The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 737: 0 dense and 1 sparse

"Make a detour ahead and go to Zhang An's house first."

Not long after the carriage left the corner gate of Sun Mansion, Sun Shaozong picked up the curtain and ordered.

Just now he mistaken Xing Xiuyan for Zhao Zhongji, which made him remember the funeral of Zhang An's family.

In the first two days, he had no time to make a clone, but he was not far from the burial of the first seven. He should always show up again.

It is said that this year's cessation of spirituality will also be divided into three, six or nine stages. Most people who are buried in the poor family are buried in three days, and those with a little surplus generally suspend spirituality for seven days.

As for the rich and noble, it takes seven to seven forty-nine days to make it a great funeral.


While thinking about some local customs, the carriage stopped suddenly again. Sun Shaozong took a look at the curtain, but saw that there were hundreds of people in front of him, blocking a not-so-wide back street.

What happened again?

Sun Shaozong cast a wink, and Zhang Chengqi jumped out of the carriage to investigate.

Not long after returning to report, it turned out to be a family’s old house, which was crushed by heavy snow late last night.

Although the old couple living there is not a serious problem, but the children and grandchildren who came after hearing the news started arguing with each other because of arguing, the current pair of uncles and nephews were still ignoring their esteem and starting their hands, which attracted the surrounding neighbors. Onlookers.


No matter how much emphasis is placed on Baishan's filial piety, this is still endless.

In the early years of this dynasty, Emperor Guangde, who had just ascended the throne, was still in the shadow of the Supreme Emperor. In order to show his respect for the elderly, he specially allocated funds from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to distribute winter clothes to the elderly in the capital who were over seventy years old. , Firewood.

He also instructed Shuntian Mansion to provide coffins and clothing for the elderly who died of freezing and starvation.

Although this is mainly to please the emperor, it is also a good governance, but unfortunately it underestimates the bottom line of some people.

That year, nearly half of the number of elders who died of'starvation and cold' in Beijing was more than half the previous year.

Emperor Guangde was furious because of this and ordered Shuntian Mansion to conduct a rigorous investigation. It turned out that all the salaries collected by the young and old men had been borrowed by their children and grandchildren.

Some people even covet the life materials and other items issued by the court, deliberately letting the elders in the family die of freezing and starvation.


It seems to be far away.

However, after Zhang Cheng replied, he said: "Second Lord, this place is not far from the Zhang family. If you take a detour, you may delay the journey. Do you think it has driven people away, or..."

"Make a detour."

Sun Shaozong didn't wait for him to finish, he made a decision, and then lowered the curtain.

This had to be set aside at the beginning. When he was the governor of the Shuntian Mansion, he would definitely stop and ask the truth first, and then be dismissed on the spot.

However, it is said that he is not in his position and does not seek political affairs. Although he is still in charge of criminal names, he has already broken away from the rank of local officials and is not allowed to directly intervene in local affairs for no reason.

What's more, the newly appointed Ge Zhizhong is now in a situation where he is smashing the jar, and he really wants to take a bite, if it hurts or not, it will inevitably be a little nauseous.

However, according to recent weather calculations, 80% of Ge Zhizhong’s official position is about to end. It has just entered mid-October, and there have been two snows. I am afraid that the scale of this year’s snow disaster will not be too small, and disasters are often It will be accompanied by chaos and commotion.

If one doesn't handle it well, then Ge Zhizhong will take the blame and resign. Based on the current situation, he will almost certainly not handle it properly.

Talk less gossip.

But he said that Sun Shaozong went around to Zhang An's house, lowered his body and asked warmly.

It was too late for this, so Sun Shaozong simply settled down and comforted Zhang An's wife and children.

In other words...

It might as well put Su Xingfang's wife and children together with Zhang An's wife and children, so that they can take care of each other.

"Second Lord, Second Lord!"

While thinking about it, Zhang Cheng, who was outside Hou, suddenly rushed in. At first he was a little excited, and then he saw the coffin lying horizontally in the hall, and changed the color in a hurry. He said, "An angel came to deliver the decree. It's at the door!"

When I heard that the ‘angel’ was coming, Zhang An’s wife Wu immediately panicked and forgot to get up from the straw mat, and looked at Sun Shaozong baba.

"Sister-in-law, although you can rest assured, if it is not surprising, it is probably the emperor who has set aside the compassion and reward."

Sun Shaozong said, pointing to the middle of his finger and said: "I will avoid it first. If there is something wrong, the sister-in-law will call me out again."

Zhang Wu heard that it was a compassion and a reward, and he remembered immediately that Sun Shaozong had promised to ask his son about his birth. At the moment, he couldn't care about being in the mourning hall and getting up from the straw mat. He was overjoyed. Forbidden to welcome out.

Firstly, this was to pass on the decree to the Zhang family, and he had nothing to do with Sun Shaozong; secondly, Sun Shaozong didn't want to kneel in front of a few eunuchs for nothing.

Therefore, after that Zhang Wu greeted him, he quickly retreated to the inside for a while.

Because Sun Shaozong had already bought a mansion in advance, Zhang Wu's mother and son were waiting to move to a new home after the funeral. They also had to eat and live on the straw mat outside according to the rules for the past few days. .

So Sun Shaozong picked up the curtain and went in, and saw that the kang was piled up with big and small baggage.

Seeing that the pin couldn't be inserted, he wanted to stand in the corner and wait for a while.

Unexpectedly, there was a tumultuous jump outside, and after a long period of tossing, then the little **** who delivered the decree made a sharp voice again, and it was endlessly accentuated and frustrated.

Sun Shaozong was impatient, so he simply piled up the baggage on the head of the bed, planning to sit down and wait.


The first two big burdens are clothes. Although they look big, they are not too heavy.

But the small baggage at the bottom was quite heavy, and it was squeaky, and it seemed to contain a lot of metal objects.

Could it be that gold and silver are soft?

Sun Shaozong didn’t pay attention at first, so he put the little burden beside him, but after thinking about it, he felt that something was An is an upright person, although he is a good player in battle. , But there are no rules for governing the family.

If you say that you have saved some scraps of silver and money, it is still fair, but the movement was just now, but I am afraid that it will be more ‘golden’ than this.

Could it be the private goods brought back by Zhang An from Huguang?

But I had never heard of it at the beginning, but he had the act of filling his pockets.

Suspicious in his heart, Sun Shaozong listened attentively. The smelly and long imperial decree was far from over, so he simply tore away the burden and probed carefully.

Under this look, he couldn't help frowning.

But I saw that there were a lot of gold and silver jewelry in that bag. It was clear that the style was a popular style in the capital, and it was definitely not from the Wuxi barbarians or the craftsmen of Huguang.

But what is even more suspicious is that, besides the furoshiki on the surface, there are a few pieces of underwear ‘invented’ by Prince Yizhong.

And it is a popular style in brothels nowadays.

This can never be Zhang An's thing!

On the contrary, it is probably a gift from Zhang Biao...

Could it be...

This woman and Zhang Biao didn't actually come from being forced, but half pushing and half pushing, or did the stubborn thing that hit it off?

Sun Shaozong's expression changed a few times, and his eyebrows were quite angry. If that was the case, Zhang Wu's might be quite scheming, and even concealed it from himself.

This is really a hundred secrets!

Right now, Sun Shaozong had an impulse to throw this thing in front of Zhang Wu, to see how she would defend it.

But this is just thinking about it. Now that Zhang An and Zhang Biao have already died, if they were to take down this Wu family, Zhang An's youngest son, who is not yet five years old, who should he rely on?


Quan should be a lesson to remind yourself not to be too complacent in the future. ()

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