The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 833: Sickly and neatly

Said to be a detour from the outer corridor of the Grand View Garden.

But everyone else is fine. Since Jia Yingchun has arrived at her family's home, is there any reason to pass the door and not enter?

In addition, Third Sister You insisted on waiting for Liu Xianglian together.

Sun Shaozong simply entrusted the three of them to Jia Yingchun, and went to Jia Baoyu's Yihong Courtyard to find Liu Xianglian as a companion.

He is both an old guest and an in-law. He didn't need the gatekeeper to lead the way. He crossed the stone bridge alone with the rein. He saw the maple leaves of Banqiu from afar, dancing with the cold wind, as if someone was doing it The fire burns to the sky.

This view is a world apart from the chaos outside. Even rough people like Sun Shaozong couldn't help but change their path to look down on the hillside carefully.

Exhausted, when I was about to start again, I saw a few people walking out of Fenglin Lin Tingting, not the other one, but the Miaoyu nun from Zhicui'an.

Sun Shaozong's heart moved, and suddenly stopped, just waiting for Miaoyu to come closer.

But he said that Miaoyu was carrying a bamboo basket of maple leaves, and Yuanzheng walked forward silently, suddenly seeing the burly magical action in front of him, and there was a stumbling under his feet.

When she regained her footing and stared at Sun Shaozong for a long while, she shook her head and sighed, before changing the route and detouring.

Originally, Sun Shaozong was under the hillside, thinking of persuading Miaoyu, taking advantage of the preaching of the Buddha in the middle of Beijing, he simply left this place of right and wrong.

Seeing her deliberately avoiding herself at this time, she felt inexplicable at first, and then suddenly realized that the reason why the fake nun avoided herself was probably because of Xing Xiuyan.

That's it~

Ben just wanted to raise her voice, since she had missed this predestined method, Sun Shaozong would not rush to point her to the maze.

Therefore, Sun Shaozong turned around and walked back to Miaoyu.

Unexpectedly, just a few steps away, a shout came from behind him.

At first, Sun Shaozong only thought that it was Miaoyu who had changed her mind, and chased her again, so he deliberately wanted to let her dry, only deaf and speeded up the pace.

But afterwards, there was something wrong with the movement. He looked back suspiciously, only to see that the woman who caught up behind was not Miaoyu, but the big maid next to Jia Baoyu.

Sun Shaozong stopped immediately, waited for Xiren to catch up quickly, and joked: "You are not tied by Brother Bao, but what are you doing here alone?"

Xiren handed the bamboo basket with his left arm forward, and said helplessly: "It's not the enemy yet, Qianer looked at the four girls [Xichun] painting with maple leaves, and thought it was elegant, so he clamored to learn. The last school ended up with him but he couldn't come, so I was left in the woods."

While complaining in his mouth, the sweetness between his brows and eyes is thick that cannot be removed.

Sun Shaozong rolled his eyes silently, and raised his chin in the direction where Miaoyu had left: "Didn't you say that your mansion will also change the nun's nunnery to a Taoist temple? Is this just a rumor?"

The hill was not big, so Xiren naturally also ran into Miaoyu and a few nuns, but she was a sleek and sophisticated slave and maid, who had never been able to get into the magic of Miaoyu, and fell into embarrassment within a few words.

If not, she would not wait until Miaoyu and others had left before leaving Fenglin alone.

At this time, when Sun Shaozong asked, Xiren laughed and said, "Isn't it just a rumor? Our old ancestor is the most pious and honest Buddha. With her old man trembling on it, who dares to do such an act of slandering the temple and slandering the monk?"

This was almost the same as Sun Shaozong had expected.

I have already missed the left and right. Hearing this, I couldn't persuade Miaoyu to move. Sun Shaozong simply put the matter behind and rushed to Yihongyuan with the assailants.

As soon as I entered the courtyard, I saw Jia Baoyu and Liu Xianglian in the hexagonal pavilion in the southwest corner, teasing a few sika deer with fodder.

"My lord!"

Sun Shaozong didn't say anything yet, and the attacker nearby had already yelled: "These few beasts are not serious or serious. They just broke the clothes of the ancestors reward last time. Why did you provoke them again?"

As he said, he stomped and complained about Qiuwen and Biyue.

Sun Shaozong ignored this, moved a few steps to the pavilion, and said loudly: "It's all like that outside, you two are relaxed and relaxed!"

"Second Brother Sun!"

"Second brother!"

Seeing that it was him in the pavilion, the two of them threw away the cakes made of alfalfa and soybean meal, and greeted them in stride.

Seeing that there was no owner in the pavilion, the next few sika deer immediately swarmed up, poking their heads into the barrel and vying for it.

But when the three of them got together, Liu Xianglian first smiled and said: "Second brother wronged me. I came to look for Brother Bao. I wanted to point to his face and be able to enter the door earlier to mourn me. Who ever wanted to go in front of me? As soon as he arrived at Yihong Hospital, he fell ill on his hind foot."

fall sick?

Sun Shaozong carefully examined Jia Baoyu's eyes, and found that the boy was red-faced, with no trace of illness at all, and he was wondering what was going on.

However, Jia Baoyu sighed and said helplessly: "Second brother, let's go into the house and talk about it."

With that said, they invited the two into the hall, first let the attacker fetch water, clean hands with Liu Xianglian, and ordered Qiuwen to serve snacks and make tribute tea to serve the guests.

When the three guests were seated, Jia Baoyu sighed again, but Liu Xianglian next to him was smiling.

But it turned out that Liu Xianglian had just arrived in the Yihong Courtyard, and it was not the same as Jia Baoyu's greetings. Madam Wang sent the maid beside her to spread the word, so that Jia Baoyu could recover from the illness without rushing to the East Mansion to make trouble.

