The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 266: Murder on Wumiao Street [Part 2]

Huiyun Building is a standard double-storey building.

In the hall below, there are sixteen square tables with scattered seats.

The upper floor is divided into two parts, a small hall area composed of nine tables; and a private room composed of two large, two small and four compartments.

Based on this pattern alone, it can be seen that Huiyun Tower usually faces middle and low-end customers. Like the Dingxiang Tower frequented by officials of Shuntian Palace, the private rooms occupy more than 70% of the space.

It is precisely because of this that wealthy domestic slaves like Pan Youan have the capital to spend a private room with wine to soothe their sorrows.

The T-shaped room is located on the northwest corner of the second floor. It is basically the most remote corner, but it is undoubtedly a treasured place of geomantic omen for those who want to drench their sorrow.

After going up to the second floor, Sun Shaozong observed inside and out first, and then ordered the two shopkeepers to discuss with each other, and reproduce the scene of the guests who were sitting on the second floor at around Haishi last night.

It is naturally the catchers from Shuntian Mansion and Wanping County who are responsible for acting as guests.

"There is an old man at this table, who ordered half a catty of wine by himself, and two dishes of side dishes."

"By the window are three young Hakka masters. Juren, who looked like they were rushing to take the exam, was probably because they were about to release the rankings. I couldn't sleep when I went back, so I lingered until Zishi before leaving.

"There are two guests, one old and one small..."

"This table is also two people..."

"No, it's a guest!"

"Nonsense, it's clearly two Hakka!"

Because there were only five tables of guests sitting outside at the time, the two of them remembered it clearly, only one of the tables was at odds.

Liu Tiezhu insisted that there was only one guest, but Xu Shengli fought hard, not to mention that there were two guests dining here at that time.


Xu Shengli saw that Liu Tiezhu couldn’t make sense, so he went forward and reported: “At that time, Liu Tiezhu went down to get wine and vegetables, but he didn’t know what was delayed. The guest came upstairs by coincidence. The villain was about to come forward to say hello. The guest on the table stood up to greet him and called the guest over."

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Liu Tiezhu also stared his eyes and retorted, "I went up and down several times, but Hakka has always been eating and drinking alone, so where are the others?!"

"Are you blind? Another Hakka is a young man. He is very handsome. I can never remember it wrong!"

"You are blind. I have always greeted the people who are sitting here. Can I remember the guests I greet?!"

Seeing the two cockfighting became more noisy and fierce, and forgot that they were in front of the official, Zhao Wuwei hurriedly stepped forward and separated the two, and then asked Sun Shaozong how to simulate the guests at this table.

Sun Shaozong groaned for a while, but he asked, "Forget about the young man, how did the other guest behave? What does it look like?"

Liu Tiezhu rushed and said: "The customer was born very rich, and his clothes were not bad, he looked like a wealthy businessperson."

Xu Shengli also hurriedly added: "I think he is a little sneaky, I'm afraid he is not a serious businessperson!

Although the two shopkeepers have different rhetoric, the identity of the merchant should be certain.

Sun Shaozong asked again: "Where is the young man? How about your clothes?"

This time Liu Tiezhu didn’t say anything. He could only look at Xu Shengli eagerly and replied: “The delicate skin and tender meat that the little brother gave me seems quite arrogant at first, but when I look closely, it looks like a three-pointer. A guilty conscience, not much like a young master, it is estimated that there are some little servants in the door of the mansion."

No wonder he was mainly responsible for serving Yajian, his ability to observe words and expressions was indeed much higher than that of Liu Tiezhu.

Sneaky merchants, some identities in the mansion door...

Substituting the identities of these two people into the case, Sun Shaozong closed his eyes and simulated it in his head, and then ordered: "Come on, let's try to rehearse."

With that said, let Liu Tiezhu go downstairs first, and then let Qiu Yunfei sit at the table alone, playing the sneaky businessman.

On the other hand, Sun Shaozong himself played the role of the ‘good-looking boy’, first went to the downstairs counter to pick up some things, and then he stomped up the stairs to the second floor.

