Lancelot's expression changed and his pupils narrowed slightly.

Falling in love with her? What do you like about her?

As a goddess, Lancelot's appearance is naturally top-notch, and her figure is indeed very proud. She is tall and slender, and her female parts are also extremely curvy and very feminine. If I have to say it, Hakuno is indeed the one who likes it. type.

···········Requesting flowers 0·

However, Bai Ye is not a bulldozer, just one after another.

"In these countless fantasy worlds, gods are undoubtedly strong. However, there are endless monster-level guys who are stronger than gods. As a result, the position of gods is somewhat embarrassing. They are more powerful than gods."

Hakuye said in words that Lancelot couldn't quite understand: "However, speed users are a more prominent category among gods."

"The highest level of divine speed can reach the speed of light. Although your lightning speed cannot reach this level, it is almost the same. Although the essence of divine speed is only time manipulation, in terms of effect alone, it is indeed very good, enough to control many Compare yourself to guys at the same level."

.. ...

Bai Ye said so self-consciously that he cast his thoughtful eyes on Lancelot.

At the same time, he also extended his right hand to Lancelot.

"In a word, Lancelot, take my hand and become my subordinate god."

Hakuno's [Hall of Valor] power can contract a total of seven subordinate gods. The only subordinate gods that have been contracted now are the manager of the Great Holy Grail, Yustisa, the Infinite Dragon God Orpheus, the elf Jack from the Seventh Holy Scripture, and Black Joan of Arc these four.

However, among these four people, Justisa could not get out at all, and he had no fighting ability at all. Ophis's fighting ability was very strong. Unfortunately, he was not familiar with the world and was too simple. As an elf from the Seventh Holy Scripture, little Jack could not Being too far away from Bai Ye, Black Joan's character is destined to be impossible to become an excellent subordinate. What's more, this is his wife, and she should not be doing the work of a subordinate.

Among the remaining three places, one is reserved for Athena, so there are still two places available.

Bai Ye took a fancy to Lancelot's strength and planned to use this quota for her.

Whether it is martial arts or character, he is almost impeccable, and his power is extremely outstanding. He is undoubtedly an extremely reliable subordinate.

Chapter 1216 The long-cherished wish of being the God of War

To be honest, Hakuno has not thought about making Erica and the others into god-killers. In this way, Hakuye can create an army of god-killers. As long as he does not go to some extremely foul worlds, basically You can push through all fantasy worlds.

This is not a foolish dream, but is entirely possible.

There are only two conditions for becoming a God Slayer.

The first is to have the power of the God of Disobedience. Generally speaking, this condition can only be achieved by killing the God of Disobedience that descends to the earth. However, Hakuno’s current ultimate fantasy can already manifest the power. This condition is fully met.

The second step is to go through the reincarnation ceremony of Pandora's Great Curse, using gods as sacrifices, implanting their power into human bodies, and reincarnating humans into god-killers. This is the purpose of this great curse.

Due to his special physique, Bai Ye once accidentally copied Pandora's Great Spell, and it is still in his body.

Thanks to this gift, Bai Ye can freely manifest power to himself, and send it into his body through this Pandora's Great Spell, and receive power continuously.

If that's the case, it doesn't seem impossible for Erica and the others to gain power through the Great Spell.

However, things in the world are often not as beautiful as imagined.

Just like the Great Holy Grail appeared to be sleeping when it entered Hakuno's body, although Pandora's Great Curse Instrument also made its home in Hakuno's body, it also did not obey Hakuno's command.

This great curse will only appear when power appears around Bai Ye, and absorb the power into Bai Ye's body.

In addition, no matter how much Bai Ye stirs up, there is no sign of his appearance, as if he is an old man, and he can't pull it off.

This made Bai Ye completely stop thinking about building an army of God-killers.

However, although it is not feasible to artificially create a God-killer, it does not mean that Bai Ye cannot have the idea of ​​a God-killer and a God of Disobedience!

However, leaving aside the God-killer, it is not a simple matter to take the disobedient god under his command.

Not only because of issues such as reputation, dignity, etc., it is almost impossible to accept a disobedient god as his subordinate, but also because the gods in this god-killer world are restricted by myths.

The gods were imprisoned by humans in a cage called myth. The lives and forms of the gods are closely related to the inheritance of myths.

Take Lancelot as an example. Thousands of years ago, before her own myth was lost, her true form seemed to be some goddess from the Amazon.

But after thousands of years, her myth was completely lost in history, her real name was no longer remembered, and now only the false identity of Lancelot remains.

If another period of time passes and her foundation in mythology completely collapses, she will be outlawed by the real Lancelot, and the Amazon goddess she is will never exist.

If this is the case within this world, it is simply impossible to bring it out of this world.

A god must need the support of myth. Without the support of myth, she herself will cease to exist.

In view of this, if Bai Ye takes Lancelot out of the world of God Killers like this, it is guaranteed that she will disappear the moment she leaves.

Therefore, if you want to take Lancelot under your command, you must use special means, such as Hakuno's [Hall of Valor].

[Hall of Valor] This power has the ability to record the souls of the subordinate gods of Hakuno's contract within the Great Holy Grail. Even if they die outside, they can still be resurrected within the Great Holy Grail.

Even if she leaves this world and loses the support of mythology, Lancelot can still survive outside, and her posture and strength will not change at all.

In fact, with Hakuno's unlimited supply of magic power, she can be resurrected infinitely in the [Hall of Valor] of the Great Holy Grail, which is in sharp contrast to the current dangerous state where she may disappear at any time.

If Hakuno develops his subordinates, shouldn't he be able to use dependent chess pieces? But he had to use the [Hall of Heroes] to use one less quota, and this was the reason.

"How have you considered it?"

Bai Ye looked directly at Lancelot who was bowing his head in thought, "As long as you become my subordinate god, you will not die, you will not have to give up your ideals helplessly, and it will become possible to continue to pursue the battle you want. ......."

"Furthermore, I can make a promise to you that no matter what Guinevere does, I can spare her life for your sake - you should not doubt that I have the power to kill her completely. Death, the ability to not even have the chance to be reincarnated, right?"

There was deep hesitation in Lancelot's eyes.

She is the God of War. If she is asked to kill someone, even if it is a fatal battle, she will pick up the spear without saying a word and go for death willingly.

For a god of war, it would be an honor to die at the hands of a powerful opponent.

But now, Bai Ye wants her to become his subordinate god, which makes her very hesitant, because once she does so, it means that her loyalty to her current master, the King of the End, is about to disappear, which is also a violation of her dignity. test.

But, on the other hand——

"Speaking of which, why did I forget my lord's name and appearance..."

At this critical moment, such irrelevant questions appeared in Lancelot's mind.

——Running across the wilderness, wielding a spear, protecting women, and guarding these things are my long-cherished wish as the God of War. Everything else is other people's business and will make me slow and weak. s reason.

"I remember, it's because of this..."

Because I like fighting, I put all my thoughts on fighting, regard all other things as other people's business, and focus on polishing my spear... so after a thousand years, I forgot the last thing. The king's name and appearance.

As a god who is different from humans, this is her long-cherished wish.

Well, there is only one answer.

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