The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 628: Uncle Killing Mystery【Next】

There are two flowers, one on each table.

However, he said that Sun Shaozong was in front of the county yamen and heard the words relayed by the two little servants. Even if he frowned, he secretly said that Wang Qian had taken gunpowder?

It's okay to offend yourself, but how can you bring Jia Yucun with him?

In fact, long before he came, he was worried that Wang Qian would get rid of his prevarication and refused to let him intervene in the case. After all, this servant had a knack for him at the beginning.

That's why Wang Zhen was specifically ordered to find Qiu Yunfei, and if there was any discord, he asked Qiu Yunfei to formally take over the case in the name of the criminal officer.

However, looking at Wang Qian's attitude, I am afraid that even if Qiu Yunfei is allowed to come forward, there will be no good results.

Although he was annoyed in his heart, Wang Qian occupies the moral high ground after all. This is really going to be a big mess. It doesn't help the matter. On the contrary, he has given him a good reputation as a ‘Strength Order’ for nothing.

So Sun Shaozong had to temporarily withdraw his troops and returned to the carriage angrily.

Yomo waited another half an hour on the carriage, only to see Wuliu riding trot over, headed by Wang Zhenhe and Qiu Yunfei wrapped into a ball.

Sun Shaozong opened the cotton curtain and raised his voice to say hello, and several people hurriedly rolled their saddles and saw them immediately. Except for Qiu Yunfei, the others were all familiar faces.

But one of them drew Sun Shaozong's attention.

Upon seeing this, Qiu Yunfei hurriedly introduced: "After Lin Delu was promoted to the post last spring, Lao Qi made up for the governor's vacancy."

But it turns out that this person is not another person, it is Master Qi that Wei Ruolan leaned on back then.

I don't know what he thought, but after Wei Ruolan was put in jail, he made up the official of the penalty officer as a jury.

However, it was not the time to study these in detail. Sun Shaozong got out of the carriage and recounted briefly what Wang Qian had just turned away.

Wang Zhen was very angry when he heard it, and even scolded Wang Qian for not knowing good or bad.

Qiu Yunfei frowned and pondered for a long while, but said in embarrassment: "According to Wang Qian's attitude, Zhang Xun's case of killing Uncle, I am afraid that the evidence is already conclusive."

Hearing what he said, Sun Shaozong couldn't help but nodded and said: "After these two years of experience, you really have made a lot of progress!"

If Wang Qian hadn't decided that Zhang An's killing of Uncle could not be faked, how could he dare to put on such a posture that he would not advance, and this is why he took the initiative to retreat.

"Then what shall we do now?"

Wang Zhenping had eaten and lived together with Zhang An, and had fought side by side on the battlefield. The sentiment was naturally extraordinary, but it was in response to the four characters'caring for chaos', and all the usual jealous spirits were thrown into the country of Java.

He stomped his feet in the snow anxiously: "Could it be that you just keep your eyes open and wait for him to drop his head?"

Sun Shaozong categorically said: "If he is really drunk and has nothing to do, he deserves it if he loses his head!"

After a pause, the conversation changed again: "But I am afraid that there are still some doubts in this case. Brother Yunfei and Governor Qi stay and try to find out some information. It is best to get in touch with Zhang An."

"Wang Zhen and the others, accompany me to Zhang An's house, and see if they can get any clues from his husband's population."

Qiu Yunfei has become more admired for Sun Shaozong's ability since he took office as the convict.

As a result, this ‘young brother Yunfei’ almost called his bones Su Ji, and immediately couldn’t hold the court ordering officer’s face, patted his chest repeatedly to ensure that he would live up to his trust.

Just like this, when they arrived in the carriage again, the wheels were rustling, and the snow covered the ground, but Sun Shaozong not only let out a long sigh.

As mentioned earlier, filial piety was the most important thing in the feudal dynasty. Although killing one's uncle is not better than killing one's father and mother, it is also a treasonous act.

Even if there is a reason for the matter, Zhang An is afraid that he will die.

And now that can save his life, I am afraid that there is only the word ‘kinky’.

If it was the same as Wang Zhen’s speculation, Zhang An’s wife and uncle would be forgiven if Zhang An’s wife and uncle violated human relations.

Especially when he just returned from his military merits, the court will certainly forgive him, even if he is only for the sake of the military.


Zhang An is the best-faced person. If he can only survive the death by wearing a deformed forgiveness hat, he is afraid that he would rather die.


After a good return from victory, how come you encounter this kind of shit?

That's it.

Whether Zhang An is willing to expose it or not, it is always safe to find out the truth first.


Zhang An's home is located in the northwest of the outer city.

Because he was only a seven-rank military man, and his ancestors left no shade, there were only four tiled houses, a small courtyard, and no servants had ever called him.

