The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 512: The missing wife

August 28th, moderate rain.

Waking up from his sleep by the patter of rain, Sun Shaozong carefully removed his hand from Xiangling's chest, lifted the bedding, and sat up. He was about to pull the clothes off the bed and put on his clothes. Suddenly he felt that his hands were sticky. Greasy.

He lowered his head and sniffed, but there was a slightly fishy sweet smell.

He deliberately asked the maid to fetch water, wash his hands before putting on clothes, but he was afraid that Xiangling would be woken up, so he simply walked to the window with his boots, pushed open the window sash and stretched out his hand, rubbing it with the rain a few times. .

Turning back and waiting to get the towel, he saw that Xiangling had already sat up holding the quilt, glanced around blankly, and suddenly said: "Why don't you put on clothes?"

With that said, he took Sun Shaozong's clothes and waited to come and serve.

"You lie down, you lie down!"

Sun Shaozong hurriedly stepped forward and squeezed her back, took advantage of his own clothes, and said: "It is said that it has been out of confinement, but it is raining and cloudy, and I should be careful not to mention I opened the window."

With that said, I put my clothes on neatly, took out my pocket watch and took a look at it. Seeing that it was already at the beginning of Maozheng [6:15], he said: "I'm going to the Yamen to order and I won't eat at home. It's breakfast, don't rush to get up, sleep well and talk about it after half a year. The sisters won't pick your reasoning."

Xiangling's face flushed suddenly, and she was shyly hesitating, and she didn't know what to say.

When Sun Shaozong saw this, he couldn't help but laughed: "Don't you like to write poems? Write about what happened yesterday, and I will reward you once you write it well!"

After talking, he smiled and went outside. First, I took a look at my daughter. I saw Zhengxiang who was a thin person sleeping. She didn't dare to treat her son like he did. He put his beard on her and just put a finger on her daughter's palm. Go up, gently rubbing a few times.

Quietly coming out of her daughter's house, she was about to call out pomegranate or hibiscus, and take out her usual clothes, but she saw Qingwen standing alone under the porch, sighing against the rain.


Sun Shaozong curled his lips and raised his voice and said: "Where are you doing something, go and fetch your lord's fur clothes and hats!"

Qingwen was bluffed, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, lowered her head and went into the hall, not long after she came out with her rain gear, and sent it to the West Chamber in the rain.

Sun Shaozong took the dress and hat, and didn't bother to pay attention to her thoughts about love and love, and directly ordered: "It is enough for the young master to have a nurse staring at it. You can go to the Xiangling house to wait."

Qingwen's body trembled, and she understood in her heart that she was completely treating herself as a maid in the house, not a hurried passer-by who was destined to leave.

She couldn't help but raised her head to look at Sun Shaozong, and she stopped talking for a while, but finally nodded obediently, but she nodded, and the tears couldn't stop falling.

Sun Shaozong was already dressed neatly at this time, and without saying anything, he strode into the rain curtain.

When he arrived at the front yard, Sun Shaozong hesitated for a moment, and instead of going out in a hurry, he moved to the guest room of the Xikuayuan.

Arriving at the door of one of the guest rooms, Sun Shaozong was waiting to step forward and push the door to enter. She saw Caixia coming out from the inside with a basin of water, and when she saw Sun Shaozong, she hurriedly bowed and said: "The slave servant has seen the second master."

"What happened to the boy?"

Sun Shaozong was inquiring, and he secretly said that he didn't know which arrangement was, and he sent the **** to take care of him.

Caixia hurriedly said, "Young Master Li just vomited once, and now she is asleep again."

But it turns out that the people living inside are not others, it was the smart young man Li Xian who met when the case was settled a few days ago.

Yesterday, this young man came to the door to congratulate him. Sun Shaozong originally wanted to wait for the banquet to be over, and then chat with him alone. Who knew Li Xian was forced to drink a cup of soju and immediately became drunk. The personnel are unconscious.

Hearing that Li Xian hadn't woken up yet, Sun Shaozong had to confess that Caixia had taken care of her and left the house angrily.

Due to the gradual rain, when he arrived at the government office, it was already a bit past.

However, the little official who guarded the gate naturally did not dare to make trouble with the'Three Masters' for this little matter, so before Sun Shaozong could speak, he hurriedly turned out the reserved space and asked him to write his name and surname.

Stepping on the stagnant water all the way to the penalty officer.

The main hall of the main hall was empty, with no half of a person visible.

Sun Shaozong was stunned, only to remember that Sun Chengye and Yu Qian had to pack their bags and move out in the past two days, so they took personal leave temporarily.

But in this way, no one has helped sort out the lawsuits that have been owed in the government in recent days.

After hesitating for a while, he turned around and went to the Dongkua Yard, where he caught Lin Delu's young man.

"grown ups!"

Lin Delu followed Sun Shaozong step by step and returned to the criminal name Sizhengtang. He did not think that the muddy water was contaminated near the threshold, so he knelt on his knees and trembled: "The humble father-in-law and Zhao Liben were originally from the same township, so he had been with him before he humbled. Come closer, but since your lord, you have been in charge of the criminal justice officer, you have never had a humble job..."


Sun Shaozong waved his hand impatiently and said, "As far as Zhao Liben's embarrassing situation is right now, don't say you didn't do anything wrong with me behind your back, even if you really got on his thief ship, how can you get it?"

