The Fallen Merman

: Rabbit and Curare: Three Days of Romance (3)

After Lu Yan posted the photo, he waited with anticipation for Bi Lanxing's reply, but the reply was only five words: "My wife is so beautiful."

The words were nice, Lu Yan held the phone and bit his lip, but this was not what he wanted.

When he was just taking the photo, he deliberately turned down the stand collar of his uniform, exposing the back of his neck, and tried hard to find an angle where he could see the glands in the rearview mirror of the car.

As a result, the sluggish alpha probably didn't notice his little thoughts at all.

That's right, the bath towel operation didn't fail, but it didn't fail at all. Although Lanxing agreed to buy a motorcycle, it was clear that there was room for remorse. Never buy a locomotive again.

Bi Lanxing is just a piece of wood, a nerd who doesn't necessarily respond when sitting on his lap. Plant-type alphas are like this, gentle and slow, far less warm and straightforward than beast-type alphas in expressing love. Lu Yan made up his mind and had to continue his routine. Just do it. If the locomotive is not in hand, Tutu will not give up.

There are more 99+ friend requests on the phone, and the chat box is also full of useless greeting messages. Lu Yan has only graduated from Anfiya Military Academy for three years, and he is far from being hidden from the address book of his old classmates. The contact information of his major chat software was all picked up by the younger brothers and sisters, and it was spread wildly in the group.

Lu Yan held the phone, and the rabbit ears trembled impatiently. He couldn't clear all the messages, and all the useful messages were wiped out.

Before choosing to reject all messages from strangers, Lu Yan suddenly got his mind, took a screenshot of the 99+ message page, and sent it to Bi Lanxing.

"Hey, I wonder if you will listen to me." Lu Yan bit his lip and smirked, and then took a few photos of the students walking together in twos and threes in the railings of the Anfiya Military Academy, and selected a few that looked okay. I stuffed the photo of my alpha junior in, and sent a circle of friends together with the text—

"It's good to be young. I remember that we had the most grassroots in that school. I really miss it."

Then set it to be visible only to the Pyramid.

"Wuhu!" Lu Yan jumped for joy, waiting for Lan Xing to see it, he would definitely die of jealousy, and within three days, he would take the initiative to take the motorcycle driver's license test. The courtship competition between alphas is much more intense than that of omegas. Possession and jealousy are alphas. Common diseases engraved in genes are supported by medical theory.

At this time, the alarm bell rang a hundred meters away, and the warning light of the communicator on the collar turned red. Lu Yan heard the police station's arrest order: "The target has been found, and there are two accomplices, both armed with guns, request the assistance of IOA agents, the target Positioning sent."

Lu Yan threw the phone back into his trouser pocket and zipped it up. He glanced at the target location received by the watch, which was near the subway station outside the school gate.

"IOA Lu Yan received it."

The wanted researcher has been locked, and he can't drive or get out of the surrounding area of ​​the school, so he was forced to choose the subway station where he was chaotic, so that he could hand out the things in the chaos.

The subway station near the school was crowded with people, and it was difficult to block and search. The target researcher carried experimental samples from the 109 Research Institute, which were likely to include some deadly virus samples. A large number of police officers surrounded and alarmed the snakes, so they could only ask for the assistance of special agents.

Lu Yan didn't make any pretense, and walked straight into the subway entrance, unhurriedly. He studied at the Anfia Military Academy since he was a child, and is familiar with the terrain around the school like his own home.

IOA public agents are equivalent to weapons placed in the window display cabinet. Generally, they only perform public tasks. They have certificates, task books issued by superiors, IOA exclusive badges and guns. Their existence is the armed forces that IOA shows to the public. Strength, their appearance and background information can be bought on the black market, and there are hardly any secrets at all.

Of course, the wanted criminals also know the faces of these search officers.

The fleeing researcher caught a glimpse of Lu Yan's figure in the crowd, and quickly lowered his head and pulled his windbreaker and hood to cover his face, squeezed to a place with more crowds, and called the other two accomplices to tell them Lu Yan's location.

"We're hunting for a lop-eared rabbit M2, be careful."

But when he turned around after the phone call, Lu Yan was gone, he breathed a sigh of relief, he should have successfully gotten rid of the tracking.

