Lu Yan climbed to the top of the stacked containers in the warehouse and fired several shots at the wall rhythmically. Bi Lanxing understood thoroughly and gestured for the team members to pause their shooting.

Bi Lanxing lifted his head and looked towards the warehouse. A pair of black eyes appeared, peeking through the cracks of the damp and corroded warehouse bricks. 

Lu Yan asked, pushing aside brick seams, “Hey, you guys also received the second phase of the task, right?”

Bi Lanxing nodded.

Lu Yan: “I knew that the end-of-year assessment would definitely not be as simple as the weekly test. They said that there were seven terrorists, armed with weapons, and an assistant staff was arranged for us to help us with assaults. We know Rimbaud is very good at both close-quarters combat and group combat. There was simply no such thing as an assistant staff before. What does this mean? This means that the task will be very challenging.”

“We have a maximum of six people in each team, and some have lost a lot of people. There are at most more than 50 people who are still alive. When we get to the position, there will be at most three or four people left on each team. If all teams go up against them one by one, isn’t that losing to the enemy one at a time? I don’t want to be dragged out for SERE training.”

SERE training was war prisoner training. Every time, students who died in battle early in the monthly exam would be thrown into a mock war prisoner camp by the clean-up and rescue personnel. The highest default intensity was C level, which was equivalent to an enemy prison. There would be completely unfamiliar instructors inside acting out the roles of enemy troops. They would put gland suppressors on them, bind them, whip them, hurl abuses at them, humiliate and strip them, forbid them to eat, drink, and rest, shine them with scorching powerful lights sometimes, send them into nervous breakdowns using ear-splitting sounds, and then follow it with endless beating up and questioning via torture until the end of the entire assessment.

Although the students who successfully escaped the war prisoner camp would be exempted, it was truly too difficult to escape. Each time, only one or two students could achieve it.

The risk of being taken as a prisoner as a special agent was very high. Once one chose this career, one must face the ability to endure the pressure of painful and frightening things.

Lu Yan had gone in only once when he made a mistake in an assessment, and the time was also very short, probably only around four hours. At that time, Instructor Dai Ning was very worried about whether it would cause trauma to the little guy who had been pampered and spoiled since childhood, but he had very obviously underestimated him. After the little rabbit came out, he hid in the closet and wiped away his tears for a night. The next day, he appeared in the classroom on time, sporting eyes that were still red and with cuts and bruises all over his body. 

Thinking back to that experience, Lu Yan’s calves trembled. As a result, he would go all-out for every major exam that followed to avoid going to the prison for war prisoners again.

Bi Lanxing lowered his head to change the magazine for the Uzi and asked in a low voice, “How do you want to do it?”

“We’ll get rid of the terrorists together first.” Lu Yan’s mind worked very quickly, “Look, the mission didn’t say only one team can execute the annihilation mission. If it doesn’t say that explicitly, it just implies that it’s possible.”

Bi Lanxing thought: “Okay. You guys are responsible for finding Rimbaud, and we will contact the other teams. Two hours later, we will gather in the valley swamp a kilometer away from the temple. I will build a fortification in advance, and then we’ll re-group and charge. ” 

Lu Yan: “Check the time. We’ll withdraw first.”

Lu Yan drove the two team members back to their original positions and took Xiao Xun and Ragdoll in another direction.

During the ATWL exam, Lu Yan spent a few days with Rimbaud and got a general understanding of several of his habits and properties. He drove directly to places with water and thoroughly searched all the water sources.

Rimbaud lay peacefully in the small creek with an HK416 rifle resting on his head. His hands were hanging on the cobble, and blue butterflies were landing in his blonde hair. 

They parked the cross-country vehicle in the distance and walked on the cobble to approach Rimbaud.

