Chapter 94

Translator: Bamboo

Translation Checker: Kii 

Editor: Agneya

Proofreader: Babymew

Last night, the students’ dormitory was in an uproar. The alpha trainees who lived on the sixth floor saw a human-sized blue lizard crawling on the outer wall of the omega dormitory building across from them. It even had an especially long tail that flickered brightly in the night.

The big lizard crawled in and out of the windows leaving behind continual screams in its wake, along with the sound of kettles, clothes hangers, vacuum cleaners and other miscellaneous objects clattering to the ground. 

In fact, Rimbaud had first visited Bai Chunian’s personal villa and searched around but didn’t find him. Thus, he could only follow Bai Chunian’s scent and searched around the buildings one by one and then set his sight on the dormitory upstairs when he still couldn’t find him. Bai Chunian would check in on the dormitory every week as long as he stayed at the base, so every room had his scent.

It can be said that the situation at the time was something like this:

Rimbaud climbed into one of the bedrooms and realized that he found the wrong person, but the texture of the ragdoll cat omega’s ears seemed so nice that he couldn’t help but stop and stroke them for a while before making his way to the next room. The grade of these trainees was simply not enough to defend against Rimbaud’s ministration, they could only be caught and be taken advantage of.

The grade of an omega that could enter the special training base was not too low. Even if their glands only differentiated to J1, the gland energy was higher than that of ordinary people, and the excess energy would cause the gland cells to proliferate, so most of the young omegas had exterior biological characteristics.

And right now, just as expected, cries could be heard from every bedroom that Rimbaud visited.

After visiting the omega building, Rimbaud went to the alpha building again. However, the young alphas weren’t much fun and some of them didn’t even clean up properly, so the rooms stank. Rimbaud crawled out of the window in sheer disgust.

That night, Han Xingqian arrived at the scene just in time, caught him with a fishing net, and dragged him back to his residence to have him settle down for the night. He barely prevented Rimbaud from damaging the dormitory building twice.

Leaving the habitat would increase the confusion of the experimental subject’s behavior. ——Han Xingqian wrote in his notepad with a solemn face. 

Several instructors were watching the fun in the corner. Everyone had seen how Chu-ge made out with this merman in a secluded place before, and now the little secret lover even came to their doors today. It seemed like there was something fun to watch now.

But Bai Chunian just froze for a moment then coughed lightly: “What are you guys looking at? Everyone, gather at the airport and prepare to leave.”

Rimbaud hung upside down beside him, his expression unhappy: “I also want to have my collar fixed.”

Bai Chunian turned his head to lecture him: “Don’t make trouble.” 

Rimbaud frowned and quietly retreated behind the reef.

The trainees whispered to each other and ran off. Except for some people who knew the nature of the relationship between the instructor and the mysterious merman, everyone else was confused.

Firefly and Clownfish covered each other’s mouths and tried to constrain this shockingly surreal information in their hearts. Neither Bi Lanxing nor Xiao Xun liked to gossip all that much, while Lu Yan was way too ignorant about love. Although he had known Bai Chunian for a long time, he still was completely unaware about the current situation. His thoughts were fully focused on how to beat his opponent down in this time’s exam.

When the people were almost gone, Bai Chunian heaved a sigh of relief and went around to look for Rimbaud behind the reef. 

“Don’t sit on the ground.” Bai Chunian bowed to pick up Rimbaud and gently patted off the sand stuck to the scales of his butt.

“So fierce with me.” Rimbaud turned his face to the other side in resentment.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Djl Jtecljc tfiv tlr mtlc jcv aegcfv tlr ojmf abkjgv tlw: “Ofa wf jrx sbe, kts vlv sbe mbwf yjmx?”

Elwyjev ogbkcfv jcv gfqilfv, “P..kjcafv ab.” 

He had now learned the essence of human words. Bai Chunian placed him on a low reef beside his feet, put his hand in his pocket and looked at him. “It’s too dangerous.”

“Tbeg uloa…sbe vlvc’a ajxf la ktfc sbe ifoa…rb P ygbeuta la ab sbe.” Elwyjev ibbxfv eq ja tlw, “Jjc sbe qgbafma wf ifkvis?”

Bai Chunian licked his lower lip, turned around with his hands in his pocket, ruffled his hair helplessly, and turned back again.

Sometimes the strange combination of words spouted from the mouth of this fish created a confusing and seductive feeling when spliced ​​together. 