The accomplice on the phone suddenly said nervously: "He's following behind me, I'll come to the west exit to lead him away, and you can take the opportunity to go east to hand over the goods."

"it is good."

Their guns and cargo are coated with the Institute's interference seal, which allows them to pass through the security inspection machine without obstacles.

The researcher carried the goods disguised as grocery shopping bags and followed the flow of people to the agreed direction.

Unexpectedly, at a T-junction, he was about to turn left, but vaguely saw Lu Yan wandering by the stairs on his left.

He had to flee to the right and talk to his accomplices: "Where did you lead him? He's catching up again."

The accomplice gritted his teeth and said: "I can't find his shadow when I look back."

They fled in the subway station where the terrain overlapped, and unknowingly, they became sparsely populated, empty and quiet, until they walked a few dozen steps without seeing a single person.

The researcher was a little flustered and could not help but quicken his pace.

However, a figure was blocked in the dark by the front lights. The figure is petite and slender, but the legs are long and strong, which is a unique figure of a rabbit.

The researcher recognized Lu Yan, his legs and feet were so tense that he wanted to turn around and run away, but his body was shocked, and someone behind him put his hands on his shoulders.

"You don't want to run away, do you?"

A pure and lovely omega's face pressed against his ear.

Lu Yan locked his neck with his forearm from behind, his knees slammed against his waist and eyes, one hugged the researcher and pressed the researcher to the ground, the goods flew out of the researcher's hand, and the other Lu Yan caught it casually, hanging the heavy package. There seems to be no weight on the index finger.

In the distance, Lu Yan walked over with his hands behind his back, bowed his body and shook his ID card in front of the howling researcher in pain. He dangled the handcuffs at his fingertips and raised his lips with a smile: "IOA public agent Lu Yan sees you off, it's an honor to go to you."

At the same time, two other accomplices were unknowingly driven into an empty subway. One of them was aware of the danger. Before being cornered, he grabbed a student in a school uniform and arrived with a gun. Escaped at the temple.

It was too late for the other person to run, and oppressive pheromones with a sweet taste of honey poured in from all directions and stuck to him.

He had nowhere to run, just as the subway was about to close, he took the opportunity to escape.

There was no one on this subway, the seats were all empty, and some armrest rings swayed lightly as the subway ran.

He pulled out the gun, leaned his back to the side door vigilantly, and had a chance to escape when the subway got to the next station.

When the subway arrived at the station, the door was opened with the sound of melodious music.

He raised his gun just as he was about to rush out, when he was stunned, and then backed away in a daze.

A Lu Yan walked up to every open door in each compartment. When the door was closed, a dozen or so identical lop-eared rabbit omegas looked back at him at the same time, held up their documents and handcuffs, and shook them at him.

The news that Lu Yan was assisting the arrest operation near the Anphia campus was reported by the tracking personnel of the IOA technical department to the search section chief. Lan Xing was looking at the phone while rubbing his brows, sighed, put the phone on the table, and then opened the drawer to find something.

Usually, he usually drives the Audi A6 that is assigned to the operators at the headquarters for commuting, but today he took the Porsche 911 key thrown in the corner out of the drawer and threw it in his pocket.

Seeing that he was about to get off work, the chief search officer raised his eyebrows and asked, "Wait, who told you to get off work?"

Bi Lanxing's promotion path has long been arranged by Bai Chunian. Even if he is only based on his background, he really does not rely on him to recommend him, but Bi Lanxing has always been polite, respectful and obedient to his superiors, and has never shown arrogance and conceit. , more down-to-earth than those operators with no background at all, and it is even more unheard of to be late and leave early. Today’s abnormal behavior may be due to some difficulties.

Bi Lanxing stopped what he was doing: "That, section chief, I want to get off work early to pick up the child. Is there anything wrong?"

"Forget it... let's not take this as an example." The head of the search section shook his head, "Lu Yan is assisting the police station in arresting the wanted criminal. There are three people on the other side, two of whom are armed with guns. It is safer for you to take command to ensure the safety of the public and not cause panic. ."

After listening, Bi Lanxing turned off the laptop and called out Lu Yan's current location, and contacted Lu Yan: "Report the situation."