Xiao Xun customarily probed the target’s situation—

Data of overall analysis of creature: 100%

Remaining Strength: 100% 

Remaining Gland Energy: 100%

Swbalbc Ejalb: 50% tjqqs, 50% ybgfv

Mbbv Pcajxf: 99%

Pa jqqfjgfv jujlc, atlr qjgalmeijg lcvlmjabg. Wljb Wec tjv cfnfg ecvfgrabbv kts atfgf kjr remt jc lafw lc Elwyjev’r vjaj. Ktf ijra alwf tf wfa Elwyjev, tlr Mbbv Pcajxf kjr 97%, jcv cbk, la tjv lcmgfjrfv j ilaaif yla. Lf vlvc’a xcbk ktja kbeiv tjqqfc lo la kfgf ab gfjmt 100%. 

“He’s in a pretty good mood as of now. Let’s try approaching him,” Xiao Xun said.

Lu Yan trotted over, squatted down, and patted Rimbaud on the shoulder: “Brother, are you our rescue soldier?”

Rimbaud opened one eye: “Noliya bigi milayer. (Impudent human cub.)”

He rolled over languidly and got up laying on his side on the carbine rifle with a droplet of water hanging from his pale golden eyelashes. 

Lu Yan turned around and beckoned the others to come over. The base of his tail suddenly felt a little itchy, and when he looked back, he saw that Rimbaud was gently curling his index finger around his fur ball tail.

Rimbaud supported his head and laughed in a low voice: “Bani. (Rabbit.)”

Xiao Xun observed the change in Rimbaud’s emotional value; his happiness increased from 50% to 60%.

Seeing the situation, the border collie alpha quickly pushed the siamese omega and the ragdoll omega to Rimbaud’s side. 

The locations of the two little omegas’ outer visible creature traits were different. The traits of the ragdoll omega were reflected in their ears, and the traits of the siamese omega were reflected in their feet.

“A, rando. (Ah, kitten.)” Rimbaud rubbed the ragdoll’s ears and siamese paw pads, his dark blue eyes bending into crescent curves.

His happiness level soared from 60% to 100%.

Behind the monitoring screen, Bai Chunian, who was staring at the real-time imaging, held his chin with his fingers crossed. He put his elbows on the tabletop, and his face darkened: “I was careless.” 

Now the dots representing the positions of the students on the map were gathering near the temple, but the color of the dots was always green. No one was attacked or killed, which meant that although students from different teams met face-to-face, they did not open fire. The green dots were getting more and more compressed, and almost all of them were concentrated in a position one kilometer away from the temple.

The only group relatively farther away was driving over from the valley. It could be determined that they were carrying Rimbaud in their car.

“All this is for a complete collaboration in order to annihilate us.” Bai Chunian thought while holding his chin, “K, how many students still survived as of now?”


“Bi Lanxing is already building a bulletproof base, and the position is very well chosen. It is easy to guard and quite difficult to attack. It’s probably prepared for the sniper class.” Bai Chunian observed through the video recording, “He really has a strong understanding of tactics. ”

Instructor Hong Xie proudly said, “Don’t you know who taught him?”

“Ning-ge, take advantage of when they’re not yet gathered together and wipe out a few.” Bai Chunian marked several locations on the map with red dots, “Break up their encirclement.”

“Mn.” Dai Ning stuffed the communicator into his ear, put on the skull cap, and nimbly climbed out of the temple ruins. 

“Zheng-ge, suppress the firepower in the back and cover him. There are too many of them, and a long battle of being attacked by turns and tiring us down is not beneficial to us. Han-ge, follow to ensure ammunition and strength supply.”

Profile Instructor Zheng Yue carried the equipment on his back and followed Dai Ning out of the outer wall of the temple. Han Xingqian closed his notepad, put it in his pocket, and walked down the stairs.

Zheng Yue found a hidden slope facing their face and set the gun frame on the ground, lay down, and covered Dai Ning to sneak into the dense encirclement of students.

But there was an okapi omega among the students with a J1 ability Sleepless Sentinel. This sentry ability seemed undesirable, but the actual combat effectiveness was very astonishing because this ability consumed very little gland energy, almost a negligible amount. Hence, a high degree of vigilance could be maintained for a long period of time.

