The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 605: The Jinling Mystery 【Part I】

[The third update, uh, it seems that Wan Geng has made a 20% discount. 】

It stands to reason that since it was a private banquet set up by Wang Ren, Sun Shaozong was a military commander who passed by, and he did not have the right to interrogate local cases.

So how can this good-for-nothing go up to the court?

But it turned out that when the banquet was in full swing, someone from the palace outside suddenly reported that it was an old couple who knelt down in front of the palace and cried out injustice.

When Wang Ren heard this, he felt disappointed at the time.

Just as they were being ordered to disperse the couple, Sun Shaozong rushed into the bureaucracy because of his reputation, saying that he was a passing official and could not intervene in the local case.

And if the couple really had any great grievances, they might as well go to Jiangning County Office or Jinling Mansion Office to sue.

Unexpectedly, the villain who gave the report heard this, but said with a bitter expression: "The villain once said this to them, but they said that this case was not the case of the adult himself, and he couldn't investigate it, and said ..."

"What else?"

"I also said that the person who died is really the niece of Master Sun!"

After hearing this, Sun Shaozong felt that the couple were both absurd and annoyed that Jia Yingchun added a ‘nephew’ to him last year, but has there ever been a niece?

At this moment, Sun Shaoxu's complexion suddenly changed aside, almost dripping with gloom.

Sun Shaozong's heart moved. Could it be that it was a certain cousin of Nanzong's side, what was wrong?

Sure enough, just a little bit of verbal probing, Sun Shao explained the cause and effect by pouring beans in a bamboo tube.

This matter has to be talked about six months ago.

However, it is said that the eldest daughter of Nanzong's second house married the eldest son of the Liu family of the gentry in Jinling City a few years ago.

Who would have thought that the daughter of the grandson family had been married for the past five years and still failed to have one and a half sons and a half.

At this moment, a maid who had been slept with Liu Gongzi several times suddenly became pregnant.

The Liu family was ecstatic, but Sun insisted that the child in the maid’s belly was a stolen wicked species, and finally forced the maid to jump into the well to commit suicide, resulting in a dead body and two lives.

The Liu family was naturally indignant about this, and the husband and wife were separated because of this, and they would have a fight every now and then.

Compared with the Liu family, the Sun family has a lot of people, but the Sun family didn't take care of the matter, so they didn't feel embarrassed to stand up for their daughter.

I was expecting that time and time would be able to bridge the gap between the two. If there were no children at that time, it would be a big deal for the Sun family to come forward and help Young Master Liu accept the concubines in the two rooms.

Unexpectedly, just two months ago, the Sun family died suddenly!

At first, Young Master Liu intended to conceal the truth, and the Sun Jiaqi Lang Bahu hit the door to reveal that the Sun family was annihilated first and then killed.

Later, the county government made an investigation and confirmed that before and after the incident, only this son Liu was in the backyard, and he had been drunk. Therefore, it was judged that son Liu had a dispute with his wife after drinking, and angrily killed his grandson. S.

Gongzi Liu tried his best to deny it at first, but later he was tortured, only to admit that he was drunk at the time and did not remember what he had done.

Therefore, the case was concluded, and Young Master Liu was sentenced and asked to kill.

However, Young Master Liu's parents refused to let it go. They shouted injustices all around, not saying that their son was a scapegoat for the real murderer.

Hearing this, Sun Shaozong couldn't help asking: "They called for their son's injustice, what evidence do they have?"


Sun Shaoxu hesitated for a moment, and said the truth: "According to what Liu Changfeng said, the second sister's husband and wife had already eased a lot at the time, and his servants also said that, but the little beast was drunk at the time, maybe I remembered the anger at the time, so I missed the second sister."

In other words, the Liu family did not actually have conclusive evidence that could get rid of Liu Gongzi's charge.

There is no means to test DNA at the moment, and Sun's family has been dead for two months. According to the current weather, the corpse is probably already rotten...

In short, if I want to investigate this case clearly, I am afraid it will take a lot of effort to complete it.

And this time I passed by Jinling, although I had decided to stay in Nanzong Pan Heng for two or three days, but it was impossible to delay too long.

When I was hesitating in my heart, I was still clamoring to drive away the Liu Changfeng and his wife Wang Ren, but even said that since this case involves the younger generation of the Sun family, it is natural to find out.

Just by the face of this guy, he knew that he actually wanted to see the excitement.

Therefore, Sun Shaozong ignored him at all, but solemnly asked Sun Shaoxu: "But I don't know what the third brother thinks?"

If Nanzong had already determined that Young Master Liu was the murderer, and Sun Shaozong clamored to find out what happened, it would be really not a human being inside and outside.