Two seconds later, Lu Yan replied easily: "The researcher and accomplice 1 have been handed over to the police officers, and the goods were intercepted by me, accomplice 2 fled the subway station, took the gtr owner and a student as hostages, and drove in the wrong direction on the main road. ."

Bi Lanxing called up the real-time map and glanced at it: "Stop him, don't let him enter the countryside."

"Oops, I know."

On the main road, the order of the traffic flow has been disrupted. The gtr that was held hostage rampaged and drove desperately to the countryside where they had a chance to escape. More than a dozen police cars rang their bells and chased after them.

The police officers were concerned about the hostages in the car and did not dare to shoot rashly, but the outlaw had no hesitation, and reflexively stretched out a pistol from the car window and pierced the front wheel of a police car.

The explosion of the front wheel of the police car caused the entire body to rotate and roll over.

In a few minutes, the gtr will break through the barricade and break into the countryside, and a black hole suddenly flashes in the sky in front of the field of vision.

Lu Yan fell to the ground from the cave of the cunning rabbit in an instant, put his hands on the front cover of the car, forced the car to slow down with his bare hands, and then smashed the windshield with one foot. Wait for rescue in the triangle formed by safety roadblocks.

The man with the gun threw the student hostage, rushed to the driver's seat to stabilize the out-of-control car, raised his hand and shot Lu Yan frantically, but was dodged by Lu Yan with his accompanying ability supersonic one after another, and the windshield shattered into spider web patterns. .

The car that had already slowed down was slammed on the accelerator again. Lu Yan tried his best to cling to the body to avoid being thrown out. The broken glass got stuck in his palm and between his fingers. To his lips, he grabbed the ring on his **** with his teeth, tucked it into his pocket and zipped it up.

A Porsche 911 suddenly rushed out between the roads that were urgently blocked by the traffic police, steered **** the road, drifted, and rotated violently for two laps.

Lu Yan took the opportunity to climb onto the roof of the car, grabbed the window with both hands and swayed down, kicked open the side window, and pulled out the hostage student.

The two looked at each other briefly, and the student showed a horrified expression.

This face is really familiar, isn't it the old classmate who was ridiculed by Bai Chunian with his 19-year-old ID card.

"Huh? No, why haven't you graduated yet." Lu Yan opened his eyes and muttered softly, throwing the hostage outside the cordon.

But in such a moment, Lu Yan chose to protect the hostage, and lost the chance to subdue the fugitive, and was held by the man who jumped from the driver's seat with a gun on the back of his head.

"Tsk." Lu Yan slowly raised his hands.

Bi Lanxing got off 911. He didn't have time to change into his combat uniform. He was still wearing his usual commute to work. He loosened his tie and put a poison ivy on Lu Yan. He turned his head to the communicator and said, "Get ready to finish work. "

The vines instantly protected all of Lu Yan's vital points. Lu Yan turned around and hit the gunman's side with an elbow. The man was caught off guard and fired a shot in a hurry. The bullet hit the poison ivy armor, and the armor burst, leaving Lu Yan unscathed. No damage, he turned his body and kicked twice, one kicked the man's pistol, the other kicked the man's jaw, and kicked the man eight meters away. The man's jaw was smashed and his right leg was fractured. ability to resist.

The police were busy arresting and escorting prisoners, evacuating the crowd, and counting losses. Bi Lanxing drove the student hostages back to the school.

The student's alpha's name was Chu Xiang. In the early years, he was not used to seeing Lu Yan, and he often sneered and sneered. Later, one of them accidentally bumped into Bai Chunian's gun and was ridiculed by a lot of yin and yang. He lost face in school for a while.

Lu Yan sat in the co-pilot, twisted his body and looked at him: "Brother, it's too outrageous that you haven't graduated yet. Haven't you passed the ATWL exam yet?"

Chu Xiang was so stunned that he didn't dare to speak. In fact, he always knew that Lu Yan had good grades and was a melee genius. He just didn't want to admit it. This time, it was Lu Yan who rescued him from the fugitive's car with a gun.

"...Thank you." Chu Xiang rubbed his hands together, bowed his head and squeezed out an embarrassing sentence.

"Hum." Lu Yan turned around and sat back in the co-pilot with satisfaction, picked up the big cup of iced mochi milk tea he just bought, raised a finger over the back of the seat and shook it, "IOA's duty is, thank you. ."

