"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom...!!!"

The cruise missiles exploded one by one according to the planned trajectory.

The sound of the explosion spread through the black fog to the ground, causing countless London citizens hiding in public places to tremble with fear.

However, the thunder was loud and the rain was light.

In the sky, there was no explosion of fire, no smoke rising into the sky, and the majestic shock wave could not even reach the space below the black mist.

Juewu itself has the effect of creating and connecting different spaces. It is really easy to transmit an explosion of the size of a cruise missile into a different space.

"——One more thing, you underestimated my strength too much."

Facing the uncontrollable shock on Carissa's face, Bai Ye declared so indifferently.

Chapter 1400 Let’s count your sins later (please subscribe for the third update)

As mentioned before, Carissa using 100% angel power may have reached the level of Ophis or the King of the End, but in fact, it is not the case at all.

No, it should be said that Carissa in that state is indeed comparable to Ophis in some aspects. However, in the final analysis, there is still a huge strength gap between her and the existence of this level.

It is actually not accurate to say that Carissa is comparable to Orpheus.

To be more precise, Michael should be comparable to Orpheus.

The four archangels who possess huge angelic power, can destroy cities at will, can control celestial bodies, and can even destroy 6 billion humans on the earth with one blow if they use angelic magic. There is no doubt that they are enough to rival Aoife. Si's existence.

Through Katina, Carissa became one of the archangels, Michael, and in a certain respect, she did have capital that could be compared with Orpheus.

But has Carissa really become the real Michael?

Of course it's impossible.

What Carissa got was, at best, Michael-level angelic power, which was equivalent to having Michael descended into her body.

Carissa cannot control the celestial bodies like Michael, and she cannot use the incomparably powerful angelic spells.

You must know that the power of angel spells to angels is equivalent to the power of magic to magic.

How can someone who can only use magic power to strengthen the body and release basic magic power be compared to being able to use magic power to launch magic cannons and use various causal laws and conceptual magic?

The gap between them is almost incalculable.

What's more, angel magic is still above magic.

So far, Hakuno has seen only three angel spells in total.

Among them, the 'Heaven Punishment' of the wind in front and the 'Light Punishment' of the left land, although what they use is no longer magic, it is not a real angel spell. It can only be said to be an 'incomplete angel'. Technique'.

Bai Ye has really only seen the real angel technique once.

That was the 'Rain of Rockets' that Gabriel was brought to the earth by the angel's falling spell last time, and was preparing to wipe out the humans on the earth in order to return to the heaven.

That spell possesses the power to kill all humans on the surface and completely collapse the civilization on the surface. It is so tyrannical that it is beyond imagination.

If he had that level of power, he might really be able to compare with Ophis, the infinite dragon god.

In comparison, Carissa is really far behind.

Although she possesses Michael-level angelic power, she does not know any angelic spells. The only magic she uses is the 'pattern magic' given to her by the knight leader. At most, it is only Katina's own magic. It's just a 'full-dimensional cutting technique'.

Pattern magic is excellent in the field of magic, but it is completely incomparable to angel magic.

The 'full-dimensional cutting technique' is indeed very powerful, but its flaws are too great.

What's more important is that even Carissa herself cannot maintain a 100% full strength state. The combination of these weaknesses weakens the 'Michael' level combat effectiveness by more than a hundred times.

Carissa has a treasure that can rival Ophis, but she has no means to unleash the power of the treasure. It's like a submachine gun falling into the hands of a child. Although there is a threat, her own strength is unknown. What a discount.

If Ophis really faced her, he might be able to knock her over in a few blows.

If she doesn't plan to fight with her, she can directly sink the British mainland with one punch and resolve the battle very easily.

"If it is true that Michael, who can use angel magic, comes, then I might show my true ability."

Bai Ye put down his hand, causing the black and gray chaotic mist to quickly disappear into the sky, returning the bright moon and stars to the sky again. At the same time, he continued to look straight at Carissa.

"However, although fighting you like this is not easy, it actually doesn't take much effort on my part."

Bai Ye didn't even show the [Infinite Dragon Divine Armor], and didn't use any of his powers. He just used the 'Destroying Stab' at the right moment to resolve the battle.

To say it's easy is actually very easy.

"Okay, you don't have any other cards to use, right?"

Bai Ye took a step forward, stepped out of the crowd, and walked towards Carissa who was only ten meters away on the opposite side. He said: "If that's the case, let's capture her without mercy."

Bai Ye's footsteps were clearly audible in this silent night.

Carissa watched Bai Ye's gradual approach. She held Katina Bai Ye tighter and tighter, and several clear veins popped out on the back of her white hand.

Although her face was filled with anger that her plan was broken, she also showed stubborn persistence.

“Do I look like someone who would throw up my hands in surrender?”


Before she finished speaking, Carissa once again held Katina in her hand and took a step forward. The hazy white light once again lit up on the edgeless ceremonial sword, and she moved towards Bai Ye indifferently without any hesitation. swung over.

If it had been a sword strike from Carissa who was in 100% form before, then Hakuno might have dodged it.

But if it’s Carissa who is in a state where her current strength is evenly divided——

Facing the sword swung by the opponent, he advanced instead of retreating, and raised one hand lightly, pinching it slightly with two fingers.


The sword that exuded hazy white light was clamped by two slender fingers at the next moment, without even a trace of tremor, and was easily held hostage.

The blade of the sword is only about two centimeters away from Hakuno's tiger's mouth. As long as the sword advances a little further, Hakuye's hand will be severed under the full-dimensional cutting technique.

"Then, the next step will be much easier."

But Bai Ye pinched Katina's sword blade with one hand, making the sword unable to move and unable to move forward at all.

"Then I'll capture you first, and then I'll count your sins in detail."

Facing Carissa who was so close, Bai Ye suddenly punched her in the abdomen with a fist.

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