The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 856: Compromise and exchange

? Just as Mrs. Xing changed her color because of Xing Xiuyan's words, the case analysis meeting in Dali Temple had also come to an end.

It is said that it is a case analysis meeting, but in fact, it is mainly to praise the merits.

After all, being able to capture the real culprit of the headless case in the Tianshifu Mansion in just two days is definitely worthy of a feat for Dali Temple, which has been salting fish for many years.

Even Wei Yi, the Qing dynasty of the Dali Temple, reversed his previous squeeze and neglect, and praised Sun Shaozong for his professionalism.

After all, this time it was sent by imperial order, and thanks to Sun Shaozong's blessing, he, the nominally supreme leader of the Dali Temple, naturally got some benefits.

At least in the future, when facing the Criminal Ministry and the Metropolitan Procuratorate, he won't be short of breath by three points before he speaks.

In addition...

In fact, he was also worried that Sun Shaozong would have extra branches. After all, according to various signs, Sun Shaozong seemed to still suspect that Madam Hongyuan had also been involved in the case.

This is not in the personal interests of Dali Temple and his Wei Yi.

You must know that Majestic Hongyuan, but one of the emperor's most favored alchemists, acted according to the current situation, even if he could be identified as the culprit behind the scenes, he would probably end up lightly in the end.

After all, what he was going to kill was a pair of adulterers and silver women. Although he killed the wrong person in the end, there is an old saying that he was deceived by others, and he was most likely to be deceived. he.

In this age headed by all evil and adultery, it is not a felony for the suffering master to kill the adulterer and silver woman.

If Sun Shaozong exposes this matter, but in the end cannot crucify the real person Hongyuan, then Dali Temple will inevitably take his back.

If Sun Shaozong is not the instigator, he will be the first to bear the brunt by then, isn't he the Dali monk?

Therefore, Wei Yi's main purpose for convening this meeting is to calm down the situation, not to mention directly closing the case, at least not to go on investigating with fanfare.

In short, it is the word ‘drag’.

But he was actually too worried.

When Sun Shaozong was investigating the case before, although he was disgusted with Hongyuan's real man, he wanted to expose the truth behind the scenes.

But right now, Ma Yizhen was bitten to death and refused to confess. He had no choice but to take Hongyuan Zhenren for a while-he couldn't use the clues he inferred to sue him for unwarranted charges, right?

So even if Wei Yi didn't mean it, the case was destined to be put aside.

But since Wei Yi was cautious and tried to persuade him to give up, if Sun Shaozong didn't take advantage of the situation and exchange some benefits, wouldn't he waste this good opportunity in vain?

Therefore, at the meeting, he was always ambiguous and never made a statement.

It wasn't until the conclusion of the coffin was finally concluded that an additional issue was suddenly thrown out.

"Put the law to the countryside?"

Wei Yi and You Shaoqing Li Wenshan chewed on this unfamiliar term, all with a thoughtful look.

These four words are straightforward and literal, but the two of them are a little uncertain about what they contain.

"It's'Publicizing Law to the Countryside'!"

Sun Shaozong looked around at the crowd, and then categorically said: "The biggest problem at Dali Temple right now is that the foundation is not strong, and there is almost no influence in the local area. How can the title of'Tian Xia Tsunji's General Constitution'? Worthy of the name?"

"After thinking about it, Sun felt that the best and most thorough way to change this embarrassing situation was to'Put the Law in the Countryside'!"

"Only when powers, responsibilities and tentacles are penetrated into the fields of the vast countryside and rooted in the hearts of hundreds of millions of people of the Great Zhou Dynasty, can my Dali Temple truly deserve the title of the ‘General Constitution of Tianxia Gangji’!"

If these remarks were spoken in front of the lower-level scholars, they might have attracted some enthusiastic feedback.

But in this Dali Temple, among the officials with the lowest seven grades, what they got was an awkward silence.

Sun Shaozong wasn't in a hurry, he didn't expect the bureaucrats of these corpse positions to become active.

Besides, he just mentioned a title, and the specific content hasn't been elaborated yet. Someone really needs to jump out to support it, but it seems that he doesn't know what to say.

Wei Yi was obviously aware of this, but he didn't mean to let Sun Shaozong discuss the matter in detail at the meeting. After all, such a sudden attack would cause a big problem if one is uncertain.

"The old man feels very relieved that Sun Shaoqing can think about my Dali Temple in this way."

He tapped on the armrest of the chair with his fingers, and said in a hurry, "But what we are going to discuss today is the case of the Heavenly Master's Mansion after all, and it is not too late to discuss matters that have nothing to do with this. "

Sun Shaozong smiled upon hearing the words: "Naturally, I have to ask Master Tingwei and Li Shaoqing to go ahead. After all, you always need the support of your colleagues so that this official can go to court in front of the elders."

