The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 840: "Heaven" Shifu [Medium 2]

[Recently, I was forced to change the input method, and there have been more typos. Forgive me, my book friends. 】

The ladder was found by Sun Shaozong behind the gate of the main hall, and not only was it a ride, it seemed that it was piled up here usually.

According to the traces above, there should be at least two ladders last night. They were used by the murderer, but they were used one after the other or at the same time. It is still difficult to distinguish clearly.

Sun Shaozong drove one of them up under the eaves, neatly picked up the steps, and quickly climbed to the height of the corpse.

As mentioned earlier, the corpse is located directly above the hall door, where the plaque is hung.

Because this palace has not yet been fully completed, the plaque in the main hall has not yet been hung. There are only two **** nails, which are responsible for supporting the plaque, pointing obliquely to the eaves.

And the trunk of the corpse was hung in the center of these two breast nails at this time.

When I took a closer look, I could clearly see that there were a total of seven iron nails with the thickness of tail fingers nailed to the body, one for each of the neck, chest, and abdomen, one for each of the wrist and calf.

In addition, Sun Shaozong found obvious strangulation marks on the abdomen of the corpse, and then found traces of rope entangled on two breast nails.

It can be preliminarily inferred that the corpse was tied to the two breast nails first, and then the ‘stapling operation’ began. After the nails were enough to support the weight of the corpse, the rope was untied.

Judging from the strain on various parts of the body, this person should be young, no more than 30 years old, and rarely engaged in heavy physical work.

His skin is also fairer than ordinary people, so he usually spends his time indoors.

But this does not mean that he is a rich man.

Because Sun Shaozong found a lot of small bumps that were suspected of eczema on his back shoulder.

This shows that although his clothes are warm, they are not very breathable, and he can only tolerate the feeling of sweat stains on his body, and cannot increase or decrease clothes wantonly.

Is this because of a conservative and shy personality, or is it because of restraint in behavior?

If it is the former, he may be a literati of average family background, but also a literati who pays great attention to appearance.

If it's the latter...

The little servant of a rich family?

A shop assistant who doesn’t have to do heavy physical labor?


Sun Shaozong looked down at the three Taoist priests thoughtfully, then raised his voice and asked: "Huang Bin, have you ever found this person's head and clothes?"

Huang Bin hurriedly put the knife into its sheath, arched his hands and raised his head and said, "Returning to your lord, although I have searched the heavenly master's house inside and out, I haven't found the deceased's head or clothes!"

In this way, this person is also very likely to be a young Taoist priest!

Because the clothes of ordinary people, most of the time, the identity cannot be directly identified, but the monks are different.

Sun Shaozong pondered for a moment, and then ordered: "Come and stabilize the ladder."

Waiting for Huang Bin to greet the other government servants, holding the long bamboo ladder left and right, he immediately pressed the right arm of the corpse with his hand, and then slowly pulled out the iron nail on the wrist of the corpse.

The total length of this iron nail is about seven feet [21.77 cm], and the overall shape is flat from thick to thin, with a round nail cap on the head, and the bottom is not very sharp, probably because it is too thin and easy to break.

This kind of nails can be punched out by ordinary blacksmiths. It seems that it is not so easy to find out the origin.

Sun Shaozong looked at it for a while, then bowed his head and ordered: "Find two hammers, one made of wood and one made of iron, and then go to the street to buy a piece of pork!"

Immediately, the government officials took the order.

Sun Shaozong held the blood-sparkling iron nail in one hand, and went to look at the corpse in the other, but suddenly he noticed a cold stare.

Looking around, I saw that Young Master was holding the sword in both hands, looking at him with a cold face and slanted eyes.

Not to mention, this young man looks pretty handsome, and the statue looking up at a 45-degree angle is quite the demeanor of a little fresh meat in later generations.

With just a pair of eyes, Sun Shaozong knew that this kid hated him.

But this is exactly what Sun Shaozong just deliberately created.

Otherwise, with his mental age of forty years old, how could it be so easy to get into conflict with a young man?

In fact, before entering the gate, he had already made up his mind to keep a certain distance from the people in the Heavenly Master's Mansion, and it was best to have some small conflicts again.

That's why he interrupted Huang Bin's introduction unceremoniously, and deliberately shook his praises in front of the three of them.

The purpose of this is to make up for the withdrawal this morning.

Although there was a reason that seemed reasonable at the time, there was no shortage of smart people in the court. After discussing it afterwards, he would definitely see through his intention to protect himself.

This is nothing at all, it can only be said that it is human nature, and besides, he was involved in it for no reason.

But when investigating the case this afternoon, if you mingle with the people in the Heavenly Master's Mansion, the taste will be completely different.

A big hat for colluding with the alchemist cholera dynasty can be deducted strictly!

So Sun Shaozong must state his position.

Now it seems that this effect is better than imagined to offend a young master, and it is more important than offending three ordinary Taoists.

As for this young master, will he put on eye drops and wear small shoes behind his back...

Ha ha!

Who is in the palace without a helping hand?

Talk less gossip.

But when I didn't say much, the two hammers and pork were sent to Sun Shaozong. Sun Shaozong picked up the hammer and nailed the pork to the wall without saying a word.

After he was done, he ordered: "Go and ask the gatekeeper outside, have you ever heard a knock!"

One of the officials took the order, and Huang Bin asked for instructions below: "My lord, do you want to invite the Ministry of Industry official who was on duty last night for questioning?"

"Don't hurry."

Sun Shaozong said in his mouth, seeing that the veteran who was spreading the word had crossed the threshold, he immediately lifted the iron nail out, and he picked up the wooden hammer and beat it again.

Not long after that, the yaman rushed back and reported: "My lord, they heard a few faint movements just now, but they didn't hear it very well."

"Then what did you hear when you were outside?"


The servant was taken aback for a moment, then hesitated and shook his head: "It seems that I haven't heard anything."

At least it can be ruled out that the guards can hear the iron during the day, let alone at night.

As for the stone tools...

Sun Shaozong has just observed carefully that the nail cap is not contaminated with gravel dust. The hardness of the wall wood can basically rule out the possibility of stone tools.

At first he also suspected that the murderer used a knife handle to knock the nail in, but after two attempts, he rejected this speculation.

After all, this is a key project funded by the royal family, and the wood used is extremely hard.

If you want to use a knife handle to knock in, I am afraid that you need at least half of Sun Shaozong's strength, and the requirements for the handle material are far beyond the normal range.

After all, the knife handle is not easy to exert force, and secondly it is hollow [need to wrap the knife tail].

Although there is no shortage of powerful men in the world, the chances of being willing to hit nails with this kind of sword and accidentally hit by Sun Shaozong shouldn't be too high.

"What kind of wood can be stacked nearby?"


Huang Bin and a dozen of his subordinates met and shook their heads one by one.

In this case, the murderer is either a tool retrieved from a distance or a self-provided weapon.

But no matter what it is, it is further proof that the murderer must have planned well before committing the crime, rather than making a temporary intention.

It is even very possible that he had already surveyed the scene before committing the crime!

"Come on!"

Thinking of this, Sun Shaozong categorically ordered: "Pull this corpse off from above, and then bring all the officials on duty last night and the guards who watched the night."


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