Bai Chunian cuddled him from behind, trying his best to keep his own chest from getting too close. He asked in Rimbaud’s ear, “Will it be hot like this?”

Rimbaud’s eyelashes trembled and silently shook his head. 

“Because what I did yesterday hurt you? I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

You’re…moody.” Rimbaud struggled with his tongue to say this idiom. “Not obedient. I don’t want you anymore.”

What Rimbaud wished to express was nothing more than the usual threats parents make when their children are misbehaving. But it didn’t sound like that to Bai Chunian. He didn’t move the hand hugging Rimbaud. He gently lifted his chin from Rimbaud’s shoulder, and his voice was slightly nasal, “Don’t say that.”

Bai Chunian could clearly remember everything from childhood to adulthood, because it hadn’t been long since he gained self-awareness. His childhood memories were remarkably simple; when he developed his consciousness, the first omega he encountered was Rimbaud.

There were two different techniques of experimental subject transformation. One was to cultivate starting from the embryo; the experimental subject would evolve from larval to the cultivation stage, then enter maturity stage. The other one was to capture a victim from the outside world and morph it directly into an experimental subject in the cultivation stage. Bai Chunian belongs to the former while Rimbaud pertains to the latter.

As soon as he entered the cultivation stage, he met Rimbaud. The researchers discovered that he bore a special fondness for Rimbaud, and Rimbaud did not exhibit murderous intents towards him, so they tried to place them in the same observation box for investigation.

One can visualize the allure of the omega with a gentle maternal pheromone to the blossoming alpha who had recently passed the larval stage. Bai Chunian would always foolishly stick to him, licking his gland, cheeks and lips like a lion cub pandering for food from the lioness.

At first, Rimbaud would impatiently shake off the clingy little thing, but he would come crawling back to him time and time again, carefully climbing into his arms seeking hugs and pheromones, Rimbaud couldn’t help but accept him due to his nurturing instincts. 

The tender alpha also learned to release young soothing pheromones as repayment, and became increasingly dependent on him.

The researchers were undoubtedly pleased. The omega experimental subject with the most explosive temper and arrogance was willing to pacify an alpha experimental subject. There was a good chance that they would successfully bond in the future and bear more than one outstanding embryo.

With the assistance of Rimbaud’s pheromones, Bai Chunian’s growth rate exceeded all of the researchers’ expectations. He quickly awakened his J1 ability, which excited the entire Research Institute, so they eagerly deposited him inside the high-level experimental subject’s eco-box to test his fighting strength. Although the little guy got seriously injured, everyone could perceive his potential. With a grade of J1 and cultivation stage growth age, while also possessing the strength to contend against a maturity stage M2-grade experimental subject, his prospects were limitless.

Ktf gfrfjgmtfgr jirb ecmbnfgfv atja Elwyjev’r rbbatlcu qtfgbwbcfr kfgf qjgalmeijgis rqfmlji. Ciatbeut atfs kfgf ralii ecjyif ab fzqijlc atf atfbgs yftlcv atfw, atfs mbeiv yf mbwqjgfv lc afgwr bo dejilas. Ygvlcjgs bwfuj fzqfglwfcaji reypfmar’ qtfgbwbcfr kfgf jxlc ab bgvlcjgs reujgfv kjafg; la mbeiv gfqifclrt fcfgus jcv jirb wjxf bcf offi yfaafg ktfc atfs vglcx la. Lbkfnfg, Elwyjev’r rbbatlcu qtfgbwbcfr kfgf ilxf atf olcfra, wbra iezeglber tbcfs, mbcajlclcu j tecvgfv alwfr wbgf ceaglfcar. 


But he wasn’t inclined to share his soothing pheromones for other alphas.

The researchers had also discussed this in depth countless times, and it had been examined that the biggest variance between Bai Chunian and other experimental subjects was that he was very obedient around Rimbaud, extraordinarily obedient.

This degree of obedience was manifested by worship and dependence from the inside out. Bai Chunian did whatever he wanted in front of the researchers, his self-awareness was too fervent, and his temper was unbridled. Regardless, once he returned to the observation box, he was like a kitten who had yielded to the cat’s side, dutifully crawling next to Rimbaud and intimately licking his face or sleeping peacefully with a hand on Rimbaud’s body. 