“Don’t use this adjective all the time, it’s not a good word I’m telling you. A good boy doesn’t speak crassly.”

“En, mitub.” Rimbaud said.

“What does that mean?”


“Aiyo.” Bai Chunian scratched his hair exasperatedly. To teach a fish, one had to start right from childhood. He couldn’t discipline his little fish once it had grown older, thus resulting in him learning some obscene and inappropriate words.

“Fix my collar.” Rimbaud raised his head, and his slender collarbone was more pronounced as he raised his head.

“You don’t even have a collar.”

His upper body was only wrapped in a layer of bandages, so Bai Chunian had no choice but to put the coat over his shoulders on Rimbaud’s body, and then squatted with one knee on the ground to tidy his collar. 

Rimbaud’s eyes bended. He looked at the fishbone ore Bai Chunian was wearing on his left ear. At this time, the dark light emitted by the ore was looming again and again.

“When removing this piece…I saw…my own heart.” Rimbaud told him, “When I think of…randi…it will light up.”

When Rimbaud said randi, the ore on Bai Chunian’s ear faintly lit up.

“So I often electrocuted myself.” Rimbaud muttered to himself, covering his heart, “I’m not careful every day…get electrocuted many times…it hurts…so come to find you.” 

An incomplete confession fell on Bai Chunian’s ears, making his heart tremble.

Rimbaud obediently let him play with him, put him on the reef, and he sat obediently on it with his tail rolled up. The tip of his tail curled up from time to time, hooking on to Bai Chunian’s boots, not at all so majestic and cold as when he had threatened the president a few days ago. He was even a bit guilty of the intimacy.

“President, did he say anything to you?”

“Huh? Oh, nothing much. He simply comforted me.” After Bai Chunian was transported away by the rescue helicopter that day, he did not hear the private conversation that happened between Rimbaud and the President. 

“En.” Rimbaud felt relieved and muttered softly, “At least Rabbit was sensible.” He despised people who snitched.

Bai Chunian was a little confused.

“Are you going away…on a trip?” Rimbaud asked, “I’ll come along to take a look around too.”

“It’s an on-site audit test, on a small island in the south.” Bai Chunian quickly made a note of all the scenic locations on the island. “Now that I think of it, there are quite a few places offering picturesque views. After the test, I’ll take you to play.” 

The trainees and instructors had already boarded the plane. Bai Chunian placed Rimbaud in his designated seat. He got a backpack for him and put it under the seat. It was filled with bottles of mineral water.

His seat was adjacent to Han Xingqian. Han Xingqian consciously went to the back row , sat with the trainees of the sniper class, and casually opened a magazine to pass the time.

Bai Chunian smoothly took Han Xingqian’s seat.

Rimbaud turned around curiously, leaning on the backrest to look at the trainees in the cabin. The trainees had been attracted to this beautiful merman since the morning, and the topics they chatted about while on the road revolved around him. The group of children were finally able to get a closer look at his face, so they stared at Rimbaud unabashedly for a long time. Some of the young alphas even quietly waved their hands to say hello. 

“Why don’t you have your own class?” Rimbaud turned around and asked him.

In the special training base, each instructor would be in charge of a specific class. The trainees in this class majored in the class of their own instructor, except for Bai Chunian. As an instructor of the command class, he was not in charge of a sole class.

“Their level is not up to my teaching standard.” Bai Chunian said, “Not worthy of entering Laozi‘s class.”

Lu Yan was not convinced, and said, “What can be considered enough then?” 

Bai Chunian: “When there is absolutely no flaw while fighting.”

Lu Yan thought for a while: “It doesn’t seem to be that difficult.”

Bai Chunian sneered: “We’ll see when one of you guys actually manages to do it.”

The hatch closed and the plane entered the runway. Rimbaud leaned on the small window and saw the large air flap outside. He muttered silently, “A winged bus.” 

“Mn, it’s an airplane. Isn’t this your first time riding one?” Bai Chunian pulled him over to sit firmly and fastened his seat belt meticulously. “Be careful.”

The plane took off, the sudden push due to the immense speed of the aircraft made Rimbaud startled, and then his ears felt strangely plugged in. Rimbaud swiftly wrestled out of the seat belt and wrapped himself tightly around Bai Chunian.

“Nali nali? (What’s wrong, what’s wrong??)”

“It’s alright, you sit down first.” Bai Chunian patted him on the back, instinctively releasing a copious amount of soothing pheromone from his glands. 

Rimbaud pointed to his ear: “Wei? (Why [blocked])?”

