The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 863: Jiang Yuhan Qishe Wangjiang Tower [Medium 2]

[Well, today, the nine thousand words have failed. There are only six thousand words. Let's make another nine thousand words tomorrow. 】

Ding Room in Wangjiang Tower.

A middle-aged man with a beard, smashed the window to take up nearly half. He didn't even take a look at the performance that everyone praised. His thief eyes swept straight on the ground, as if he wanted to get into the floor. The money is mediocre.


After a long while, he suddenly cursed angrily, and said in a nasty mouth: "This butt-selling master rabbit is still an expert in making money! If you knew that this babbling stuff is so profitable, I will join him. It should be the last one too!"

Except for him, most of the people gathered in front of the window at this time were all theater fans. Hearing his derogation of Jiang Yuhan on the stage, they couldn't help but roll their eyes, but because this servant was always rude, no one dared to refute face to face.

The cheeked Hu Wu didn't know he had committed the anger. He turned his head and looked around the room with drunken eyes, and then asked the few masters who were immersed in dealing with alcohol and meat at the table: "What about the Nanbari? How come I haven't seen him for a long time? Wouldn't it be the greasy soles of your feet?"

Most of those people were dull and silent. There was only one with oily noodles. He wiped the grease in his hand on the tablecloth. Hehe sneered and said, "Thank you, I usually call Nanbarb. The uncle doesn't care much about this elder brother, but now that Lao Xing has climbed Gao Zhi'er, you are not afraid of his cheap son-in-law..."

"I bother!"

Xie Laosi tweeted on the ground and cursed: "A **** son-in-law! Be a concubine for someone else, but he is still shy and awkward!"

After a pause, the fire was burned on Sun Shaozong's head again: "The second son of the Sun family is now well-developed, but when Te Niang met me in Rongguo Mansion, didn't she have to scream one by one from the fourth uncle? Don't hesitate to pay attention to him!"

This is not necessarily a lie. After all, when the Sun brothers were in despair, Jia She didn't have much weight in his eyes. When he ran into Jia She's friend, he naturally had to deal with it carefully.

However, now that the Sun brothers are in the capital, they are considered the number one person anyway. It is very untimely for Xie Laosi to repeat the old things.

Especially when he was able to come to Wangjiang Tower this time, he was still exposed to the light of Sun Shaozong and Xing Zhong. The act of scolding his mother when he put down the dishes and chopsticks was also a shame.

But it was said that when everyone saw the squad drinking a few cups of old wine, and the door was obviously missing, they became more afraid to provoke him, and they all looked at each other as if they hadn't heard it.

But the greasy noodle master refused to stop there, and deliberately provoked: "Sixth Uncle? You are not afraid that the wind will flash your tongue! Seeing that Sun Jia Erlang is coming, if you want to be really kind, just fill it in front of him. Try it with a senior!"

"Try it!"

Xie Lao Si couldn't be irritated, not to mention that he was already drunk at this time, and he had just been fascinated by the copper coin. He patted his chest and said, "I'm leaving my words here today, let alone Sun Er. It's that Sun Da came back from outside the pass, and he has to say "fourth uncle" to his master!"


As soon as the voice fell, the door of the room was pushed open heavily by people outside. Xing Zhong broke in with a look of excitement and exclaimed triumphantly: "Everyone, everybody, I have already invited you!"

Immediately, he saw Sun Shaozong coming in from the outside with a glass of wine, his majestic body stood in front of the door, and he was completely blocked.

Everyone in the house got up in a hurry, screaming ‘Master Sun’ and ‘Sun Shaoqing’. There are a few people who can have a relationship with the Sun family, and even more hurriedly declare themselves.

Seeing that Sun Shaozong was talking and laughing happily and coping with everyone's accusations, Xie Laosi froze in place for a while, neither advancing nor retreating.

At this moment, the oily noodles quietly approached her again, jokingly: "What's the matter? Don't Xie Uncle go to climb a relative?"

Xie Laosi glared at him, grabbed him from the table and was squeezed away. He gritted his teeth and squeezed everyone away. He asked in a loud voice in front of Sun Shaozong: "Does Erlang remember me?"

Don't say that Sun Shaozong has only left half of his memory now, so he has changed the original version, how can he remember this Xie Lao Si?

Seeing him with his eyebrows and eyes raised again, he seemed to be unkind, so he turned his gaze to Xing Zhong who was aside.

The reason why Xing Zhong invited Sun Shaozong before was because he was ridiculed by the old four Xie, and when he saw him jump out again, he was a little timid at first, but when he thought that Sun Shaozong was by his side, he was bold enough.

Seeing Sun Shaozong's questioning look, he hurriedly introduced: "This is the fourth-generation grandson of Uncle Dingyuan's family, and his common name is Xie Laosi."

Uncle Ding Yuan?

Fourth generation grandson?