After getting out of the car in front of that door, Sun Shaozong was looking at the small courtyard of the Sun family. Suddenly, Wang Zhen pointed to a short distance ahead and said, "The butcher shop in front was opened by Zhang An's uncle Zhang Biao. "

When Sun Shaozong looked up, he saw a banner erected thirty or forty steps away, with the words'Zhang Yidao' written in black on a blue background, waving in the snow in the wind.

It turned out that the deceased was a butcher.

Literally, he is a very confident butcher.

"Are there any relatives in his family?"


After Wang Zhen hesitated for a while, Sun Shaozong said: "Zhao Wuwei, please take someone to find out about this biao, and ask as much as possible."

"Humble job understands!"

Zhao Wuwei immediately took the order.

Sun Shaozong winked at Wang Zhen again, and ordered to call the door.

Wang Zhen had already determined in his heart that Zhang An's wife, Wu, was a profane **** and would not pay attention to etiquette, so the door slammed on the door.

Just after hitting it a few times, I suddenly heard a child crying inside.

Wang Zhen immediately held his fist in embarrassment. He was only dissatisfied with the Wu family, but he never thought it would scare Zhang An's son.

"Who? Sleeping on the door?"

After the crying became quieter, I heard a woman in the yard answered.

Wang Zhen exasperatedly exclaimed, "It's me, Wang Zhen!"

After returning to Beijing, Wang Zhen had also been to Zhang's house several times, so when the woman heard the word'Wang Zhen', she immediately stepped forward and opened the door, hiding her face sadly and crying: "It turned out to be Uncle Wang. When it's there, my husband and wife...he..."

Sun Shaozong looked carefully on the side, but saw that Wu's birth was quite charming, but nowadays, the peaches with unkempt faces and swollen eyes seemed to be a bit less attractive.


Wang Zhen read the word "sister-in-law" and frowned his brows into the word "Chuan", but couldn't think of another name for a while, so he had to endure the nausea and muttered: "Sister-in-law, come and meet our grandson!"

When Wu heard about the three words'Master Sun', he jumped immediately, and then, sincerely and frightened, he bowed down and bowed to Sun Shaozong.

"It doesn't have to be."

Sun Shaozong gave her a hand and pointed to the courtyard and said, "Can you talk inside?"

"Adults please come in, adults please come in!"

The Wu hurriedly let in the two of them, and then invited Sun Shaozong into the house with trepidation.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw a six or seven-year-old boy who was shrinking and looking out. He saw Wang Zhenshi's eyes light up again, and he stepped forward and hugged Wang Zhen's thigh and shouted, "Uncle Wang, go and save. My father!"

Wang Zhen took the opportunity to hold him in his arms, sighed again, and gritted his teeth.

Not knowing how to coax him, he listened to Sun Shaozong's instructions again: "Take him out to eat something, and bring some back to Zhao Wuwei and others."

Wang Zhenpo was a little reluctant, but after all he dared not disobey Sun Shaozong, he had to take a look at Wu, carefully wrapped the child in his cloak, and pushed the door outside.

After Wang Zhen left, Sun Shaozong searched for a chair to sit down, and looked back and forth at Wu's body.

Then Wu watched his son being taken away, but he didn't stop him. He just pinched his fingers and stood nervously among them, not daring to look at Sun Shaozong.


After a while, Sun Shaozong slapped the table suddenly, and asked in a deep voice, "Zhang Wu, are your tears shed by the husband or by the adulterer? Why don't you actually invite me?!"

Wu's body trembled, and he couldn't help but knelt on the ground again with a puff, expecting Ai Ai to say, "My lord...why does my lord ask such questions?"


Sun Shaozong sneered: "Since you have been in the capital for a long time, you have never heard of the official's name? What's more, Zhang An is still a personal guard next to the official!"

"But this official has been here for a long time, but I have never heard you call out injustice or begged for love! If there is no hidden truth in this official will never believe it!"


Then Wu raised his head, but he wanted to say something and stopped, biting the two cherry lips and gradually swelling.

At this time, Sun Shaozong suddenly receded his stern expression and said softly: "Actually, after seeing your left arm, I knew that you were with Zhang An, or there was some relationship between husband and wife. Now he is dead. You should do everything you can to save him. Yes, but how can you hesitate like this?"

Hearing the words, Wu Clan looked at his left wrist subconsciously, but saw that it was covered with a layer of white cloth, and some blood was still faintly showing on the inside.

Others may not be able to see anything, but Sun Shaozong can see through it at a glance. Wu recently attempted suicide.

Seeing Wu's mood loosened at this time, he immediately took the heat and said: "If you don't care about the relationship between the husband and wife, you are really willing to let the child be young?"

Hearing Sun Shaozong mentioned the child, the Wu family finally broke down and cried out in tears: "Yes...he said, you must...don't tell...tell others, otherwise...or you will be a will not let go if you are a ghost. Pass me!"

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