The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 757: Morning thinking

[Third more, sleep. 】

It snowed all night.

It didn't weaken a little until dawn, and it didn't really guard the sky to see the moonlight.

But the sparse snowflakes are obviously unstoppable, and they have been suppressing the young men and women for a long time. Before Aunt Xue got up from the bed, she could hear the endless laughter like silver bells outside.

She subconsciously looked at her side, but saw that Li Wan's bedding had been neatly folded, and she had obviously gotten up a long time ago.

fair enough.

Aunt Xue secretly breathed a sigh of relief. She tossed and turned to the middle of the night last night, but she became more and more unsure, responding to Li Wan's fallacies.

In some kind of obscure mind, she did not raise her voice to greet the next person, but silently got up and dressed to wash, but the noise that could be made still alarmed Suyun who was on duty outside.

So he simply cleaned up under Suyun's service, and then sat down at the dressing table.

Seeing that a glass mirror the size of a goose was inserted above the bronze mirror, Aunt Xue couldn't help but move her eyebrows up and take a closer look at the image in the mirror.

Even if she was close, there were only a few faint fine lines in the corners of her eyes.

But Aunt Xue couldn't help but look and look again, and the more she looked, the more bitter she became. It seemed that the hair-like lines were actually hideous scars.

At this time, there was another burst of cheerful laughter, coming in from outside the window.

The voice was delicate and crisp, and it seemed that there was a youthful breath rushing toward her face, but when her eyes fell in Aunt Xue's ears, there was a harsh smell.

She stroked the fine lines at the corners of her eyes, becoming more melancholy and incomprehensible. Li Wan's words last night seemed to echo in her heart.

Will you regret it?

Aunt Xue originally thought that she could resolutely deny it. After all, what she missed the most in her heart was to be able to get grandchildren and enjoy the happiness of family.


Do you really regret it?

Unconsciously, Mrs. Wang's usual images flashed in his mind.

Speaking of Yi'er getting a grandson, this sister of my own has obviously achieved it, but... is she really satisfied?

Even if the most beloved Baoyu is by his side, even if Lan Ge'er follows a famous teacher, he can see that he is a seed of reading, but this sister has never been so happy?

Haunting her heart, it was still brother-in-law Jia Zheng!

Even if she pretends to be nonchalant, as her closest sister, how can she know that every time she dreams back at midnight, she always gnashes her teeth and reads Aunt Zhao's name?

Don’t talk about it. Although his brother-in-law Jia Zheng can’t afford to have a long relationship, he has been in love with his sister for more than ten years. .

However, even so, my sister is still full of resentment and wants to return to the old shadow day.

And what about yourself?

I'm afraid I can hardly remember the appearance of that dead ghost, right?

"Even if there is only one time, let the man I like, a man with flesh and blood, fill in the empty space..."

The fallacy and heresy that Li Wan was interrupted became clearer in my heart.

As this passage continued to echo, it seemed that something that had been sealed for a long time was coming out of Aunt Xue's heart.

"It's real, flesh and blood..."

She murmured subconsciously, reaching out her hand to grasp the big conscience in front of her chest.

"I have seen the second master and uncle Bao."

Suddenly, there was a series of courtesy sounds outside the window. Aunt Xue's heart trembled slightly and stood up subconsciously. However, looking back at Suyun's surprised gaze, she hurriedly sat back.

Desperately suppressed, but still unavoidably blushing.

What was he thinking just now?

What a ridiculous death!

Embarrassingly picked up the powder box, covering the strangeness on the face, but the face can also be covered, but what did you do to smooth out the waves in your heart?

Seeing this continue, I really don't know what to show in front of people, Aunt Xue hurriedly endured the throbbing heart, waved back Suyun beside her.

But after being alone, although she breathed a sigh of relief, the absurd thoughts she had just suppressed, but also with the thumping heartbeat, came out together.

"Even only once..."

"A man of flesh and blood..."

"The years are no longer..."

"Will you regret it?"

The echo in my heart seemed to be the temptation of the devil, but also like endless torture.

Aunt Xue lightly touched the fine lines at the corner of her eyes again, and a sense of unwillingness of crisis gradually came in.

After the new year, I will be thirty-seven years old.

How much youth can a woman of this age have, no matter how she maintains it?

If a few blizzards have come down, I will begin to describe the haggard.

Although she originally sympathized with Li Wan, she didn't deny her self-contemptuous behavior.

But at this moment, thinking of the movement heard by the wall, and thinking of Li Wan's bewildered and affectionate look, quietly, some jealous thoughts were born.

The same woman who has been widowed for many years did not dare to take a step beyond the thunder pond. Not only did she taste the taste of being a woman, she also continued to maintain her reputation and status.

If she doesn't expose it, she might continue to do this for a long time, until her age is gone, and with the ‘full’ joy, go to Yier to get grandchildren to enjoy the family happiness.


They are all widows, so why can only she do this? !

Fear, contempt, jealousy, restlessness...

Various emotions came to in Aunt Xue's heart, it seemed to be boiling.

It wasn't until the man's words sounded outside the courtyard that Aunt Xue suddenly woke up.

She hesitated a little, then went straight to the window, quietly pushed open a gap, leaned forward and peered out.

The two men talking in the yard are naturally Sun Shaozong and Jia Baoyu.

Because they were a little far apart, the voices of the two of them were not loud, and Aunt Xue couldn't hear what they were talking about.

But she is not interested in these.

Aunt Xue’s gaze was full of suspicion at first, and fell on her nephew Baoyu. After wondering if he was an adulterer, she turned to Sun Shaozong.

The tall and burly figure, with slightly fierce eyebrows, made Aunt Xue dazed, as if she had returned to the dense forest.

Whenever I think of it, I feel embarrassed and embarrassed, but at this moment it seems to be stained with other flavors, like a touch of sweetness mixed with sourness.

With the slightest sweetness, the hooked person couldn't help digging deeper.

If at that time...

He and Sun Erlang did not leave separately, what would happen?

Thinking like this, the rude look in his mind when he first saw Sun Shaozong a few years ago...

Yes, he might do something!

Aunt Xue became more and more dazed, her nose was thick and her complexion was red, but the memory of that day in the forest seemed to have some incredible connection with what she heard on the wall yesterday.

It is as if the latter is a continuation of the former, and she is no longer an observer of the wall, but with a real flesh and blood...

"What is the aunt looking at?"

Just as the fantasies couldn't be extricated, sliding towards the entanglement of **** desire, a voice suddenly sounded from behind Aunt Xue.

Aunt Xue suddenly looked back, but who else could it be if it wasn't Li Wan?

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