Rimbaud’s was extremely fast in the water. Within a few minutes, he approached the group of orcas from underwater. More than ten orcas were fiercely attacking a human merchant ship. The ship, knocked against by a big head, tottered.

The orcas felt their king’s breath approaching and calmed down one after another, retreating to give a place for their king. 

Rimbaud looked very slender and small in front of these huge animals, but the ferocious orcas were neatly lined up, their heads lowered and tails swaying up and down to show respect for their king.

“Nali? (What happened/What’s going on)” Rimbaud asked.

The leader of the orca group replied that there was a strange smell on the boat. They were very curious. Seeing that there were no weapons on the boat, they wanted to get it down and taste it.

Rimbaud sniffed the wisps of scents blended in the seawater. The smell was very familiar. It seemed to be the scent of brandy wine, but it was different from the smell of the cargo ship that transported the wine. It was mixed with the stench of blood.

Rimbaud discharged electricity and adhered to the cargo ship’s outer walls, sticking to the iron shell and swiftly crawling up like a lizard. Taking advantage of when the crew members on the deck were focused on the group of orcas attacking the ship, Rimbaud circled behind them and silently infiltrated the cargo hold to observe the situation.

The thermometer in the cargo hold showed that the room was only at 4 degrees celsius, about the same as a large refrigerated room. Blue containers labeled with orderly numbers were stacked in there, and the containers were completely sealed on all sides.

Rimbaud put his ear against the iron outer wall of the container, and there seemed to be the sound of breathing inside.

His ears gradually became pointed, and his ear bones morphed, growing blue ear fins. It allowed for his listening ability to be more concentrated. 

Separated by a layer of iron panel, Rimbaud heard a faint voice seeking help inside. The voice was very familiar, and Rimbaud even thought he was hallucinating.

He very carefully placed his body next to the container. Dark blue talons extended from his fingertips, wedged into the container’s screw sealing the box, and twisted gently. However, the screw was so tight that he only unhitched three corners from one iron panel after spending tremendous strength.

Rimbaud wrapped his tail around one end of the iron panel and dragged it outward, exerting himself. The iron panel was rolled away, and blood gushed out, submerging the floor. Then, accompanied by the melted ice cubes, the bloody corpses rolled to the ground one by one.

A hand riddled with scars poked out from the mountain of corpses with difficulty. An alpha was pressed in the middle of the pile of corpses with a blood-stained face. He was still breathing and crawled out relying on his instinct of seeking survival. 

Rimbaud stared at him with wide eyes and slowly sat on the ground, paralyzed. His fingertips trembled slightly.

“Save me.” The young alpha’s line of sight was already very fuzzy, and he couldn’t tell that the life form in front of him had a fishtail. He was engrossed with following the tender pheromones on Rimbaud’s body, crawling over there and reaching his hand out to him in pain, “Save me…”

Rimbaud raised his hand to hold him, but the moment his fingertips made contact, the young alpha lost the last bit of strength and fell to the ground head down.

“No, no.” Rimbaud held on to him, bringing him into his arms and hugging him tightly to comfort him. “Randi? Wei?” 

But it was useless. His entire spine was surgically incised and sutured, and his wound was seriously infected. And due to the wound festering from the infection, it revealed his skeletal bones.

The alpha dying in his arms looked identical to Bai Chunian; the same black-colored hair and black eyes, and the corner of his eyes were raised like a peach blossom.

The cargo ship drifted on the tropical ocean current. Rimbaud felt a sudden chill coming from his back. He slowly raised his head, looking up at the mountain of corpses in front of him—every corpse was dressed in a disposable lab gown. There wasn’t an ounce of color on their snow-white skin, their black hair was sticking together by the stained blood, and their body was covered in sutured wounds. Almost all of them were gravely infected. Most of them were already dead, while some were unconscious but just struggling on death’s door. They all possessed the same appearance; all looking the same as Bai Chunian.

