The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 861: Jiang Yuhan Qishe Wangjiang Tower【Top】

[I did too much yesterday, and I feel a little bit weak today-take it easy first, and nine thousand words tomorrow. ◢Follow◢Dream◢小◢.lā】

On the first day of November, the backyard of Sun's Mansion.

Holding a mercury mirror, Qingwen stood five feet away from Sun Shaozong, and was constantly adjusting the angle of the mirror with the movements of Xiangling and You.

To say that the colored glaze workshop under the name of the Imperial City Division has not been idle for the past two years. The palm-sized mercury mirror has gradually become popular among the people.

If you don't ask for good looks and suffer from flaws, you can even buy a piece for more than a hundred dollars.

As for the size of this basketball in Qingwen's hand, it has dropped from her original daughter-in-law to more than a dozen taels of silver.

It is said that the most indispensable thing for girls in Beijing to get married today is this little mirror.

Therefore, after Sun Shaozong returned to Beijing, the biggest change in his home was the addition of more than a dozen large and small mercury mirrors, and the windows were changed from paper to transparent glass.

"That's it."

When Sun Shaozong talked about the glass windows, Caixia who handed the veil to the second sister You could not help but sigh: "I think that when Uncle Zhu of Rongguo Mansion got married, six glass windows were used in the new house. It's a sensation-it's only a few years in the past? Even ordinary people can use glass windows!"

Listening to her words, full of the sense of loss of class privilege being tainted, Sun Shaozong immediately said: "When Nan Bian'er sends the silver to Jingli, we will first hit four...five sets of mirrored wardrobes-to stand in front of you. , Can be seen from head to toe!"

Two sisters Xiangling and You both stopped the work in their hands, protruding to the ground and thanking them in unison.

Xiangling actually didn't care much about this, but Sister You really couldn't help but couldn't help it. Although the price of mercury mirrors has fallen sharply now, a wardrobe with floor mirrors costs seven or eight hundred taels of silver.

Thinking about it, there is no such rare object in Ningguo Mansion now, so she wished to get entangled in it so that Sun Shaozong could really feel the enthusiasm in her heart.

It's a pity that the time and place are all inappropriate. Second Sister You can only hold back her excitement, and while helping Sun Shaozong organize the hero cloak, secretly send some surprises.

Seeing that he was almost cleaned up, Sun Shaozong took out his pocket watch and looked at Shi Chen, turned his head to the Luohan bed, and said to Ruan Rong, who was teasing his son: "I heard that there will be girls and family members who are going to join you today. See?"

Ruan Rong overturned her son on the bed and kissed him on the forehead. Then he said lazily: "My father and right also have a share of the stock. If we want to go, when will we not? Or don't we want to go there? It's lively."

In fact, Xiangling and You Erjie, most of them are still willing to join in this excitement.

However, Ruan Rong had already expressed his opinion early, and the two naturally did not get past her, so they both rejected it.

Seeing that there was no sign of changing their minds, Sun Shaozong was too lazy to persuade him, stepped forward and lifted his son up high, took a bite, and then thrown off the hero's cloak and walked out in a stride.

At this time, the sun was already falling outside.

As soon as I arrived in the front yard, I saw Xing Zhong greeted him with a smile on his face, and opened his mouth at Sun Shaozong, but he didn't know what to call it now, and his smile became embarrassed for a while.

Sun Shaozong smiled indifferently, and continued as he said before: "Some trivial matters in the family have just been dealt with, so Uncle Xing has been waiting for a long time.

"No, no, I've just arrived, and I haven't been here for a while!" Xing Zhong said, and couldn't help but rub his hands: "I moved in this morning. Everything is ready-made. This half If you pick up Xiuyan today, you will have to work."

After Sun Shaozong returned home last night, he learned about the causes and consequences of the so-called ‘good things’ from Sister You.

Although he hadn't actually gotten Xing Xiuyan's idea, how could his Sun Erlang refuse this beautiful thing like a pie in the sky?

At the moment, I discussed with the Second Sister You, first lending her small courtyard to the Xing family to live in, so that Xing Xiuyan could have a place to get married.

However, because there was no one in that small courtyard for the past two years, even if it was cleaned every month, it still seemed a little run-down.

So Sun Shaozong originally wanted to let the Xing family move over after some repairs.

Unexpectedly, Xing Zhong waited for nothing and just got the news, so he borrowed several servants from Sun's house and moved all the big and small bags.

At the moment, he said that he would pick up Xing Xiuyan as soon as possible. Obviously, he couldn't wait to bring his daughter into Sun's house.

Only Sun Shaozong had heard that Xing Xiuyan was forced to accept the marriage.

Although the twisted melon may not be unsweetened, it is more delicious if you have a choice.

Therefore, he said: "Uncle willing to entrust sister Xiuyan to me is the blessing of my Sun Shaozong. The courtesy is naturally indispensable-not to mention the three-media six-employment, and my house is also prepared for it. That's it."

This made Xing Zhong quite disappointed.

After all, because of the oath made by Xing Xiuyan, the Xing family was afraid that they would not get any benefits before they got married.

What's more, there are Jia She and his wife who are eagerly watching, and he is also worried about the changes in the future.

It's just that Sun Shaozong did this to promote his own daughter. No matter what the father, he can't rush to urge the man to bring the bride in, right?