Dai Ning was discovered by the okapi when he was still fifty meters away from them. He blew his whistle, and the sharp note echoed throughout the valley.


Bai Chunian’s voice promptly sounded from the communicator: “Withdraw. Don’t be killed by them.”

Instructors would not use the differentiation abilities above J1 when sparring, so facing the full charge of more than 50 elite students simultaneously wouldn’t be as easy as one would suppose.

Under the deployment of Bi Lanxing, all the surviving students redistributed the equipment they had acquired and divided concealed positions’ ghillie suits and high-precision sniper rifles among the sniper class. The submachine guns and rifles were assigned to the combat class, and the tactical class and the profiling class were separated and given to each reorganized small group.

Then the 54 surviving students were now divided into 9 standard anti-terrorist operation teams. Simultaneously, each team had at least one person who was in charge of removing obstacles and forcing open doors, a combat-ready emergency trailblazer, a shield-carrying protector, a capturer carrying strapped equipment, a rearguard, and a sniper who was responsible for guarding the blacklines. 

Dai Ning was only good at close-quarters combat, and once the sneak attack failed, he would have no chance. Zheng Yue fended off the students for him, who came because they were chasing to kill him the whole way, but in the dense vine fort about a kilometer away, two sniper bullets hit his shoulder in an instant.

All the weapons in the exercise site were attached with Bai Chunian’s associated ability: Pain Deception. The blast fractured-like pain brought by the two sniper bullets made Zheng Yue’s entire body soaked in a cold sweat.

Han Xingqian promptly used his J1 ability Strength Reset to reinstate Dai Ning and Zheng Yue’s bodies to their best conditions and assist them in shifting their positions.

Bai Chunian’s expression became serious, rarely seen. 

“Hong Xie, divide the area into three parts and find the weakest opening for me.”

“K, place landmines in the positions I marked.”

“Lorentz, hide and kill Bi Lanxing.”

The expressions of several instructors became slightly serious, and they immediately acted according to Bai Chunian’s instructions. 

Except for Bai Chunian, most of the other instructors had served at the special training base for eight years. During these eight years, a yearly military exercise would be carried out at the end of the year, but they had never before encountered such a vexatious situation.

It seemed that the arrival of the few new students had secretly influenced the cohesion and desire for victory and aversion for defeat of these youths.

The armored car of Lu Yan’s team crossed the encirclement of the others and went around to the back of the temple. Signal guns were hanging on their belts, and once they seized the position behind the temple, the students in front would start charging to support them.

Xiao Xun detected the underground magnetic field signals: “They laid mines. There are too many, and we can’t drive over it.” 

“We’ll go first.” The ragdoll and siamese omegas got out of the car with their submachine guns on their backs. They moved extremely fast and landed silently, passing straight through the minefield and climbing onto the broken European-style pillars of the temple ruins.

Both of the two cat omegas’ associated abilities were Avoidance. They could cross the minefield at lightning speed without triggering any mechanisms at all.

Rimbaud held his cheeks and happily watched the cats climb the wall.

They nimbly threw out the large steel rope. One end of the rope was tied to the pillar, and the other end was thrown to Lu Yan and Xiao Xun. The two caught the rope, tied it to the thick tree, and then climbed up the large steel rope. They climbed until they were on top of the pillar and then approached the heart of the temple. 

Lu Yan was lying at a high place quietly, observing the enemy with binoculars: “One, two… Five are outside, and the remaining two should be inside.”

“We have a lot of people. We can even kill them by dragging this out.”

But very soon, the number of student deaths in battle rapidly accelerated. 41 students now remained on site.

“Where’s Lanxing… He’s hiding in the back, and someone is targeting him.” 

“Something’s wrong.” Lu Yan lifted the binoculars and swept his eyes across, “It’s like these few terrorists won’t run out of physical strength or ammunition.”

Rimbaud lay on the top of the cross-country vehicle, counting the bullets dully, and said indifferently: “There’s a doctor inside. Wipe him out first.”

