Kamijou Touma and Index were also in this team.

They were originally going to Folkestone with Carissa to investigate the truth behind the Continental Tunnel Collapse - but now, they are all in a coma.

Before Carissa launched her coup, she ordered Kamijou Touma and Index to be knocked unconscious.


As Carissa's coup began, unimaginable turmoil occurred in the country of Britain that night.

The knights of the knight sect scattered all over the country and took to the streets as planned in advance, moving quickly and occupying key points in the country.

In Ireland, buildings and important strongholds such as hospitals and police stations in important cities such as Belfast and Londonderry were directly blocked by a large number of police and soldiers.

In Scotland, eye-catching places such as the Bureau of Currency and the Palace of Holyroodhouse, a religious stronghold, are no exception. They have been occupied by security guards who are supposed to protect them.

In Wales, various city fortresses such as Rolex Maus, Perrin and Caernarfon also fell into the hands of knights, and the local councils and courts were no exception.

England is the center of Britain, and the same is true for London and its suburbs, including religious strongholds such as St. George's Cathedral and the Church of Necessary Evil Headquarters at Zero Parish, and even political points such as Buckingham Palace and the Houses of Parliament, without exception. The knights suppressed them.

In a word, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and England constituted the four major federations of Great Britain. The important political, economic, diplomatic and other strongholds of these federations were all occupied and suppressed overnight by the knights who were ready to go.

Nowhere is an exception.

There is no hiding from it.

The entire country's politics, military, etc., fell into the hands of the Knights, a powerful faction, in just a few hours.

Some people tried to call the police to drive away these knights in silver helmets, but what was desperate was that the police who received the call were all accomplices and helped these knights suppress the local riots and unrest.

This was a long-planned coup.

It must have gone through a long period of planning and infiltration to subdue the entire country in one day.

Facing the strong attack of the Knights, the magicians of the Puritan sect were completely defeated and fled.

It is not that there are no magicians trying to fight the Knights. However, what is disappointing is that the magicians are no match for the Knights. The magicians who tried to resist were quickly defeated and were captured and imprisoned by the Knights.

No magician could resist the knights, and all the magicians fell into great despair.

This is true even for Sister Yannis's unit, whose selling point is its large number of people.

"Damn it! That's right, it's definitely the Angel Army!"

While Yanis was running away in embarrassment with the few remaining nuns, she was cursing in a low voice, "Those are definitely knights who have been given angelic powers by Katina and are imitating being angels! Bastards, ordinary ones How can a magician be the opponent of an angel?"

Katina has only two abilities.

One is to make the holder of the Royal Faction resemble the Archangel Michael.

One is to let the knights who follow the royal family become an angel army.

After Carissa obtained Katina Orthodox, she immediately used these two abilities to strengthen herself to the point where she was comparable to the Archangel Michael, while equally distributing the power of the angel to the knights across the country. Let the knights become angels who are victorious in every battle.

Angels are existences that surpass human beings in terms of personality.

Ordinary magicians cannot be the opponents of angels in any case. They can escape and use blinding methods to deceive the knights, but they can never be the opponents of the knights.

If you want to fight on an equal footing with angels, you must at least be a magister, reaching Oriana's level.

In view of this, the magicians of the Puritan sect collapsed at the first moment, and ran away like bereaved dogs under the pursuit of the Knights.

And of course, Amakusa Shiki is no exception.

In fact, the presence of a certain saint among the Amakusa-shiki made the knights wary, so they sent two-digit knights to chase the Amakusa-shiki.




Kanzaki Kaori swung his sword at supersonic speed, and seven steel wires formed seven flashes of light, hitting the knights' armor with super high intensity and speed, knocking them all away.

Even the Knights, who are comparable to the Angel Army, are still very powerless when facing the powerful saint Kanzaki Kaori.

However, although Kanzaki Kaori is as powerful as a patron saint, she is only one person after all and cannot protect everyone in the Amakusa style.

Chapter 1372 The most familiar and trusted person (second update)

"Of course it's for the future of this country!"

The knight leader strengthened his feelings and said this to Kanzaki Kaori in a cold voice.

"Moreover, your statement is wrong. This is not a 'rebellion', but a 'revolution'. It is a revolution started by the second princess to change the destiny of this country."


Kanzaki Kaori took a deep breath, his eyes flashing with heavy anger.

"Do you call occupation and suppression a revolution? Do you think capturing the queen and princess and persecuting the Puritan magicians is a revolution? To cause turmoil and riots in this country and to cause panic among the people, is this what you call a revolution_ !”

Facing Kanzaki Kaori's accusation, the knight leader's face did not waver at all, and the expression on his face remained indifferent.

"That was just the pain of welcoming Her Highness Carissa's revolution. After today, this country will move towards a better future."

"We, the Knights, believe in this, so we chose to help Her Highness Carissa."

Under the words of the knight leader, the surrounding knights could not help but be inspired and inspired. Each of them clenched the knight sword in their hands and rekindled their fighting spirit.

"Yes, we are fighting for the future of this country! So we must not retreat here!"

The knights gathered in front of the people of Amakusa one after another, surrounding them, showing their determination to fight for the country with high morale.

The knights and the knight leader stood together, surrounding everyone in the Amakusa style and Kanzaki Kaori.

Seeing this, everyone in the Amakusa group showed a forced smile.

Just now, the group of knights had been frightened off by the intimidation of Kanzaki Kaori's strength, but in a few moments, the knight leader rekindled their fighting spirit.

Perhaps to the level of the Knight Leader and Kanzaki Kaori, these knights are nothing.

But for their group of magicians, the existence of this group of knights is undoubtedly a huge threat.

A trace of anxiety secretly flashed in Kanzaki Kaori's eyes.

"Knight Commander, let's fight one-on-one with me."

Kanzaki Kaori calmed down and issued a declaration of invitation to fight to the indifferent knight leader opposite him. At the same time, he said in a deep voice: "No matter who wins between us, it will definitely not be a win for the other party's companions. Is it a good thing?"

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