The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 826: Wang Xifeng called the sick Xiyun Pavilion, and Jia Enhou wanted to get ‘children and

Rongguo Mansion, Xiyun Pavilion.

Xue Baochai walked slowly to the door, then turned back to the red luan tent and said: "Sister-in-law is so happy to rest, I will come to see you again when I have time."

I saw Wang Xifeng wrapped his head sickly in the Hongluan's tent, and forced his white neck to stand up, and responded weakly.

Xue Baochai was accompanied by Ping'er and stepped out of the inside.

Seeing the entrance to the courtyard, she stopped again and Chong Ping'er smiled: "The outside said that you are going to pass next month, but it is true? If it is true, I will go back to discuss with the sisters, how can I give it to you? Pick up a table of practical banquets."

Ping'er hurriedly refused with a smile, only saying that she was a concubine. The girls in Limeng valued them and made a half-truth. She was already in trepidation and fear. She didn't dare to have any trouble at this moment.

"If the girl really loves me, when I get there and put a drink for you, don't refute my face."

Xue Baochai saw that Ping'er insisted on refusing, and what he said was quite reasonable, so he didn't force anything, but responded with a smile, only saying that she would wait for her host in the future.


After Xue Baochai was sent away, Ping'er returned to the hall, but saw Wang Xifeng stand up early, take off the navy blue head, and squeeze it in his hand, fan it indiscriminately, and the curse in his mouth is even more unsatisfactory:

"What a **** who has forgotten eight lambs, he wants to climb to the aunt's wife and do her majesty! Wait for these few days, and see if I will take their skins and tear their bones apart!"

Ping'er hurriedly stepped forward and persuaded: "Grandma hurry up and quietly, in case someone spreads this out, you will still be dissatisfied with Girl Bao."

Wang Xifeng was forced to pretend to be sick, and he was already holding back the fire. How could he listen to advice at this time?

Immediately threw the tangled head into Ping'er's arms and cursed: "Pass it out? Ask who dares in this room?! If I can clean up the **** maid who is pushing his nose and cheeks, I can cure the dog minion who eats inside and out. !"

After a few more angrily cursing, she stopped panting heavily and lifted the quilt to reveal her mature body.

He took the opportunity to step on the two tender feet like white porcelain and stepped on the semi-cool pedals, and said, "Go, let someone prepare a bath tub, and lie down for most of the day, sweating!"

If she really caught the wind and cold, Ping'er specified to dissuade her, but right now she was just pretending to be sick, so naturally she didn't say so much, so Ping'er replied respectfully and went outside to make arrangements.

But he said that Wang Xifeng stayed inside alone, regardless of whether it was dirty or not, he just tapped his two fresh lotus root-like ankles and lightly lit them wherever he went, intending to take advantage of the coldness on the bluestone slab to suppress the dryness in his heart. .

But the distress in my heart can be offset by a little external force?

She has never guarded a good object that can pass through to the bottom of her heart, and she has become more and more annoyed when she is trying to make up for it.

However, it was said that after the rumors leaked from the wife of Wang’s wife, it was only a whisper at first, but it has gradually become a force for the palace in the past few days.

It's nothing more than being a slave, at best it's just beating the drum behind the back.

But the Jia family relatives of the seven aunts and eight aunts seemed to be connected together, taking turns to make irresponsible remarks in front of the old lady.

For a time, her majestic second grandmother of the Rongguo Mansion had been the mistress of the family for seven or eight years, and she showed signs that everyone shouted!

To be honest, she used her natal family power to do business in partnership with outsiders, but she missed her husband's family, which indeed violated the political correctness of being a daughter-in-law.

Coupled with the fact that Jia Lian didn't want to cover up for her after learning what happened, it was inevitable that it would arouse public anger.

But with so many years of business, she didn't have the opportunity to suppress this momentum.

However, the bad luck is bad luck. In the past two years, Rongguo Mansion owed a large deficit, and the account was checked a hundred times more stringent. Wang Xifeng still can't afford much benefit, how can he be a popular person like before. The boy who lost money?

As the saying goes, ‘from frugality to luxury is easy, and from luxury to frugality is difficult’, and those who are accustomed to the clan’s oil and water are naturally dissatisfied with this.

Especially Wang Xifeng is a good face, no matter how embarrassed, he gritted his teeth to make the family beautiful.

Comparing these two times, it is inevitable that there will be complaints.

Now I have heard that Wang Xifeng quietly made more than a hundred thousand taels of silver, but he was clinging to it, and he refused to give everyone a bit of money!

There is no need to connect in series, the three aunts and six wives who hate oneself will be sued.

It was also until yesterday that Wang Xifeng figured out this relationship, and understood that it was extremely difficult to suppress this matter, so he simply said that he couldn't afford it, and wanted to wait for the turmoil to subside.

After all, it all blames the **** Jia Lian for standing by!

Otherwise, no matter how much rumors, he will be able to carry at least half of his eldest son.

By then, I will pretend to be wronged and innocent. With the old lady and aunt, can I really break my face with myself?

As for the nominal mother-in-law Xing...

Why did Wang Xifeng ever look at her right away?


At the same time, the front yard Jia She lived.

"She even dare to pretend to be sick!"

Xing's high-pitched and sharp voice, the shaking table and the cups and plates trembled, Jia She also showed some unheardable expressions on his face.

But Xing didn't realize it, with one hand on his waist and the other hand, he jumped like a big teapot and said: "It is said that the daughter is the water poured out, and the daughter-in-law is his family. In the past few years, the master and Have I ever received half of her filial piety? If it wasn't for the second girl who always read her natal family, I don't know how to live this day!"

Having said that, she couldn't help but push Jia She: "Master, you have to say something, you can't let her be so lawless anymore!"

Jia She squinted at her with a solemn face: "Then what should I do about this according to your wishes?"


Xing's spirit suddenly came, his eyes gleaming and said: "Let her hand over the silver! This is hundreds of thousands of taels..."


Jia She gave her a bitter bite and scolded: "You stupid woman! If she is really willing to hand it over, she can still have the share of our big house? I'm afraid that she won't have to fill in the holes in the second room repair garden!"

Xing was originally afraid of him, but he seemed to be annoyed by the sight of him. At the moment, the arrogance disappeared without a trace, and he whispered: "Yes... it's the concubine's but I don't know how to rely on the master , How should we deal with this matter?"


Jia She snorted coldly, and yelled impatiently: "You don't need to ask what you want to do with the Lord!"

But in my heart, I was wondering, my son has been talking about him recently, and his wife and daughter-in-law seem to have broken off their love a long time ago.

If this continues, where will I go to hold my grandson?

Not as good as...

Taking advantage of this opportunity, let's do something personally and get rich and rich!

Thinking of Wang Xifeng's peerless enchantment, his whole body was hot and uncomfortable, three inches below his umbilicus, quietly, without a trace of movement.


It must be because of the excessive conquest on that little Phoenix fairy after taking the medicine yesterday.

And wait for a few days to slow down, regain her glory, and then help her "fill in" her troubles!

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