“Oh, oh, oh, I found him!” Lu Yan stared at Han Xingqian, who was wearing a human skull head covering and hiding in the small waterfall’s underbrush to reset the others.

Rimbaud sat up and pushed up the rifle magazine: “Every one of you…attack the doctor. Seven…become six…lesser and lesser.” 

“Good idea.”

Rimbaud raised the tip of his tail and put a jellyfish, glowing blue and dripping wet, into Lu Yan’s hand: “Listen to me, go inside. Randi, little idiot.”

Bai Chunian observed the thousand monitor screens and knew the majority of the students’ tendencies well. But he never found Lu Yan’s team, nor saw Rimbaud, so he assessed they probably had circled back and were about to carry out a sneak attack.

The sound of a drop of water sounded softly behind him, which was keenly caught by Bai Chunian. He left the podium and walked towards the shrine fountain that had ripples forming. 

The fountain water was deep and turbid, and the movement underwater wasn’t visible, but a few bubbles were floating up, and a jellyfish glowing blue light was wandering on the water surface.

Bai Chunian understood it clearly in his heart and crouched on the edge of the fountain, pointed his gun muzzle at the water surface, and chuckled lightly: “You’re dead, baby.”

Unexpectedly, a circular black hole suddenly appeared on another, slightly far place on the water surface. Lu Yan held a desert eagle in each hand, suddenly jumped out from the Cunning Rabbit’s Cave, and fired two bullets at Bai Chunian’s head.

Bai Chunian reacted immediately and fired a shot at Lu Yan, but Lu Yan had long prepared for it and closed the Cunning Rabbit’s Cave, escaped outside the fountain, and fired two more shots at Bai Chunian. 

Bai Chunian stepped on the high wall of ruins, jumped to evade bullets, and said to the communicator, “Han-ge, swap positions quickly.”

He and Lu Yan didn’t disturb each other too much, and he climbed over the high wall to support Han Xingqian. These mischievous children have already seen through their supporters and would definitely collectively fire at Han Xingqian with all their strength.

A sniper bullet predetermined Bai Chunian’s onward direction and severed his rescue route. Bai Chunian followed the trajectory of the bullet’s landing point and looked back, seeing Xiao Xun, who was hiding at a high place in the temple and aiming at him with a high-precision sniper rifle.

Han Xingqian received Bai Chunian’s reminder and immediately evacuated from his original position but was blocked and forced back by several drone missiles that were directly facing him head-on. 

The border collie alpha operated the drones to surround Han Xingqian. Han Xingqian continuously unleashed his J1 ability: Strength Reset. When the number of resets was sufficient, the drone would be scrapped due to reaching its service life.

But his Strength Reset’s speed slowed down.

The border collie alpha, holding a laptop, stood in the distance and said to him through the drone speaker: “My associated ability is Sheep Herding. Weakness is those with hoof-type glands. Instructor Han.”

In order to avoid being killed off by the opponent’s sniper, Bi Lanxing hid behind the fortress, but he did not stop the tactical deployment and conveyed the information of a collective ammunition attack to all the students. 

At the same time, the gunfire of all the students on the site was entirely concentrated on Han Xingqian.

Han Xingqian was forced to evacuate through the small waterfall, but a dark azure body leaped down from the waterfall. Rimbaud was carrying a bazooka on his shoulder, and a High-Explosive Water Bomb blasted Han Xingqian out of the site directly.

At this time, a signal flare rose from the back of the temple; Lu Yan had sent the signal to destroy the enemy’s back lines. After receiving it, Bi Lanxing immediately issued an order: “Charge as planned.”

When Bai Chunian rushed into position, the green indicator light on Han Xingqian’s bulletproof vest had turned red, indicating that he had already died in battle. 

Rimbaud was lounging by the waterfall, carrying a transparent water-made, steel quadruple bazooka on his shoulder, and slightly raised his chin towards Bai Chunian. Under the sunlight, his blonde hair emitted a bright and beautiful soft glow.


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