The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 800: The end of the war

[Second more]

Uncle Zhao Guo didn't agree, and made peace with Jia She.

But maybe he promised, he won't hold on to this matter for the time being, let alone let stone nerds go all over the street to complain.

Among them are Sun Shaozong's favor, but it is more in his own consideration.

At the last birthday banquet, Uncle Zhao was actually planning to sue the imperial court, but as soon as he spoke, he was rushed out of the door by the emperor before he could tell the truth.

At that time, I only thought that his attitude had angered the emperor, but turned around and pondered it. It was clear that the emperor had already guessed that he was going to poke the matter out, so it happened early and kicked out the two'brothers in law' together.

To put it bluntly, the emperor did not want a conflict between Zhao and Jia when the concubine Jia was pregnant.

In view of this, Uncle Zhao is naturally not good at attacking Jia's family with this matter.

But this does not mean that he has to give up this handle. Once the future situation changes and the emperor's blessing is not there, Uncle Zhao Guo will definitely fall into the pit.

Still the same, Jia Yuanchun became pregnant this time, which is not necessarily a good thing for Rongguo Mansion.

"Get out, get out of here!"

However, he said that Sun Shaozong was in the carriage, thinking about some things, and suddenly heard someone shouting loudly outside, and then people shouting, it was so lively.

Even the carriage that Sun Shaozong inherited was also affected. It first made a sudden stop, and then evaded it aside.

Then I heard Zhang Cheng report from the outside: "Second Lord, it is an emergency report from the Ministry of War."

When Sun Shaozong heard the words, he immediately opened the curtain and looked around, only to see two officers carrying Yin Hong Kaoqi, urging their horses through the downtown area.

Looking at the shoes of the two men, Sun Shaozong felt a little relieved-the muddy boots were of a thin southern style, so they must have nothing to do with the big brother who fought against Liaodong.


Looking at the expressions of the two, I was afraid that something unexpected had happened.

The East China Sea Japanese Trouble?

Probably not, Wang Ziteng has now firmly suppressed the pirates in the southeast, even if he encounters a dying counterattack, he will not panic.

In this case, it is only the Southwest.

Can the Six Nations of Southern Xinjiang finally couldn't help it?

Sun Shaozong frowned and groaned. He was not worried that the situation in the southeast would be completely eroded, but he was afraid that his father-in-law would be killed to sacrifice the flag.

But this day, no matter how worried it is, it will be of no avail.

Let's wait until things really fall down.

Thinking of this, Sun Shaozong lowered the curtain and urged indifferently: "Go back to the house."


As expected by Sun Shaozong, when he was on duty in the Yamen the next day, the news that the six nations of southern Xinjiang vowed to form a coalition to retake the old homeland had spread throughout the capital.

It is said that the six-nation coalition has more than 500,000 soldiers and horses. Since the two nations of Zhenla and Qianxiang have come out, they seem to be annexing Yungui in one fell swoop.

Ma Yunyun, Sun Shaozong didn't believe it.

But two or three hundred thousand should still be there.

Moreover, compared with the Zhou dynasty troops stationed in Sichuan, these people are more familiar with the hot and humid climate and terrain in the southwest, and they have spent several years trying their best. Their strength should not be underestimated.

Anyway, everyone in the capital was disturbed by the news.

Even the Dali Temple, which is not related to each other, is full of discussions.

Some are cautious, and some are dismissive, but generally speaking, optimistic attitudes account for the majority.

After all, since the establishment of the Great Zhou Dynasty, in large-scale foreign wars, it suffered only once-the time Sun Shaozong's cheap old man was ordered to commit suicide in the Yalu River.

And a few years later, Goryeo, which had deflated Da Zhou, was also destroyed.

Especially in the minds of many people, the barbarians of the six countries of southern Xinjiang are far less powerful than the original Goryeos, and even the coalition forces of the six countries are nothing more than a mob.

But they have forgotten that the current Great Week is not the same as before.

Today, the form of the Great Zhou is not an exaggeration to say that it is embarrassed on all sides, although whether it is Mongolia and Mohe in the north, the Japanese pirates in the southeast, and the six countries of southern Xinjiang in the southwest, they are all at a disadvantage against the Great Zhou alone.

But the north-south linkage is not a joke.

The only thing to be thankful for is that the new firearms are now officially installed in the Shenjiying camp. Waiting for my eldest brother to accumulate experience in Liaodong, it should not be a problem to resist the invasion of Mongolian cavalry.

"Second brother, second brother!"

Sun Shaozong was in his official office, thinking about the Forbidden City. He suddenly heard a shout outside, and then followed in his footsteps.

This voice...

Sun Shaozong looked out of the room with puzzlement, and saw that the curtain was lifted, and Liu Xianglian rushed in happily.

It really is this kid!

Sun Shaozong couldn't help being speechless: "Didn't you vowed to study hard at home? Did you change your mind after only one day?"

If this is the case, it would really be a waste of the three hundred taels of silver sent by Sun Shaozong Tuoyou.

", I actually...anyway, huh!"

Liu Xianglian stammered in excitement, unable to tell why for a long time.

Finally, he stretched out his hand and slapped his mouth. Then he straightened out his thoughts and pulled his chest out and said, "Second brother, Master, I am definitely quitting, but in the face of the country's hardship, what's the use of studying hard? The younger brother decided to inherit his father’s ambitions and commit to the army!"

Contributing to the Rong...

Sun Shaozong rolled his eyes, and said angrily: "Where is this? Why is it the head of the national disaster? Besides, you should go to the Ministry of War if you want to invest in the military, and come to Dali Temple to yell at what?"

Before Liu Xianglian could respond, someone suddenly broke in and said with a big grin, "Second brother, don't hide it from us!"

This person is not Xue Panxue's big head, who else can he be?

To be honest, Sun Shaozong is really a little guilty when seeing Xue Pan.

After all, just a few days ago, I did some activities on other people's

As a result, his reaction was half a beat slower than usual, and his expression was a bit stiff.

Fortunately, Liu Xianglian and Xue Pan are at the height of their blood. Where can they be distinguished?

At the moment, you said a word and gave a general idea of ​​what you came from, but Sun Shaozong, who listened to it, couldn't laugh or cry again.

However, it turned out that there was a rumor that Sun Shaozong once served as a military attaché in Qianxiang Country, and he has just made extraordinary achievements in Huguang. This time he will fight against the six countries of southern Xinjiang and must be reused.

Therefore, Liu Xianglian and Xue Pan came to the door anxiously, wanting to go south with him and fight the Allied Forces of the Six Nations for 300 rounds.

"Just don't think about it."

Sun Shaozong shook his head and said: "Not to mention whether your family is willing to agree..."

"Second brother, you fooled us with this word last time, this time we don't do it, we will follow whatever we say!"

Xue Pan interrupted Sun Shaozong anxiously.

Liu Xianglian also said to the side: "Yes, brother, this imperial examination is a serious official career. Isn't it necessary to kill the enemy and serve the country? Since you are willing to watch me make progress, this will have to help my brothers."

"Yes, yes, yes! That old Feng has made five thousand households, and he shows up in front of us all day long. This time, how can we earn a tribute to Dangdang!"


Although military attachés are not as expensive as civil servants, is it so easy to be a rank 4 general?

Sun Shaozong rolled his eyes silently: "Listen to me first-this time we are fighting with the six countries of southern Xinjiang. I am afraid that even Feng Ziying's chances are greater than mine. You can talk to me about this, and I'm afraid it's a mistake. People."

"Why is this?"

When Liu and Xue heard this, they were immediately astonished.


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