Most are all EU member states except the UK.

In other words, the entire EU is putting pressure on the UK to force the British government to give up its right to possess nuclear bombs.

"Such a thing is too strange! We have not done anything that may endanger the interests of other countries. The Roman Orthodox Church must be behind this!"

At that time, Carissa made such a judgment and speculation.

In fact, Carissa's guess was indeed correct.

After learning about the alliance between the English Puritans and Academy City, the Roman Orthodox Church launched a series of international attacks on Britain.

Forcing all EU member states to agree that Britain should give up its nuclear bombs is only part of the Roman Orthodox Church's crackdown.

Others include uniting with other EU countries to carry out economic suppression on the UK.

and putting pressure on the French government to find someone to sabotage the Eurotunnel, which is vital to British economic development.

Of course the Roman Orthodox Church is behind all this.

The energy of this largest group in the world, with two billion followers, is greater than anyone can imagine. Even behemoths like the European Union cannot resist its intentions.

Of course, EU countries also believe that it is impossible for the UK to compete with the Roman Orthodox Church.

They are neither optimistic about the alliance between Britain and Academy City, nor do they believe that the British government dares to resist the order of the Roman Orthodox Church and not hand over the nuclear bomb.

"There is no other way, then hand over all the nuclear bombs!"

At that time, Queen Eliza made this decision with an expression of 'I really have no choice'.

Generally speaking, this should be regarded as the correct decision to understand the situation.

However, it was this treaty that completely lost its own will that made Carissa realize it.

"This can't go on like this!"

The Queen Mother is too weak.

If you compromise this time, you will definitely compromise again next time.

If this continues, under the pressure of the Roman Orthodox Church and EU countries, Britain's dominance over itself will gradually disappear, and it will become demanding of any request of the Roman Orthodox Church.

Completely losing the glory and self-esteem of a great country, losing the belief in the empire on which the sun never sets, it gradually became a vassal of the Roman Orthodox Church, and became a humble dog that no one in the country dared to disobey the orders of the Roman Orthodox Church.

Not only will the dignity of the country be lost, but even the British citizens will humbly lower their heads in front of people from all over the world.

This won't work.

If this continues, the country of Britain will be doomed!

Carissa was extremely anxious.

And after thinking about it for several times, he finally decided to launch a coup to overthrow the weak rule of the Queen Mother and restore the pride of Britain.


"I see, is this why you launched the coup?"

Queen Elisa slapped her forehead, looking like she had a headache, and groaned: "I didn't expect that my decision-making at that time was considered weak by you... Carissa, your military talent is truly unparalleled. Outstanding, but in terms of politics, I really hope you can learn more from Limea."

"……What did you say?"

Carissa's expression was gloomy, with anger brewing in her aqua blue pupils, "Do you dare to say that that was not a decision you made out of your own cowardice?"

"No, you are right. It was indeed a compromise I made out of fear under the pressure of the Roman Orthodox Church."

Queen Eliza stood there energetically, just one stick away from becoming a teacher, "If I don't make a compromise, the Roman Orthodox Church may use this as an excuse to launch a war. In this way, the British people You will really be in dire straits.”

"But on the contrary, if I choose to compromise, although it will harm the country's face, it will slow down the pace of the Roman Orthodox Church's war. This decision should have both sides, right?"

"What's more, although the EU requires us to hand over nuclear bombs, do you really think that the nuclear bombs I handed over are all? Do you know that I played tricks in those nuclear bombs? Those nuclear bombs were all given to them for free. Yes, it won’t suddenly explode or something?”

Bai Ye grinned.

As expected, all the people who can be queens are thick and black.

"Carissa, you should learn more about how to be conceited, seek greater interests by making appropriate compromises, and learn more about emperors - you are still too young."

Hakuno shrugged.

"In the final analysis, I think that you can face Princess Carissa who is holding Katina Legitimacy and may chop you down at any time, and you can preach so boldly, which means you are not weak."

Queen Eliza is full of courage.

Bai Ye feels that there is no such thing as Carissa’s so-called ‘mother queen is too weak’ problem.

"Hmph, it's too late to preach to me at this time. Besides, I know you too well. Mother Queen, you are really good at telling lies with your eyes open."

Carissa twitched her lips coldly, her eyes still showing indifference.

"What's more, what should I do if I learn from those useless schemings? Like Sister Wang, do I run away and hide as soon as I sense a crisis?"

"Ah, my sister, Sister Wang, my efforts throughout the night cannot be summed up in just a few words like 'run and hide'."

The next moment Carissa mocked Limea, the voice coming from a certain communication device suddenly spread throughout Buckingham Palace.

Chapter 1396 Everything is revealed

"Where did that sound come from?"

The moment she heard Limea's voice, Carissa immediately became alert, scanning the entire battlefield with lightning-like eyes.

"From here, Sister Wang."

From Buckingham Palace not far away, another wave of people appeared.

The leader was wearing a green dress. She was about in her early twenties. Although her body was a little dirty, she still had the temperament of a princess. Her blond hair was spread out, and her lowered eyes looked a bit weak.

This girl is none other than Carissa’s sister, the third princess Villian.

However, unlike Queen Elisa who came to Buckingham Palace alone, there was a group of fifty-three magicians behind her.

Everyone in this fifty-three magic group has a face that is very oriental.

"Hakuno! You are really powerful. You can actually beat Princess Carissa who is holding Katina Legitimacy. I am impressed by you again!"

Among the group of fifty-three people, Jiangong Zhaizi stood out more and more, and once again put his arms around Bai Ye's neck, with a playful smile on his face but not a serious look on his face.

Accompanying Villian were the people from the Amakusa Cross Sect.

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