Rimbaud was a bit panicked. He placed the alpha on the ground, crawled to the side of the second container, and unfastened the screw. Inside were the same corpses that died from repeated suture infection. Whether it was the body type or the appearance, they looked no different from Bai Chunian. 

Rimbaud sat on the floor in a daze, looking at his blood-stained hands and at a loss of what to do. He stretched out his tongue to lick the blood—the faint taste of brandy made him lose the ability to think.

The movement in the container drew the attention of the sailor outside. The sailor came in to look. He suddenly looked up and saw a merman sitting on top of the container with a fishtail emitting blue light.

A thin line converged in Rimbaud’s hollow blue eyes. He was like a viper icily looking down at him.

Rimbaud suddenly dived down and held the sailor by the neck, his voice low and captivating, “What are you guys transporting?” 

The sailor received such a fright that he couldn’t even speak clearly. He spoke in Spanish, “We’re just in charge of delivering the goods. Our employer asked us to transport the goods to the middle of the sea and throw them… I don’t know, I don’t know anything.”

“Employer, who is it?” Rimbaud tightly gripped the sailor’s neck, making it hard for him to breathe.

“A…Kingston merchant…”

Taking advantage of when Rimbaud was lost in thought while digesting the info he had just said, the sailor quietly took out a taser from the gun pocket on his lower back. He suddenly kicked Rimbaud with force and immediately stunned him in the stomach. 

Rimbaud was unexpectedly kicked two meters away. He held on to his stomach as he fell onto the floor.

Two high-voltage shock darts were quickly fired, hitting hard onto Rimbaud’s chest that was wrapped in bandages. However, the sailor didn’t expect the darts that could render a person unconscious would merely flicker then extinguish on Rimbaud’s chest.

The sailor froze in place while holding the taser stiffly. He retreated in fear, wanting to press the siren two meters away.

Rimbaud’s eyes suddenly glowed blue. An ultra-high voltage flowed backwards along the helix of the darts. A white light with a blazing electric spark charged at the sailor, disregarding the insulation sleeve on the taser gun and directly turning him into ashes. 

Rimbaud crawled out of the container, stuck to the walls of the cargo ship, and crawled around to get some info on the situation.

The sailors were all gathered on the deck and using harpoons to drive away a pod of killer whales. As if teasing a bunch of idiots, the killer whales used their tails to splash water at them.

But after two minutes, as if they sensed something, the killer whales all jumped into the water and swam off.

Rimbaud calmly crawled onto the cargo ship wall and waited. His tail that belonged to a predator swayed. 

All of a sudden, a tentacle with the thickness of four people combined poked out of the water and wrapped around the body of the ship; it was the foot of a spotted octopus. Its powerful suction cups sucked the steel ship until it deformed and easily dragged it into the deep sea.

Rimbaud let go and jumped into the sea, and before he could see the whole appearance of the monster, the cargo ship disappeared without a sound.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

He searched the vicinity, but couldn’t find any traces whatsoever, so he quickly swam back to the merfolk’s den.

Qlat atf tfiq bo atf wfgobixr, atf rtlq Djl Jtecljc kjr bc rjlifv jkjs ogbw Zfgobix Prijcv. Ycis joafg ygfjxlcu jkjs ogbw atf vfcrf obu, atf qfbqif bc ybjgv ugjvejiis gfujlcfv mbcrmlbercfrr. 

Ktf Ljnjcj ybs geyyfv tlr jmtlcu tfjv jcv uba yjmx eq. Lf rja bc atf oibbg jcv xcfjvfv tlr cfmx. “Dgb, kf’gf jmaejiis ralii jilnf. P gfjiis rjk j wfgobix. P fnfc gfwfwyfg atja la kjr j ilnlcu bcf!”

Bai Chunian didn’t say anything.

He was staring intently at the monitor screen but was actually lost in thought.