Sun Shaoxu was in a dilemma for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth: "If the thirteenth brother can thoroughly investigate the case personally, it would be better. If it is found out that the little beast did it, then the Liu family will be convinced; It's really a case committed by someone else, so that the second sister will be wronged!"


Now that Sun Shaoxu said so, I can only do my best to find out the truth.

Sun Shaozong made up his mind. He originally wanted to take Liu Changfeng and his wife to the county government to ask Li Zhixian to re-try the case, and then he would attend as a family member of the deceased.

Unexpectedly, Wang Ren stopped him, and ordered someone to invite Li Zhixian, together with his staff and guards, to his house, and let Sun Shaozong ask what happened on the spot.

To put it bluntly, this guy just doesn't bother to move around.

Even though Wang Ren took the initiative to take the job, Sun Shaozong did not intentionally reject it, so he had to ask questions in the hall.

To say that the Wang family is in this Jinling city, it really needs the wind to get the wind and the rain to get the rain!

However, within half an hour, the person who should handle the case, the physical evidence, witnesses, and files, as well as the criminal Liu Yiqing himself, were basically gathered in the front hall of the palace.

The head is naturally Li Mou, the magistrate of Jiangning.

After this Li Zhixian entered the door, he saw Sun Shaozong and the others sitting around the dining table. They didn't even dare to come forward to see the salute, and stood silently beside the housekeeper.

Wang Ren was even more lazy to take a look at him, and when he asked how many people were still missing, he repeatedly greeted Sun Shaozong to drink and eat.

Although Sun Shaozong is not like Wang Ren, he is only in his current position, facing a small Seven-Rank county magistrate, and he will not engage in any intercourse.

So he just turned slightly, facing Li Zhixian, and asked in an official voice: "Does your county know that Wang Yanei and the official invited you over for what?"

"Know, know!"

Then Li Zhixian hurriedly took a few steps forward, bowed and said with a smile: "The ruling is not strict for a low duty, there are many omissions, and I would like to ask the Shangguan for advice."

With that said, he took the file from the master and held it in front of Sun Shaozong with both hands: "This is the file for the murder of Lady Sun Xiao, please visit the official."

Sun Shaozong was not in a hurry to take it in his hands, and said with a low voice: "Originally, your Jiangning County case, the official should not have been involved, but the victim is a junior in the official's family, and the case seems to be unclear..."

"Understand the humble duty, understand the humble duty!"

Then Li Zhixian hurriedly said: "In fact, the humble post also feels that this case seems to be wrong. I heard that the Shangguan happened to be passing through the border, so I thought to ask you to make a clear decision, and ask the Shangguan not to refuse."

"Well, if that's the case, I will presume again."

Sun Shaozong sighed, and then took the dossier in his hands. Although as a suffering master, it is common sense to deal with the case, but it is always good to get more insurance.

I scanned the file roughly and found that the Li Mouwen case was fairly detailed. At least the events before and after the case were recorded in great detail.

The incident was the seventh day of June, a drizzle evening.

Shuxuan and Mu Qin, the two big maids of the Liu Mansion, had to report to the Sun family because of something, and they went to the back yard together.

As a result, no trace of the Sun family was found. The two were waiting to look elsewhere. Liu Yiqing, who was out for a banquet, returned home drunk.

After the two maids helped Liu Yiqing into the bedroom to rest, they remembered Xia Yi, who had only committed suicide in the well not long ago, and hurriedly left the hall.

After that, the two looked for about a quarter of an hour in the backyard, but they still couldn't run into the Sun family.

Fearing that there was no one to take care of Liu Yiqing's place, there would be something wrong, so the two hurried back to the main room.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the bedroom, he found that Sun was naked, tied to the screen with a few silk scarves, and there were a few hideous wounds on his chest, and blood flowed all over the place.

At that time, the two screamed desperately, and then awakened Liu Yiqing, who was holding the candlestick.

After this, Wu Zuo found the traces of mating and the solidified Miqing liquid in Sun's private parts, and determined that the loss of the chest wound was caused by the candlestick.

Seeing this, it seems that the evidence is already conclusive.

However, there are still many doubts in this First of all, Liu Yiqing's body, except for some blood on the hand holding the candlestick, no bloodstains have been found in the other parts.

Secondly, some skin fragments were found in Sun's fingers, but Liu Yiqing did not have any wounds on her body.

Come on three, it's the relationship between the husband and wife.

According to the servants of the residence, the two couples had already cleared up their previous complaints half a month ago. It is said that the opportunity for reconciliation was because the Sun family bought an authentic copy of Yan Zhenqing through her natal family, and promised to be Liu Yiqing before the end of the year. Concubine.


It's a pity that more than two months have passed. Otherwise, a personal survey of the scene should solve many doubts or discover more doubts.

Right now...

We can only read this file a few times carefully before getting to know the situation with the person concerned.

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