The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 754: People do not keep guests, days to keep guests

After Sun Zhaolin was sent away, the Dongkua courtyard was also gone.

Most of the guest gifts were given out, and the remaining close ones set a banquet in the hall to celebrate the complete success of this rehearsal.

The laughter and scolding on the wine table don't even discuss.

But when he said that he was drinking, Sun Shaozong got a report, saying that it was the old lady who sent a mandarin duck to spread the word.

When he came out from the table, he saw that the outside was gloomy and white.

This snow this year, I'm afraid it will be a disaster!

Sun Shaozong muttered in his heart, and the mandarin duck came up to see him and said: "The second master has also seen him, this man is not a guest, but the girls are all fine, but the girls are all fragile. The wind is coming and going in the snow. , How can I live it up?"

"According to the wishes of the wife, and stay at our house for one night, and wait until tomorrow is out of the sun before leaving later-so the slave and maidservant are specially asked to come over, and the second master will inform the two uncles first."

This is also the meaning of the question. Sun Shaozong naturally has no objections, and nodded in response immediately, and said with Jia Lian, Jia Baoyu, Xue Pan and others.

However, the mandarin ducks finished the story, and returned to the backyard on the same route. There was a big red lantern hung in front of the hall, and Shi Xiangyun, Xue Baoqin, and Jia Tanchun, each holding the copper stove of the Shuanglong Opera Pearl, were pointing on the corridor. Yes, I don’t know what other moths are playing.

The mandarin duck hurriedly called Xiuju to come over, and asked her to keep a close eye on these few, and don't dare to let them wander around in the snow-if you really want to play in the snow, wait until you return to Rongguo Mansion.

Good measures were taken for the ‘naughty’ trio, and Yuanyang picked up the curtain to go in and reported the errand to Jia Yingchun.

After reporting the errand, I saw that there were only Daiyu, Ruan Rong, Xing Xiuyan, and Xichun in this hall, and did not see Aunt Xue, mother and daughter, and Li Wan.

I was surprised, I saw Ruan Rong smiled while pulling Xing Xiuyan with a smile: "Look at Uncle Xing’s body today. Don’t stay in the Dongkua courtyard all day. Just go to my place with Daiyu at night. Let’s The three good students have a chat."

She talked warmly, but a few shrewd people in the room saw that there was something in the words.

Among them, Xing Xiuyan himself is naturally included.

"Don't dare to disturb my sister."

Xing Xiuyan leaned slightly and said with a serious face: "My father is now recovering from a serious illness, and it is time to take good care of him to prevent recurrence-and when my father recovers fully in the future and the mother is reunited, it will not be too late for the younger sister to come and receive the kindness of my sister."

The mandarin duck stood there with his head down. Hearing this question and answer, he felt a bit empathetic. How many graceful women were dragged down by their parents, and they were irritated and criticized.

This is the case for himself, this Xing Xiuyan is no exception.

Although there is a slight episode.

But the residence of the girls was quickly settled.

The mandarin duck was ordered to go down to prepare the bedding and other things, but he was a little surprised in his heart-I thought that Aunt Xue's mother and daughter must live in the same place, but never thought that the one who was finally assigned to Aunt Xue was Li Wan.

But on second thought, these two widows who lived for many years did indeed share a common language, and Mandarin Duck did not study it carefully.

But she didn't study it carefully, but Xue Baochai noticed something wrong.

First in the veranda of the Dongkuayuan, her mother and Li Wan left the meeting one after another, and she didn't come back so soon, she wouldn't forget it so soon.

What's more, when the two were alone later, they seemed to cry once again...

So when Jia Yingchun set up a banquet in the Meiyuan Nuange to entertain everyone, Xue Baochai quietly pulled his mother to the corner to ask what happened.

"Mom, where did you go this afternoon? You haven't seen a sign for most of the day, and it's weird to come back..."

"What nonsense!"

Aunt Xue was immediately panicked when she was asked by her daughter's single-handedly straightforward question, and screamed inwardly, "I just went wrong for a while, and I went around for a long time before I found it under the stage again."

She scolded her sharply, but it became more unusual.

But Xue Baochai never imagined that Li Wan would have declared fornication with others day-to-day, and was hit by his mother.

So seeing that my mother was annoyed, I didn't dare to ask anything more, and only took her hand, generally expressing that the mother and daughter are of the same mind. No matter what happens, they are willing to take care of it together.