He took off the earring Rimbaud gifted him and held it in his hand. His index and thumb held the top and bottom, looking at the light. The fish bone was snow-white and delicate, but the black ore was quite heavy. Rimbaud said this was a corner of his heart that he had personally cut off. 

He clearly was a fish who was afraid of pain but would always do something silly.

Saying things like ‘queen’, he even thought it was just a joke, but Rimbaud’s expression was serious everytime. What exactly was he thinking about?

Bai Chunian lightly clenched the earring in his palm—the ice-cold ore was faintly beating.

He always thought that he and Rimbaud were in the same boat; were both struggling to stay alive and relying on each other. But Rimbaud had his clansmen and his own calling and even lived in a world completely different from his own. It turned out that he was the one that was neither human nor sea creature. He was stuck between several species, unable to integrate into any race. 

He found it kind of annoying.

The sunny sky suddenly turned cloudy, accompanied by a lightning bolt striking down from the clouds. A blue light drew a quick arc above the cargo ship. After the blue light disappeared, Bai Chunian also disappeared without a trace.

Rimbaud held Bai Chunian’s collar in his mouth, tied him to his body with the tip of his tail, and led him along the outer wall of the cargo ship to quickly crawl into the water. He then wrapped them in oxygen-filled air bubbles.

Bai Chunian lightly patted Rimbaud’s back. “Stop making trouble. I’m busy right now.” 

“Don’t go.” Rimbaud loosened his mouth that was holding his collar. Like a ferocious beast guarding his cub, he slowly crawled to his side, and sternly said in a low voice, “Dangerous.”

“What’s so dangerous?” Bai Chunian laughed, “What’s there to be afraid of? What can a maturity stage experimental subject do to me? I’m just going to draw blood from it and get a bit of cell tissue.”

Rimbaud wanted to explain what he had just seen earlier, but the complexity of the matter was far beyond his expressive ability. He wouldn’t be able to explain it clearly even if he used merfolk language, let alone using Chinese so that Bai Chunian could understand.

“Go back with me.” Rimbaud arched his back, and the fins on the back of his tail raised its spikes in a threatening posture of predation. 

Bai Chunian patiently coaxed him, “I’m not done with the mission.”

“After you’re done, go back with me?”

“But I still need to go back and hand in my task. And the children at Greenfly Island are waiting for me to come back to teach.”

Rimbaud was shocked. “You don’t plan…on staying?” He never thought that Bai Chunian wouldn’t be attracted to the sea nor have the intention of staying. He thought that after randi finished his mission, he’ll go back to the giant clam bed he prepared and obediently sleep. 

Bai Chunian bit his lower lip, revealing half his canine. “Later I’ll apply to headquarters for a long-term mission in the Americas. I should be able to spend a lot of time with you.”

“No.” Rimbaud stared at him unabashedly, and his eyes were full of crazy possessiveness. “I have gems, gold, and satin. All the living beings of the five oceans belong to me. Whatever it is that you want, I’ll take it for you.”

“I don’t want anything.” Bai Chunian sat down. He reached out his hand and scratched Rimbaud’s chin lightly.

“If you want…throne…can also give you.” Rimbaud grasped his hand. “I won’t let the queen that I have raised myself…back to the dangerous humans.” 

Bai Chunian could tell that Rimbaud was extremely nervous, his muscles were tense, and his sharp nails were stretched out. “Humans fear you, study you, and kill you.”

“But the President didn’t.” Bai Chunian mindlessly rubbed his cheeks.”Neither did Uncle Jin.”

“Only you. Would trust. Humans.” Rimbaud said Indifferently, “I lived for 270 years, there’s no one worth believing.”

“Baby, what’s wrong with you all of a sudden?” Bai Chunian hugged the nervous Rimbaud and patiently coaxed, “I was not supposed to be born, but since I survived, then I should have some sort of value. The President acknowledges me, so I can’t let him down, understand?” 

“Rimbaud… Very few people acknowledge me.”