With that said, I took advantage of the trend and patted Sun Chengye's office desk on Suri's office and said, "Quickly sort these files into categories, and send me the ones that need to be dealt with urgently."

Seeing Sun Shaozong entered the room by himself, the explanations Lin Delu had come up with through his intestines were suffocated in his throat. He knelt on the ground again for a long time, and then got up sadly and went to check the dossier on the table.

Although he was panicked and hard to concentrate, he was after all the chief steward of the penalty officer, and most of the files in it were sorted out by him before submitting it.

Therefore, it didn't take long for Lin Delu to hold two stacks of cases and walked into the room with a pleasing eyebrow.

"My lord, according to your instructions, I have arranged these cases and litigation in order of priority."

While talking, he placed those files on Sun Shaozong's police, and briefly introduced the order of priority.

Seeing that Sun Shaozong had no reaction, he was hesitant to explain a few more words, but he heard Sun Shaozong say without raising his head: "Go on."

The courage that Lin Delu had just plucked up, suddenly vented cleanly, and walked out with a drooping head.

Just as he kicked in and out of the door, Sun Shaozong suddenly spit out another four words: "Let's not take this as an example."

Lin Delu was overjoyed immediately, turned around and kowtowed like garlic, vowing the promise of the day, and never dared to hide from Sun Shaozong anymore and get in touch with others in private.

Sun Shaozong ignored them, just looked down at the files.

This is at the top of the list, which is basically not a serious death case, or an incident that goes against the human relationship and causes public outrage.

Sun Shaozong first scanned it briefly, wrote his initial judgment in a blank appendix, and circled some doubtful points with Zhu's comment, so that he could look it up the second time.

In this way, he reviewed seven cases in a row, but by the time the eighth case, it was a disappearance case.

The missing person was a 36-year-old middle-aged woman who went out to buy vegetables with a basket in the evening about seven days ago, and then disappeared.

This woman had never found any mental problems, and she was pretty peaceful with her husband and children, and she hadn’t experienced any changes in her family recently. In addition, she only brought more than a dozen pennies of money to buy vegetables at the time, so she made a preliminary judgment. It should not be possible to run away from home.

However, the traffickers are usually young women. This middle-aged woman...

Could it be that it is well maintained, just like Aunt Xue?

Sun Shaozong turned to the column of the sketch of the portrait, and immediately rejected the idea. Although the facial features on the portrait may not be accurate, there is always nothing wrong with this bucket-like figure.

In this case, the probability of trafficking is not high.

As for the vendetta...

Sun Shaozong flipped back and tapped on this woman's career as a livelihood.

Wife, this profession can be said to be kind to others at the moment, and it is not as easy to encounter medical troubles as doctors. It stands to reason that the possibility of incurring enmity should not be high.

Make money?

Wen Po is really a well-paid profession. According to the information on the dossier, she is a craftsmanship uploaded by her ancestors. She is also a small name in the capital, and she should indeed have accumulated a lot of net worth.

However, it is also stated in the information that this woman is a house-buying madman. She has bought several houses and two shops, and there shouldn't be much spare money left.

Then why did she disappear?

What ulterior motive was found, so he was silenced?

Or was it accidentally involved in what incident?

Maybe she should send someone to investigate. Has she recently delivered to a wealthy family or an ordinary family? Even if some dirty stuff leaks out, it may not cause the murder.


Sun Shaozong frowned, marked all these doubts, and was about to continue reviewing other files, but suddenly discovered a detail that had just been ignored.

This woman's home seems to be not far from Shuntian Mansion, and it's behind...

Could it be her?

A person flashed in Sun Shaozong's mind, he hurriedly opened the dossier, and found the column of the portrait. Comparing the short and fat woman in the portrait with the image in his memory, it really looked like six or seven points.

Seeing this, Sun Shaozong immediately called Lin Delu in with a loud voice, threw the missing case file to him, and ordered: "Invite this woman's husband and children, and then send Zhou Da and the female prisoner in house arrest. Call here."

Lin Delu quickly responded, glanced at the case, took note of the home address of the lost woman, and respectfully sent it back to Sun Shaozong's desk. Only then did he hurried to the Dongkua courtyard and assigned the task to the servants below.

Because the house was burned to a blank ground and it is still being rebuilt, all the female prisoners in the house were temporarily transferred to the government office and served as errands in front of Zhou Da.

Therefore, not long after Zhou Da brought a few female prisoners over in the rain. They didn't even have time to put on a piece of clothing, and they seemed to be drenched in soup.

Worried that it would stain the official documents inside, Lin Delu didn't dare to let them in, so he hurriedly invited Sun Shaozong out.

When Sun Shaozong went outside, he threw a towel to Zhou Da. He thanked him for wiping off the rain on his hands and face, then threw the file over, and asked, "The lost woman here, but When the tengu swallowed the sun, the one who delivered the baby in the house arrest?"

Zhou Da opened his eyes for a few times, but didn't dare to be 100% sure, so he held it up and let a few female prisoners read it again.

After combining the opinions of several subordinates, he said with certainty: "This is the prince's wife, and she was the one who gave birth to the evildoer in the first place!"

It really was her!

Could it be that she found something at the time and wanted to take advantage of the opportunity, so she was killed?

Yi Miaoyu's character should not be so, but there is also Wei Ruolan and Wei Rusong, Wei Ruolan's brother, is not a fuel-efficient lamp!

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