Bi Lanxing held the steering wheel, and the vines on his fingertips grew filaments, wrapping around Lu Yan's reddish back neck, using the symbiotic relationship to replenish his wasted energy, and glanced at the base of his bare ring finger.

"Lu Yan, where's the ring?"

Lu Yan was startled when he heard his full name coldly, and snickered in his heart. Lan Xing must have seen the circle of friends that only he could see, and now he is holding his breath.

"The ring? Forgot it at home." Lu Yan was deliberately angry at him.

Bi Lanxing raised his eyelids and glanced at him. The brief gaze made Lu Yan shudder for no reason. Lu Yan tilted his head to observe Lan Xing secretly. will be fierce.

When they arrived at the school gate, they happened to catch up with the free activities of the students, and they were surrounded by students as soon as they got out of the car.

Lu Yan's photos have long been circulated in various groups on campus. The students boiled when they saw Lu Yan, especially the beast alpha. A group of younger brothers wagged their tails and approached Lu Yan and asked him if he was single now.

"Of course not..." Lu Yan blurted out, and suddenly winked at Bi Lanxing slyly, "Oh, that could be too."

However, Bi Lanxing's expression was still calm, and he didn't say anything to refute, which made Lu Yan feel a little uncertain. No way, does it really matter or is it already angry? Am I going overboard a bit.

At this time, an omega carefully leaned over to Bi Lanxing and asked in a low voice, "Senior Lanxing... Do you... have a love interest now?"

Bi Lanxing spread his hands and said warmly, "If Lu Yan doesn't have it, then I don't either."

Now it's the little ones who are excited. Students who knew Bi Lanxing in the past know that Senior Lanxing has always claimed that he has a love interest and refuses all pursuits very simply. Therefore, few people will go to him to ask for it. Not interesting.

Bi Lanxing's ten fingers extended into vine branches, wrapped around the mobile phones handed over by the boys, added ten friends at one time, and passed the application on the spot.

Soon the class bell rang, the students reluctantly waved goodbye, and Bi Lanxing waved with a smile.

The surroundings were quiet, only the two of them were left by the car.

Bi Lanxing turned to look at Lu Yan, Lu Yan glared at him, his bunny ears pricked up.

"What's wrong?" Bi Lanxing leaned against the door.

Lu Yan jumped up and grabbed Lan Xing's neck: "Complete! Lan! Xing! I strangled you to death - I didn't even add them as friends, you even added ten at a time!"

"Aren't you 99+, you still miss the school grass." Bi Lanxing let him shake his neck and put his hand on Lu Yan's **** to prevent him from falling.

"I just took a picture for you to see! I'm going to be mad at you." Lu Yan took out the ring from his pocket and put it on his **** silently, "I put it away when I was just chasing the car, I was afraid it would break. Now. Bi Lanxing, you are so stingy."

"Stingy, come here." Lu Yan grabbed his tie and pulled it down, "Give me a bite mark, and bite now."

Bi Lanxing laughed: "It's outside, this is Anfia."

"What I want is Anfia, do you want to bite?"


All the buildings named Anfia are the investment of Jiu'an Hongye Xia.

Today, the principal invited guests, and asked Xia Pingtian to show his face and help Lu Shangjin match up for a meal.

Bi Lanxing's car was parked at a very coincidental location, facing the hotel. Lu Shangjin and Xia Pingtian walked out together, looking at the young couple entangled in front of the car from a distance.

From Lu Shangjin's point of view, he could clearly see that his good son had a vicious appearance, pulling Bi Lanxing's tie as if he was bullying, biting and kicking others, and finally Bi Lanxing lowered his head and bit him Lu Yan put it on the back of Lu Yan's neck and kissed for a long time, with a satisfied expression on Lu Yan's face.

Xia Pingtian held his chin and looked at the opposite side: "Tsk tsk, is the little rabbit a force to buy and sell? Brother Rui's children are honest, and they are bullied every day with your Lu Yan."

Lu Shangjin: "Well... Lu Yan forced others...?"

Several school leaders who came out together were unknown, so they smirked and echoed, "Yes, yes, yes, yes."

"Oh." Lu Shang Jinzhuang didn't see it, and took Xia Pingtian's shoulder to take a detour and left.

5000+ today

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