The last subtitle seemed to put an end to everything.

After the subtitles were turned, it seemed to be quietly hinting at something.

Among them, the existence of order has been clearly described.

And then, it seems that the company's reputation is getting louder and louder.

March Seven: Why do I always feel that it seems that the company is the winner?

Star: The Amber King's shout! It must be the company.

Black Tower: In fact, the company has been borrowing the name of the Amber King for a long time.

Black Tower: The Amber King is busy building the city and has no time to care about them.

Screw Gumm: Having said that, people and forces walking on the road of destiny have such references and distinctions.

Star: I can understand this, but when others shout it out, it is called some star god, and if you don't shout it, it seems very shameful.

March Seven: For example, everything is dedicated to the Amber King and everything is dedicated to the Galaxy Batman.

March Seven: The latter does sound very shameful, and it feels like it is a level lower than others.

Xing: Uh... you are flattering me too much by comparing me to a Star God.

Fernina: Has Order really been declared dead this time?

Fernina: I feel like there is so much information in this.

Ningguang: Didn't I say before that Harmony swallowed Order?

Ningguang: A Star God who has died before is completely dead this time.

Keqing: He died with dignity! This is quite unexpected. Liuying

: Perhaps, it was Sunday's last dance that gave this Star God the last dignity.

Shajin: Resurrecting other Star Gods in the territory of Harmony and even constructing the Taiyi Dream is crazy.

Botio: Hehehe! There is nothing wrong with this. As an abandoned Star God, there will be such a fate walker in the end, which can be regarded as a formal exit.

Xing: Indeed, before, it was just said that Harmony swallowed Order, and there was no concept of"five nine three".

Xing: After experiencing this, I have a clear understanding.

Liuying: The matter has finally come to an end. It seems that the company will continue to target Pinoconi.

March 7: Actually, isn't the company's reputation in the universe getting louder and louder?

March 7: Just take the places we have been to.

March 7: The space station of the Black Tower is related to the company, and Yalilo VI also needs to repay the company's debt.

March 7: Xianzhou Luofu has also reached a cooperation with the company before, and now Pinoconi is about to arrive.

Xing: You mean, no matter where they are, they are there?

Xing: That's too frequent.

Botio: Hehe! It seems that the patrol ranger will be busy.

Shajin: Hey! I think there is a perpetrator for every grievance, and the market development department and our strategic investment department are not the same thing.

Topa: Is it really good to say this at this time?

Shajin: It doesn't matter! The things done by the market development department have long caused a lot of dissatisfaction.

Shajin: Let me make it clear first, we are not from the same department, we must investigate it clearly.

Huahuo: Hahaha! Is the little peacock in a hurry to cut off the relationship?

Hanabi: But this is really interesting. I would like to know what is going on in the company.

Jizi: Speaking of the marketing department, I remember that Shajin mentioned this in the previous exposure?

Walter: It seems to be the news of the marketing department at that time, but in the end, only Shajin died among the gypsygonians.

Zhongli: In other words, the marketing department used the death of the gypsygonians to exchange for absolute control?

Fatui: Hahaha! Isn't this a very normal thing?

Fatui: Too many people like to use such means. Just sacrifice some innocent people to get greater benefits.

March Seven: Ah, if that's the case, doesn't Shajin have a blood feud with the company?

March Seven: After all, it was the marketing department that killed the gypsygonians, right?

Liuying: I just find it strange. With the company's capabilities, there shouldn't be large-scale massacres. This can be controlled.

Xing: So... Shajin is doing this for...

Poteo: Revenge?

Poteo: My baby! So, it's a pity that you don't go to the Faith Hunting.

Fu Nina: But if that's the case, why would the company keep him in the company?

Kamisato Ayaka: It seems that Feicui was in charge of this matter at that time?

Nashida: Is there any problem between the two departments?

Shajin: I think it's better to make some things clear. The Strategic Investment Department and the Market Development Department are completely different.

Xing: Okay, okay, I know you are threatened, so I can't say more!

Botio: Darling! Then I am more interested in you! Gambler!!


On the exposure screen, after the summary, another memory seemed to appear.

The background was the endless and bright starry sky.