When I got upstairs, I saw a group of people staring at themselves dumbfounded, and didn't even know what to do.

Sun Shaozong was speechless, so he made a gesture to Xu Shengli and confessed: "Just as you were yesterday, come here and prepare to greet me for revenge. As long as he moves, you will get up and call me over."

The two of them suddenly came forward, Xu Shengli hurriedly moved forward with a smile, while Qiu Yunfei got up with a big grin, and shouted, "Here, here!"

Sun Shaozong didn't rush over, but asked Xu Shengli: "The businessman at the time, did he greet him like this?"

Xu Shengli hesitated: "The person's voice seems to be much lower than the voice in the small office, and the tone of voice that seems to be unwilling to be heard by others should be much more affectionate."

Sun Shaozong nodded, but did not make the two of them come again, but strode to the table.

First, according to Xu Shengli's description, he sat down with his back facing the stairs, looked around vigilantly, and then carefully took out a dark object from his sleeve.


He lowered his voice, but couldn't suppress the pride and show off in his voice: "This is a superb good thing. I can't ask for it anywhere else, so I can find it in our house!"

Qiu Yunfei was frightened by his manners and words, and couldn't help being a little sneaky. He stared at the object and looked at it carefully, only to see that the dark one was actually an inkstone.

Moreover, it is the most common and cheapest inferior product. It is estimated that you can buy two dozen for a couple of silver!

Partial Sun Shaozong still has a bragging look, as if showing off some kind of baby!

No way, Qiu Yunfei could only use the expression "Are you kidding me?"

At this moment, Sun Shaozong turned around and asked Xu Shengli: "After the young man sat down, did the guests from the A-size private room immediately followed him upstairs? Then you rushed to entertain them, and you forgot here. child?"


Xu Shengli nodded vigorously: "The master said it is not bad. I originally wanted to come over and say hello to see if I have added guests, and if I want to add more wine and food."

"Coincidentally, at this time, two old acquaintances came with friends. There can be more than a dozen people. The villain was busy greeting them, and then he didn't pay much attention to the situation when they were sitting."

Seeing that it was as expected, Sun Shaozong reached out and pointed at the A-size elegant room, asked Xu Shengli to sit in it for a while, and then asked Laoqi Jiang to call Liu Tiezhu who was waiting in the kitchen to go upstairs.

"It's you?!"

When Laoqi Jiang took the order, Sun Shaozong suddenly stood up, and exclaimed, "Why are you here?!"

After speaking, he hurriedly entered the elegant room of that Ding.

Who is in it?

Isn't there no one in there?

This blue sky and white sun, is Lord Sun seeing a ghost?

Still an old ghost? !

The catchers were looking at them, and they saw Liu Tiezhu running up from below, standing stupidly at the top of the stairs, staring at everyone.

At this moment, someone in the T-shaped room gritted his teeth and said: "You lick the ditch..."

The voice in the back faded away, and only some vague movements could be heard.

Qiu Yunfei was hesitating, if he wanted to put it on the door and listen to it, the voice was suddenly high again: "Okay, well, you want me to die, I..."

After this sudden high, the voice became fuzzy again.

Qiu Yunfei finally couldn't stand it leaned over and prepared to put his ear on the door and listen carefully.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the door creaked left and right. Sun Shaozong walked out from inside and asked Liu Shengli: "Did you hear the same movement as the one just now?"

"Yes, that's the movement!"

Liu Tiezhu hurriedly pecked at the nodding chicken, "So when the villain heard it, he knew that there was a quarrel inside!"

"it is as expected."

Sun Shaozong muttered to himself, and then sat back at the original square table with a look of enlightenment on his face.

Qiu Yunfei hurriedly leaned towards him. With curiosity hesitating, he couldn't care about anything cold. He poked his neck and said curiously: "My lord, didn't see any dirty things just now?"


Sun Shaozong gave a blank look, and said with confidence: "This official talent is simulating the interaction between the boy and the deceased during his lifetime. If I expected it to be correct, the case is not far from the truth!"

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