“It’s standard procedure, don’t be afraid.” Bai Chunian rubbed his ear and pulled down his chin, “Open your mouth like this, it will make you feel better.”

The odor of soothing brandy pheromone overflowed the cabin. Instructor Hong Xie was sitting behind him, his temples throbbing from the smell. He held his head and said, “I gotta hand it to you. It’s just a simple take off, do you need to go as far as to use a high concentration of soothing pheromone? Chu-ge, I’m this close to having a concussion.”

Instructor Dai Ning persevered against the intoxicating pheromone, put his head on the small table and fell asleep until he was snoring thunderously. 

The pilot of this plane was temporarily transferred from the base detection station. He was used to flying fighter planes. The vertical take-off was at full speed. Rimbaud glanced out the window, the sky was spinning outside, and they were getting further and further away from the ground.

“Rimbaud wants to vomit.” Rimbaud curled up into a translucent ball and rolled down the aisle in the middle of the cabin to the toilet.

“Hey, come here and I’ll take you there.” Bai Chunian unfastened his seat belt and ran after the tumbling fish ball to the end of the cabin.

The plane suddenly entered a state of steady flight, the fish ball rolled back due to inertia, and Bai Chunian quickly chased after him. 

Han Xingqian propped up his head to watch the excitement. Xiao Xun stretched his head out to take a look. Suddenly, he saw Dr. Han pushing a magazine over with a small pile of peeled melon seeds.

Xiao Xun was stunned. He hesitantly took one and put it in his mouth, carefully chewed it for a long time, and then took another one.

Han Xingqian turned on his laptop and observed Xiao Xun’s puppy’s tail raised up and wagging from the reflection of the black screen. He stretched out his leg to stop the fish balls rolling to and fro in the corridor, and told Bai Chunian to carry the fish away and to be quiet so as to not disturb him.

After flying for half an hour, the plane was about to arrive at the destination. Bai Chunian picked up the onboard microphone and put it to his lips: 

“You have already entered the military training ground of Hearts Island, and the flight route will cross the sky above Hearts Island and land at the airport. The students participating in the assessment will be in groups of six. The weapons are provided by the fixed ammunition boxes in the training ground. Each weapon is attached with my associated ability, Pain Deception. You will not be really injured, but you will experience a pain that will feel very much like you are actually injured. Members who are incapacitated can just wait where they’re at for cleaning and rescue until there is only one team left on the field. Your performance will be monitored by all the instructors throughout the process, and the live video will be transferred to the senior management of the headquarters. You must do your best. Let me see the results of your hard training for a year.”

The special trainees, whose names were being randomly called, jumped out one after another. While Bai Chunian was busy calling names, Rimbaud efficiently found a parachute bag from under his seat and fiddled with it quietly.

Firefly shouted “Number 99 ready for descent!”, and then parachuted out of the cabin. Clownfish shouted “Number 100 ready for descent!” and immediately followed.

Bai Chunian: “Okay.” 

“Number 101 ready for descent!”

Bai Chunian: “Okay.”

“Number 102 ready for descent!”

Bai Chunian: “Okay.” 

“Number 103 ready for descent.”

Bai Chunian: “Okay.”

Two seconds later.

Bai Chunian: “??? There’s a number 103??!” 

With a whoosh, Rimbaud free-fell from the plane with the parachute bag sheltered in his arms. He randomly whirled around and landed in a peculiar position.

He landed faster than everyone else because he didn’t open his parachute at all. A moment before touchdown, he was cushioned by a strong electromagnetic current emitting a buzzing sound.

“Exciting.” Rimbaud floated on the dome of a building and wrapped himself around the lightning rod. The tip of his tail curled up happily. He looked up at the plane and found that Bai Chunian had not come down yet.

Rimbaud: “?” 

The real-time surveillance clearly magnified Rimbaud’s perspective—he happily opened the fixed ammunition box and climbed in. Whenever someone came to get the weapon, he suddenly stuck his head out and doused them with water all over, and then joyfully crawled away with the weapon in his mouth.

Hong Xie, who was watching the real-time surveillance, was amused.

“Hahahahahahahahaha, what a troublemaker. Chu-ge, your wife is really energetic.”

Han Xingqian folded his arms and leaned onto his side: “Not bad, it’s time for these arrogant children to experience what a real opponent is. It’s good to let Rimbaud be a training partner.” 

Bai Chunian sat in the cabin, rubbing his head and pinching his philtrum to save himself some dignity.

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