And in the starry sky, a girl asked at this time.

"Brother, you said……"

""Do stars die?"

That was obviously what the robin asked when she was little.

She asked this question.

Little Sunday didn't quite understand at this time.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Why are you asking this all of a sudden?

He didn't understand.

The little robin also started to explain.

"Because the bird-like constellation looks a little dim."

"That...Yan'e Yingzuo."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Zhouri laughed.


"Don't worry, it's still there."

"It's just because it's in the inner ring of Pinocchio, and you can only see it when spring and summer meet."

Little Sunday helped to explain.

The stars that can be seen at certain times can only be seen in certain seasons.

But for such a question, Little Sunday still answered it seriously.

"but you���The problem……"

"I guess stars will die, just like people."

He said so.

Firefly: This is a relatively figurative answer, right?

Firefly: However, the reason why stars shine is that they are stars themselves, and the other is that they refract the light of stars.

Firefly: The existence of celestial bodies has a lifespan limit after all.

March 7: Stars will indeed die, and for children, this explanation should be the most understandable.

Star: This is really... touching.

Fireworks: Hahaha! Who else remembers what Sunday said, to become a chorus, you must first become the brightest star?

Star: So, is this a perfect end to the end of Sunday?

March 7: I think, it's like this


On the exposed screen.

Xiao Zhou Li also continued to respond

"But sister, do you know?"

"No star belongs to the present"

"The stars we see are all the light they emitted long ago."

He said

"These lights will still travel millions of light years after the star dies."

"Spanning millions of years, lighting up the night sky of another world"

"I believe that in our paradise, there will be such a star, shining with the same light."

"It will shine forever"

"its name……"

"It's called happiness."

Little Sunday said this.

This is the romantic words they said when they were young.

"Wrong! How could there be only one?"

"It should be two stars…"

The little robin immediately refuted.

Then, she seemed to have thought of something and said quickly

" should be a sky full of stars!"

The little robin's wish at this time was so beautiful.

"Well, you are right."

Little Sunday responded

"Yes! Pinky promise!"

"Let's make a promise! It's a promise. Nothing can change our ideals."

Little Sunday said firmly.

"Yes! Definitely!"

With the voice of the little robin, all this finally came to an end.

And listening to the words coming out of it.

For a moment, it also made people feel a lot of emotions.

Xing: So it was agreed at this time that we wanted that happy and perfect paradise?

March 7: At that time, Sunday wanted to say it was a star. Did he think that this star would be his sister?

Firefly: But at that time, the robin firmly believed that at least two brothers and sisters were needed.

Firefly: In the end, there will be a sky full of stars. I think this is what the robin wants to see.

Shenhe: The light of millions of years ago, after millions of years of journey, shines on people in different worlds.

Ningguang: Isn’t this a kind of romance? It is also a selfless dedication and sacrifice.

Funina: This is too selfless! I think such a world is beautiful.

Nashida: That means more and more people need to become stars, not There is only one lonely star.

Kamisato Ayaka: Perhaps this corresponds to everyone in the world, right?

Robin: That's right, everyone can move towards the future through their own efforts. Robin

: They can all become stars that shine on people's way forward.

Robin: The ideal paradise should be like this.

Firefly: Such a paradise is indeed beautiful. I hope no one will escape and face bravely everything they have experienced.

Himeko: Yes! It has indeed been sublimated a lot.

Himeko: This world is not made up of heroes, but of ordinary people one after another.

Himeko: They may be evaluated as ordinary people in different value systems. To read the most exciting novels, please go to Faloo Novel Network! )

Himeko: But in their own world, I think they are indeed heroes.

Star: For a better world, work hard and keep moving forward.


The exposure screen turned black again at this moment.

Words began to appear on the black screen.

Dreamland Pinocchio


The last word was extremely clear, like the final curtain call.

The story came to an end at this moment.

The movie-like script also appeared again at this moment.

