"As expected of Sister Wang, she has a really good mind."

Carissa smiled cruelly like this and admitted Limea's speculation.

"You are right, one of the reasons why I use Buckingham Palace as a battlefield is to destroy this disgusting palace!"

Limea remained indifferent to Carissa's words of admission and continued to speculate on her own.

"Aside from being the political center of the country, Buckingham Palace has almost nothing special about it. It has neither magic nor spiritual equipment. Generally speaking, it certainly won't make my sister want to destroy it even at the cost of a coup... ...However, there is a huge secret in Buckingham Palace, a secret that only the royal family knows and has been passed down from hundreds of years ago. I think that’s the reason, right?”

"I see……"

Under Limea's words, Queen Elisa suddenly realized, "Is your purpose to destroy the drawings of Katina located in Buckingham Palace?"

——Katina’s production drawings.

This secret, to say it is huge, is really huge.

After all, Katina is indeed related to the survival of the entire United Kingdom, and is one of the few national-level spiritual equipment in the entire United Kingdom.

··· 0Request flowers·······

It is because of this drawing that the king who lost Katina Orthodox hundreds of years ago was able to create Katina II... Otherwise, the British royal family can only learn about Katina from history books. It's so brilliant.

And this 'Katina's production drawing' was actually engraved on a secret wall somewhere in Buckingham Palace.

"However, the production blueprint has actually been incomplete due to its age, right? There is no way to make the third Katina through that blueprint. Why would Sister Wang..."

This is a secret that even Villian knows. At this moment, she asked Carissa with confusion and confusion.

"Indeed, the production drawings have long been in ruins. No modern magician can reverse the production process of Katina through those tattered drawings. However, doesn't Katina II still exist as a sample? "

Carissa smiled wantonly and said: "As long as the composition of Katina II is analyzed, the complete production drawings can be reversed and other Katinas can appear in the world."

"I will never allow this kind of thing!"

Carissa sneered and said: "Katina's power is too powerful. It is so powerful that as long as the head of state holds this sword, he can change the country's decision-making at will."

Holding Catina in hand, the head of state who is invincible within the territory does have the possibility to change national policies at will.

"If the person holding the Katina is a weak guy like the Queen Mother, a foolish king who only cares about his own selfish desires and completely ignores the survival and dignity of the country, it will be a huge disaster for this country!"

"In order to prevent the situation of 'a foolish king using Katina to arbitrarily change national policies' from happening, I must destroy the drawings of Katina and kill all the royal families!"

Carissa held Katina Orthodoxy and made a speech that shocked everyone present.

Chapter 1398 The lonely tyrant

In order to prevent the emergence of tyrants and prevent tyrants from using Katina to plunge Britain into a state of despair, Carissa planned to launch a coup.

Destroy Katina's production drawings and kill all the royal family members.

This will solve the root cause of the situation where the tyrant uses Katina to destroy Britain.

This is truly shocking information that makes people feel speechless.

The reason why Kelissa launched the coup was not because she admired power and wanted to be the head of state of this country, nor was it because of any other selfish reasons.

On the contrary, she would launch a coup because she had too much sense of responsibility for this country and cared too much about her own country.

It was precisely based on this overwhelming sense of responsibility that Carissa did not hesitate to launch a coup and cause huge turmoil across the country. She even did not hesitate to destroy Buckingham Palace and kill her mother and sisters.

It was useless just to let her understand Queen Eliza's policy.

As long as there is no way to prevent the emergence of foolish kings among future generations, Carissa's intention to stage a coup is too firm to be shaken.

"...Carissa, are you serious?"

Queen Eliza was silent for a long time, and then slowly exhaled, "If it really turns out to be like that, you will definitely become a sinner who has tarnished Britain in history, and will be reviled by others and will be infamy for thousands of years."

"Do I look like I'm kidding, Queen Mother?"

Carissa's eyes were unusually firm, and she chuckled, "I have already made this realization. No matter how future generations see me, or how I am arranged in the history books, as long as I can prevent the royal family from saying anything, I will participate in political affairs." If our rights are equally distributed to the people across the country and we let the people decide their own political affairs, it doesn’t matter what I become.”

In other words, have you spent so much effort just to move the constitutional monarchy towards a democratic republic?

"But, you are also a member of the royal family, right? And you also have Katina Orthodox in your hands, who is stronger than Katina II. Do you plan to destroy them all too?"

Queen Eliza discussed the pros and cons of her governance method with Carissa in a very rational manner, "Also, although Catina may become a bomb that destroys Britain, it can also become a weapon to protect the country." Sharp weapon, are you really going to destroy this thing?”

"That's not a problem at all."

Carissa sneered, "I will not commit suicide, nor will I destroy the Catena Orthodoxy in my hand - I will only drive Glastonbury to defeat all enemies of Britain, whether they are Roman Orthodox or not. , the most beautiful daughter of France, even in Academy City, I will kill them all!"

In other words, one person blocks all the ups and downs outside, bears all the infamy and guilt, and leaves Britain with a clean and beautiful world, right?

Even in the future where there is a lot of scolding, she still plans to protect the country secretly...

"is this okay?"

Hakuno raised his eyebrows slightly, his face remained calm and calm, "Isn't Academy City your ally?"

"Allies? Stop joking!"

After hearing Hakuno's words, Carissa laughed as if she had heard some funny joke, "Do you think there is a war between the magic camp of the Roman Orthodox Church and the Russian Orthodox Church, and the science camp of Academy City and the United Kingdom? Is there any room for us in the UK to survive?"

If the Roman Orthodox Church, as the enemy, wins, then it goes without saying that both Academy City and Britain will become a wasteland.

And even if Academy City wins, in a new world where magic is completely eliminated and science becomes the dominant force, how can there be room for the survival of a magical country like Britain?

Therefore, in fact, no matter which side the UK joins, the final result will not be good.

"That's why I plan to kill you no matter what, Kanzaki Hakuno."

Carissa looked at Bai Ye coldly, her aqua blue eyes revealing murderous intent. That murderous intent was not because of selfish desires, but for the country of Britain.

"The only way to save Britain from this situation is for Britain to break its alliance with Academy City and become a third party in this war, forming a three-way hegemony with the Roman Orthodox Church and Academy City."

"And the best way to break the covenant is to obliterate the representatives sent by Academy City."

I see.

Bai Ye nodded understandingly.

That makes sense.

As long as Hakuno, the representative of Academy City, is killed, Carissa can openly declare that her alliance with Academy City has been broken, and she will become a third party in this war.

The reason why she is obsessed with killing Bai Ye is for this reason.

Kill Hakuno and break the alliance with Academy City.

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