedly fast. He grabbed the puppet master's arm, dragged him upward, and shouted: "Knicks! Chess stand-in! "

Although Kraken, the octopus experimental body, only has M2 level, and because the undead summoning body only inherits 70% of the main body's strength, it is huge in size and infinite in strength.

Although Eris also possessed powerful strength, it was a human being who was torn apart among them. He did not dare to pull upwards with force. He was extremely frightened, fearing that only a broken forearm would be left in his hands.

Half of his body was poured into the darkness he hated, and he was about to be dragged into the abyss one by one.

The puppet master said hoarsely: "Eris, I'm going to be torn apart."

Eris was startled, and in this moment of relaxation, the fabric slipped from his fingers, the puppeteer fell off, and was pulled into the bottomless depths by the tentacles of the octopus, and then there was a ghostly chewing sound. Something crunched and crunched, like chewing flesh.

"Nix—!" Eris roared into the depths of the darkness, but only heard his own hoarse echo.

Bai Chunian saw that the pupils of Eris' eyes gradually disappeared, the pale green pupils receded, and the two white eyeballs had black crosses on the surface, very much like a doll on a dead sunny day.

A strong Ou Shinan pheromone hit the surroundings, even Bai Chunian and Lan Bo were shocked back two steps.

"The period of evil! He has deteriorated!" Bai Chunian roared, "Lanbo, kill him, don't let him deteriorate—!"

Once the full-mimicry messenger-type experimental body deteriorates, it will inevitably produce destructive power that will destroy the world.

Lan Bo and Bai Chunian rushed out under the fire of the heavy machine guns. Lan Bo wrapped the fishtail around Eris' neck and dragged him out of the elevator. Bai Chunian slammed on the Dead Sea Heart Rock dagger and hit him. Eris rolled on the ground several times.

Bai Chunian rode on Eris to suppress him, pointed the dagger at Eris' heart, and stabbed down hard. If he guessed right, the puppet master must have exchanged his heart for him. A heart, Eris will die without the core that carries the battle chip.

Eris' sanity was also gradually becoming blurred, and a powerful force that made him unfamiliar was spreading within his body.

But Eris, as a pure force experimental subject, was much stronger than Bai Chunian when he was restricted by the collar. He gripped the blade tightly with his spherical joints and moved it from his left chest one centimeter by one centimeter with difficulty.

"I admit defeat, don't stab my heart." Eris looked up at him, a tear welled up from his crossed eyes, dripping down his ceramic eye sockets, "This is my most precious thing. "

Bai Chunian's hands were slightly stagnant. Looking at Eris' face, he couldn't help complaining about the puppet master, why did he make Eris' face like this, like a child, he would feel guilty when he started .

He also suddenly flashed an idea to inject Eris with the synesthesia he just grabbed and let him try it out.

Bai Chunian still kept in mind the lessons he had learned from the previous battle with the bee pastry chef in the deteriorating period, if he did not deal with him in the deteriorating period, he would have no chance to enter the deteriorating period.

Bai Chunian suddenly threw off the dagger, took out a synergist, plunged it into the back of Eris' neck, and injected a third of the medicine into it.

No matter who they are, as long as they are endowed with human nature, they will always have selfish and despicable cruel thoughts when they are forced into a desperate situation. At that moment, Bai Chunian couldn't tell whether he was expecting the medicine to be real or fake.

"Did anyone tell you that you are very suspicious?" Eris was unprepared for a shot of synephrine and raised the corners of his lips in pain, "Even if you choose to join the group of good people, you are still a killing machine in your bones. I sympathize with you, you are an outlier on both sides, you have to make your own decisions for every action, and then take responsibility, and I just have to follow the Knicks."

Eris kicked Bai Chunian away, kicked him off his body, and retreated to the elevator entrance, with a slit in the slit that lifted upwards: "Next time we meet, I'll nail you to the wall and cut off your thigh bone for Nick. Let's make a carving stand, just wait."

He opened his hands, straightened his back, and jumped into the bottomless elevator entrance.

Bai Chunian was a little dazed, his movements slowed a step, Lan Bo rushed over, knocked him away from the spot, and the heavy machine gun bullets swept over, swept away a deep bullet mark from their previous position.

Lan Bo rolled out with Bai Chunian in his arms and plunged into the elevator. Lan Bo wrapped his waist with a fish tail and climbed electromagnetically on the intertwined steel building frame.

When they entered, Eris and Kraken were gone, and it was pitch black.

Bai Chunian was sitting on the suspended iron frame, leaning his head against the wall and panting for breath.

Lan Bo looked around and determined that there was no danger for the time being, and then crawled over and leaned over to Xiao Bai, and found that his left hand was pressing against his lower abdomen, and a **** smell spread from his nostrils.

Bai Chunian's chest rose and fell violently, and he slowly moved his hand away. Blood was gushing out from the lower abdomen, and a heavy machine gun bullet broke through the combat uniform and was deeply nailed into the body.

"The bullet is coated with IN infection..." Bai Chunian's face turned paler, "It won't heal... Help me get it out, hurry up."

"randi." Rimbaud stretched out his fishtail distressedly and gently wrapped his body, letting Xiaobai lean against his arms, so that he would not fall off the narrow steel beam, and his lips pressed against his forehead oozing cold sweat Go up, comforted in a low voice, "Be good, don't move."

Rimbaud put his fingers between his teeth, his index and middle fingers caught his tongue, and the fish tail slowly wrapped around his wrists, forcing him to put his hands behind his back, stretch his body to reveal the wound, and then a soft burst of softness came out of his throat. The singing voice, the voice line can not distinguish between men and women, it is ethereal and different, and it is the same as the singing heard on Mermaid Island.

Bai Chunian slowly lost his mind. Suddenly, a sharp pain came from his lower abdomen. Rimbaud's slender fingers stubbornly penetrated into the rotten bullet hole in his lower abdomen, hooked the bullet stuck in the flesh, and quickly clamped it. come out.

Bai Chunian was trembling with pain, and his fangs were uncontrollably biting deeply into Lan Bo's phalanx. Rimbaud frowned slightly, and wiped the saliva from the corners of his lips that could not be closed with his thumb.

"Be gentle. Don't bite your tongue."

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