Aunt Xue felt warm after hearing this, if she had just agreed to Li Wan, she would lose her words and get fat immediately; she was also uncertain whether Baoyu was doing it, for fear of ruining their sister and brother’s affection, maybe she would listen to today’s The root of the wall was spit out exactly as it was.

While Li Wan looked at the table slyly, seeing the mother and daughter whispering constantly, his heart was overwhelming, and he became more determined to get it done once and for all.

After the banquet was finally over, she hurried to Aunt Xue's side, sticking to it like a plaster.

Seeing this, even though Xue Baochai became more and more puzzled, he couldn't ask anything more in front of her. He simply took the initiative to step back and talked with Xing Xiuyan.

Shi Xiangyun saw him next to him, and Zheng Wei went to join in the fun, but Xue Baoqin had long been dragged by him, so that she won't let her go to disrupt the situation with a wink.


Shi Xiangyun grabbed some snow from the railing, rubbed it with fingers like spring onions, and said suspiciously: "Sister Bao is talking to Miss Xing, can't I still hear it?"

"Naturally not listening."

Because of the difference from the original work, Lin Daiyu did not reconcile with Xue Baochai, so Xue Baoqin has spent most of the time with Shi Xiangyun since he came to the Rongguo Mansion.

So knowing that although she is a straight-hearted, she never betrayed her friends, so she didn't hide it, and chuckled: "Have you never heard of'I would rather demolish ten temples and not destroy a marriage'?"

"I would rather demolish ten temples than destroy a marriage?"

Shi Xiangyun murmured and repeated it again, and suddenly said in surprise: "Your brother took a fancy to..."


Xue Baoqin hurriedly covered her mouth, and said strangely: "You haven't mentioned anything about this character yet, don't you dare to make a fuss!"

Shi Xiangyun pulled her hand away and snorted, "Do you think I'm a fool? But..."

The disdain on her face turned into doubts: "But right now, I'm afraid it's not a good time to say this, right? After all, Uncle Xing's one mind, wants to climb the second brother Gao Zhi'er."

Xing Zhong thought he was secretive, but how could he hide it from the discerning people of Jia and Sun?

Xue Baoqin shook his head and said helplessly: "I shouldn't have mentioned it at this time, but I have to hide it again... Then Master Xing is afraid that he will be completely fascinated by this tangible wealth, let alone talk about it. I'm afraid it's completely lost."

The reason why I said that I have to add ‘you can see and is naturally to compare with the wealth of the Rongguo Mansion.

Xing Zhong's family went to the Rongguo Mansion, and the wealth and wealth were so fascinating, but why did they ever touch a star?

On the contrary, it was at the Sun's house that Jia Yingchun couldn't show his face, and he was not stingy, but he had a lot of benefits.

After a pause, Xue Baoqin whispered again: "Fortunately, Sister Xing is an opinionated person, so she may not be willing to learn from you and despise yourself..."

Her remarks were not entirely unreasonable.

But these days when a woman chooses a son-in-law, how many of them can make the decision by themselves?

Shi Xiangyun was silent for a while, and suddenly sighed: "Unfortunately, I am not a man, otherwise I must have robbed you all. When the time comes, you will marry whoever wants to marry!"

Xue Baoqin chuckled and laughed: "Then someone has to dare to marry it!"

As he said, he jokingly said: "I also said that I am a robber, I think you are the son of the mountain king."

"I will rob you to be the wife of the village tonight!"

Shi Xiangyun bluffed forward, and Xue Baoqin also pretended to dodge in a panic. One after another, the two chased and laughed in the veranda.

Behind, Xue Baochai was knocking on the side, inquiring about Xing Xiuyan's mind, and was attracted by the laughter of her two people. He stared for a long while, but couldn't help but sigh in secret.

The Mei family seems to have the intention of remorse for the marriage, Xue Baoqin knows well, how can there be no complaints?

And Shi Xiangyun's marriage was also wasted several times.

Now that her uncle has gone to Yunnan and Guizhou, her aunts at home are increasingly devoid of their own opinions-besides, her children are still too arrogant, how can she care for her niece's life?


What seems carefree, how can it really be carefree?

At this moment, Yinling laughed like a laugh, I really don't know how much it was forced out. (https:)

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