Rimbaud silently thought over his words, but his hands were still stubbornly pulling him deep into the sea.

A floating skerry blocked their path. Rimbaud recalled for a moment. It didn’t seem like there was such a skerry in this area in his memories.

Bai Chunian took the chance to grab his hand and take him ashore and sat on the edge of the isle. Coincidentally, the ship Bai Chunian was riding on when he came was also around here. 

Rimbaud stared at the special agents on the ship with distrust.

Bai Chunian did a silent gesture and explained quietly, “They’re colleagues at the Alliance’s South American branch. This time, the experimental subject fled to the Carribeans. They’re responsible for solving this. I’m just here to draw a bit of blood samples.”

Rimbaud didn’t care about others at all; he just followed Bai Chunian closely.

The ship was anchored near the isle. The Havana boy on deck was holding binoculars and looking around. It seemed like he was looking for Bai Chunian. Just now, an unknown creature crossed the deck and snatched Bai Chunian away, causing the special agents to be on guard. 

“Look at how much panic you caused.” Bai Chunian looked at them anxiously looking for him, turned his head, and rubbed Rimbaud’s wet hair. “I’ll go call them.”

Bai Chunian had just stepped ashore when he suddenly felt it was strangely soft under his feet. He carefully distinguished the soil he was stepping on, lightly touching it.

It was very smooth, and there was a layer of mucosa.

Bai Chunian’s expression changed in an instant. He quickly pushed Rimbaud into the ocean. “Go!” Then he jumped down too. 

The message receiving screen on Bai Chunian’s wrist lit up. The message was from Crawler. He had finished compiling the experimental subject’s info that Bai Chunian had asked for and sent it over.

Special Operations Weapon No. 809 


Status: M2 maturity stage alpha 

Appearance: Giant octopus 

Biological prototype: Big blue octopus

Associated ability: “Infinite Expansion.” Absorbs the devoured food without getting damaged, and continuously grows in size, infinitely.

Differentiation ability: J1 ability, “Flowing Clouds.” Can instantly change the color of the body to camouflage. 

The island they had just stayed on suddenly disappeared. Bai Chunian held his breath, forced his eyes open inside the water, and searched for the runaway Kraken. Rimbaud turned back, wanting to drag Bai Chunian to his side. All of a sudden, a stout gray tentacle appeared behind Rimbaud without warning and wrapped around him agilely, forcing him further and further away from Bai Chunian.

Bai Chunian was finally able to see the Kraken’s entire appearance.

Its color-changing cells were all over its body. In a few milliseconds, it was able to complete a whole body color change. Half of its enormous body was lying on the white seafloor, becoming a snow-white color. The other half blended in with the colorful corals.

It was almost 30,000 times bigger than when they first saw it at the port seafood factory. The current Kraken weighed 1,500 tons, which was equivalent to the size of three hundred adult Asian elephants piled together. 

The Kraken abruptly opened its rectangle eyes that were buried in the snow-white seafloor. Its movements made the ocean current surge. Without Rimbaud giving him oxygen, Bai Chunian had to hurry up and go to the surface to breathe.

A crazy wave rose from the sea surface. The ship the special agents were on was rolling and swaying in the midst of the surge. The mast broke off and toppled over. The few special agents on deck were flung off, and one of them was that unlucky Havana boy.

Several people fell into the ocean at the same time, but it seemed like the Kraken’s attention was only on Bai Chunian alone. The tip of one of the stout tentacles coiled around Bai Chunian’s foot and dragged him down.

Inside the ocean was not Bai Chunian’s home ground. He was at a great disadvantage when facing a maturity stage octopus experimental subject. 

Each tentacle of the octopus had the ability to think independently. It didn’t need to think too much, and the other tentacles would automatically block all of Rimbaud’s rescue routes for it.

The suffocation gradually spread from the lungs, and Bai Chunian’s vision was going black. However, at this moment, he had not lost his ability to think. He quickly thought about a way to escape and what the experimental subject’s goal was.