Sun Shaozong turned his mind a few times, and suddenly thought of someone, and smiled again: "It turned out to be Xie Baihu’s younger brother. When I went to the city defense camp two years ago to pick people, Xie Baihu almost became my guard. Well, it’s a pity that you are getting older."

As he said, he shook his head with some regret, and asked casually, "I don't know what position does the senior driver occupy? But I am also working as a errand in the city defense camp? My old Korean gang is returning to Beijing this time, and it is about to be promoted to the city defense camp. At that time, you might as well be close to Ling brother, so that you can take care of each other."

In fact, Xie Baihu didn't participate in the selection of the Ministry of War at all, let alone serve as Sun Shaozong's personal guard.

The reason why he said so was just that he didn't bother to entangle with the stubborn guy on the opposite side-with his current identity, he really wanted to be in the same shabby family to care about, instead of losing his identity.

Only by squeezing the opponent gently and skillfully like this can it be regarded as some means.

Sure enough, in the face of Sun Shaozong's calm attitude, Xie Laosi was stuck in his throat, unable to spit it out or swallowing it, his old face flushed.

Just now he boasted that Sun Shaozong should yell "fourth uncle" for what he said, and he never thought that he would have a relationship with his brother casually.

Even if the words were not the case, the old ministry had to take care of the two brothers.

The contrast was so great that Old Four Xie couldn't get off the stage.

The partial Sun Shaozong was full of good intentions, and it was about his elder brother's future. He just wanted to turn his face, but he couldn't find a reason for turning his face.

While entangled, someone next to him suddenly pressed his elbow against his waist and said with disdain: "You are so stupid as to do what you are doing. People are almost finished turning the scene."

Xie Lao Si didn't need to look at him, knowing that it was Wu Junxiong who encouraged him to come out again.

He subconsciously raised his head and saw that Sun Shaozong was surrounded by the stars holding the moon, laughing and laughing, everyone at the meeting was flattered.

Right now Xie Lao Si was suddenly discouraged. No matter how he was not stingy, he also clearly realized that the two sides of each other were already two completely different classes.

Especially with those words just now, if I really continue to mess around, I don't have to do it without Sun Shaozong, my brother can first come to the door and fight myself to death.

Thinking of this, Old Four Xie sighed sullenly, and suddenly grabbed Wu Junxiong by the collar, and pulled it to the front of the banquet indiscriminately, yelling: "Drinking! If you can go out on end, you will count as your uncle. I didn't accompany you well!"

Wu Junxiong struggled desperately, but where did he get away?


After dealing with the group of fox friends and dog friends, he followed Sun Shaozong out of the T-shaped room, but Xing Zhong was still a little baffling.

That Xie Lao Si was coming fiercely, he thought that there must be a battle between the dragons and tigers, never thought that Sun Shaozong's words of gentleness and drizzle, the other party was stunned as if they were dumbfounded.

When did Xie Laoshi modify the son?

"Uncle Xing's family."

At this time, I listened to Sun Shaozong said: "You'd better not interact with these people in the future."

The daughter and wife have said similar words many times, and Xing Zhong has been treated as a deaf ear each time.

But from the mouth of Sun Shaozong, old Xing Zhong's face blushed, and he explained: "I have only been in Beijing for more than a month. Apart from these people, there are no other friends..."

Halfway through, he hurriedly changed his words again: "But since my nephew said so, I will not interact with them in the future."

Look at his sincere and fearful Sun Shaozong couldn't help but smiled: "In the future, if uncle sits in this Wangjiang Tower, he will naturally not be short of friends."

Xing Zhong was surprised when he heard this: "Sit in Wangjiang Tower?"


Sun Shaozong said: "I got a share here, but I really don't bother to pay attention to it, so I want to ask my uncle to take care of it-the shopkeeper here is responsible for all the people who come and go on weekdays, and there is no need to take the uncle to come forward."

"You only need to manage a few private rooms. When that happens, who can enter and who can't, and who can be rented to and not to others, it is up to the uncle to decide."

Upon hearing this, Xing Zhong felt a surge of blood.

Although he is not shrewd, he is accustomed to trading. Knowing that this right seems to be no big deal, but depending on the popularity of Wangjiang Tower nowadays, he is qualified to cover these few private rooms. It is definitely not rich. expensive.

Needless to say, the benefits of real money when I got this job, I can even take the opportunity to expand my network in Beijing.

Handing his daughter to Sun Jiajiro, it really was a right bet!

But when he thought of his daughter, he couldn't help but feel anxious, and said, "This is naturally excellent, but Xiuyan said in front of my sister that he should never benefit from a good nephew..."

"This is the benefit of asking my uncle for help?"

Sun Shaozong pretended to be surprised and asked Xing Zhong immediately. He immediately said, "Uncle, don't rush away at night. I will take you to see Class Master Jiang when it's hot. I will finalize this matter before it's hot."

This time Xing Zhong hesitated slightly and nodded excitedly. ()

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