After a pause, he said: "However, there is nothing to discuss in this case at the moment. It is difficult to explain a few doubts in it, and I am afraid that we will have to check it carefully."

This is a clear offer of exchange terms.

The implied meaning in his words is clearly that if the Dali Temple cannot reach a consensus and support itself in proposing the proposal to the court to'popularize the law to the countryside,' then the case of the Tianshifu will not stop.

If others adopt such a half-threatening attitude, Wei Yi would definitely unite everyone on the spot and embarrass the other party.

However, facing the powerful Sun Shaozong, Wei Yi was really not sure that he could mobilize everyone to besiege him.

Therefore, when he hesitated, he had to change his words: "Then don't rush to make a final conclusion. It happens that the old man is quite concerned about the "Practicing the Law to the Country" that Sun Shaoqing mentioned just now. It is better to wait after lunch, you and me. The three of them go to Hua Ting to discuss it first?"

Although he chose to compromise, he did not say anything to death.

If Sun Shaozong's proposal is feasible and can really get Dali Temple out of the current dilemma, it would not be a big deal for him to make a statement.

If it is whimsical, or it involves the distribution of power within Dali Temple, then you have to weigh it carefully.

The two giants reached a compromise, and Li Wenshan did not express any objections. Naturally, there was no need to continue this case analysis meeting.

At the moment, Wei Yi made a summary speech of the commonplace, and then stood up and left the meeting for himself, followed by Sun Shaozong and Li Wenshan, and then a group of officials, all of whom came out of the internal office according to the size of the official position.


However, he said that Sun Shaozong returned to the Zuosi government office and first ordered people to take out the statute of "Pulse the Law to the Countryside" polished by Yu Qian, and read it from beginning to end again.

Sun Shaozong knew the specific details a long time ago.

What really needs to be reviewed is the empty modification that quotes the classics.

Don't underestimate these empty-headed things.

Most people who can enter the cabinet or take on important responsibilities in the middle of the DPRK this year will not have less ink in their stomachs.

If you want to get a piece of dry stuff in the vernacular, people have to give you a lot of impression points before they have read the content carefully.

Although Sun Shaozong's current status and reputation will always receive some preferential treatment, it will always be of no benefit to just align with mainstream values.

Talk less gossip.

After he was so easy to understand and memorize all the allusions quoted by Yu Qian in conjunction with the corresponding ancient books, it was already past noon.

Sun Shaozong stretched his waist and came out from the inner room. He wanted to call the bookkeeper to pass the meal, but when he went outside, he saw Zhang Cheng holding a teapot in the corner and pouring himself.


Sun Shaozong raised his eyebrows: "Is there a letter from home?"

Zhang Cheng hurriedly threw away the teapot and cup, and stood up and said respectfully: "In response to the second master, the man sent from the mansion just sent an invitation, saying that it is the Minger Prison Temple, and he will officially appear on the stage. The family asks you to make up your mind as soon as possible. When you see it, you will go there to join you in person or give a generous gift."

As he said, he offered a gilded post with both hands.

Sun Shaozong didn't need to read it to know that this was an invitation sent by Jiang Yuhan.

It was estimated that the day before yesterday, it should have been delivered to his home, but Ruan Rong did not expect that he would stay in Ningguo Mansion overnight for two days, so it was only now that someone sent it over.

To be honest, Sun Shaozong didn't have much interest in things like opera, and he held a respectful attitude towards Jiang Yuhan.

But helplessly, the praise of "Famous Roles" these years is even more fanatical than later generations chasing Xiaoxianrou.

Especially among my old friends, there are a few **** fanciers. If they really show an attitude of alienation, they will make it difficult for each other.

Therefore, on the first day of November, you still have to go for a cutscene.


People can't help themselves in the arena.

Reluctantly accepted the invitation, and conveyed his intentions to Zhang Cheng, but seeing that Zhang Cheng was still standing there, and did not intend to retreat, Sun Shaozong asked again: "Why, what else? "

Zhang Cheng said hurriedly: "Aunt You also sent a that your good deed is near, but it is not clear what the good deed is."

Good things are coming?

Could it be that Second Sister You in Ningguo Mansion heard that someone wanted to match up the marriage for herself?

That's not right. I haven't complied with this yet. Where can I say that something good is coming?

After thinking about it, I didn't have any ideas, but from this, I thought of other things.

If you see Sister You again, you have to let her have a good life and remind You: You might as well use a few more sets of the contraceptive decoction.

After all, her petite figure, matched with her own size, is not just talking about it. One or two doses of decoction may not be easy to'root children'. If it weren't for this, she would not have been pregnant. .

It would be a lot of fun if you confided in conception with someone when you broke into the Shou Ling.

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