Hence when the researchers realized that they were mating one day and Bai Chunian was in the dominant position, the researchers panicked and were ready to intervene, worried that Bai Chunian would be killed.

However, it was a false alarm. Rimbaud had actually acquiesced to his overstepping. After some research, they came to the conclusion that this was a superior’s indulgence towards a cub he favors.

But they later developed a conjuncture: Bai Chunian, who had entered the maturity stage, attained self-awareness, unexpectedly began to regard Rimbaud as a cub. This kind of filial piety-like behavior was rare amongst experimental subjects. But there was a possibility that experimental subjects with self-awareness believed those who do not have self-awareness were delicate and cute; exactly how humans view small animals.

The researchers attempted to transfer Rimbaud into the boxes of other alpha experimental subjects, but all of them resulted in violent fights. Rimbaud did not allow other experimental subjects to look down on him, nor were they permitted to touch his body sensually and disrespectfully. They were not allowed to yell at him, not allowed to look anywhere else, and not allowed to eat food given by the researchers unless he authorized it. Every now and then, he would order them to kneel down and kiss the tip of his tail reverently. 

It was hard for the experimental subjects to not offend this princess. If they were not prudent, then they would get beaten as punishment.

“You really don’t want me anymore?”

“En.” Rimbaud’s back faced him and he didn’t speak.

Bai Chunian’s hands embracing him loosened. The heat soothing agent in the IV drip was empty. He ripped off the infusion needle, put on his shoes, and opened the door to leave. 

Rimbaud heard the light sound of the door closing and was stunned for a long time. He was so angry that he ate all the remaining dishes within the lunch box.

With the residual tape on the back of Bai Chunian’s hand, he wandered about the corridor for a while, roaming aimlessly, and ambled downstairs involuntarily. He turned around and looked upwards—the door of the President’s office was ajar, and the faint sound of kissing could be discerned inside.

He originally planned to leave, but the person inside could sense his presence and beckoned him in.

The room was laden with an omega’s gentle high-level soothing pheromones, the sweetness filled the air, and his body relaxed considerably after going in. 

The President sat dignifiedly behind the desk, and Lu Shangjin was sitting on the sofa reading magazines. Bai Chunian thought maybe he had heard wrong. In any case, he was not in the mood to gossip about the President’s private life, so he slumped into the armchair in frustration.

If Rimbaud didn’t want him, then the only people in the world who would want him are the President and Uncle Jin. Although it was only a boss and subordinate relationship, perhaps it’s because they took him in, but he could feel an unknown and subtle sense of belonging when he’s with them.

He cherished the approving glances from the President after completing a mission, and he also liked following Uncle Jin to learn methods of dealing with cunning businessmen; so he had been working here and not once did he ever think of leaving. He never realized that he was someone who was family-oriented, because he previously didn’t have a home at all.

Lu Shangjin lifted his eyes from the magazine, “Why do you look like it’s the end of the world so early in the morning.” 

Yan Yi organized the mission files in his hands and answered for him, “He had an argument with Rimbaud yesterday. Little guys are all sensitive during their susceptible period.”

Bai Chunian buried his head in the pillow, and spoke in a muffled voice, “We didn’t argue, we fought. He beat me one-sidedly.”

Lu Shangjin folded the magazine and laughed, “That’s very normal, why are you so bothered by it? Just smother him with hugs and kisses until he can’t breathe anymore.”

“Ahem, don’t teach him useless stuff.” Yan Yi glanced at him then turned back and asked Bai Chunian, “Why do you think he only smacks you and not anyone else?” 

Bai Chunian raised his head, “Then why is it only him who hits me and nobody else does? I’m not going home tonight.”

Lu Shangjin ruffled Bai Chunian’s hair vigorously, “Stinky brat. Come drink with me tonight then. Some old PBB friends will also be there, I’ll introduce and get you acquainted with them. One cannot do anything without connections.”

“Oh, okay… Then I won’t drive tonight.” When facing Uncle Jin, Bai Chunian felt a bit guilty. He had been planning to bring their beloved son over to become a special agent, so he needed to find an opportunity to bring this up in a roundabout way and have Uncle Jin grasp the gist of his idea. After all, nothing comes for free, so it shouldn’t be considered as betraying them.