Starring: Collapse :

Star Railway


Starring :

Danheng as Danheng

? ? ? as March Seven

Himeko as Himeko

Joachim Nokian Virtanen as Walter Young

Liuying as Liuying, Sam

Raiden Wangchuan Shou Mei as Huangquan

Black Swan as Black Swan

Kakavasya as Gold Dust

Lagerwokshaer Mikhail as Misha, the Watchmaker

Pinocchio as Gallagher

Botio as Botio Hanabi as Hanabi

Veritas Latio as Doctor Truth

Robin as Robin

Sunday as Sunday

Yumezu as Sunday's Servant

Gophermu as Yumezu

Guest appearances:

Silver Wolf,


, Topa Emerald,

Silver Branch

Script Supervisor



Xing: So, is this still Elio's script?

Sanyueqi: It is Elio's script for sure!

Himeko: I don't know why, but I have a very subtle feeling.

Himeko: The last time this scene appeared was in Hayaichi's dream. Firefly

: In other words, could this still be a dream?

Sanyueqi: No! Please don't, I can't stand it.

Robin: Miss Huangquan's name has been added, but Miss Sanyueqi's name is still unknown. Sanyueqi: It's okay. Sooner or later, I will find my own name.

Black Swan: Have you lost your memories of the past? Then I wish you can get your memories back soon.


The exposed picture is still going on.

And this time, there is a more detailed expression.

Forever in memory of

Lazarina Jane Estella

, the former surveyor of the Star Train.

A young scholar full of vitality and curiosity.

She comes from the Zorina-Uld galaxy, which is enlightened by memory and dictated by academic cliques, and specializes in memory dynamics.

She seeks a broader academic world.

She joined the Star Train to build Asdena and started research on memory.

At the end of the War of Independence.

In order to explore the secrets of the original dream, she drove the shuttle alone and disappeared in the memory domain.

Her research results are the theoretical basis for the development of Pinoconi to this day. It has a profound impact on the prosperity of later generations.

She is the true founder of the dreamland.


March 7: The seniors have also been introduced in detail! Such a past is really touching.

Xing: It's a pity that he disappeared in the memory domain in the end.

Jizi: Indeed, this is the story of the senior we have not met yet.

Jizi: I hope there will be a chance in the future


Immediately afterwards, the scene continued.

Boreklin Tiernan, a former guard of the Starry Sky Train and a gunner with superb martial arts.

He came from the border world of Flati.

He admired the local legendary quick-shooter Oakley and boarded the train because of her deeds.

He was one of the outstanding generals of Pinoconi during the war.

The only holder of the Hunting Fang Medal, which symbolizes the highest honor, was awarded by Hanunu himself. During the 5.5 civil strife.

He reopened the Silver Track with the Tiger Moth family, but was attacked by a swarm of insects and disappeared on the way. He was later rescued by the Sea Patrol Ranger.

He participated in the crusade against the Extinction Lord Zhuluo.

He became a survivor of that tragic battle and disappeared from then on.

Until a self-destructor found his relics.

He was a truly pure, noble and selfless great warrior.


March 7: This time it's Senior Tiernan!

Xing: His record is so brilliant! Isn't this too awesome?

Botio: My dear! He experienced the war in Pinoconi, fought against the insect swarm, and even killed the Lord of Extinction!

Xing: Senior is so cool!

Xing: I want to be like Senior in the future!!


The exposed images continued.

Mikhail Lagerwokshaer, former mechanic of the Star Dome Train and legendary watchmaker of Pinoconi.

He came from the ocean planet Rusalka and was the adopted son of the legendary navigator Mikhail-Shaer and his wife.

He boarded the train by chance.

During the journey, he met many fellow travelers and made great contributions to the prosperity and development of Pinoconi.

Apart from mechanical maintenance, he often claimed that he did not have many skills, but was good at making up stories.

Watchmaker was his greatest lie, and the grand event of Pinoconi was his last lie.

He did not want his old planet to deviate from the path of freedom, and intended to use lies to allow different destinies to continue here.

But he did not witness the end of Pinoconi with his own eyes.

He died quietly in an empty corner, and only a few people attended the funeral.

According to the tradition of the nameless guest, his passenger ticket was returned to the star sea.

At the same time, Pinoconi is still brilliant, and the child's dream will continue forever.

After Mikhail's past was revealed.

Then a huge word appeared.

May this journey eventually reach the stars!

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