Don't say it's Liu Xianglian, even Jia Baoyu heard this for some reason. When did he get sick?

Later, the maid was called in and interrogated carefully, only to find out that it was Grandma You from the East Mansion. Because she was really unable to support her by herself, she had to go to the West Mansion.

The first thing she asked for help was, naturally, Jia She, the current pillar of Xifu.

As a result, Jia She immediately said that he could not get ill, and by the way, he also made up for his son to recuperate outside.

You's had to ask Mrs. Wang again, hoping to lend Baoyu to his envoy.

But when Mrs. Wang saw that the big room was clean, she also felt that the Ningguo Mansion was very lively. She was afraid that her precious son would go there and there would be something wrong, so she was busy calling Jia Baoyu.

Coupled with Wang Xifeng and Li Wan, who had long been said to be unable to get sick, this family was not far from Qi Qi.

"On weekdays in our mansion, as long as there is a big matter or a small love, sister-in-law Zhen never shirks a word. This time, Ningguo Mansion is such a big thing, but she has run into a wall everywhere..."

As Baoyu said, he became more ashamed, but he didn't dare to violate his mother's life, so he sighed and sighed.

Although the lack of responsibility is a common problem for everyone in this mansion, but usually encountering the red and white housework of relatives, it is not so retreat.

Now I am afraid that it is because of the dispute between the prince and the prince.

Although Sun Shaozong guessed the seven or eight, he was too lazy to break through the twists and turns, and immediately told Baoyu to be good for ‘healing’, so he first took Liu Xianglian and went to Ningguo Mansion for an early morning.

"Second brother, let me have dinner here at noon."

Baoyu said in a hurry as he sent it out: "I'll let people prepare the wine and food earlier. The three of us are good for a few drinks."

Although he felt a little sorry for You, he was obviously not touched by Jia Jing's death.

This is also normal. Although he is in the name of relatives, Jia Jing has been practicing Xuan Tao outside the city for more than ten years, and he can't go home twice a year, let alone come to Rongguo Mansion.

Those with a poor memory may not be able to remember his face, let alone what kind of blood relationship?

However, it was said that Sun Shaozong and Liu Xianglian had left the Yihong Courtyard. Liu Xianglian had stopped talking several times along the way. Seeing that she had reached the front yard, she had not been able to speak the whole thing.


Sun Shaozong glanced at her and said: "I have only been a nerd for a few days, so I forgot how to talk?"

Liu Xianglian smiled and muttered: "Second brother, I..."


Sun Shaozong raised his hand and stopped his hesitation: "What is it when I can't live without you? I have found a suitable candidate these days. This person is proficient in criminal names and decrees and has been in the officialdom for many years, as long as he is willing. I will help you with all your heart, and I won’t talk about one more than three things."

"That's good, that's good!

Liu Xianglian does everything by his temperament. He often remembers that one thing is one thing, but he rarely regrets it afterwards.

However, this time I first asked Sun Shaozong to become a master, and within half a month he quit his errand again, but he was really upset in his heart. I had long thought of making a solemn compensation, but I didn't know how to make it up.

At this time, I heard that Sun Shaozong had found a better replacement, and he had a big stone in his mind, and his mouth was also sharpened, and he said many rare things in recent days.

Most of them are inseparable from Jiang Yuhan's new team.

How Jiang Yuhan dug the wall and quickly established a backbone team; what Jia Lian showed his extraordinary talent in learning opera in just a few days...

"According to Qiguan's statement, if Brother Lian is not in this line of business, he is afraid that the church apprentice will starve to death the master."

Never thought that Jia Lian had this talent.

It seems that even if Rongguo Mansion is defeated in the future, he can still live by singing.

As the two talked, they had reached the back door of Jia She's house.

Originally there was no need to go in, but since Jia She said he was ill, Sun Shaozong, as a younger relative in-law, always had to visit him.

Because Liu Xianglian was very disgusted with Na Jia She, she insisted on staying outside, leaving Sun Shaozong to go alone.

After Sun Shaozong left him, under the leadership of his servant, he went to a side hall and waited for a while. After waiting for a long while, Jia She came out, but he heard the voices of Ying and Yan in the corridor.

He looked out suspiciously and saw Jia Yingchun taking the lead, followed by Xue Baochai, Lin Daiyu, Shi Xiangyun, Jia Tanchun, You Erjie, You Sanjie and others, all dressed in plain clothes, all bright and charming.

Seeing Zakon, Jia Yingchun led You Erjie away from the other sisters, and said in a salute at the entrance of the hall: "No wonder Erlang, my father can't bear this disease, so I only spread the word and let me thank Erlang on his behalf. ."

This sick person is more dedicated than Jia Baoyu.

Sun Shaozong casually ‘cared’ a few words about his condition, and the two of them left the flower hall together.

Because they were relatives of the family, they would go to the East Mansion together for funerals later, so the Yingyingyanyans did not evade, and Qi all came forward to see him.

Sun Shaozong was dazzled and dazzled, and someone in the corridor suddenly raised his voice: "Are you all ready? When it's done, go quickly!"

This nasty and nasty is not like going to a funeral, but like going to a place.

Sun Shaozong followed the prestige, and saw Madam Xing with a gloomy face, standing with Mrs. You, and found that he looked over, only smiled reluctantly, and then returned to the original dead face.

How can this be done?

Because he has always been generous, every time Sun Shaozong comes, this Mrs. Xing is smiling, but what's the matter with this face today?


At this time, the second sister You came up at the right time and whispered: "Just now, the old lady Xing forced the old lady to ask if she did the timber business in the southern part with the mistress of the house, and asked how much money we earned. The eldest wife refused to disclose it."

That's it.

This couple really fell into the eyes of money!


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