Although the other party used honorifics.

Kanzaki looked calm...but Hakuno still intuitively felt that this girl might have something on her mind.

It was probably because it was hidden so deep that no one could see it. Hakuno just had an intuition. However, neither Kengong nor Itsuwa felt anything unusual, which made Hakuye doubt whether he was overly concerned. .

There are only 54 Amakusa members, including the Pope's Kanzaki, and the newly joined Hakuno, which is completely incomparable to those major foreign religions. This is also because the teachings of Christianity are difficult to spread in Japan.

Among these members, except for Kanzaki, Kengiya, and Itsuwa, Hakuno didn't know the rest at all. After all, he only remembered the characters who appeared in the original work, and he himself was not very familiar with them.

However, no one in the Amakusa style expressed dissatisfaction with Hakuno's arrival. Everyone greeted him friendly and welcomed him into the big family, allowing Hakuye to recognize everyone in the Amakusa style.

This was a bit beyond his expectation.

Although he knew that Amakusa Shiki cared for each other like a big family, he really didn't expect that they would be so friendly to him, a newcomer, and Hakuno couldn't help but be deeply affected.

"Yo Xi! Then in order to welcome Bai Ye to join us, let's have an outdoor party tonight!" Jiangong said with a smile, waving the flame-shaped sword.

"Oh, this is really good!" Niu Shen, a tall and strong man, shouted.


Infected by the atmosphere, Itsuya blushed slightly and said, "Okay, Pope!"

"Of course." Kanzaki smiled, nodded and said, "Let Jiangong handle this matter for you!"

"Yoshi, you guys, come with me!"

The banquet in the evening was an outdoor barbecue, organized by Jiangong. A large amount of vegetables and animal meat were brought back from outside. That night, a fireworks party was held outside the base.

Hakuno also ran in very actively and used his own flames to light up the stove, which left a good impression on everyone in the Amakusa style.

The next morning, as soon as it dawned, the sun shone into the house and poured on the ground wantonly.

Being disturbed by the sunshine, Bai Ye, who was sleeping peacefully on the bed, frowned subconsciously and opened his sleepy eyes.

Looking around, his consciousness gradually returned, and he couldn't help but smile as he recalled what happened last night.

Get out of bed, get dressed, and walk out of the house.

At this moment, the sun has just risen from the horizon, there is still a slight coolness in the air, and crystal dew is still flowing on the leaves in the distance.


Bai Ye stretched lazily, driving away his sleepiness in the cool breeze.

At this time, no one in the Amakusa style seemed to be getting up yet.

"Deserve it! I told you that I am underage and cannot drink!"

In the open space, Bai Ye muttered.

In fact, during the banquet last night, Bai Ye was going to drink and celebrate with everyone, but he was stopped halfway by the forces headed by Jiang Gong, who said that underage drinking was illegal.

After his rebirth, his face became very tender and he looked only about sixteen years old, as big as Kanzaki.

Bai Ye also knew that they had no other intentions, so he listened to them. He just ate some food and watched a bunch of people drinking together. As a result, he got drunk. In the end, it was up to him to move these people into the house.

How could they get up now when they were so drunk?

"I'm sorry for making you such a noise..."

At some point, Kanzaki wearing a kimono came near Hakuno and apologized to him.

Kanzaki is also a minor, and although they can't control her at the Imperial Palace, she doesn't have a habit of drinking.

Hearing this, Bai Ye shook his head, "It doesn't matter, I don't hate this atmosphere!"

Kanzaki couldn't help but smile softly after hearing this, as if she was very happy with his answer, but her face still had a calm smile that fit her female pope's temperament, which was unexpectedly heart-warming.

Bai Ye looked away from her face unnaturally and changed the topic.

"Speaking of which, I was interrupted yesterday because I came here. What kind of magic should I learn?"

"I have a suggestion about this."

At first, Hakuye just mentioned it casually, but he didn't expect Kanzaki to be very interested in it. He put forward an idea in a blink of an eye, which made Hakuye very surprised.

"Rune Runes——"

It seems that after careful consideration, Kanzaki said: "I think runes are the most suitable magic for you!"

Runes are said to be inherited from ancient Northern Europe and are one of the long-known magical texts.

It was first created by the Nordic god Odin and has 24 characters with mysterious power. However, of these 24 runes, only Odin knows the secrets of 18 of them. Only 6 runes are generally circulated and used by humans. But later, with the development of magic, other runes were gradually discovered.

Runes are indeed a magic system that meets Bai Ye's needs.

There are a total of 24 runes, each of which has a unique and magical power. If you learn one rune, you can learn a kind of magic. If you learn all 24 runes, you can learn 24 kinds of magic. The coverage of these magics It is very broad, including not only ordinary natural forces such as fire and wood, but also various types of magic such as undead and space transfer!

Even powerful magicians can deduce and perform various advanced magic by arranging and combining multiple runes to play a more powerful role!

Theoretically speaking, runes can form a magic system of their own, and the potential is very great!

Not only that, runes also have the advantage of not requiring chanting. As long as the corresponding runes are written, the corresponding effects can be triggered by themselves, which is very practical.

Kanzaki patiently described the various benefits of runes to Hakuno, which made Hakuye even moved.

Chapter 12 Unimaginable Magical Talent

"As for what you said, if you hope to enhance your physical fitness, you can also engrave the runes on your clothes or pendants to let the power-enhancing runes act on you..."

Kanzaki introduced carefully.

It seemed that she was indeed very attentive. In just one night, she found this magic that was very suitable for Bai Ye from the complex magic system.

However, although Bai Ye was very moved, he did not blindly go for it.

He suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked aloud: "But a magic can't have all its advantages, right? There should be some flaws!"

Kanzaki paused, looked at him in surprise, and then agreed: "You are right, if the runes are so perfect, the magic side will already be occupied by Northern Europe!"

The biggest flaw of runes is the missing and missing glyphs.

After all, this is a language, and it is a language from a long time ago. Just like Oracle, it has suffered huge losses under the wash of history.

One is that many runes have completely disappeared in the long river of history, leaving nothing behind.

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