There were human agents and non-human experimental subjects also in the ocean right now, but it was obvious that the Kraken was only interested in him, indicating that this octopus had likely received a specific mission target signal.

For an ocean creature to be able to receive signals, it was most likely due to pheromones. Bai Chunian suspected that someone had given his own pheromones for the Kraken to identify. But him coming to the Caribbean was a last minute move. It was impossible for someone to have the chance to inject the Kraken with recognition pheromones in advance to capture him. 

Bai Chunian searched calmly and found a reef underwater. The gap in the reef was just enough for a person to pass through.

The tentacle that was as thick as four people dragged Bai Chunian, the slender tip wrapping around his ankle, but that enormous body was unexpectedly pulled down to the reef by him.

Despite the huge disparity in body size, the Kraken’s strength was still weaker than Bai Chunian’s.

But the closer to the depth, the greater the pressure was on the seafloor. Bai Chunian didn’t have any diving equipment. It was very difficult to only rely on his strength and the oxygen in his lungs to swim. 

The Kraken suddenly separated one of the seven tentacles that were blocking Rimbaud and bound it to Bai Chunian’s other leg. It gradually crawled up to his waist and squeezed the remaining oxygen in his lungs.

The constriction of the tentacle made Bai Chunian’s internal organs hurt. He was forced to choke on a mouthful of water, and his body relaxed. The Kraken pulled him to his mouth and threw him into his black hole-like stomach.

“Randi!” Rimbaud broke free and rushed toward where Bai Chunian was swallowed. Yet, he was a step too late—he was blocked by the Kraken’s huge mouth full of countless mutated fangs.

Bai Chunian was still conscious when he was swallowed into the Kraken’s stomach. He followed along the mutated peristaltic internal organs into the part where the Kraken digested its food. The water here only reached below the calf. There was still half a space to breathe. 

Bai Chunian actually felt more comfortable. He took out a LED flashlight from his belt. In the pitch-black darkness, he saw there were still fragments of the cargo ship swallowed by the Kraken in here. Some containers had yet to be digested.

The Kraken’s powerful gastric acid didn’t work for Bai Chunian, but it still stank a bit.

The receiver on his wrist lit up again. Crawler sent another trivial message.

He said that 109 Institute had invented a new way of summarizing the experimental subjects and had stolen the data. If Bai Chunian wanted to look at it, then he had to promise to meet up with them for a bit. 

Bai Chunian agreed without even thinking about it.

The documents were sent over.

This is an improved way of summarizing the growth period of experimental subjects—

The growth period of special operations experimental subjects is divided into the larvae stage, the cultivation stage, the maturity stage, and the deterioration stage. After years of research, scientists now divide the maturity stage into ten stages. They are the first-grade maturity stage subject, the second-grade maturity stage subject… and so on. After reaching the tenth-grade maturity stage and evolving again, they will enter the free-subject state, and if the evolution occurs before reaching the tenth-grade maturity stage, they will enter the deterioration stage. 

The order of the experimental subject’s combat power in each stage is as follows: free-subject > deterioration stage > maturity stage (level 10 to 1) > cultivation stage > larvae stage. 

Crawler said that after accurate calculation, the growth stage of Invisible Stalker was a first-grade maturity subject, Clown Samael was a second-grade maturity subject, and Kraken was approximately a third-grade maturity subject.

In other words, this guy was more difficult to deal with than the previous two maturity stage experimental subjects.

“What about me?” Bai Chuanian asked. 

“Around grade nine.” Crawler replied, “Rimbaud is around grade seven at his maturity stage, but he has now returned to the cultivation stage.”

Bai Chunian’s voice replied, “Your poor information is useless except giving me an increase of slight unnecessary confidence. Change it to a useful one.”

Crawler: “Kraken has three hearts, and each tentacle has the ability to think independently. It has no bones and classifies as a high-intelligence creature.”