Yan Yi received an email from the Technology Department; it was detected that the Ac agent imitation had been injected into an experimental subject. The analyzing equipment was being debugged, the position indicating that the cargo ship carrying said subject just crossed the checkpoint and left the country, and the next action had yet to be displayed. 

“Call me if you need me, I’m alright.” Bai Chunian stood up and rubbed his face telling himself to get it together. The greater the individual’s gland grade was, the more challenging it was to suppress themselves during their heat. The more substantial the concentration of inhibitor required, the more apparent the pain becomes, but the heat soothing agent developed by Professor Zhong of the Medical Association was especially effective for high-level glands. The effects were mild, there were no side effects, and it was less painful than administering high-concentration inhibitors.

“You’d better recover first and take care of your own problems.” Yan Yi sent two encrypted emails and dispatched another special agent team to follow up on the experimental subject in the cargo ship.

“Oh, our precious baby’s birthday is coming up, what present should I arrange for him?” Lu Shangjin had flipped through the magazine to the point of nearly tearing it apart. He stopped to knead the area between his eyebrows. “Last year I gave him a gem of mine but it seemed as though he didn’t like it that much.”

Yan Yi stared at the computer as his fingers quickly tapped the keyboard. “What the hell are you going to gift him?” 

“Little alphas are much easier, you can just pick out sports cars and watches for them.”

Bai Chunian looked down at the watch on his wrist. At first, he didn’t know much about human luxury goods, but as he got accustomed with such items here, he gradually understood. This mechanical watch on his hand was worth almost a million.

He had no clue when his own birthday was, so he set his birthday on the day he settled in the President’s and Uncle Jin’s house. It was the first time he got to try foods like cream cake. It had no nutrition, was abundant in fat, calories and cholesterol, which did not meet the scientific eating standards established for experimental subjects. However, he really liked it. It was a warm, comforting kind of food.

In the evening at the drinking gathering, Bai Chunian wisely blocked wine offerings for Lu Shangjin, and several friends who were familiar with Lu Shangjin privately praised the young man complimenting that he was pretty good, and that they could tell he does his work proficiently. Lu Shangjin’s acquaintances were all well-known people from all walks of life, and one may not be able to befriend them even if they were wealthy. This time it was truly getting connected with people. 

He went to the bathroom halfway through the event. It wasn’t difficult to get drunk when he had something troubling his mind. Although he was trying to steady his steps, he was still a bit unstable. He leaned against the bathroom wall and got lost in thought.

He was numb in the head. He took out his phone from his pocket. His hands were fumbling a bit, dumbly holding the phone to study the lock screen photo.

Rimbaud didn’t call him. He didn’t even send a single text.

Bai Chunian sank down holding his phone. He would press the screen when it darkened, not knowing what he himself was waiting for. 

An unknown creature was wrapped around the lightning rod on the hotel’s domed roof. Rimbaud climbed down from the rod and searched floor by floor.

He finally found the alpha sitting pitifully asleep against the bathroom door on the 7th floor.

Rimbaud climbed along the ceiling and paused above the alpha’s head, weakened his power and let himself drop to the ground. He lightly patted the alpha’s face to wake him up.

Bai Chunian muttered muddleheadly, “My wife since childhood doesn’t want me anymore.” 

His body reeked of tobacco and alcohol, which differed tremendously from his own pheromone. Rimbaud bowed and hugged him, but his body temperature rose so drastically after drinking that Rimbaud had to withdraw his fingers.

An alpha arrived from around the corner. Lu Shangjin noticed that Xiao Bai hadn’t come back after a long time, so he decided to go to the bathroom and have a look while he was at it.

Turning the corner of the corridor, he came across Rimbaud struggling to lift the alpha who was taller than himself, and his cold pale skin touching the alpha was scalded red.

“What are you doing?” Lu Shangjin looked at them. 

Rimbaud finally managed to haul the alpha up, embracing him in his arms with difficulty. He frowned with dissatisfaction when he learned that Lu Shangjin brought Bai Chunian out for a drink and even acted as though he had nothing to do with it. “Hbdhysbhacjtfhjfchjxbsadhhahloofifxf (untranslatable sentence).”

Then quickly departed from the window with Bai Chunian.

Lu Shangjin drank plenty, so his intoxicated mind was a little slow.

Only after a while, did he react. 

“Ah? Was he criticizing me?”

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