At the moment, he could only agree, and then shared with Sun Shaozong in two carriages and rushed to the Wangjiang Tower near the prison temple.

When Jiang Yuhan sang "Sun Gong'an", he set up a stage here, and now he got away from Zhongshun Wangfu and set up his own theater troupe, so he simply bought the Wangjiang Tower.

The original guest rooms in Wangjiang Tower have been converted into dormitories for theatrical troupe staff.

On the other hand, the catering part in front was partially adjusted on the original basis, forming a new pattern with the stage as the center selling point.

However, when Sun Shaozong rushed to Wangjiang Tower, he saw hundreds of dying wind lanterns hanging high, illuminating the open space in front of the door like daylight.

When the carriage slowly stopped in the open space, Jia Lian and Feng Ziying had received the news and hurried out to greet them.

Feng Ziying was married last summer, and she will be a father in a few months, but she doesn't see any changes when she looks at her, she still has that bold and neat temperament.

On the other hand, the second master Lian is a growing mother.

Sun Shaozong was full of goose bumps with that smile and smile.

When I first saw him four years ago, his image of Young Master Pian Pian had no choice but to feel the vicissitudes of life.

In Liangxiali, "Second Brother Sun, Second Brother Lian" barked, but Xing Zhong behind did not want to meet Jia Lian. He spoke with Zhang Cheng, the coachman, and then quietly passed by the three of them, and stepped into the Wangjiang Building. .

Today, Wangjiang Tower can be said to be full of people, not to mention it is in the box, even the loose seats by the window, there is no lack of'top wear' of the sixth or seventh grade.

With Xing Zhong himself, it would be nice to be able to grab a seat.

But since he climbed relatives with Sun Shaozong, he still has some privileges.

So he booked a private room on the second floor early, and invited some friends, friends, and friends to show off.

Let alone how Xing Zhong is.

However, it was said that Sun Shaozong followed Jia Lian and Feng Ziying into the Wangjiang Tower, and he greeted Qiu Yunfei, Xue Pan, and Liu Xianglian from the backstage. Zhongxing Pengyue generally welcomed him to the box on the left of the center of the second floor.

As for the box in the middle, it was booked by King Zhongshun a long time ago.

Everyone took their seats in order of year, and Liu Xianglian accompanied him to a few idle passages, and then hurriedly convicted and left the table—he was also going to be a guest role today, so naturally he couldn't stay here to watch the show.

As for Jia Lian, even though he has a very fast aptitude, he is just getting started, and he is still far from the level of performing on stage.

Not long after Liu Xianglian left, Jiang Yuhan also looked for him. Because he was still on stage, he could only use tea instead of wine. But three cups of tea went under the water, but his face was full of excitement with tears in his eyes.

When he was bought by the Zhongshun palace as a slave since he was a child, the suffering in the middle was really not enough for outsiders. Now that such a situation can exist, it is a bitter and happy for him.

As soon as Jiang Yuhan left, the running water table noodles and aged wine were brought up in a flash.

At the same time, I heard the sound of a brass gong outside, but it was a short section of the stage.

Although it was on stage, the master who performed on the stage was also a horn dug by Jiang Yuhan from elsewhere, and he drew a lot of money as soon as he brightened his throat.

Before I could sing a few words, someone in the middle box yelled: "Lord, see and appreciate!"

Immediately, six bamboo baskets were dropped one after the other, slamming on the ground and making a noise, rolling out countless coins.

At the beginning of King Zhongshun, all the rooms in each room were splashed with money, and the floor was laid under the stage in a moment.

Xue Pan was also prepared long ago, and ordered people to throw four large wooden boxes up and down. If the boxes were smashed, there were many rewards. If they fell on the ground and could not disperse the copper coins, it would be a curse at the Although the player who was playing was also a corner, but had you ever seen such a rich and compelling scene?

At the moment, the high-pitched voice was a little out of voice, but fortunately, it was covered by the sound of the copper coin falling to the ground, but no one noticed it.

Seeing that he had stepped down from the two battles, and the show was about to kick off, someone outside the room suddenly patted the door a few times.

Everyone in the house frowned.

There is one in this room, which one is the one you want to be with?

Besides, these are all shareholders of Wangjiang Tower. On the ground of their own house, who would dare to smash the door like this without opening their eyes?

"Damn it!"

Xue Pan was swearing at the moment, and got up with a straight eyebrow, and was about to greet him at the door.

Sun Shaozong hurriedly signaled Feng Ziying to stop him, and then reached out and pointed to the next door.

It was only then that everyone dared to be so presumptuous here, for fear that only the loyal king next door would be.

as predicted.

Xue Pan just sat back to his original position angrily, and the door was pushed open from the outside. A young man with a small cap and a Tsing Yi came in from the outside and said with a sharp voice: "Master Sun, my prince invites you to come over and speak."

As he said, he turned his hand to the outside, not giving Sun Shaozong a chance to refuse.

This arrogant attitude made everyone a little unhappy, especially Xue Pan, who couldn't help but jumped up and scolded his mother again-fortunately, Feng Ziying got Sun Shaozong's signal and pinched a hand on his leg to swear this scumbag. Blocked back.

Sun Shaozong got up as soon as he was okay, and said in a circle: "Sit down, brothers, I'll be there when I go."

With that, he walked out of the elegant room.

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