Bai Chunian: “Weak point?” 

Crawler: “It doesn’t have any weak points, but it doesn’t have any strong points either. It can just eat. The Research Institute invented it to deal with medical treatment waste. Later, they found that the more it ate, the bigger it was. The ecology vat didn’t have enough room for it, so they conveniently sold it to the Red-Throated Bird organization for them to deal with.”

Bai Chunian held up the LED flashlight and walked toward the blue containers that had not yet been completely digested, rippling the water. Several of them were opened, and a few corpses were piled in there, dissolved by digestive juices.

What was it? A container specialized in transporting corpses? Bai Chunian squatted down and rummaged through the corpse, looking for clues.

Some of the lab gown on the corpses have not yet been dissolved. A red triangle symbol engraved on the plate on the chest was visible, representing affiliation with the 109 Institute. 

“A patient who is a live specimen experiment made by the Research Institute?” Bai Chunian walked to the unopened container’s front, used Bone Armour, and easily tore open the galvanized iron sheet nailed securely to the container. He had a general idea of what was inside, and when he tore open the galvanized iron sheet, he deliberately backed away two steps.

A rancid stench rushed into his nasal cavity, the rotten flesh-like corpse rolled out from the hole that was torn open, and the melted ice cubes mixed with the iced water and blood trickled out with a clang.

A still intact corpse rolled to Bai Chunian’s feet, floating face down in the water.

Bai Chunian turned his front side over, and the moment he saw the corpse’s face, his heart felt as if someone had pinched him ferociously. 

This face was no different from his own. He looked at the other corpses again, and their appearances were indistinguishable. Even the scent of their pheromones were about the same as his, carrying an odor of rotten brandy wine.

He was stiffly stupefied for a moment and then went to dismantle the other boxes. He was inexplicably expecting to see other people’s clones in his heart, but without exception, all of them were his own.

He suddenly understood why Rimbaud wanted to stop him from coming.

He was in a slightly confused state of mind, trying hard to sort out the clues in his mind. If Kraken’s goal was only to devour these corpses with his own pheromone scent, then it was very possible that it also recognized him as a corpse and thus suddenly launched an attack. 

At this point he should have immediately taken a picture and sent it back to the Alliance Technology Department, but he hesitated.

If this kind of photo was sent back… Bai Chunian squatted in the water that was up to his knees, holding his head in pain.

A dazzling strong light suddenly shone on his face, and Bai Chunian reluctantly opened his eyes. Rimbaud was holding up a transparent hydrated steel electric saw, and the electric saw hummed while cutting open Kraken’s body. A bright light reflected behind Rimbaud.

Rimbaud dragged him out of Kraken’s stomach, and the seawater from the wound flowed backward into Kraken’s huge stomach. The containers and corpses he devoured dispersed into the big sea one after another, and a plethora of Bai Chunian’s bodies floated in the red-dyed bloody water. Rimbaud passed through the sea of ​​corpses and swam toward the water surface while carrying Bai Chunian. 

“Did you see? Those of me,” Bai Chunian asked wearily.

“Mn.” Rimbaud observed ahead.

“Do you think I’ll be one of them?”

“Kimo nowakneya. (You’re different from them)” 

The skin of the octopus cut by the electric saw healed quickly, and Kraken pursued relentlessly. Rimbaud turned his hand over and put together a transparent hydrated steel quadruple bazooka. The manta ray’s M2 ability High-Explosive Water Bomb fired in succession, attached to transparent quadruple rocket artillery. It ignored its opponent’s grade, striking and flying, undisturbed. Kraken was knocked out of the water surface by four consecutive attacks sent out and then fell back violently, splashing up a huge wave.

Bai Chunian regained oxygen and took deep breaths at the water surface. The suffocation made his head buzz, and when his ears were hearing things, it resembled the unclearness of them being covered by a layer of cloth.

