Starting from this war, the contradictions and conflicts between countries around the world seemed to burst out in one breath. All countries in the world joined this war one after another, either directly sending troops to attack other countries, or also Joined a certain camp to provide human and financial support.

In Europe, the long-running war between Britain and France started again when France unilaterally sent troops across the Strait of Dover, which borders the two countries.

Queen Eliza announced to the whole of Britain that she would launch a military attack on France. Carissa was naturally released and went to the Strait of Dover to fight with the French forces.

In Asia, many countries, led by China and India, where the spread of Christianity is relatively weak, have joined Academy City's camp and provided various resources to Academy City.

The world situation instantly turned into a mess.

PS: I always feel that this title is unlucky. It’s obviously the New Year, but suddenly ‘World War III begins’, emmm.

PS2: The New Year is here again. If you think about it carefully, this book has been written for more than a year. I am very grateful for your support during this period. I hope you will continue to support this book in the future. Thank you Sunshine.

PS3: Finally, I wish everyone can draw the cards they like in the new year, sell goods for free, and have ten consecutive yellows. Happy New Year!

Chapter 1413 All went to Russia

The world situation was suddenly divided into two poles, the Roman Orthodox camp and the Academy City camp.

The main forces of the Roman Orthodox Church are distributed in Europe, where Christianity has a greater influence, while Academy City has attracted many countries in Asia.

The flames of war in the entire world were ignited as a result, and the third planet-scale war began.


Academy City.

Talented man-made house.

"As for how they were roped in, it's actually not hard to guess."

Shokuhou Misaki blew the hot air from the black tea, and the golden stars in her eyes shone brightly as she answered the question asked by the Amakusa-style girl Itsuwa.

"Although European countries have succumbed to the pressure of the Roman Orthodox Church, Russia's declaration of war has indeed touched their hearts."

Academy City's technology is indeed something that all countries in the world want.

Although some of the countries that joined the Roman Orthodox camp were indeed persecuted by the Roman Orthodox Church, they also wanted to plunder Academy City's technology.

"If that's the case, it would be easy for Academy City to take the initiative to spread some technology and win some allies."

The joining of countries such as India and China is probably related to this.

Academy City promised to give some of its technology to these countries, thereby winning over these forces.

They do not need to provide troops or weapons, as long as they can provide some minerals and other resources.

For Asian countries that were originally outside this war and had nothing to do with it, this was indeed a good deal.

"Then what? What urgent mission did you call us here for?"

Tsuchimikado Motoharu showed his usual habit of speaking, and in a disgusting tone, he asked Shokuhou Soki with a smile.

Beside him, Yubi Danxi, Wuhe, and the new members who were recruited because of the collapse of the 'school' all gathered here and turned their attention to Shokuhou Misaki, who was safely tasting black tea.

"The reception force seems to be investigating us recently."

Shokuhou Misaki lightly sipped her black tea, "To be precise, they are investigating Hakuno. They seem to think that Hakuno is connected to their target. Really, every time it comes to such a chaotic moment, someone jumps Come out to cause trouble...go and deal with the lightning-receiving troops."

"I see, that's no problem, but can I ask more, what is the reason for the investigation of the deputy director of the reception unit? What is their target?"

Tsuchimikado Motoharu's eyes were completely hidden under his sunglasses, making it impossible to see his eyes at this moment.

"It's not a good thing for you to know, but there's no need to hide it from you."

Shokuhou Soki paused for a moment before continuing: "Because Baiye once had contact with a 'dragon'."

The so-called 'dragon' is something that only those with council-level authority can spy on. It is one of Academy City's deepest secrets and the core part of Aleister's plan.

However, despite saying this, in fact, both Hakuno and Shokuhou Soki knew that the true form of the so-called 'dragon' was the 'angel' who had killed Hakuno once - Aiwass.

Aiwass is Aleister's trump card and the core part of his plan, so he gave him the codename "Dragon" to represent the importance of this plan.

The people in the reception force somehow learned the news that Bai Ye had been in contact with Aiwass, so they began to secretly investigate Bai Ye, hoping to find the 'Dragon' through him.

Although Shokuhou Misaki was quite happy that the lightning-response force took the initiative to provoke Aleister, however, it was impossible for her to allow the other party to investigate Hakuno.

Because, once the other party conducts an in-depth investigation, the fact that Hakuno is an Amakusa-style parent may be exposed and he becomes an enemy of Academy City.

This is not something they are considering at this stage, so Shokuhou Misaki must deal with them before the lightning-receiving force launches an in-depth investigation.

"By the way, where did Accelerator go?"

Shokuhou Misaki looked at Tsuchimikado Motoharu, "If that guy also takes action, this matter should be solved without fail."

Tsuchimikado Motoharu shrugged helplessly, "The director probably hasn't received the information yet, right? That guy Accelerator seems to have been sent to Russia by the General Council to perform an important mission."

"This happened just this morning. If I hadn't contacted the last one, I probably wouldn't have known about it."


Shokuhou Misaki raised his head in surprise, "Did Accelerator actually go too?"

"Also? What's going on with 'also'?"

Tsuchimikado asked curiously.

Shokuhou Misaki paused slightly, then pursed his lips.

"Hakuye also went to Russia."

"It seems that the person who captured Shoujo Touma went to Russia."



Southwest border.

The cold wind blew over the ground from time to time, making a disgusting whistling sound.

The snow is capped, and crystal snowflakes are falling from the sky all the time.

This country, located at the northern tip of the Eurasian continent, is covered by a large amount of ice and snow all year round. At a glance, the white land can barely be seen to the edge, and the entire sky and earth are pure white.

The ground is frozen as hard as ice. Vehicles driving on such frozen soil must be equipped with special nail tires to grip the ground.

This is the border with the Irisalina Independent State Alliance.

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