"Hakuno is lying to me, right?" As he said that, Hestia looked suspicious again, staring at Hakuno's face, as if she wanted to see clues from his expression.

Bai Ye spread his hands, "That's why I said it. I don't know what to say? Look, you don't believe me when I say it!"

"But, this is too..." Hestia found it difficult to accept.

In fact, if the person who said this hadn't been Hakuno, Hestia would have had a look on her face that said, "You're fucking kidding me."

Precisely because it was Bai Ye who told her this, she wanted to believe that she was sick and dared to believe it. If it had been anyone else, she would have turned against him a long time ago.

After all, what Bai Ye said was indeed too unrealistic.

Chapter 111 Already experienced

Regardless of what a level 1 novice would do on the 20th floor, it would be unbelievable to go from the entrance to the 27th floor of the dungeon and back in one day.

In this world, there is no magic like teleportation array. You basically have to walk wherever you want to go.

If you want to go from North Street to the 27th floor and back in one day, not many people can do it.

After all, the dungeon is a pyramid-shaped structure, and the lower floors get wider. It is said that by the 30th floor, the floors there are almost as big as Orario, let alone the 40th and 50th floors behind...

Therefore, the expedition of the Loki Familia needs to be prepared a long time in advance, and all kinds of materials need to be prepared in advance.

Because, basically, as long as it is an expedition and it reaches more than 50 floors, it will be difficult to get back and forth within a month or two.

Most of the dry food, water, medicine, etc. needed in the past two months must be brought down from the ground. With the large number of people, the amount needed can naturally be imagined.

One can imagine how difficult it is to get to the lower level of the dungeon.

Therefore, from an ordinary person's perspective, looking at what Bai Ye said is extremely deviant from common sense.

Hestia basically thought the same way. She refused to admit defeat and put forward various rebuttals. She spoke eloquently, nodded endlessly, and looked like she was eager to preach.

Ten minutes later, Hestia still maintained a skeptical attitude and was driven back to her room by Hakuno...

In the room, Bai Ye put on his clothes and stood on the open space in the room.

He closed his eyes and carefully felt the changes in his body.

The ability points have increased so much, there is no reason why there can't be huge changes.

The breath becomes much longer between breaths, which is a reaction to the increase in physical strength.

Both hands and feet feel extremely strong at this moment. When standing on the ground, they feel rooted to the ground, as if they are unshakable at all.

Not only that--


Bai Ye punched the air quickly, causing a faint sound of wind, and then showed a relieved smile.

Not only has the strength become stronger, but the speed of the shot is also different from before, and the flexibility has been greatly increased.

However, the only thing that remained unchanged was the strong magic power surging in Bai Ye's body.

"Because the base number is too large, this change cannot be seen at all!"

·Just like a bowl of water, if you pour it into a honeypot, you will certainly feel that most of it is filled...·

But if you pour it into a water tank, you really can't feel any change.

Bai Ye's body is that water tank, and it is a water tank filled with water.

Of course, the magic power of increasing the ability value is not enough.

"Each of the five basic abilities has been improved by at least 300 points. Based on this progress, it won't take long to reach full ability S, right?"

Full ability S means that each ability value must reach at least 900 or above, with a full value of 999.

If you choose to upgrade at that time, it is naturally the time when the foundation is the most solid.

In fact, as long as most of the ability values ​​reach D or C, adventurers can generally choose to upgrade. However, there is a huge gap between the strength gained from such an upgrade and the upgrade that reaches the limit of all abilities.

In Bai Ye's mind, of course, the fuller the ability value, the better. In this way, the foundation will be laid very solidly, which will also be of great benefit to future improvement, and it will be relatively easier.

With his spirits up, although it was late at night, Bai Ye still had no desire to sleep, so he simply practiced the manifestation of his fantasy in the room. He still had many ideas that he had not yet tested.

There was no talking all night, and soon the sky was getting brighter.

At the fixed time, Bai Ye immediately grabbed the samurai sword with a black hilt and came to the yard to start morning exercises.

As his physical ability increases, Baiye's morning training momentum today is completely different from the past.

The same basic swordsmanship only looked very sharp yesterday morning, but today it is even more ferocious on top of that sharpness.

"Whoops!" The sword was swung out and the air was cut open, making a sharp sound.

After the strength there increased, it was naturally formed. Not only that, but the movement of his feet became faster and faster, which was enough to make an ordinary person feel confused.


As time goes by, Hakuno's attainments in swordsmanship have surpassed that of many people, and he is approaching Kanzaki. However, even so, he has only practiced swordsmanship for more than four months. Although he has excelled in kendo with his superhuman talent. He has achieved quite a lot along the way, but he is still far behind Kanzaki.

After all, she is a gifted extraordinary person with the power of the 'Son of God'. It is not an easy task to catch up with her.

Even the current Hakuno, at full strength, is at least 50-50 equal to Kanzaki.

On the contrary, in terms of marksmanship, Bai Ye made extremely rapid progress. During the day of fighting and training yesterday, he immediately felt that sooner or later, his marksmanship was completely different from that of two people.

Clearly aware of his current state, Bai Ye couldn't help but meditate in the yard.

In comparison, his skill with the sword is stronger. After all, he inherited it from Kanzaki, but his talent with the sword seems not to be as good as that with the gun. Although his talent with the gun is high, his skills are still in the initial stage... …

"It's really hard to choose..."

When Hakuno was thinking this, Hestia's voice came from the house: "Hakuno, it's time to have breakfast!"

Walking into the room, Bai Ye raised his eyes and only saw a tired bowl of fried potato balls on the table.

"Did you do this?" Bai Ye was extremely suspicious.

Hestia blinked, "Guess what!"

Bai Ye narrowed his eyes when he heard this, immediately turned his head and glanced at the kitchen, and then said firmly: "No!"

"...Although I guessed it correctly, I still feel very shocked!"

Hestia curled her lips and said: "This was given by the boss of the place where I went out to find a job yesterday. I originally wanted to give you something to eat last night, but when I came back, you looked like this... I'm overheated again , it’s delicious!”

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