The Havana boy swam over and grabbed his wrist, “Brother, are you alright?”

Bai Chunian wiped his face. “I’m fine.” The sample had already been taken, and the rest was the business of the Alliance Branch’s special agents. 

Rimbaud also was floating on the water surface, holding Bai Chunian’s arm, and staring at the alpha with an unfriendly gaze.

“Wow, we actually have such a beautiful special agent on board.” The alpha bowed his head and looked at his figure up and down. When he looked below the water surface, Rimbaud’s slender waist was connected to an oddly long translucent fish tail, glistening and dazzling in the water.

“Sea monster.” The alpha’s complexion changed and let go of his hand, crying out. He swam backward a distance away from him, flustered, and shouted to Bai Chunian, “He’s clinging onto you. Come here, quick!”

“You don’t need to be afraid. This is my wife.” Bai Chunian grabbed Rimbaud’s slender hand and spread his webs, showing it to him, “He’s very obedient.” 

Rimbaud’s eyes became even fiercer.

This wasn’t even the most terrible thing. A corpse floated up and drifted beside the Havana youngster.

The alpha pushed the corpse away in horror, but more and more corpses floated up around them. There were too many of them, and some were not completely rotted. Anyone could clearly see that they had Bai Chunian’s face. The Research Institute’s symbol hung on their chests.

The look in his eyes changed when he looked at Bai Chunian. His gaze was full of hostility, and he said confidently, “You’re a spy.” 

Bai Chunian took a deep breath: “I’m not. I have the documents. IOA General Headquarters Secret Service Search Division, official worker, alright?”

The alpha sneered, felt for a waterproof pistol on his waist, took it out, and pointed at Bai Chunian’s head: “The President knows your identity? Or did you deceive him?”

Rimbaud was on his last straw. He violently swung his fishtail around the Havana agent’s neck and hung him above the water alive.

“Forget it. Can I even succeed in explaining it to you?” Bai Chunian pushed Rimbaud, “Go.” 

“Anyway, my blood samples and cells have all been collected.” Bai Chunian said nonchalantly, “The South American branch will solve the experimental subject here by themselves.”

Rimbaud loosened his fishtail indifferently and swam back to Bai Chunian’s side.

Just as the alpha fell back into the water, he threatened in a low voice, “Don’t move.”

He suddenly pulled the trigger, and a gunshot rang out. Bai Chunian inclined his head sharply. The bullet did not hit the back of his head and instead passed through his shoulder. 

The bloody hole in the shoulder pierced by the bullet healed quickly, visible to the naked eye.

“Experimental subject…” the Havana agent asked very fiercely, “I had long realized that there’s something wrong with you while on the ship. Say it, what is your purpose?”

Bai Chunian’s back was facing him. He gently touched his healed shoulder and laughed softly at himself: “Am I about to be laid off?”

He had only worn the IOA Freebird Medal for a short time, and it would be revoked sooner or later if things went on like this. The President couldn’t counter public opinion alone, and even if he was fired, he would be very understanding. 

A noisy call came through from the communications device on each of their respective waists, vibrating as a reminder. They took out their communicators in the water simultaneously, shook off the water, and received the order.

Every agent on board received this order. It was a command personally relayed by the president of the IOA South American branch.

“The mission goal of this special agents group: Eliminate Experimental Subject No. 809 Kraken.”

“There is still 15 minutes until the reinforcement helicopter will arrive. After receiving the general headquarters’ order, the full authority of this battle’s command will be handed over to Bai Chunian. The other special agents will obey his command and cooperate with the battle.” 

The Havana special agent was so emotional that he pressed the communications device and shouted, “He’s an experimental subject spy! Are you guys crazy?!”

The branch responded: “All plans are decided by the general headquarters. Please execute the order.”

Rimbaud raised his eyebrows in surprise. Bai Chunian was holding the communications device, his eyes were calm, and his Adam’s apple moved slightly.

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